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Self-Learning Module for Grade 11


Hello, dear student! Welcome…

I’m Teacher Malen
I’m Teacher Zaldy

Are you ready to BEGIN your

journey with this module?
Well, it’s time to TAKE STEPS to your
quest for KNOWLEDGE. Have FUN!


How to Use This Module?

Here are some reminders as you use this module:

 Use the module with care especially in turning each page.
 Be reminded to answer the Pre-Test before moving on to the
Self-Learning Kit (SLK) Proper.
 Read and comprehend the directions in every exercises.
 Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises and in
checking your answers.
 Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of this material.
 Try to finish a given activity before proceeding to the next.

What can you expect to find in this module?

You will discover specific tasks which will test your
knowledge and understanding of the topic discussed in
this module.


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This module serves as a self-learning material to guide

you in understanding target competency expected in the

UCSP 11/12BMS 1g-15

Explain the development of one’s self and others as a product of

socialization and enculturation.
You will find that the presented activities / exercises and texts are
developed in order to meet the following objectives:

Objective 1

Know the concept and aspects of enculturation.

Objective 2

Explain how a person is enculturated.

Objective 3

Understand the significance of enculturation to the development of

one’s self.

Read the following items carefully. Shade the

circle that corresponds to the letter of your

1. Personal identity develops in many ways, depending on preferred

choices. In a society where there are many cultures, one’s identity can
be formed through enculturation. Which of the following highlights

A. It is the process of learning one’s own culture.

B. It is the concept of acquiring knowledge about one’s self.
C. It is the method of uniting one’s culture with others’.
D. It is the manner of patronizing one’s culture over the others’.

2. Enculturation exists as one adapts or obtain behaviors and beliefs from

different initiators of this process. These authorities can bring out a
person’s view of what life is about. Which of the following figures play a
vital role in developing personal identity in children?

A. friends
B. parents
C. relatives
D. other member of society

3. Enculturation shapes an individual through different processes.

Knowingly or unknowingly, one internalizes the practices of the group
he or she belongs. Which among the following can one be best

A. exploration
B. imitation
C. observation
D. socialization

4. A person projects an image different among others. One is a product of

the culture he/she adapted which brings his/her own individuality and
identity. What then is the importance of enculturation to the
development of one’s self?

A. As the person learns his/her culture, he/she becomes functional

member of the society.
B. Being enculturated, makes a person appreciate other’s beliefs
C. Through enculturation, a person tends to accept and practice
different cultures.
D. Acquiring one’s own culture, helps an individual to discover
problems in the society.

5. School is one of the different institutions in the society that help in the
foundation and development of a person. Students are learning by
example from their teacher and their fellow students. Which is an
example of enculturation in school?

A. wearing K-Pop fashion styles

B. singing Lupang Hinirang
C. playing computer games
D. washing the clothes and the dishes

Before you proceed to your journey,

CHECK your answers using the key to corrections
found at the last page of this module.
Thank you for your PATIENCE and HONESTY.

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WELCOME to the heart of this module.

I, Teacher Malen and Teacher Zaldy, will be with you
every step of the way.
Have a happy journey.

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Take a look at the image below. Consider

everything that forms the image.

What is represented by each icon?

1. 4.

__ C __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ T

2. 5.

__ __ U __ __ __ __ __ __ __ U __ __ __ __

3. 6.

__ __ __ __ L __ __ R __ E __ __ __

What word can you form out of the given letters from numbers 1-6?

What can you say about the image formed?

The image _____________________________________________



Based on the previous activity, answer the following


1. What is the importance of each icon to a person?







2. What is culture?

3. How can a person acquire his/her own culture?


4. Which among the given contributors/factors (referring to icons

presented) has the most important part in the development of a person?

5. Are there any other factors that can contribute to the development of a
person? Explain.

Great job! Thank you for your responses.

Your learning experience has just started.
We hope you are ready to EXPLORE more!

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en-cul-tur-a-tion / in-,kƏl-chƏ-‘rā-shƏn
Introduced by the American
anthropologists Melville J. Herskovits
(1895-1963) in Man and His Works:
The Science of Cultural Anthropology
(New York, 1948).

We are living in a society of many cultures.

Culture is the customary beliefs, social
forms, and material traits of a racial,
religious or social group (merriam-webster.
com). These cultures make people different
from one another. A group has a set of
shared attitudes and practices which are
(PPST icon…to be changed)
partially or even totally apart from what
others have.
Hello our dear
student As an individual is growing up in a
social group, he/she learns to understand
In this part of your
his/her identity. This is where enculturation
journey, We provide
comes in. Enculturation is the process by
something for you to which people learn their surrounding culture
read to deepen your and acquire values and norms appropriate
understanding about or necessary in that culture (Herskovits,
the topic. 1948).
Please do it with To Hoebel, 1982, enculturation is
comprehension to both a conscious and an unconscious
discover knowledge conditioning process whereby man, as child
that will help you out and adult, achieves competence in his
in dealing with the culture, internalizes his culture and
next phase of your becomes thoroughly enculturated.
quest. Socializing with people plays a great part in
achieving it.

Socialization is a process through which people learn to understand the

societal norms, expectations and values as members of society. As a child
lives with his family and the community, he/she adapts socially accepted
values (e.g. attending to religious obligations, respecting the elders, etc.) An
individual also learns from observing the surrounding he/she is in. In school,
he/she learns to be socially educated person as he/she observes and adapts
the behavior of other people (e.g. singing the National Anthem, paying respect
to the flag, showing respect to teachers and valuing friendship among friends
and classmates). In a community, a person may be inspired to practice social
duties and obligations as observed and learned from those who do great
contributions for the welfare of most people. In these practices, one may also
become a steward of goodwill.

Formally or informally, one learns to be like the people he/she deals

with. At a very young age, a child is instilled with values by his/her parents and
family. He/She also learns the foundations of learning; be it reading the
alphabet and counting of numbers. A teenager learns to clothe himself/herself
like his/her friends or in great chances, adapts how they behave and act. A
person becomes more civilized as he learns more of culturally accepted
behavior and knowledge in school. Through which, he/she learns his civil
rights and exercises them righteously. Parents and other authorities are called
the initiators of enculturation. As one is enculturated by those initiators, the
process is manifested in his/her actions, choices and decisions.

If it is not because of enculturation, a person will not become the way

he/she in the society. One will not be able to discern what is right from wrong
or even make actions to handle problems encountered. Because of
enculturation, an individual knows the boundaries of his/her actions, words
and ideals. As a learned individual, one becomes accepted by the group
he/she belongs with. Enculturation teaches a person of his/her roles in the
society. True enough, he/she becomes functional member of the society.



Imagine yourself as the image below. On the spaces

provided, fill them in with WHO or WHAT influence you
to become the person you are now.

Your Name







Since you have learned about enculturation and how it shapes one’s
identity, write a short paragraph about yourself.

As a product of enculturation I am

How was your learning experience so far?

We hope that you had a great journey.
We believe that you did it well!

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Read the quotation below. Reflect on the message it brings.

Based on the quotation, I learned that


Read the following items carefully. Shade the

circle that corresponds to the letter of your

1. Enculturation shapes an individual through different processes.

Knowingly or unknowingly, one internalizes the practices of the group he
or she belongs. Which among the following one can be best

A. exploration
B. imitation
C. observation
D. socialization

2. Enculturation exists as one adapts or obtain behaviors and beliefs from

different initiators of this process. These authorities can bring out a
person’s view of what life is about. Which of the following figures play a
vital role in developing personal identity in children?

A. friends
B. parents
C. relatives
D. other member of society

3. School is one of the different institutions in the society that help in the
foundation and development of a person. Students are learning by
example from their teacher and their fellow students. Which is an
example of enculturation in school?

A. wearing K-Pop fashion styles

B. singing Lupang Hinirang
C. playing computer games
D. washing the clothes and the dishes

4. A person projects an image different among others. One is a product of

the culture he/she adapted which brings his/her own individuality and
identity. What then is the importance of enculturation to the
development of one’s self?

A. As the person learns his/her culture, he/she becomes functional

member of the society.
B. Being enculturated, makes a person appreciate other’s beliefs
C. Through enculturation, a person tends to accept and practice
different cultures.
D. Acquiring one’s own culture, helps an individual to discover
problems in the society.

5. Personal identity develops in many ways, depending on preferred

choices. In a society where there are many cultures, one’s identity
can be formed through enculturation. Which of the following
highlights enculturation?

A. It is the process of learning one’s own culture.

B. It is the concept of acquiring knowledge about one’s self.
C. It is the method of uniting one’s culture with others’.
D. It is the manner of patronizing one’s culture over the others’.

CHECK your answers using the key to corrections
found at the last page of this module.
You are now ready to take a lift on to the next part
of your journey. We hope what you have learned
in the previous parts of this material eventually
help you face new task.

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Read the comic strip below.

How is enculturation depicted in the situation presented?



To know how well you made it, take a look on the
correct answers below.

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1. school
1. A 2. church
2. B 3. family
3. D 4. government
4. A 5. community
5. B 6. friend


1. D
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A

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