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Humanities 2019-2020

Theme: Cities & Cultures

Literature Film Philosophy History Culture Media Art History

Theme Courses: Rethinking Play **; Rethinking Protest **; Rethinking the Sublime **

Existentialism in Literature & Existentialism in Literature

Visual Culture **
Philosophy ** & Philosophy **

Cultural Studies of Affect &

Film Philosophy ** Media Archaeology *
Emotion *

Mathematical Logic ** Cultural Memory Studies *

Legal & Social Race, Class, Gender,

Political Shakespeare **
Philosophy * Intersectionality *

Literature of Social Moral Dilemmas in Medical Democracy in Modern

Digital Anthropology **
Exclusion * Practice * History *

Contemporary Postcolonial Modern Philosophical Urban Anthropology The Art Market & Culture
Film & the Body ** Media Lab **
Literature ** Texts * Lab ** Industry **

Advanced Creative Cinema in the Ancient Philosophical Religion, Secularism & Photograph as Socio-Political
Topics in Global History ** Media Psychology **
Writing ** Digital Age * Texts ** Violence * Document *

Modernism &
Film Lab * Philosophical Logic * History Lab * Culture Lab **
Postmodernism **

Global Modern &

Narrative Across Media * Philosophy of Science * The History of Ideas * Narrative Across Media *
Contemporary Art **

Fictions of Empire * National Cinemas * Ethics Gender & Sexuality ** Journalism *


Nations, Nationalism &
Literature & Science * Documentary * World Religions * Sociology of the Other * Documentary * Urban Utopias **

Creative Writing Film Analysis * Philosophical Problems ** Perspectives on Games ** Portraiture and the Body *

Adaptation Studies ** Counterculture ** New Media Analysis **

Methods 2: Introduction to Visual Methodologies

Performing Arts: Performing Arts:

Theatre * Music **

Periods & Genres:

Early to Modern History **
Modern **

History & Heritage Dutch Introduction to Cultural Introduction to Media Periods & Genres:

Narrative & Poetry ** Introduction to Film Studies History of Philosophy
Golden Age * Analysis Studies Early *

Methods 1: Introduction to Literary & Cultural Theory

Theme Course: Introduction to Cities & Cultures *


* = Offered only in Semester 1

** = Offered only in Semester 2
Italics = Only in January (*) and/or June (**)

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