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Sing to the Dawn (Sample Question and Answer for SPM)

This is a sample question and answer for the novel Sing to the Dawn.  Students are to write about a decision
made by a character in the story and further discuss whether they agree with the decision by giving concrete
examples from the novel. I hope the sample answer below will be helpful.

It is important to highlight the keywords in the question and use them while writing the answer. This will
serve as a signpost to indicate that you are actually relating your answer to the question. 

It is important to give a clear picture of what you are going to write further by pointing out the main issue. It
is advisable for you to do so in the first paragraph. Do not waste time by writing lengthy introduction and
synopsis  (you do not get marks for that). The writer has highlighted the main answer for the question which
shows that 'I am going to write about an important decision made by Kwai'.    

While writing your answer, it is also essential for you to elaborate the 'decision made' in detail. It is
important to elaborate the situations that has led the character to make such a decision before moving on
The next paragraph elaborates further on the decision made. It also ends with the writer's stand. In this case
the writer agrees with Kwai's decision. Thus far, we have seen that the write has clearly explained 'the
decision' made by Kwai by relating the decision to a few events in the story. Next the writer, has to
elaborate the reasons for agreeing with Kwai's Decision. Let us look at the first reason. 

This is where your HOTS skills need to be used.  You have to relate the evidence to the decision made and
wrap it up by including your own thoughts. Now let us look at the next reason. 

The coloured (in yellow) sentences are the 'singposts' which show the readers what the writer is going to do
next. This is a good way to write as the essay will be more organised. 
The most difficult part in this question is to give reasons for the decision made by the character. This is
because you have to link the decision to the reasons and justify the decision made. In this piece of work the
student has given three reasons for agreeing with Kwai's decision which is well elaborated and beautifully
justified with good examples from the story. 

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