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Preliminary Video Evaluation

What was the task?

The task was to create a short film on a genre that contained 8 different types of
camera shots. My group and I chose to make our video an action-comedy where
there was a tiger inside of the school, which the main character had to escape
from as It make its way through round to him.

These two genres can be clearly seen through the use of sound effects used to
create tension, e.g. the loud scream and the tiger roar used, and the facial
expressions that the character makes with the music used to create a comedic
effect that can make the audience laugh.

What was the purpose?

The video begins with an over the shoulder shot; this shot was used to show that
the main character is minding his own business and that the video is taken on an
average day at school .Suddenly he hears a loud scream from outside the room
and turns to the door changing the camera angle to a mid-shot, the effect of this
is it shows that he is curious as to what he has just heard, the mid shot also
shows his relaxed body language which shows that he is unsuspecting. This
causes him to peak around the corner and give off an unusual look down the
corridor in a close up shot; this is used to show the main characters facial
expression and how he’s is reacting to what he has just seen, this builds suspense
because the audience is left to wonder what he is looking at. This camera angle
changes to a POV shot to show the audience exactly what the character is seeing
in their personal view, this makes the viewer seem as though they are in the
story because they feel like they are in the main characters shoes, the effect of
the shot is to create immersion. The next camera angle used is a tracking shot, to
follow him as he runs away from the tiger at the end of the corridor; the effect of
the tracking shot is to highlight the action genre. After this a birds eye view shot
is used to show the character running away swiftly outside the door towards the
exit of the school and give an aerial view for when he gets outside. The effect of
the high angle shot is to show how small the main character is. A long shot of him
running outside the gate has been used to show the distance in which he’s ran to
get away from the tiger and that h has escaped from it. The final shot used is a
low angle shot of him out of breath; this makes the character look powerful as he
has gotten away and succeeded.

Through the process of making this video I have learnt, how to use 8 different
camera angles effectively together. I have also learnt how to use music and sound
to create tension and meaning in an action genre to make the audience feel a
certain way in a situation in the short film.

All camera angles that were used fit into the action-comedy genre because they
make the scenes have a larger effect on the audience and shows what’s
happening in a deeper effect. An example of this is the POV shot that shows a
dramatic reaction when looking down the corridor at the tiger, when the POV
angle is used it is used as comic relief as seeing a tiger in school is very

My group and I used music in our video effectively to make the character look
faster than he really as the beat of the music drops as the main character starts
running. This is combined with the 2x play speed when he sees the tiger and
expresses how scared he is of this tiger. This is shown through the classic sonic
music as sonic is usually associated with super speed and running fast.

What will you do for when you create your own film?

Throughout the process of creating the video I learned how to edit the video
together with added music, sound effects and images to create effect and make
the video have an effect on the audience. Without this knowledge my media
productions would not be impactful on the audience and would therefore not be
the best of what I can create.

If my group and I made another video, I would like to use a tripod for the camera,
this is because it makes the scenes less shaky, improving all scenes in the video.
Furthermore, I would also like to use an actual camera rather than my phone, as
it would improve the quality of the video overall and give the audience a better
If I used another gif I would also like to have it move smoothly across the screen
and not have a background on it as it lowered the quality of the effect/fear from
the tiger. I would also like to use some props that can be used for different things
to make the video have more value to it so that it isn’t as plain.

in conclusion I think what went well with our video was that the scenes fit and
changed between each other smoothly, this can be seen when the main character
starts to run from the tiger down the corridor and it changes from a tracking shot
to a birds eye view when he opens the door to the outside of the building.
Furthermore I feel the non-diegetic sounds used for the scream and the roar
added to the effect of a scene as well as how scared the character was.

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