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A. PRACTICE OF LAW Qualifications

Concept Any person admitted to the bar

and who is in good and regular standing
- The practice of law is any activity, is entitled to practice law [Sec. 1, Rule
in or out of court, which requires 138, Rules of Court, hereinafter RoC].
the application of law, legal Every applicant for admission as a
procedure, knowledge, training member of the bar must be:
and experience. It is to give
notice or render any kind of 1. Citizen of the Philippines;
service, which device or service 2. At least 21 years of age;
requires the use in any degree of 3. Of good moral character;
legal knowledge or skill 4. Resident of the Philippines;
(Cayetano v. Monsod, G.R. No. 5. Produce before the Supreme
100113) Court satisfactory evidence:
a. Of good moral character;
Privilege b. That no charges against him,
involving moral turpitude, have been
The right to practice law is not a filed or are pending in any court in the
natural or constitutional right but is a Philippines (Sec. 2, Rule 138, Rules of
privilege. It is limited to persons of good Court)
moral character with special
qualifications duly ascertained and [Continuing requirements for
certified. The exercise of this privilege membership in the bar]
presupposes possession of integrity, (TIP-SM-GC)
legal knowledge, educational
attainment, and even public trust since a 1. Payment of Professional Tax;
lawyer is an officer of the court. A bar 2. Membership in the IBP;
candidate who is morally unfit cannot 3. Payment of IBP dues;
practice law even if he passes the bar 4. Good and regular Standing;
examinations (Aguirre v. Rana, B.M. 5. Compliance with Mandatory
1036) Continuing Legal Education
(MCLE) Requirements (Bar
Profession, not business Matter 850, October 2, 2001);
6. Possession of Good Moral
Lawyering is not a business; it is Character; and
a profession in which duty to public 7. Compliance with Citizenship
service, not money, is the primary requirement
consideration. The gaining of a
livelihood is not a professional but a a. [GOOD MORAL CHARACTER]
secondary consideration (Burbe v.
Magulta, A. C. 99-634) ROC, Rule 138, Sec. 2. Every applicant
for admission as a member of the bar
must be … of good moral character…
and must produce before the SC
satisfactory evidence of good moral
character, and that no charges against

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him, involving moral turpitude, have evidence and various certifications “he
been filed or are pending in any court in may now be regarded as complying with
the Philippines. the requirements of good moral
character…he is not inherently of bad
Good moral character is a continuing moral fiber.” [In Re Argosino, (1997)]
qualification required of every member
of the Bar, it is not only a qualification Question of moral turpitude is for the
precedent to the practice of law. [Narag Supreme Court to decide, which is why
v. Narag, (1998)] applicants are required to disclose any
crime which they have been charged.
Definitions of ‘good moral character’ Concealment or withholding from the
Court information about charges and
Absence of a proven conduct or act indictments is a ground for
which has been historically and disqualification of applicant or for
traditionally considered as a revocation of license [Agpalo 2004].
manifestation of moral turpitude. The act
or conduct need not amount to a crime; Concealment of pending criminal cases
and even if it does constitute an offense, constitutes lack of good moral character
a conviction upon a criminal charge is (in petition to take the bar examinations)
not necessary to demonstrate bad moral [In the matter of Haron S. Meling (2004)]
character although it may show moral
depravity. [Agpalo]
This requirement is not only a
condition precedent to admission to Statutory Basis
the practice of law, its continued 1987 Const. Art. XII, Sec. 14. The
possession is also essential for practice of all professions in the
remaining in the practice of law. Good Philippines. shall be limited to Filipino
moral character is what a person really citizens save in cases prescribed by law.
is, as distinguished from good reputation
or from the opinion generally entertained Rules of Court, Rule 138, Sec. 2. Every
of him, the estimate in which he is held applicant for admission as a member of
by the public in the place where he is the bar must be a citizen of the Phils.
known. [In the matter of of Haron S.
Meling, (2004)] Rationale: Citizenship ensures
allegiance to the Republic and its laws.
The requirement of good moral
character to be satisfied by those The loss of Filipino citizenship ipso jure
who would seek admission to the bar terminates the privilege to practice law
must of necessity be more stringent in the Philippines except when
than the norm of conduct expected citizenship is lost by reason of
from members of the general public. naturalization and reacquired through
SC may deny lawyer’s oath-taking RA 9225. [Petition to Resume Practice
based on a conviction for reckless of Law of Benjamin Dacanay, (2007)]
imprudence resulting in homicide
(hazing case). But after submission of [Appearance of non-lawyers]

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He is bound by the same rules in

General Rule: conducting the trial of his case.
He cannot, after judgment, claim
Only those who are licensed to practice that he was not properly
law can appear and handle cases in represented.
In a criminal case before the
Exceptions: MTC – in a locality where a duly
licensed member of the Bar is not
a. [Law Student Practice] available, the judge may appoint
a non-lawyer who is a resident of
Student Practice Rule – A law that province, of good repute for
student who has successfully probity and ability to represent
completed his 3rd year of the the accused in his defense. [Sec.
regular 4-year prescribed law 7, Rule 116]
curriculum and is enrolled in a
recognized law school’s clinical Under the Labor Code - non-lawyers
legal education program may appear before the NLRC or any
approved by the SC. Labor Arbiter if they:
a. represent themselves;
Student appear without b. represent their organization or
compensation in any civil, members thereof. [Art. 222, PD
criminal or administrative case 442]
before any trial court, tribunal,
board or officer, to represent A non-lawyer or layman may
indigent clients accepted by the represent a claimant before the
Legal Clinic of the school. [Sec. Cadastral Court. [Sec. 9, Act. No. 2259]
1, Rule 138-A]
Any official or other person appointed to
The student shall be under the appear for the Government of the
direct supervision and control of a Philippines in accordance with law shall
member of the IBP duly have all the rights of a duly authorized
accredited by the law school. member of the bar in any case in which
[Sec. 2] said government has an interest. [Sec.
33, Rule 138]
b. [Non-Lawyers in courts]
Three Limitations in the appearance
Before the MTC – a party may of a layman on behalf of another:
conduct his case or litigation in 1. Layman should confine his work to
person with the aid of an agent or non-adversary contentions. Should not
friend appointed by him [Sec. undertake purely legal work such as
34,Rule 138] examination of witnesses or
presentation of evidence.
Before any other court – a party 2. Services should not be habitually
may conduct his litigation rendered.
personally. [Sec. 34, Rule 138]

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3. Should not charge or collect 4. he/she is a duly-accredited

attorneys’ fees. member of any legal aid office
recognized by the Department of
Right of party to represent himself Justice or Integrated Bar of the
 In Civil Cases, individual litigant has Philippines;
the right to conduct his litigation 5. he/she is the owner or president
personally. of a corporation or establishment
 He will still be bound by the same which is a party to the case.
rules of procedure and evidence as (2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure,
those applicable to a party appearing Rule III, Sec. 6, par. b)
through counsel.
 He may not be heard to complain later Proceedings where lawyers are
that he has been deprived of the right to prohibited from appearing
the assistance of counsel.
 In Criminal Cases involving grave Lawyers are prohibited from
and less grave offenses, an accused appearing in the following proceedings:
who is a layman must always appear by
counsel. He cannot conduct his own 1. In all katarungang pambarangay
defense, as his right to counsel may not proceedings, the parties must
be waived without violating his right to appear in person without the
due process of law. assistance of counsel or
 By a Juridical Person: representative, except for minors
o General Rule: it must always appear in and incompetents who may be
court by a duly licensed member of the assisted by their next-of-kin who
bar. are not lawyers. (R.A. No. 7160,
o Exception: In the MTC, it may be Sec. 415)
represented by its agent or officer who
need not be a lawyer. 2. Under the Indigenous People’s
Rights Act of 1997, as a general
Non-lawyers in administrative rule, lawyers are prohibited to
tribunals and labor tribunals appear for any party as counsel,
except when such lawyer is
A non-lawyer may appear in any appearing in his/her capacity as a
of the proceedings before the Labor member of the council of elders
Arbiter or Commission only under the or due to his/her obligation as
following conditions: member of the IP community or
1. he/she represents himself/herself for the purpose of defending or
as party to the case; prosecuting his/her case.
2. he/she represents a legitimate (Administrative Circular No. 1.
labor organization which is a Series of 2003, Sec. 10)
party to the case;
3. he/she represents a member or
members of a legitimate labor 3. Under the Rule Of Procedure for
organization that is existing within Small Claims Cases, no attorney
the employer’s establishment, shall appear in behalf of or
who are parties to the case; represent a party at the hearing,

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unless the attorney is the plaintiff in the career or non-career

or defendant. If the court service, including military and
determines that a party cannot police personnel, whether or not
properly present his/her claim or they receive compensation,
defense and needs assistance, regardless of amount (R.A. No.
the court may, in its discretion, 6713, Section 3, par. b)
allow another individual who is
not an attorney to assist that Public officials that are PROHIBITED
party upon the latter’s consent. from engaging in the practice of law:
(A.M. No. 08-8-7-SC, Sec.17)
1. Judges and other officials or
employees of the superior court;
SANCTIONS FOR PRACTICE OR 2. Members of the Judicial and Bar
AUTHORITY 3. Chairman and members of the
Constitutional Commission;
a. Lawyers without authority 4. Those who, by special law, are
1. Suspension; prohibited from engaging in the
2. Administrative complaint against practice of their legal profession,
the erring lawyer or government but if so authorized by the
official; department head, he may, in an
3. Petition for Injunction; isolated case, act as counsel for
4. Contempt of Court; a relative or close family friend;
5. Criminal complaint for Estafa 5. Ombudsman and his deputies;
against a person who falsely 6. Governors, city, and municipal
represented himself to be an mayors;
attorney to the damage of a party; 7. Official and employees of the
and Office of the Solicitor General;
6. Disqualification and complaints 8. Government Prosecutors;
for disbarment 9. President, Vice-President,
members of the Cabinet, their
b. Persons not lawyers deputies and assistants; and
10. Civil service officers or
A person may be punished for employees whose duties require
indirect contempt for assuming to be an them to devote their entire time at
attorney or an officer of a court, and the disposal of the government
acting as such without authority. (Rules
of Court, Rule 71, Section 3, par. e) Public officials who have
RESTRICTED right to practice law:
OF LAW 1. Senators and Members of the
House of Representatives;
“Public Officials” 2. Members of the Sanggunian;
- includes elective and appointive 3. Retired Justices or Judges; and
officials and employees, 4. Civil service officers or
permanent or temporary, whether employees whose duty does not

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require his entire time to be at the government unit of which he is an

disposal of the government with official. [Sec. 90, R.A. 7160]
written permit from their 4. 4. Use property and personnel of
respective heads. However, the government except when the
officials who by express mandate Sanggunian member concerned
of the law are prohibited from is defending the interest of the
practicing law, may not, even with government.
the consent of the department
head, engage in the practice of However, Sanggunian members may
law. practice their professions, engage in any
occupation, teach in schools except
Restrictions in the practice of law on during session hours.
members of legislature:
Restrictions in the practice of law of
Prohibited from appearing as retired justices or judges:
counsel in:
6. Any court of justice. A retired justice of judge receiving
7. Electoral Tribunals. pension from the government shall not
8. Quasi-Judicial or Administrative appear as counsel before any court in:
1. Any civil case in which the
“appearing” includes not only arguing a
government or in any of its
case before any such body but also
subdivision or agencies is the
filing a pleading on behalf of a client as
“by simply filing a formal motion, plea or adverse party;
answer” 2. In a criminal case wherein an
officer or an employee of the
Restrictions in the practice of law of Government is accused of an
the members of the Sanggunian: offense in relation to his office; or
3. ollect any fee for his/her
They shall not: appearance In any administrative
1. Appear as counsel before any proceedings to maintain an
court in any civil case wherein a Interest to the Government,
local government unit or any national, provincial Or municipal,
office, agency or instrumentality
or to any of its legally constituted
of the government is the adverse
party; officers. (R.A. No. 9946, Section
2. Appear as counsel in any criminal 1)
case wherein an officer or
Prohibition or disqualifications
employee of the national or local
imposed on former government
government is accused of an
offense committed in relation to
his office.
A lawyer, shall not, after leaving
3. Collect any fee for their
government service, accept
appearance in administrative
engagement or employment in
proceedings involving the local
connection with any matter in which he

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had intervened while in said service.

(Rule 6.03 of CPR)
Coverage of the restriction under
Rule 6.03: An applicant who has passed the
required examination, or has been
The restriction covers matter in otherwise found to be entitled to
which the former government lawyer admission to the bar, shall take and
represents a client in private practice, subscribe before the Supreme Court the
which is, substantially related to a matter corresponding oath of office [Sec. 17,
that the lawyer interfered with while Rule 138].
employed by the government. (PCGG
vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 151809-
12, April 12, 2005) The lawyer's oath is not a mere
ceremony or
Persons authorized to represent the formality for practicing law. Every lawyer
government. should at all times weigh his actions
according to the sworn promises he
Any person appointed to appear makes
for the Government of the Philippines when taking the lawyer's oath. If all
shall be lawyers
allowed to appear in court, subject to conducted themselves strictly according
pertinent laws. to
the lawyer's oath and the Code of
Any official or other person Professional Responsibility, the
appointed or designated in accordance administration of justice will undoubtedly
with law to appear for the Government be
of the Philippines or any of its officials faster, fairer and easier for everyone
shall have all the rights of a duly concerned [In re: Argosino, A.M. 712
authorized member of the bar to appear (1997)].
in any case in which the government
has an interest, direct or indirect, or in
which such official is charged in his I, do solemnly swear that I will
official capacity. [Rule 138, Sec. 33, maintain allegiance to the Republic of
Rules of Court]. In this rule are the the Philippines, I will support the
Solicitor General, assistant solicitors Constitution and obey the laws as well
general, solicitors and trial attorneys,[Cf. as the legal orders of the duly
Presidential Decree Nos. 478 and 1347] constituted authorities therein; I will do
state prosecutors or special counsel in no falsehood, nor consent to the doing
the Department of Justice, provincial of any in court; I will not wittingly or
and city prosecutors and their assistants willingly promote or sue any groundless,
and other attorneys in other legal offices false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor
of the government. consent to the same; I will delay no man
for money or malice, and will conduct
The common qualification of myself as a lawyer according to the best
these public officials is membership in of my knowledge and discretion, with all
the bar. good fidelity as well to the courts as to

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my clients; and I impose upon myself

these voluntary obligations without any
mental reservation or purpose of
evasion. So help me God.

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