Topics For Presentation As Part of ISE - I For B.Tech IT

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Kasegaon Education Society (KES)

Rajarambapu Institute of Technology (RIT)


Topics for presentation as part of ISE - I for B.Tech IT

1. Operating system Memory management

2. Hyper threading technology
3. Paging & Segmentation
4. Pipelining
5. Superscalar execution
6. Memory access scheduling
7. SIMD & MIMD processors
8. Multithreading
9. Shared address space platforms
10. Distributed address space platforms
11. Limitations of memory system performance
12. Communication cost in Message passing mechanism
13. Communication cost in Shared address space mechanism
14. Routing Mechanisms for Interconnection Networks (1)
15. Routing Mechanisms for Interconnection Networks (2)
16. Data parallel processing
17. Nano scale computing
18. DNA computing
19. Quantum Computing
20. GPU Computing
21. Grid Computing
22. Virtual memory
23. Inter process communication
24. Synchronization & Deadlock
25. Processes
26. Process control block
27. Branching in pipelining
28. Process control block
29. Interrupt
30. Process scheduling
31. Multicore programming
32. Swapping of main memory
33. Page replacement algorithm
34. Thrashing of virtual memory
35. Free space management
36. Open source operating system

Course In-charge B.Tech Class Monitor

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