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Name: Básica Dom Luís Mendonça Furtado

Class: ______ No.: ___ Date:
Teacher: _______________ Mark: _________________ Enc. Educ.: __________________________

Listen and circle the correct answer.

a. Cristiano is
1. a young man. 2. a teenager. 3. middle-aged.

b. He is
1.Dutch. 2. Italian. 3. Portuguese.

c. His father is
1. blond. 2. chubby. 3. tall.

d. He has got
1. spiky blond hair. 2. curly blond hair. 3. wavy blond hair.

e. He plays
1. basketball. 2. handball. 3. football.
Listen and order Cristiano’s daily routine on Saturdays, using the numbers 1-5.

a. Have lunch

b. Watch his favourite TV series

c. Have breakfast

d. Have canoeing lessons

e. Go out with his parents

Test • Version B

Read the text.

I’m not perfect, but that’s OK because beauty

comes in all shapes and sizes, right?
Hi, my name is Alicia, I’m 11 years old and I’m a Scottish girl from a
village near Inverness. Yes, I’m a redhead but I have a very modern haircut,
with a cute short fringe. I don’t have braids anymore! Like many Scottish
girls, I have freckles and light skin! I’m also tall and a little chubby, but I
think I’m pretty and funny.
My daily routine is probably not very different from yours. I just don’t
like to wake up at 6:30! I make my own breakfast, some bacon and eggs or
a cheese sandwich and milk. After that, I get dressed, brush my teeth and
run to catch the bus to school at half past seven.
I have a typical student routine after school. I do my homework and then I help my parents on
the farm before dinner. After dinner I have a shower and go straight to bed.

Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false sentences.

a. Alicia is from Scotland.

b. She lives in Inverness.

c. She is blonde.

d. She is a very serious girl.

Answer the questions.

a. What time does Alicia wake up?

b. What does she have for breakfast?

c. How does she go to school?

d. Does she have a shower before dinner?

1 Complete the boxes with the correct country or nationality.

a. Greece f. The United Kingdom g. Spanish

b. The USA h. French

Complete the sentences with the nationalities from the box.

Portuguese British American Canadian

My name’s Sadie Sink. Tom Holland is a

I’m from the USA, so (2)
_____________ actor.
I’m (1) ____________.
He’s from Kingston, in the UK.

Hi! I’m Shawn Mendes

Sara Sampaio is a model from
and I’m a singer from
Porto, Portugal.
Toronto, in Canada.
She’s (4) ____________.
I’m (3) ____________.

Label the pictures with the correct daily routine action below.
watch TV  play video games  wake up  have breakfast  do sports

a. i. j. k. l.

4 Complete the gaps with the verb to be or there to be.

a. I (to be) from the north of Scotland.

b. (there to be) many tourists in my village.

c. She (not / to be) very tall for her age.

d. English scones (to be) delicious!

Write about Sally and her Sunday morning routine .

e. Use the information below

(not / there to you.
to help be) a Portuguese girl in my classroom.

Physical appearance: tall; slim; long / brown hair; light skin


Personality: serious; not grumpy

Write themorning:
Sunday sentences.
have Use the verb
breakfast; have
take the gota in
dog for thegocorrect
walk; jogging form.

a. Sarah / have got / long / straight / hair / .

m.they / not / have got / freckles / .
n. he / have got / spiky hair / ?

o. I__________________________________________________________________________
/ have got / dark blue eyes / .

p. you / have got / a long braid / ?

Good work! 

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