AAHL Ch1-4 Test Review

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Ch1-4 HL test review [236 marks]

In an arithmetic sequence, the first term is 2 and the second term is 5.

1a. Find the common difference. [2 marks]

1b. Find the eighth term. [2 marks]

1c. Find the sum of the first eight terms of the sequence. [2 marks]

Let f(x) = p + x −q
, for x ≠ q. The line x = 3 is a vertical asymptote to the graph
of f .

2a. The graph off has a y-intercept at (0, 4). [4 marks]

Find the value of p.

2b. The graph of f has a y-intercept at (0, 4). [1 mark]

Write down the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph of f .

The following diagram shows the graph of a function f . There is a local minimum
point at A, where x > 0.

The derivative of f is given by f ′ (x) = 3x2 − 8x − 3.

3a. Find the x-coordinate of A. [5 marks]

3b. The y-intercept of the graph is at (0, 6). Find an expression for f(x). [6 marks]
The graph of a function g is obtained by reflecting the graph of f in the y-axis,
followed by a translation of ( ).

Consider the functions f(x) = x + 1 and g(x) = 3x − 2.

4a. Write down [2 marks]

(i) the x-intercept of the graph of y = f(x);
(ii) the y-intercept of the graph of y = g(x).

4b. Solve f(x) = g(x). [2 marks]

4c. Write down the interval for the values of x for which f(x) > g(x). [2 marks]

Consider the curve y = x2 + a

− 1, x ≠ 0.

5a. Find dy . [3 marks]


5b. The gradient of the tangent to the curve is −14 when x = 1. [3 marks]
Find the value of a .

Mandzur, a farmer, takes out a loan to buy a buffalo. He borrows 900 000
Cambodian riels (KHR) for 2 years. The nominal annual interest rate is 15%,
compounded monthly.

6a. Find the amount of the interest that Mandzur must pay. Give your [4 marks]
answer correct to the nearest 100 KHR.

6b. Write down your answer to part (a) in the form [2 marks]
a × 10k , where 1 ⩽ a < 10, k ∈ Z.
The number of apartments in a housing development has been increasing by a
constant amount every year.
At the end of the first year the number of apartments was 150, and at the end of
the sixth year the number of apartments was 600.
The number of apartments, y, can be determined by the equation y = mt + n,
where t is the time, in years.

7a. Find the value of m . [2 marks]

7b. Find the value of n. [2 marks]

A set of positive integers {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is used to form a pack of nine

Each card displays one positive integer without repetition from this set. Grace
wishes to select four cards at random from this pack of nine cards.

8a. Find the number of selections Grace could make if the largest integer [3 marks]
drawn among the four cards is either a 5, a 6 or a 7.

8b. Find the number of selections Grace could make if at least two of the [4 marks]
four integers drawn are even.

The quadratic equation 2x2 − 8x + 1 = 0 has roots α and β.

9a. Without solving the equation, find the value of [2 marks]

(i) α + β;
(ii) αβ.

9b. Another quadratic equation x2 + px + q = 0, p, q ∈ Z has roots α
and [4 marks]
Find the value of p and the value of q.
10. A tranquilizer is injected into a muscle from which it enters the [6 marks]
The concentration C in mgl−1 , of tranquilizer in the bloodstream can be modelled
by the function C(t) = , t ≥ 0 where t is the number of minutes after the
Find the maximum concentration of tranquilizer in the bloodstream.

Consider two functions f and g and their derivatives f ′ and g ′ . The following table
shows the values for the two functions and their derivatives at x = 1, 2 and 3.

Given that p(x) = f(x)g(x) and h(x) = g ∘ f(x), find

11a. p′ (3); [2 marks]

11b. h ′ (2). [4 marks]

12. Use mathematical induction to prove that (2n)! ≥ 2n (n!)2 , n ∈ Z+ . [7 marks]

The first two terms of a geometric sequence un are u1 = 4 and u2 = 4.2.

13a. (i) Find the common ratio. [5 marks]

(ii) Hence or otherwise, find u5 .

13b. Another sequence vn is defined by vn = ank , where a, k ∈ R, and [5 marks]

n ∈ Z+ , such that v1 = 0.05 and v2 = 0.25.
(i) Find the value of a .
(ii) Find the value of k.

13c. Find the smallest value of n for which vn > un . [5 marks]

The following diagram shows two triangles, OBC and OBA, on a set of axes. Point
C lies on the y-axis, and O is the origin.

14a. The equation of the line BC is y = 4. [1 mark]

Write down the coordinates of point C.

14b. The x-coordinate of point B is a. [2 marks]

(i) Write down the coordinates of point B;
(ii) Write down the gradient of the line OB.

14c. Point A lies on the x-axis and the line AB is perpendicular to line OB. [4 marks]
(i) Write down the gradient of line AB.
(ii) Show that the equation of the line AB is 4y + ax − a 2 − 16 = 0.

14d. The area of triangle AOB is three times the area of triangle OBC. [3 marks]
Find an expression, in terms of a, for
(i) the area of triangle OBC;
(ii) the x-coordinate of point A.

14e. Calculate the value of a . [2 marks]

15. Two cyclists are at the same road intersection. One cyclist travels north [5 marks]
−1 −1
at 20 km h . The other cyclist travels west at 15 km h .
Use calculus to show that the rate at which the distance between the two cyclists
changes is independent of time.

3 R
16. Consider p(x) = 3x3 + ax + 5a, a ∈ R. [6 marks]

The polynomial p(x) leaves a remainder of −7 when divided by (x − a).

Show that only one value of a satisfies the above condition and state its value.

The seventh, third and first terms of an arithmetic sequence form the first three
terms of a geometric sequence.
The arithmetic sequence has first term a and non-zero common difference d.

17a. Show that d = a2 . [3 marks]

17b. The seventh term of the arithmetic sequence is 3. The sum of the first n [6 marks]
terms in the arithmetic sequence exceeds the sum of the first n terms
in the geometric sequence by at least 200.
Find the least value of n for which this occurs.

In an arithmetic sequence, the third term is 10 and the fifth term is 16.

18a. Find the common difference. [2 marks]

18b. Find the first term. [2 marks]

18c. Find the sum of the first 20 terms of the sequence. [3 marks]

Let f(x) = px3 + px2 + qx.

19a. Find f ′ (x). [2 marks]

19b. Given that f ′ (x) ⩾ 0, show that p2 ⩽ 3pq. [5 marks]

Consider the curve y = x3 + kx.

20a. Write down dy . [1 mark]


20b. The curve has a local minimum at the point where x = 2. [3 marks]
Find the value of k.

20c. The curve has a local minimum at the point where x = 2. [2 marks]
Find the value of y at this local minimum.

The following diagram shows part of the graph of y = f(x).

The graph has a local maximum at A, where x = −2, and a local minimum at B, where x = 6.

21a. On the following axes, sketch the graph of y = f ′ (x). [4 marks]

21b. Write down the following in order from least to greatest: [2 marks]
f(0), f ′ (6), f ′′ (−2).

The sums of the terms of a sequence follow the pattern

S1 = 1 + k, S2 = 5 + 3k, S3 = 12 + 7k, S4 = 22 + 15k, … , where k ∈ Z.

22a. Given that u1 = 1 + k, find u2 , u3 and u4 . [4 marks]

22b. Find a general expression for un . [4 marks]

Consider the graph of the function f(x) = x3 + 2x2 − 5.

23a. Label the local maximum as A on the graph. [1 mark]

23b. Label the local minimum as B on the graph. [1 mark]

23c. Write down the interval where f ′ (x) < 0. [1 mark]

23d. Draw the tangent to the curve at x = 1 on the graph. [1 mark]

23e. Write down the equation of the tangent at x = 1. [2 marks]

A function is given as f(x) = 2x3 − 5x + x4 + 3, − 5 ⩽ x ⩽ 10, x ≠ 0.

24a. Write down the derivative of the function. [4 marks]

24b. Use your graphic display calculator to find the coordinates of the local [2 marks]
minimum point of f(x) in the given domain.
The function f is defined by

1 − 2x, x ≤ 2
f(x) = { 3
(x − 2)2 − 3, x > 2

25a. Determine whether or not f is continuous. [2 marks]

25b. The graph of the function g is obtained by applying the following [4 marks]
transformations to the graph of f :
a reflection in the y–axis followed by a translation by the vector ( ).
Find g(x).

Let f(x) = x−q , where x ≠ q.

26. The vertical and horizontal asymptotes to the graph of f intersect at the [6 marks]
point Q(1, 3).
Hence find the coordinates of the points on the graph of f that are closest to
(1, 3).

g(2) = 18, h(2) = 6, g ′ (2) = 5, and h′ (2) = 2. [7 marks]
Let f(x) = h(x)
, where
Find the equation of the normal to the graph of f at x = 2.

A particle moves in a straight line. Its velocity, v ms− 1, at time t seconds, is given by

v = (t2 − 4)3, for 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 3.

28a. Find the velocity of the particle when t = 1. [2 marks]

28b. Find the value of t for which the particle is at rest. [3 marks]

28c. Find the total distance the particle travels during the first three [3 marks]

28d. Show that the acceleration of the particle is given by a = 6t(t2 − 4)2 . [3 marks]
28e. Find all possible values of t for which the velocity and acceleration are [4 marks]
both positive or both negative.

29. A system of equations is given below. [6 marks]

x + 2y − z = 2
2x + y + z = 1
−x + 4y + az = 4
(a) Find the value of a so that the system does not have a unique solution.
(b) Show that the system has a solution for any value of a.

30. Prove, by mathematical induction, that 78n+3 + 2, n ∈ N, is divisible by [8 marks]


Consider the curve with equation (x2 + y2) = 4xy2.

31a. Use implicit differentiation to find an expression for dy . [5 marks]


31b. Find the equation of the normal to the curve at the point (1, 1). [3 marks]

32. Find the coefficient of x−2 in the expansion of (x − 1)3 ( 1 6 [6 marks]

+ 2x) .

33. Sand is being poured to form a cone of height h cm and base radius r [5 marks]
cm. The height remains equal to the base radius at all times. The height
of the cone is increasing at a rate of 0.5 cm min−1 .
Find the rate at which sand is being poured, in cm3 min−1 , when the height is 4

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