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Oilseed Protein Concentrates and Isolates 1

EDWIN W. MEYER, Research and Development Dept.,

Central Soya Co., 1825 N. Laramie Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60639

ABSTRACT production of protein concentrates and isolates from other

Much attention has been focused on the oilseed oilseeds, including peanut, cottonseed, coconut, sesame,
crops as an alternate and largely untapped source of sunflower and rape, among others, is not within the scope
food protein in an endeavor to provide needed of this discussion. Although each oilseed has certain unique
nourishment for large segments of the world's ex- characteristics of both technical and economic natures,
panding population. A significant part of this atten- there are factors common to all oilseeds in their utilization
tion has been devoted to the practical concentration for the production of concentrates and isolates. Certain of
and isolation of the proteins of several oilseeds. As a these factors will be noted in this review.
result of intensive effort during the last decade, soy
protein concentrates and isolates are now commercial PROCESSING OF OI LSEED
commodities which are gaining increasing acceptance PROTEIN CONCENTRATES AND ISOLATES
as useful functional and nutritional ingredients for
food. This report is concerned with a brief review of Source Material
the commercial processing, product characteristics The selection and handling of oilseeds from farm to the
and food utilization of soy protein concentrates and processing facility are obviously important factors in
isolates. In addition, pertinent comments on the producing wholesome food-grade products. For the produc-
concentrates and isolates of other oilseed are in- tion of soybean protein concentrates and isolates, it is
cluded. customary practice in the U.S. to employ No. 1 or No. 2
yellow soybeans. Bean selection is facilitated by the USDA
grading system (3,4). In contrast to earlier practices for the
production of feed-grade meal, more attention is paid to
In the last several decades, increasing attention has been bean selection for manufacture of food-grade flours, grits,
focused on the oilseed crops as an alternate, and largely concentrates and isolates. Important bean quality factors
untapped, source of food protein. This attention has include grade, removal of foreign matter of field origin
resulted from the grave concern over the lack of adequate including deleterious weed seeds, and controlled storage to
protein to provide needed nourishment for large segments prevent deterioration and infestation by microorganisms,
of the world's population in the years ahead. Certainly the insects and rodents (5). The contamination of oilseeds and
long history of the use of the soybean for food in the oilseed cakes or meals by mycotoxins is a serious problem
Orient, the development of a number of oilseed meals for which has received much attention. A recent study indi-
the improved feeding of livestock and poultry, and the cates that there is little evidence of aflatoxin in soybeans
increasing production of oilseeds, world-wide, provide moving in commercial channels in the U.S. (6). Other
ample justification for this attention. A 1968 report to the oilseeds such as peanut and cottonseed have shown a more
United Nations stressed the need to increase the direct food serious problem in this regard. Nonetheless, in utilizing all
use of oilseeds and oilseed protein concentrates by the oilseeds for the production of food- and feed-grade protein
human population (I). products, there must be concern with establishing har-
It is recognized that the continuing problem with vesting, storage and processing procedures for the reduction
oilseeds is that their main contribution to food tends to be and prevention of microbial contamination.
in the developed countries rather than in the lands of origin In the production of defatted raw material for the
(2), often where the dire protein needs exist. An FAO commercial processing of soy protein concentrates and
pubhcation (2) indicates that about 63 million tons of isolates, sound, clean beans are cracked, dehulled, tempered
oilseed, which corresponds roughly to about 30 to 40 with moist heat, and then flaked, as shown in Figure 1
million tons of potential human food, are currently used (7,8). The flaked beans are extracted in countercurrent
for oil production with the defatted residue going into systems with a "hexane cut" of petroleum hydrocarbons.
animal feeds, fertilizers and other nondirect or nonfood The defatted flakes are then desolventized (9). These basic
uses. operations have become well established over the years in
In more recent years, it has been demonstrated amply the soybean crushing industry. Today more attention is
that oilseed protein products will be used for food only if given to sanitary plant design and to sanitation control
they can be presented in appealing and acceptable food in providing wholesome raw material for the production of
forms. Within the last 10 years or so, special attention has the protein concentrates and isolates. Properly processed
been devoted to concentrating and isolating the proteins of and properly handled defatted flakes are free of pathogenic
oilseeds since such concentrates and isolates offer a greater organisms and possess low standard plate counts, usually
opportunity for incorporation in and supplementation of a less than 50,000 organisms per gram (10). Obviously, low
broader variety of foods of various food cultures, and may, microbial load is desirable in the wet processing of
particularly, fit the needs of infants whose food intake is concentrates and isolates wherein the organisms can mul-
limited and whose protein need is critical. tiply rapidly. The separation of bean hulls provides a more
This report is concerned with a brief and selective review concentrated protein source and eliminates a source of
of the current commercial processing technology, commer- mucilagenous material which can detract from protein
cial product characteristics and food utilization patterns of quality (11). This processing stage must be considered in
soybean protein concentrates and isolates. A full review of dealing with other oilseeds wherein the seed coat consti-
progress in the development of technologies for the tutes a much larger portion of the seed and often contains
substances affecting both process efficiency and product
1One of 21 papers presented at the Symposium, "Oilseed quality. Minimal exposure of the defatted flakes to moist
Processors Challenged by World Protein Need," ISF-AOCS World heat during desolventizing is necessary in order to retain
Congress, Chicago, September 1970. high protein solubility for ready isolation (11). This



SOYBEANS 'l Defatted Soybean Flakes or Flour

Cleon, Crack, Dahull. Temper, Flake '1
Moist Heat
] I = oH 4.6 Aqueous Alcohol Denaturation
[ HYPOS:aT YJ= (3 %) ' COTYLE DONS (8 9%) H UJ=.LS(~,%)
,--, I (Full Fat Flakes) I I *'r"' Water Leaching Leaching [

( t .................
DOfat, "HoxonU~
i 1 1 W°'rr'n"
Desolventlxe Ousolvuotlze
FIG. 2. Processes for the production of soy protein concentrates.
1 I
i 'OY'EAN 0'" I
Un4qumme d
Oafa t t e d
solvent in the first instance and moist heat in the second. In
contrast, the product resulting from aqueous acid leaching
OaBummed Seybaao Oil Soybuan Meal
Lecithin Soy Flour and Grits has higher nitrogen solubility, but only if it is neutralized
SOy Pfatelo Concentrate prior to drying. These concentrates may vary as to color,
Isolated Soy Protein
flavor, particle size and water and fat absorption, all
FIG. 1. Processing of soybeans for the production of soy protein characteristics which are important in food manufacture.
concentrates and isolates.
The concentrates have improved flavor characteristics as
compared to commercially available soy flours. One re-
becomes less critical if the deferred raw material is intended
ported study indicates that an aqueous alcohol leached
for the production of soy protein concentrates.
product has better flavor characteristics than does an
Soy Protein Concentrates aqueous acid leached concentrate (14).

Soy protein concentrates are defined as products con- Cottonseed Protein Concentrates
raining a minimum of 70% protein (Nx6.25) on a moisture-
Progress has been made in developing processes for the
free basis. These concentrates are commercially produced
commercial production of protein concentrates from cot-
by three basic processes which differ as to the means
tonseed or deferred cottonseed meal of the glanded or
utilized to immobilize the major protein fraction of the
glandless varieties. In one process, cottonseed is deferred
deferred flakes or flour during extraction of the sugars,
and enriched in protein using hexane in a liquid cyclone
soluble nitrogenous matter, rrfineral matter and other minor
process (LCP) (15). This process results in a product having
constituents (12,13) (Fig. 2). In one process, the lower
a materially-reduced level of gossypol, the nutritionally
molecular weight material is extracted with water acidified
undesirable pigment of glanded cottonseed. A recent report
to about pH 4.5, the average isoelectric point of the major
indicates that a semicommercial unit utilizing the LCP
soybean globulins. This process results in a greater loss of
system has been in operation at Hubli, India, and that a
nitrogen since a number of minor proteins are soluble in
commercial-scale LCP unit will be constructed in the U.S.
water at pH 4.5. Because of the acidic nature of the
(16). A process employing high energy milling and air
resulting product, the leached material is often neutralized
classification of deferred glandless cottonseed meal to
with food-grade alkali prior to drying. In another process,
obtain products of higher protein content has also been
the sugar fraction is separated by leaching the deferred raw
described (17).
material with 60% to 80% aqueous alcohol. In a third
process, the deferred flakes or flour are denatured by moist
heat and then extracted with water. It has been reported Soy Protein Isolates
that the yield of dry concentrate from each of these Although the basic principles of protein isolation from
processes is about 60% to 70% of deferred flake weight. the soybean were established many years ago with founda-
The products of all three processes are similar in the tions which reach back into oriental antiquity, food-grade
gross compositional characteristics which define a soy isolates have been commercially available in the U.S. for
protein concentrate (Table I). The products produced by only about 10 years. More recently, there are reports o f
the aqueous alcohol and water leaching processes have low commercial production in Japan and Brazil.
nitrogen solubility because of protein denaturation; by The basic elements of protein isolation from deferred

Proximate Analyses of Commercial Soy Protein Concentrates and Isolates
Concentrates Isolates
Analysis, % A B C A B C D

Moisture 6.7 5.2 3.1 4.7 6.4 7.6 3.7

Protein (Nx6.25) 66.2 6.73 69.6 92.8 92.2 92,9 94.7
Protein, mfb a 70.9 71,1 72,2 97.4 98.7 100.0 98.4
Fat 0.3 0.3 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . .
Crude fiber 3.5 3.4 4.4 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2
Ash 5.6 4,8 3.7 3.8 3.5 2.0 2.7
NSI b 5 69 3 85 95 . . . . . .
pH (1:10 aqueous
dispersion) 6.9 6.6 6.9 7,1 6.8 5.2 5.5

a Moistur e -free basis.

bNitrogen solubility index.


DEFATTED SOYBEAN FLAKES Essential Amino Acid Composition
Water ~" of Commercial Soy Protein Products a
Alkali, :[ EXTRACTION]
1 Flake Defatted Soy protein Soy protein
[ S EPARATION ~ : S.~ent Re=idue Amino acid soy flour concentrate isolate
Isoleueine 4.6 4.9 4.8
Mineral Acid, =[ ACIDIFICATION] Leucine 7.7 8.0 7.8
1 Lysine 6.2 6.2 6.0
PROTEIN CURD Methionine 1.3 1.3 1.0
Cystine 1.2 1.6 1.0
] , ) Spent"Whey"
Phenylalanine 5.3 5.3 5.5
DEWATERING Threonine 4.2 4.3 3.7
Tryptophan 1.4 1.4 1.3
AI kal!--.,~l'I[EUTRALIZATION1- ] Valine 4.9 5.0 4.8
l 1
1,. DRYING •
aAs grams of essential amino acid per 16 grams of nitrogen.

PROTEIN ISOLATE PROTEIN ISOLATE isoelectric form. At present, the dispersible t y p e of isolate
FIG. 3. Process for the production of soy protein isolate. is the most i m p o r t a n t commercially in the U.S. because of
its ready i n c o r p o r a t i o n into wet f o o d systems.

soybean flakes are relatively simple as shown in Figure 3, Isolates of Other Oilseeds
and are well d o c u m e n t e d in the literature (11,17,18). There have been n u m e r o u s reports of progress in the
D e f a t t e d flakes are e x t r a c t e d with an a q u e o u s m e d i u m d e v e l o p m e n t of f o o d protein isolates f r o m a n u m b e r of
which may vary in pH f r o m near neutrality to m o d e r a t e oilseeds. Much effort has been d e v o t e d to the d e v e l o p m e n t
alkalinity. E x t r a c t i o n variables such as particle size, liquid- of practical m e t h o d s for the isolation o f p e a n u t protein,
solids ratio, pH, agitation, t e m p e r a t u r e and t i m e are most notably in India (19). Indeed, certain reports indicate
selected to give o p t i m u m efficiency in processing (17). The that c o m m e r c i a l p r o d u c t i o n has been initiated there.
protein extract is separated f r o m the insoluble flake residue Significant strides have been m a d e in developing practical
by appropriate mechanical devices. The clarified e x t r a c t is schemes for the p r o d u c t i o n o f c o t t o n s e e d p r o t e i n isolates
then acidified with food-grade acid to a pH of a b o u t 4.5 to which possess different properties w h i c h may be o f value in
precipitate the major globulin fraction as a finely divided various processed f o o d systems (20). In a d d i t i o n there is
white curd, following which the curd is separated f r o m r e p o r t e d evidence of w o r k on the isolation of protein f r o m
soluble substances and washed to i m p r o v e the p u r i t y o f the c o c o n u t (21), sunflower (22) and rapeseed (23,24). Wheth-
protein. The c o n c e n t r a t e d washed curd can either be dried er these will reach c o m m e r c i a l fruition and have an i m p a c t
as such or neutralized to a b o u t pH 7.0 w i t h food-grade on existing f o o d protein need and shortage, o n l y time will
alkali and t h e n dried. These isolates are usually spray dried. tell.
The yield o f soy protein isolates has been r e p o r t e d to vary
f r o m a b o u t 30% to 40% of the d e f a t t e d flake weight (18). By-Products of Processing for Oilseed Concentrates and
F o r the p r o d u c t i o n of oilseed protein c o n c e n t r a t e s and Isolates
isolates, primary consideration must be given to sanitation The retrieval and disposal of by-products generated in
in process design and e q u i p m e n t , and t o sanitary o p e r a t i n g the p r o d u c t i o n of soy protein concentrates and isolates is a
procedures. In addition, this must be s u p p l e m e n t e d by serious factor in process economics. The solid b y - p r o d u c t s
properly designed process and p r o d u c t quality c o n t r o l resulting f r o m seed milling (11 ), and those arising f r o m the
programs to insure the p r o d u c t i o n o f w h o l e s o m e food- drying of spent insoluble residues after protein isolation are
grade materials. n o t overly difficult to handle, but must be disposed of
Isolated soy protein has been defined as a p r o d u c t economically so as to improve the cost o f operation. These
containing not less than 90% protein ( N x 6 . 2 5 ) on a have been used in animal feeds, principally in r u m i n a n t
moisture-free basis, The isolates possess a l o w flavor feeds because of their higher fiber contents.
intensity as c o m p a r e d to soy flours. The p r o x i m a t e analyses The aqueous b y - p r o d u c t streams arising in t h e leaching
of several c o m m e r c i a l isolates appear in Table I. All possess of concentrates or in the isolation o f soy p r o t e i n pose a
high protein and low crude fiber c o n t e n t s indicative o f m o r e difficult p r o b l e m (11). These leach liquors or
g o o d protein extract clarification and curd separation. T w o " w h e y s " contain sugars, some protein, mineral m a t t e r and a
o f the isolates, A and B, are in the neutralized f o r m and n u m b e r of m i n o r bean c o m p o n e n t s . Often these liquors or
hence are water dispersible. The others, C and D, are in the w h e y s contain only 1% to 2% solids, thus presenting a

Protein Efficiency Ratios (PER) o f Soy Protein Concentrates a

PER values
Protein Protein b '-- Literature
source, concentrates % Unheated Heated Reference casein reference
A 52.9 0.34 2.06 3.00 30
B 57.1 1.37 2.10 3.00 30
C 64.8 1.86 2.02 3.00 30
A 66.2 2.43 --- 2.65 12
B 67.3 2.29 --- 2.65 12
C 69.6 2.50 --- 2.65 12

aDetermined in weanling rats at 10% protein in diets fed for 28 days.

bprotein content (Nx6.25) on an as-is basis.

Protein Efficiency Ratios (PER) of Isolated Soy Proteinsa
Protein, b PER PER Literature
Protein source % values reference casein reference
Soy protein isolates
(unheated) 85.7-90.2 1.36-1.91 3.00 30
Soy protein isolates
(heated) 85.7-90.2 1.46-2.29 3.00 30
Isoelectric protein 82.7 2.06 2.83 32
Ca-coagulated protein 83,9 1.94 2.83 32
Commercial soy protein
isolate 93,8 1,97 2.83 32
Soy protein isolate --- 0.33 3.38 31
Soy protein isolate
(heat treated) -- 2.44 3.38 31

aDetermined in weanling rats at 10% protein in diets fed for 28 days.

bprotein content (Nx6.25) on an as-is basis.

major challenge in economic retrieval and disposal. Ob- adequacy for man and animals, the matter of antinutri-
viously, the problem grows with increasing production. The tional substances or toxicants of endogenous nature has
sugar-containing residues from soy protein concentrate received much attention. This concern has prompted the
production have been utilized in animal feeds since they investigation of a host of oilseed components including
contain useful caloric and proteinaceous materials. It protease inhibitors, hemagglutinins, saponins, thiogluco-
should be stressed that in the utilization of any oilseed for sides, goitrogens and pigments among others (33).
production of concentrates or isolates, the question of
by-product retrieval or disposal must be satisfactorily Soy Protein Concentrates
resolved. Another factor which cannot be overlooked is the The current food uses of soy protein concentrates are:
need for a steady large volume supply of potable water for (a) processed meat products (sausages, luncheon loaves,
the aqueous leaching of concentrates or for the isolation of patties, meat loaves and meat balls, and meat-in-sauce
protein. items); (b) bakery products (white bread, biscuits and buns,
cakes and cake mixes); (c) breakfast cereals; and (d) dietary
FOOD UTILIZATION OF wafers. It is estimated by Hammonds and Call (34) that
SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATES AND ISOLATES these concentrates are being used for food in the U.S. to
the extent of 33 million lb/year. The concentrates have, in
Nutritional Value general, better flavor characteristics than soy flour and
The nutritional value of various soy protein products for grits. In addition, they provide important functional charac-
food has been the subject of numerous investigations teristics such as moisture absorption, juice-holding and
(25-27). In the main, these investigations indicate that fat-binding properties, and contribute to textural proper-
properly processed and properly used soybean products ties. These qualities together with good nutritional proper-
provide a source of food protein of good biological value. ties at reasonable cost make the concentrates valuable
These soy protein products provide all the essential amino additives in comminuted meat items including meat patties,
acids, but are limiting in methionine. Table II presents the meat loaves, meat-in-sauce items, luncheon loaves, sausage
essential amino acid composition of a commercial soy and the like. Because of their reasonably high lysine
protein concentrate and isolate as compared to that of a content, the soy protein concentrates are a good source of
defatted soy flour. It is to be noted that the soy protein complementary protein for the nutritional fortification of
isolate has a lower content of the critical sulfur amino cereal grain foods including breads, cakes and related
acids. This is a result of protein fractionation during bakery items (27). It is expected that the oilseed protein
isolation wherein only the acid-precipitable globulins of the concentrates may find increasing usage in contributing to
soybean are recovered and further processed, and of process the improvement of nutritional value of various cereal grain
conditions (18,28). Adequately processed soy protein foods in both developed and developing countries (26).
concentrates have demonstrated good protein efficiency
Soy Protein Isolates
ratios when compared to casein (Table III) (12,29,30). On
the other hand, the reported values for soy protein isolates Since their commercial introduction in about 1960, the
(Table IV) are lower and variable. There is evidence that food-grade soy protein isolates are n~w being produced in
proper heat treatment of the isolates is necessary to the U.S. at a volume estimated to be in the range of 15 (18)
inactivate growth inhibitors and, perhaps, to improve to 38 (34) million pounds per year. Much of the growth has
digestibility and utilization in order to obtain maximal been due to the functional properties which are of value in
protein value (30-32). food design and food processing. These include, among
For food, however, the nutritional value of the soy others, solubility and dispersibility, emulsifying and emul-
protein products, per se, is only part of the picture. Their sion-stabilizing actions, fat and moisture binding, gelling
value must be assessed in relation to the nutritional value of and fiber-forming (35). The following listing of the current
the finished food item as eaten. Processed foods, and food uses of soy protein isolates underscores this fact: (a)
normal diets for that matter (27), are often composed of processed meat products (sausages, luncheon loaves, canned
several protein-containing products which may complement luncheon loaves, and poultry rolls and related items); (b)
one another, and preparation of foods for the table often textured meat-like analogs (spun fiber) (bacon-like bits, and
involves heat processing which can either increase or simulated beef, ham and chicken chunks); (c) dairy-type
decrease their nutritional value. foods (whipped toppings, coffee whiteners, frozen dessert,
Numerous publications describe the nutritional value of and beverage powders); (d) beverages (fruit-flavored bever-
other oilseed protein products, most often that of the ages); (e) special dietary items (infant formulations, and
defatted meals or flours (26). In considering nutritional dietary beverages and foods). It is logical to consider that,

in t i m e , n e w g e n e r a t i o n isolates w i t h i m p r o v e d specific by A. Altschul, Academic Press, New York, 1958, p. 131.

f u n c t i o n a l p r o p e r t i e s designed f o r c u r r e n t and n e w volume 6. Shotwell, O.L., C.W. Hesseltine, H.R. Burmeister, W.F. Kwolek,
uses will be i n t r o d u c e d . G.M. Shannon and H.H. Hall, Cereal Chem_ 46:454 (1970).
7. Fincher, H.D., in "Processed Plant Protein Foodstuffs," Edited
In spite o f the need for f u n c t i o n a l l y active p r o t e i n f o o d by A. Altschul, Academic Press, New York, 1958, p. 67.
i n g r e d i e n t s , t h e n u t r i t i o n a l value o f t h e s e soy p r o t e i n s 8. Cravens, W.W., and E. Sipos, Ibid. p. 353.
c a n n o t be i g n o r e d in f o o d design and b e c o m e s o f para- 9. Kingsbaker, C.L., JAOCS 47:458A (1970).
m o u n t i m p o r t a n c e in t h o s e f o o d s w h i c h e i t h e r c o n t r i b u t e , 10. Horan, F.E., in "Proceedings of International Conference on
Soybean Foods," USDA Publication ARS-71-35, Washington,
or are designed t o c o n t r i b u t e , in a significant way to the D.C., 1967, p. t29.
daily intake o f dietary p r o t e i n . In t h e last several years, 11. Smith, A.K., in "Processed Plant Protein Foodstuffs," Edited
t h r e e i m p r o v e d h y p o a l l e r g e n i c i n f a n t f o r m u l a t i o n s have by A. Altschul, Academic Press, New York, 1958, p. 249.
a p p e a r e d in the U.S. m a r k e t place (36). These are all based 12. Meyer, E.W., in "Proceedings of International Conference on
Soybean Foods," USDA Publication ARS-71-35, Washington,
u p o n soy p r o t e i n isolate as t h e source o f p r o t e i n . Since D.C., 1967, p. 142.
t h e s e p r o d u c t s are o f t e n the sole source o f d i e t a r y p r o t e i n , 13. Meyer, E.W., in "Proceedings of Conference on Protein-Rich
t h e p r o t e i n is s u p p l e m e n t e d w i t h an a p p r o p r i a t e a m o u n t o f Food Products From Oilseeds," USDA Publication, ARS-72-71,
m e t h i o n i n e . A n u m b e r of p u b l i c a t i o n s have d e s c r i b e d t h e Washington, D.C., 1969, p. 95.
14. Moser, H.A., C.D. Evans, R.E. Campbell, A.K. Smith and J.C.
s u p p l e m e n t a r y n u t r i t i o n a l value of isolates in b r e a d a n d Cowan, Cereal Sci. Today 12:296 (1967).
m e a t p r o d u c t s (18,37). Several r e p o r t s attest to t h e g o o d 15. Gastrock, E.A., E.L. D'Aquin, P.H. Eaves and D.E. Cross, Ibid.
n u t r i t i o n a l value o f a c o m p o s i t e meat-like f o o d w h e r e i n 14:8 (1969).
spun soy p r o t e i n fiber a f f o r d s t h e t e x t u r a l m a t r i x (31, 38). 16. Anonymous, Chem. Eng. 77(13):96 (1970).
17. Cogan, U., A. Yaron, Z. Berk and S. Mizrahi, JAOCS 44:321
In r e c e n t years there has b e e n considerable activity and (1967).
i n t e r e s t in p r o t e i n beverages, b o t h liquid and p o w d e r f o r 18. Meyer, E.W., in "Proteins as Human Food," Edited by R.A.
r e c o n s t i t u t i o n (39). Several m a r k e t i n t r o d u c t i o n s o f b o t t l e d Lawrie, Butterworths, London, 1970, p. 346.
soy p r o t e i n isolate-based beverages have b e e n m a d e in a 19. Parpia, H.A.B., in "Protein-Enriched Cereal Foods for World
Needs," Edited by M. Milner, American Association of Cereal
p r o t e i n - s h o r t area overseas. In India, p e a n u t p r o t e i n isolate Chemists, St. Paul, Minn., 1969, p. 129.
is b e i n g used in i n f a n t f o o d s a n d for t h e t o n i n g or e x t e n s i o n 20. Berardi, L.C., W.H. Martinez and C.J. Fernandez, Food Tech-
o f milk. nol. 23:75 (1969).
21. Strength, D.R., in "Abstracts of Papers of the Third Interna-
Pricing of Soy Protein Concentrates and Isolates tional Congress of Food Science and Technology," Washington,
D.C., August 1970.
In spite o f rising costs in the U.S., t h e r e have b e e n n o 22. Gheyasuddin, S., C.M. Cater and K.F. Mattil, Food Technol.
r e c e n t m a j o r changes in the pricing o f the basic soy p r o t e i n 24:242 (1970).
23. Sosulski, F.W., and A. Bakal, Can. Inst. Food Technol. J. 2:28
p r o d u c t s ; the c o n c e n t r a t e s sell for a b o u t 18 t o 24 c e n t s / l b (1969).
and the isolates for a b o u t 35 to 40 cents/lb. It is difficult t o 24. Sims, R.P.A., in "Abstracts of Papers of the Third International
foresee any d o w n w a r d change in this price s t r u c t u r e in t h e Congress of Food Science and Technology," Washington, D.C.,
near f u t u r e . August 1970.
25. Dean, R.F.A., in "Processed Plant Protein Foodstuffs," Edited
U n d e r s t a n d a b l y , t h e cost per unit o f n u t r i t i o u s p r o t e i n is by A. Altschul, Academic Press, New York, 1958, p. 205.
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