Restoration of Seismic Data Based On Alternating Direction Method and Total Variation Theory

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Restoration of seismic data based on alternating direction method and total variation theory

Yu Sang*, Weigong Meng and Ping Guo, Liaohe Oilfield Company, CNPC; Keqiu Li, Dalian University of
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Technology, China; Shusheng Gao and Hongwen Song, Liaohe Oilfield Company, CNPC

Summary variation theory, which can recover seismic data from

convolution and noisy observation. It simultaneously
Improving the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and resolution of conducts denoising and deconvolution for seismic data. To
seismic data are crucial for high-precision seismic our knowledge, this is the first research in the field of
exploration. Currently, many denoising methods and seismic exploration using such a mathematical theory.
deconvolution approaches are presented. However, there Firstly, we give a brief introduction to the proposed method,
has always been a technical problem that improving the and then we use the synthetic data and real seismic data to
SNR and improving the resolution are mutual influence and prove the correctness of our algorithm.
restriction. To solve the problem, we present a novel
seismic data restoration approach based on alternating Method
direction method and total variation theory in this paper,
which can effectively recover seismic data from In conventional deconvolution techniques, there exists an
convolution and noisy observation. It simultaneously assumption that the observed seismic data are noise free. So,
conducts denoising and deconvolution for seismic data. To conventional deconvolution objective function can be
the best of our knowledge, this is the first exploration in the written as
geophysical fields using such a mathematical theory. We f = Kx , (1)
apply the proposed algorithm to the synthetic data and real where f is the observed seismic data assuming no noise. x
seismic data. The comparison shows that our proposed is the original or synthetic data, K is a convolution
algorithm can recover the seismic data better and have a
operator. The objective is to recover x from f . But there
faster convergence.
must be some noise in seismic data. Now we consider the
presence of noise. The deconvolution objective function
can be defined as
The expansion of seismic studies to deep layers, complex
structures and lithology exploration has increased the =f Kx + n , (2)
demand for high quality seismic data. Improving the signal- where n is the additive noise (Gaussian or impulsive
to-noise ratio (SNR) and resolution are crucial for studies noise). So, the objective is to recover x from convolution
that use seismic data. Many denoising methods have been and noisy observation f , which is refereed as
proposed such as traditional random noise reduction deconvolution and denoising. According to Vogel et al.
(Canales, 1984), curvelet transform denoising (Yuan et al., (1998), the best fit model is obtained by minimizing
2013), nonlocal means filtering (Bonar et al., 2012), Kx − f , which is suitable for Gaussian and impulsive
dictionary learning and denoising (Beckouche et al., 2014)
and treamlet-based transform denoising (Wang et al., 2015). noise, where ⋅ denotes L1 norm. However, it is well-
Meanwhile, many deconvolution approaches have also known that recovering x from f by directly inverting (2)
been presented to improve the resolution such as is unstable and produces useless results because the
conventional Wiener filter (Treitel, 1974), deconvolution solution is highly sensitive to the noise n . To stabilize the
with L1-norm (Taylor et al., 1979), Parametric sparse-spike recovery of x , one must utilize some prior information. In
deconvolution (Danilo, 2006) and P-norm based blind such a stabilization scheme, a common approach is to add a
deconvolution (Cao et al., 2014). Current denoising regularizer to certain data fidelity. Therefore, we add the
techniques and deconvolution techniques are often total variation (TV) regularization (Rudin et al., 1992) to
implemented separately. the model in this paper, acquiring a new model as
min TV ( x ) + µ Kx − f , (3)
However, there has always been an issue that improving the x 1

TV (x ) = ∑i =1 Di x 2 , t is the number of traces,

SNR and improving the resolution are mutual influence and s⋅t
restriction in geophysical fields. That is to say, improving
the resolution can lead to decrease the SNR; vice versa. s is the sampling number in each trace, ⋅ 2 denotes L2
This is a long-term technical problem. Therefore,
developing an effective method that can solve the problem norm. D i is a general local finite difference operator.
is very important for high-resolution seismic exploration. µ > 0 is a positive parameter which is used to balance the
two terms for minimization. Equation (3) can be rewritten
In this paper, we present a novel restoration scheme of
seismic data based on alternating direction method and total

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{∑ s ⋅t
i =1
y i 2 + µ Kx − f 1 : y i = Di x, i = 1, , s ⋅ t , (4) } Now, we give the ADM scheme. Algorithm 1. Initialize
x = f and λ = λ 0 .
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where yi is an auxiliary variable. Then, the classical While "not converged", Do

quadratic penalty method (Nocedal et al., 2000) can be 1) Compute y k +1 ( )
according to (9) for given x k , λ k .
applied to (4), which gives the following unconstrained
optimization formulation 2) Compute x k +1 via solving (10).
k +1
3) Update λ
( ) + µ Kx − f
s ⋅t
min ∑ y i
via (11).
+ β y i − Di x , (5)

i =1
2 2 1
End Do
where β >> 0 is a penalty parameter. It is feasible to terminate Algorithm 1 by relative change in
x in all of our experiments, i.e.,
Then, we apply the alternating direction method (ADM) ( k +1
x −x k
max x ,1 < ε
}) , where ε > 0 is a
(Gabay et al., 1976) to (5). Started at x=f and λ = λ0 . given tolerance.
It yields the following iterative scheme
 y k +1 ← arg min y L Α ( x k , y , λ k ) , Examples
 We apply the above algorithm to the synthetic data and real
 k +1
 x ← arg min x L Α ( x, y , λ ) ,
k +1 k
seismic data in China. Conventional Wiener filter and
 k +1 random noise reduction methods, which have been widely
 λ ← λ − β ( y − Dx ) .
k +1 k +1


(6) used in large processing systems such as Omega, CGG and

GeoEast, are applied to process synthetic data for
where x ,y ,λ
k k k
denotes the k th iteration values. comparison. For synthetic data without noise, the time
L Α ( x, y, λ ) is the augmented Lagrangian function of (4) sampling interval is 1 ms and the number of traces is 150
(Figure 1(a)). We conduct convolution operation on Figure
defined by 1(a) using motion kernel function from MATLAB and get
∑( y )
L Α ( x, y, λ=) − λ iT ( y i − Di x ) + β y i − Di x 2 + µ Kx − f 1 , (7)
Figure 1(b). The resolution is decreased. We restore Figure
i 2 1(b) using Wiener filter and our algorithm, obtaining
i =1
Figure 1(c) and 1(d), respectively. It is obvious that the
where each λi is a vector in ℜ2 space. It is easy to show result by Wiener filter decrease the SNR though the
that the minimization of L Α ( x, y , λ ) with respect to y is resolution is improved. In contrast, the restored result by
our algorithm is essentially consistent with the original
equivalent to s ⋅t two-dimensional problems of the form synthetic data, and no additional noise is added.
 1 k 
min yi 2 + β yi −  Di x k +
λ i  , i = 1, , s ⋅ t. (8) ( ) We add strong Gaussian white noise and strong impulsive
 2 noise to the synthetic data, and conduct Gaussian kernel
According to Yang et al. (2009), the solution of (8) is given convolution operation on the synthetic data, as shown in
explicitly by the two-dimensional shrinkage Figure 2(a). We can see that the valid signals are
 1   k 1 k  (9) completely submerged by the noise. We restore Figure 2(a)
y i = max  Di x + ( λ ) ,0   sgn  Di x + ( λ ) ,
k +1 1 k

 β i
β   β i
 using random noise reduction method and our algorithm,
obtaining Figure 2(b) and 2(c), respectively. It is obvious
where "  " and "sgn" represent, respectively, point- that random noise reduction method only removes some
wise product and the signum function. On the other random noise and the effective signals are still vague. In
hand, fixing λ = λ k and y = y k +1 , the minimization of contrast, our algorithm achieves a good recovery result.
Figure 2(d) show the relation curves between iterations and
LΑ with respect to x is a least squares problem and the SNR, and between iterations and function values. Our
corresponding normal equations are algorithm is convergent when the number of iterations is
 T µ   1  µ about 10. This notes that the algorithm is efficiency.
 D D + K T K x = DT  y k +1 − λ k  + K T f , (10)
 β   β  β We apply our algorithm to real seismic data, a CMP gather
where D is the first-order global finite difference operator. and a time migration profile, as shown in Figure 3(a) and
The new iterate x k +1 can be obtained by solving (10). 4(a). The processed result (Figure 3(b)) for the CMP gather
Finally, we update λ by show that the reflected signals highlights and the SNR is

λ k +1 = λ k − β y k +1 − Dx k +1 . ( ) (11)
improved significantly. In addition, the processed result
(Figure 4(b)) for the time migration profile show that 1) the
effective signals are separated from the overlap, especially

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in the red arrow pointing area; 2) Some effective signals are algorithm as shown in Figure 5. Obviously, our new
enhanced, especially in the blue arrow pointing area; 3) the restoration method recovers the seismic data better than the
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interlayer structure is clearer. And, the dominant frequency conventional method. This further proves the feasibility and
has been widened after processing Figure 4(a) by our reasonability of our method.

100 100

200 200



400 400

500 500

600 600
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Trace number Trace number

(a) (b)


200 200

300 t/s 300

400 400

500 500

600 600
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
Trace number Trace number

(c) (d)
Figure 1: The synthetic model (a) and convolution model (b) conducting motion kernel function on synthetic model. The result (c) by Wiener
filter and the result (d) by our algorithm.
0 0

100 100

200 200

300 300

400 400

500 500

600 600
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150
(a) (b)
SNR history Function values
0 8



300 0

500 -6

600 0 20 40 60 0 10 20 30 40
0 50 100 150 Iterations Iterations

© 2016 SEG Page 4794

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(c) (d)
Figure 2: Convolution and strong noisy model (a). The result (b) by random noise reduction and the result (c) by our algorithm. Relation curves
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(d) between iterations and SNR, and between iterations and function values.

(a) (b)
Figure 3: CMP gather (a) and the result (b) processed by our algorithm.

(a) (b)
Figure 4: Time migration profile (a) and the result (b) processed by our algorithm.
Original data convolution and noisy observation. It can simultaneously
Our method
enhance the signal to noise ratio and resolution of seismic
Amplitude (Normalization)

data, which solves the technical problem of their mutual

0.6 restriction. The comparison shows that our proposed
algorithm can recover the seismic data better and have a
faster convergence.

0 20 40 60 80
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5: Spectrums of Figure 4(a) and 4(b) This work was supported by the National Science
Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars of China
Conclusions (Grant No. 61225010); National Science Foundation of
China under Grant Nos. 61273165 and 61300189;
We present a new seismic data restoration approach based Postdoctoral project funded by PetroChina Liaohe Oilfield
on alternating direction method and total variation theory, Company; Project funded by China Postdoctoral Science
which can effectively recover seismic data from Foundation.

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Note: This reference list is a copyedited version of the reference list submitted by the author. Reference lists for the 2016
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts have been copyedited so that references provided with the online
metadata for each paper will achieve a high degree of linking to cited sources that appear on the Web.
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