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2, MARCH 1987

A Sensor Classification Scheme


Abstract-We discussaflexible and comprehensivecategorizing With a particular measurand, oneis primarily interested
scheme that is useful for describing and comparing sensors.
in sensorcharacteristicssuchassensitivity,selectivity,
and speed of response. These are termed “technological
N virtually every field of application we find sensors aspects” and listed in Table 11. Table I11 lists the detec-
I that transform real-world data into (usually) electrical
form. Today many groups around the world are investi-
tion means used in the sensor.
Tables IV and V are of interest primarily to technolo-
gating advanced sensors capable of responding to a wide gists involved in sensor design and fabrication. Entries in
variety of measurands. In an attempt to facilitate compar- Table IV are intended to indicate the primary phenomena
ing sensors and obtaining a comprehensive overview of used to convert the measurand into a form suitable for
them, we present here a scheme for categorizing sensors. producing the sensor output. The entries under “Physi-
Sensor classification schemes range from the very sim- cal” are derived fromtheinteractionsamong physical
ple to the complex. Extremes are the often-seen division variables diagrammed in Fig. 1. Thisis amodification
into just three categories (physical, chemical, and biolog- and simplification of the diagrams used by Nye [ l ] and
ical) and the finely subdivided hierarchical categories used Mason [2] to show binary relations among the common
by abstracting journals. The scheme to be described here physical variables.
is flexible,intermediate in complexity,andsuitablefor Most sensors contain a variety of materials (for exam-
use by individuals working with computer-based storage ple, almost all contain some metal). The entries in Table
andretrievalsystems.It is derivedfromaHitachiRe- V should be understood to refer to the materials chiefly
search Laboratory communication. responsible for sensor operation. Finally, an alphabetical
Tables I-VI, containing possible sensor characteristics, list of fields of application comprises Table VI.
appear in order of degree of importance for the typical
user. If we take for illustration a surface acoustic-wave USES FOR THE CLASSIFICATION SCHEME
oscillator accelerometer, these entries mightbe as fol- A usefulschemeshouldfacilitatecomparing sensors,
lows:themeasurand-acceleration;technological as- communicatingwithotherworkersaboutsensors,and
pects-sensitivity in frequency shift per g of acceleration, keeping track of sensor progress and availability. Cate-
short- and long-term stability in hertz per unit time, etc.; gorizing might help one think about new sensing princi-
detectionmeans-mechanical; sensorconversionphe- ples that could be explored, and Table I1 might serve as
nomena-elastoelectric; sensor materials-the key mate- a checklist to consult when considering commercial sen-
rial is likely an inorganic insulator; and jields of appli- sors.
cation-many, including automotive and other means of All the entries in the tables have been given unique al-
transportation; marine, military, and space; and scientific phanumeric identifiers to facilitate use with computerized
measurement. file systems such as electronic spreadsheets and databases
Table I lists alphabetically most measurands for which used for storing information about sensors. The identifiers
sensors may be needed under the headings: acoustic, bi- can be used as well in the keyword field of the lesser-
ological, chemical, electric, magnetic, mechanical, opti- known bibliographic utility refer, a part of the Unix op-
and thermal. A convention erating system package, that enables a user to create and
adopted to limit the number of Table I entries is that any easily retrieve entries from a personalized database of ci-
entry may represent not only the measurand itself but also tations to journal articles, books, and reports.
its temporal or spatial distribution. Thus, the entry “Am-
plitude” under the heading “Optical” could apply to a SENSOR EXAMPLES
device that measures the intensity of steady infrared ra- We consider several examples to illustrate how terms
diation at a point, a fast photodiode detecting time-vary- in the tables can be used to characterize sensors.
ing optical flux, or a camera for visible light imaging. Diaphragm Pressure Sensor: Differential pressure dis-
torts a thin silicon diaphragm in which the deflection is
Manuscript received August 29, 1986; revised October 27, 1986. inferred from the change of the values of resistors diffused
The author is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and COm- into the diaphragm. The measurandis pressure, A6.5; the
puter Sciences and the Electronics Research Laboratory,University Of Gal-
ifornia, Berkeley, CA 94720. primarydetectionmeans is mechanical, C 5 ; thesensor
IEEE Log Number 8612468. conversionphenomenon(piezoresistance) is elastoelec-

0885-3010/87/0300-0124$01. O O @ 1987 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 15,2010 at 17:23:24 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.



A l . Acoustic C l Biological
A l . 1 Wave amplitude, phase, polarization, spectrum C2Chemical
A1.2 Wave velocity C3 Electric, Magnetic, or Electromagnetic Wave
A1.3 Other (specify) C4 Heat, Temperature
AZ. Biological C5 Mechanical Displacement or Wave
A2.1 Biomass (identities, concentrations, states) C6 Radioactivity, Radiation
A2.2 Other (specify) C7 Other (specify)
A3.1 Components (identities, concentrations, states)
A3.2 Other (specify)
A4.Electric TABLE IV
A4.2 Potential, potential difference D. SENSOR CONVERSION PHENOMENA
A4.3 Electric field (amplitude, phase, polarization, spectrum) D l . Biological
A4.4 Conductivity D 1.1 Biochemical transformation
A4.5Permittivity D1.2 Physical transformation
A4.6 Other (specify) D1.3 Effect on test organism
A5.Magnetic D l .4 Spectroscopy
A5.1 Magnetic field (amplitude, phase, polarization, spectrum) D1.5 Other (specify)
A5.2Magnetic flux D2.Chemical
AS.3Permeability D2.1Chemicaltransformation
AS.4 Other (specify) D2.2 Physical transformation
A6.Mechanical D2.3Electrochemicalprocess
A6.1Position(linear,angular) D2.4 Spectroscopy
A6.2 Velocity D2.5 Other (specify)
Acceleration D3.Physical
Force D3. I Thermoelectric
A6.5Stress,pressure D3.2
Strain D3.3
A6.7Mass,density D3.4
A6.8Moment,torque D3.S
A6.9 Speed of flow, rate of mass transport D3.6
A6.10 Shape, roughness, orientation D3.7
A6.11Stiffness,compliance D3.8
A6.12Viscosity D3.9
A6.13 Crystallinity, structural integrity D3.10Photoelastic
A6.14 Other (specify) D3.11 Other (specify)
A7.1 Wave amplitude, phase, polarization, spectrum
A7.2 Wave velocity
A7.3 Other (specify) TABLE V
A8. Radiation
A8.2Energy E l Inorganic
A8.3Intensity E2Organic
A8.4 Other (specify) E3Conductor
A9.Thermal E4Insulator
A9.1Temperature E5Semiconductor
A9.2Flux E6 Liquid, gas or plasma
A9.3 Specific heat E7Biologicalsubstance
A9.4 Thermal conductivity E8 Other (specify)
A9.5 Other (specify)
A10. Other (specify)

TABLE I1 F 2 Automotive
F 3 Civilengineering,construction
B. TECHNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SENSORS F 4 Distribution,commerce,finance
B1 Sensitivity F5Domesticappliances
B2 Measurand range F 6 Energy,power
B3 Stability(short-term,long-term) F 7 Environment,meteorology,security
B4 Resolution F 8 Health,medicine
B5 Selectivity F 9 Information,telecommunications
B6Speedofresponse F 10 Manufacturing
B7 Ambientconditionsallowed F11 Marine
B8 Overloadcharacteristics F 12 Military
B9 Operatinglife F 13 Scientific measurement
B10 Output format F14 Space
B1 1 Cost, size, weight F 15 Transportation (excluding automotive)
B12 Other (specify) F 16 Other (specify)

Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 15,2010 at 17:23:24 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fiber Field Probe: A magnetostrictive
nickel film deposited on an optical fiber in an interfer-
ometer is distorted by an external magnetic field, causing
a photoelectrically detected change of light level at the
interferometer. The primary detection means is mechan-
ical, C 5 , and secondarily electromagnetic waves are in-
volved, C 3. The fundamental conversion phenomenon is
elastomagnetic, D 3.5, involving primarily a metallic film,
E3, and an insulating fiber, E4. Since fiber optic sensors
constitute an important identifiable class, one might key
suchall for example by specifying
Fig. 1. Physicalphenomenarepresented by linesconnecting nodes that der“Other” in “DetectionMeans” acategory “C7.1
physical represent fields. fiber-optic.”

tric, D3.7; and the key sensor material is an inorganic ACKNOWLEDGMENT

semiconductor, E 1 and E 5 . Research supported by the Berkeley Integrated Sensor
SAW Vapor Sensor: A polymethylmethacrylate Center, anNSF/Industry/University CooperativeRe-
(PMMA) polymer coating in the propagation path of a searchCenter.Discussions withLeslieFieldandTed
surface acoustic wave delay-line oscillator absorbs vapor, Zellers are also gratefully acknowledged.
causing mass loading and hence a change of wave veloc-
ity and oscillator frequency. The measurand is chemical REFERENCES
concentration, A3.1; the primary detection means is me- [ I ] J . F. Nye, PhysicalProperties of Crystals. Oxford:OxfordUniv..
chanical, C 5; the sensor conversion phenomenonis phys- 1957.
[2] W .P. Mason, Crystal Physics of InteractionProcesses. New York:
ical transformation (a vapor becomes an absorbed con- Academic. 1966, see Figs. 1 . 1 and 1.2.
stituent), D2.2; and the key sensor material is the organic
polymer, E2. If, for greater selectivity, the polymer were
altered so that it reacted chemically with only one typeof
vapor, chemical transformation, D2.1, would be the pri-
mary conversion phenomenon. If the polymer were re-
placed with an immobilized antibody to detect a particular
antigen, biochemical transformation would be involved, Richard M. White (“63-F ’72). for a photograph and biography please
D1.l. see page 123 of the March issue of this TRANSACTIONS.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Columbia University. Downloaded on February 15,2010 at 17:23:24 EST from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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