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INSTRUCTION: This question paper consists of 2 sections which are sections A and B.

Answer ALL
questions. Write your answers in the space provided for sections A and B. Make sure you show your
working for section B. Non-programmable scientific calculator is allowed.

1. Round off 0.0608 correct to two significant figures.

A. 0.060
B. 0.061
C. 0.0610
D. 0.0600

2. Express 0.0007023x108 as a number in standard form

A. 0.7023x1011
B. 7.023x1012
C. 7.023x104
D. 7023x101
( 3 ×102 )

A. 1.41x105
B. 5.23x105
C. 2.09x106
D. 1.41x107

4. The side of a cube is 4.3 cm. The volume, in cm³, of the cube correct to three significant figures is

A. 80.0
B. 79.5
C. 79.50
D. 79.500

5. Factorise x3 – 36x completely.

A. x( x2 -36)
B. x( x – 6 )( x + 6 )
C. x( x – 6 )( x – 6)
D. 6x( 6 - x2 )

6. A rectangular floor has a width of 2700 cm and a length of 3200 cm. The floor will be covered with
tiles. Each tile is a square of side 24 cm. Calculate the number of tiles required to cover the floor fully.

A. 1·5 × 104
B. 3·6 × 104
C. 1·5 × 105
D. 3·6 × 105

7. Simplify 5(x-2y)-(3x-y)

A. 2x-9y
B. -8x+3y
C. 8x-3y
D. -2x-9y

8. 7.8x10-4 +5x10-5 =

A. 1.28x10-5
B. 8.3x10-4
C. 8.3x10-5
D. 1.28x10-4

9. Solve 2 x+3=
A. x 1= ; x 2=−2
B. x 1= ; x 2=2

C. x 1= ; x 2=2
D. x 1=−6 ; x 2=2

10. Choose the correct expansion

A. (x + 3)(x – 3) = x2-6x+9
B. (2x + 1)(2x + 1) = 4x2+2x+2
C. (2y + 2)(y – 2) = 2y2-2y-4
D. (2r - 1)(r – 2) = 2r2-3r-2

11. Which of the equation given is a quadratic equation with one unknown.
A. 2p3 + 9p = 15
B. 3e – 4 = 5f2
C. 3u – 5 = 0
D. 4 + 12t + t2 = t – 2

12. State the values of a, b and c when 5 + 4p – p2 = –3p + 17 is written in general form.
A. a=−3 , b=7 , c=−2 2
B. a=−1 , b=7 ,c =−12
C. a=1 ,b=−7 ,c =12
D. a=−3 , b=7 , c=2 2

13. Given set S = {x : x is a prime number, 1 ≤ x ≤ 10} and T = {x : x is an odd number, 1 ≤ x ≤ 10}, which of
the following statement is true?
A. T is a subset of S
B. 4ϵT
C. S∩T={3,5,7}
D. n(SUT) = 6

14. Rajah di bawah menunjukkan sebuah gambar rajah Venn dengan bilangan unsur dalam set P, set Q
dan set R.

Diberi bahawa set semesta, ξ =P∪Q∪R and n(Q')=n(Q∩R). Carikan nilai x.

A. 12
B. 8
C. 3
D. 10

15. Diberi bahawa set semesta, P = {31,33,35,37,39,40}, x ialah integer} dan set P = {x : x ialah nombor
dengan keadaan hasil tambah dua digitnya ialah nombor genap}. Carikan set P’.
A. P = {30,32,34,36,38,40}
B. P = {31,33,35,37,39,40}
C. P = {31,33,35,37,39,40,42}
D. P = {30,33,34,36,37,39,40}

16. Diagram below is a Venn diagram showing set P, set Q and set R such that the universal set ξ
=P∪Q∪R. P

Which of the following represents the shaded region?

A. P' ∩ (Q∩R)
B. P' ∪ (Q∩R)
C. P ∪ (Q∩R)
D. P ∩(Q∩R)
17. List all the subsets of set Y=(2,3,8)
A. {2},{3},{8}
B. {2},{2,3},{2,3,8}
C. {2},{3},{2,8}{3,8},{2,3,8},{ }
D. {2},{3},{8},{2,3}{2,8},{3,8},{2,3,8},{ }
18. It is giventhat the universal set,ξ ={ x :1 ≤ x ≤ 25 , x isan integer } and set D= {
x : , x isa perfect square}. Find n(D').
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

19. Diberi bahawa set semesta, ξ = {x : 3 < x ≤ 16, x ialah integer},

Set A = {4, 11, 13, 16},
Set B = {x : x ialah nombor ganjil} dan
Set C = {x : x ialah gandaan bagi 3}.
Unsur bagi set (A∪C)'∩B ialah
A. {5,7,8,10,14}
B. {5,7}
C. {5,8,9}
D. {5,7,8,9,11,13}

20. Rajah di bawah ialah gambar rajah Venn yang menunjukkan bilangan peserta kuiz dalam set P, set Q dan set R.
Diberi bahawa set semesta, ξ =P∪Q∪R, set P = { peserta kuiz Sains}, set Q = { peserta kuiz Matematik} dan set
R = {peserta kuiz Sejarah}.

Jika bilangan peserta yang mengambil bahagian hanya satu kuiz sahaja ialah 76, cari jumlah semua peserta itu.

A. 24
B. 8
C. 116
D. 106

Determine the numbers of significant figures in each of the numbers given below:
a) 48.173 5
b) 0.049 271
c) 26 078
d) 1.005

Write each of the following in standard form:

a) 42
b) 0.06
c) 0.0804
d) 82 000
e) 7 000 000

Convert the numbers in standard form to single numbers.

a) 1.2 x 104
b) 9.7 x 108
c) 2.37 x 10-6
d) 1.45 x 10-7
e) 9.8 x 10-9

Evaluate the following and give your answer in standard form:

a) (2.9 x 10-2) + (3.9 x 10-1)
b) 8.53 x 103 + 6.7 x 102
c) 1.4 x 105 – 6.4 x 104
d) 10-6 – 2 x 10-2
e) 1.3 x 103 – 4.1 x 102

Form quadratic expressions by multipliying the following expressions:

a) (x – 3)(x + 3)
b) (3r – 1)(r + 1)
c) (4t – 2)(t + 2)
d) (3a – 1)(a + 2)
e) (4e – 2)(4e + 2)

Mustapha inherits two pieces of land from his grandfather. One piece of land
is square in shape
with sides of 50t metres and the area of the other piece is 2000 square
metres. Find the total area of
the two pieces of lands.

Factorise the given quadratic expression.

6x2 + 9

25 1 – r 2


What is the solution for 12r 2 − 12r + 3 = 0 by factorisation?

The area of a school field is 200 m2. Its length is 5 m longer than the width.
Form a quadratic
equation based on the situation.

A swimming pool has the length of 12 m and the width of 8 m. A fence is

build at the distance of x
metre around it. If the area of the swimming pool is equal to the area of the
land bounded by the
fence, determine the value of x.

Diberi bahawa set semesta, ξ = {x : 3 < x ≤ 16, x ialah integer}, Set A = {4, 11, 13, 16}, Set B = {x : x ialah
nombor ganjil} dan Set C = {x : x ialah gandaan bagi 3}.

Unsur bagi set (A∪C)'∩B ialah

Gambar rajah Venn di ruang jawapan menunjukkan set P, set Q dan set R dengan keadaan 
set semesta,  ξ=P∪Q∪Rξ=P∪Q∪R
Pada rajah di ruang jawapan, lorekkan
(a)  P  ∩ R’,
(b)  P'∪(Q∩R)

Write down the elements in the following sets. Let U = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}; A = {0,1,2,3,5,8};
B={0,2,4,6}; C = {1,3,5,7

} i) A ∪ B =

ii) B’ =

iii) A ∩ B’ =

iv) B ∪ C =

v) B ∪ C’ =

vi) A’ ∪ C =
vii) (A’ ∩ C) ∪ B =

viii) (A∪B)’ =

ix) (A ∪ C) ∩ B

x) Write down a subset of A =

Given :

ξ={x :20≤x≤30 , x is an integer}

P={x : x are the prime number }

Q={x : x are multiple of 6}

R={x : x are the factors of 100}

Diberi :

ξ={x :20≤x≤30 , x ialah integer}

P={x : x ialah nombor perdana }

Q={x : x ialah nombor gandaan 6}

R={x : x ialah faktor bagi 100}

[8 marks]

a) List all the elements of set ξ ,P ,Q and R.

Senaraikan setiap elemen yang terdapat dalam set ξ ,P ,Q dan R.

ξ = …………………………………………………………….

P = ……………………………………………………………..

Q = …………………………………………………………….
R = ……………………………………………………………

b) Then, list all the elements of the following sets.

Seterusnya, senaraikan elemen dalam setiap set yang berikut:

(i) P∪R=

(ii) Q’ ¿ R’ =

(iii) (P ¿ Q’) =

(iv) (P ¿ Q ¿ R)’ =

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