Computer 10 LP

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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

4th Grading

I. Time Frame : April 16-May 15, 2020 - 3 hours per week)

II. Subject : COMPUTER 10
III. Topic/ Content : Game-based Animation
IV. Competencies :
 Create logical sequences through storyboard to portray a scene.
 Create a design concept for a video game that invites users to experience/interact
with a complex situation.

V. Stages:
A. Explore
1. Self-assessment

Looking back at the last activity you have had online, try to remember
how was your experience in coming up with a storyboard which is one of the
major steps in making an animation. What makes a good animation? Assess
yourself if you have applied Design Decisions by answering the Self-assessment
sheet. Put your answers in the attached File: 1-Storyboard self-assessment.docx.
This will be due on April 24, 2020. Send or pass the same file with your

NAME:_______________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _______________ DATE:_________

Instruction: Based from your Storyboard, check the box of its corresponding effectiveness to assess
your work. Write also your reason about your answer.

Storyboard Design Decisions

1. The storyboard includes moments that Highly effective Moderately effective Somewhat effective
matter and excludes those that don’t.
(choice of moment)

My reason is:

2. The storyboard shows what readers Highly effective Moderately effective Somewhat effective
need to see and a sense of place
(choice of frame)

My reason is:

3. The storyboard uses images, e.g., Highly effective Moderately effective Somewhat effective
characters, environments, objects and
symbols (choice of image)

My reason is:

4. The storyboard uses words to Highly effective Moderately effective Somewhat effective
communicate ideas, characters’ voices,
and sounds. (choice of word)

My reason is:

5. The storyboard guides readers Highly effective Moderately effective Somewhat effective
between panels (choice of frame)

My reason is:

I am most pleased with:

My next step or plan to improve my storyboard is:

Teacher Feedback:
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Passing your output to e-mail is very much appreciated.

For section 10-Agate

For those who cannot really send to email, you can send it to my FB messenger
– Marj Dom.

NOTE: All activity outputs must be passed to the same email address or messenger.
Passing before the due date is very much appreciated.

B. Firm Up
1. Poster and Reflection

After your storyboard self-assessment, you now have an idea and

experience on how animators begin to work and process their animation. At this
point, try to understand how a professional Game Designer works by reading an
excerpt from the essay – Becoming a Video Game Designer.

Excerpt from the Essay -

Becoming a Video Game Designer

It has been 10 years since I became an addicted gamer when I was

11 years old. I always dreamed of designing a game of my own. I have come
up with many nice ideas about video games from what I have played and I
believed one day my dream will come true.

However, the reality was disappointing. My parents were worried

about the fact that I spent hours sitting in front of the screen and playing
video games. As a result, I had to give up what I wanted to do and chose
mathematics as my major. But after watching the video in class I started
rethinking about it. Just assuming, what if I chose to be a video game
designer? What is needed for it? How can you be a part of it? Also, what is
the future of this job?

After doing researches, I found that in fact, the video game industry
is a multi-billion dollar industry. One person could sit down and make a game
from start to finish by himself. Now a game can take millions of dollars and
dozens of people to make. However, before deciding on a career in this
multi-billion dollar industry, someone must see if he or she has the right type
of personality and understands the different types of careers and where the
video game industry is headed.

Many people don't seem to understand what being a game designer

really means. If you randomly ask most gamers, they'll probably tell you the
designer is the person in charge of a game's vision. While truth is being a
game designer is a lot of work. Usually, a game designer oversees the entire
process from art and programming down to things as small as enemy and
scene and level design. If someone was thinking about becoming a game
designer then he or she should grasp concepts in art, programming as well
as production.
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Make a poster entitled “The Life of a Video Game Designer” to illustrate

your understanding about how the Video Game Designer describes his life in that
profession. Write also your reflection about the article to supplement your
poster. This will be due on April 24, 2020.

Directions: 1. Based from the essay - Becoming a Video Game Designer,

create a poster entitled
2. Use short Bond Paper. Use crayons, color pastels, pens, and
other art materials to make your poster attractive.
4. In addition, write your reflection about the essay in a 1 whole
intermediate pad or any paper available, you may also use MS
Word Application.
5. Take a picture of your poster and reflection, then pass them

Scoring: Poster - Attractiveness - 10 pts.

Originality - 10 pts.
Relevance - 20 pts.
TOTAL - 40 pts.

Reflection - Organization - 5 pts.

Understanding - 5 pts.
Values learned - 10 pts.
TOTAL - 30 pts.

C. Deepen
1. Drawing a Storyboard (Scaffold 1)

In your storyboard self-assessment, you have written your next step or

your plan how to improve your next storyboard, and for some learners there are
also teacher remarks for better storyboard presentation. Based from those
assessment results, apply your plans to make a new storyboard for “Zero
Casualties DURING Fire Disasters: A Means to Transform the World”. This will
be due on May 2, 2020.

REQUIREMENTS for the Storyboard:

1. Choose a very important scene part of safety measures during
fire disaster.
2. The storyboard can be computerized or hand drawn.
3. Use SHORT bond paper. The 1st page is your title page.
4. Follow the old template that you have used in your past
storyboard - 6 scenes in 1 page. Minimum of 4 pages (excluding
the title page).
5. Include your animation character in your storyboard. Refer to
the rubrics for the scoring.
6. Take a picture of your output and pass it on or before the
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:


Category 4 3 2 1
Storyboard Storyboard is Storyboard is No title or wrong
Title contains missing one of missing two of information in title
title, student’s the title the title square (#1).
name and section. requirements. requirements.
Storyboard Storyboard does Storyboard does Storyboard does not
Content contains not contain not contain contain sentences
appropriate appropriate appropriate for 3 or more of the
sentences for all sentences for 1 sentences for 2 frames.
required frames. of the frames. of the frames.
Storyboard is Storyboard is Storyboard is Storyboard is
Attractiveness exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly messy
attractive in terms terms of design, attractive though or very poorly
of design, layout, layout, and it may be a bit designed. It is not
and neatness. neatness. messy attractive.
The output shows The output The output is an There is no evidence
Originality significant shows some extensive of new thought in
evidence of evidence of collection and the output.
originality and originality and rehash of other
inventiveness. inventiveness. people’s ideas,
products, images
and inventions.
5 character poses 3 character poses 2 character poses Only 1 character
Animation are seen are seen are seen pose is seen
character throughout the throughout the throughout the throughout the
entire storyboard. entire entire entire storyboard.
storyboard. storyboard.
_____ x 2
SCORE =_____/40 +10
= 50 pts.

2. Flipbook Creation (Scaffold 2)

You have already done an animation storyboard of a part of the

Zero Casualties BEFORE Fire Disaster, and you are ready to process each
scene for animation. Not all of you have the capacity to process your
storyboard into an animated product, so we skip that process. Keep in
mind that a good storyboard, when done with careful planning of
sequence of events makes a good animation. We proceed with another
animation part which is an animated scene of the introductory of your
Zero Casualty in the community in times of calamity. Since you cannot
utilize the school’s computer laboratory for computer animation, you can
use an alternative which is a traditional animation – the flip book. An
example was shown to you during your first grading. This will be due on
May 15, 2020.

Materials: ¼ size of short bond papers (20 sheets or more)

Drawing materials
Bull clip
Digital camera

What to do: Traditional Flipbook Animation of the MAIN SCREEN or

INTRODUCTORY PART of the Zero Casualty in the Community in
Times of Calamity. (Earthquake, Typhoon, Volcanic Eruption, and
General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

How to make your flipbook?

1. Draw a design with your cartoon character on a page that you want to be
the focus of your flip book.
2. Then gather a few additional pages and trace over the focus to copy the
3. On the pages after the first initial page, change only the character style
or position where it changes in motion.
4. For example, if you draw a character, and you want to show it waving at
the viewer, you will first draw the character on page one, then every
page after adjusting the hand from side to side.
5. Once the pictures are complete, you put them together using a bull clip
and flip through them watching your animation.
6. The number of pages should not be less than 20 pages.

How to animate your flipbook?

1. Set your camera (digicam/cellphone) on a flat surface. Capture or record
the scene while flipping the pages of your flipbook. The faster you flip the
pages, the faster the animation effect.
2. Repeat until you capture your desired outcome.
3. The length or duration of your animation should be 20-30 seconds.

What to pass?
1. A photo gallery of your flipbook. (at least 6 pictures) - Written work
2. An mp4 file or a movie clip file of your animation - Performance

RUBRICS for Animation

4 3 2 1
Attractiveness The flip book is The flip book is The flip book is The flip book is
exceptionally attractive in terms acceptably distractingly messy x5
attractive in terms of design, layout, attractive, though it or very poorly
of design, layout, and neatness. may be a bit messy. designed. It is not
and neatness. attractive. = 20
Concepts Demonstrates in Demonstrates clear Demonstrates basic Demonstrates partial
depth understanding of understanding of understanding of x5
understanding of concepts. concepts. concepts.
concepts. = 20
Movement of Animated character Appears that Animated character Animated character
animation clearly transitions animated character does not clearly shows little or no
character from one page to transitions from transition from page movement.
the next. one page to the to page. Movements x 10
Movements are not next. Some are very disjointed. = 40
disjointed. movements jump
from page.

D. Transfer – (not possible to give a transfer task)

VI. Remarks
3 hours per week

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Subject Head, TLE/ Computer

Noted by: Approved by:


Assistant Principal Principal

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