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......... ~- .....

• •••• •••1••••
•1-•·. -. •••••
•• ••••••• •• • •••••

Ovde se sistematski predstav~aju
Dobro dosti u svet engleskog jezika!
sadrzaji, Ьilo da је rec о gramatici,
Zelite li da dopunite i produЬite svoje znanje komunikaciji ili recniku; potom slede razliCita
engleskog jezika i to sa radoscu i motivacijom? vezbanja za utvrdivanje.
Uspesno ste savladali PONS-ov kurs za pocetnike i
zelite da nastavite sa ucenjem engleskogjezika? Lekcija se zavrsava temama
Ovaj kurs се Vam omoguCiti da i da~e napredujete i specifiCnim za kulturu engleskog
da dostignete 81 nivo znanja jezika. govornog podruCja, kao i savetima
Uz pomoc autenticnih dijaloga i tekstova za za ucenje i dodatnim vezbanjima. Autenticni,
Citanje, mоб cete da vezbate razumevanje slusanja zahtevni tekstovi zaokruzuju svaku tekciju.
i Citanja.lstovremeno cete putem raznovrsnih Steknite naviku da se usredsredite na opstu
vezbanja pobo~sati pisanje i govor i uevrstiti tematiku teksta. Prilikom razumevanja na
stecena znanja iz oblasti gramatike, komunikacije osnovu Citanja se ne radi о tome da se prevede
i recnika. Zavrsnim testom mozete ispitati Vasa svaka rec, vec da se shvati сео kontekst. Ako Vam
stecena znanja. se Cini da је tekst suvise tezak, pronadite njegov
prevod u dodatku. Neka Vam posluzi kao pomoC,
Kako је osmШjen ovaj kurs? а zatim pokusajte da jos jednom proCitate tekst
na engteskom jeziku.
Kurs obuhvata 12 lekcija, З ponav~anja i 1 zavrsni
test. Posle svake cetiri lekcije ponav~ate sve
naucene sadrzaje. Ponav~anja obuhvataju 4 oblasti:
Svaka lekcija se sastoji od 4 oblasti: .-------. Ovde cete nаб zadatke za
• Komunikacija · ponavljanje komunikativnih
Ovo је priprema za dijalog i ....__ _ ___, sadrzaja iz prethodne 4lekcije.
sadrzaje lekcija.
.-------, Ova oblast nudi vezbe ponav~anja
1• / za najvaznije gramaticke sadГZaje.
Dijalog, odnosno priea u
nastavcima, nalazi se u sredistu
oaznje lekcije. Ovde se vezbaju razumevanje i

Uovoj ?blastijosj:?nom
:zgovor na osnovu slusanja. Preporuka је da se
prilikom slusanja ne cita odmah i tekst, kako Ьi se
1•Relnik 1ponavyate nove rea.
Ьо~е osetili zvuk i intonacija stranogjezika. Iz tog
-...zloga se tekst lekcije i ne nalazi u lekciji, vecje
~mpan u dodatku zajedno sa prevodom.
1• ___
,------. Ovde mozetejosjednom
..__Izgovor _,1intenzivno da uvefbavate izgovor.

Zahva~ujuб prepoznaЩivim oznakama na gornjem

delu svake stranice mоб cete lako da odredite u
kojoj se oblasti nalazite.

three 1З

Uvod ј

Radi Lakseg snaLaienja, vezbanja su unutar Lekcije Recnik:
numerisana. Ovo се Vam Ьiti od pomoCi i dok Uovom recniku cete brzo pronaCi sve reCi iz knjige,
proveravate resenja. navedene abecednim redosledom, zajedno s
prevodom na srpski.
Ovaj graficki simbol pokazuje koji CD Vam
- је potreban za ovo vezbanje: redni broj Paket sadrzi
oznacava broj CD-a koji Vam је potreban,
• 1 udzbenik
а donji broj oznacava redni broj snimka (TR. 01,
• 1 audio СО sa kompLetnim tekstovima i
"tracknumber") na datom CD-u.
• 1 audio CD za slusanje usput sa kompletnom
pricom u nastavcima, kao i sa odabranim
Ukvadratu se naLaze
recenicama za vezbanje. Sa ovim CD-om mozete
korisne informacije i
da uCite svugde i tako brze savLadatejezik.
zanim~iva uputstva
vezana za engleski Puno uspeha i zadovoLjstva priLikom ucenja
jezik i specifiёnosti engleskog jezika!
odredene zem~e
engleskog govornog
• § 15 Oьtik used to Ove gramati~ke
smernice upucuju na
mesto u dodatku gde se mogu pronaCi informacije
о odredenoj gramatiёkoj obLasti.

Udodatku cete naCi sledece sadrzaje:

Zelite Li da pronadete neko gramatiёko pravilo?
Ovde cete naCi deta~na objasnjenja za sve vazne
gramaticke sadrzaje koji se uce u okviru ovog

Transkript - tekstovi audio zapisa:

Vezbe sLusanja, koje nisu odstampane u lekciji,
ovde mozete da proCitate.

Da Ьiste znali sta ste uradili tacno а sta pogresno,
resenja svih vezbanja su data. А ako ima nekih
nejasnoca vezanih za tekstove, ovde 111uzete da
proverite prevod.

1 7 Ponavtjanje 1 39
~nik: Slobodno vreme i hobl Recnik: Klima i vreme- Saobracajna sredstva
romunikadja: Opisivanje yudi - Slobodno vreme i hobl
: ::t""1atika: used to- Glagolska imenica Komunikadja: Govoriti о vremenu- Prihvatanje i
- Яozeni pridevi odbljanje
- :.ura i oblёaji: Јп а pub Gramatika: Predlozi- Question tags- Phrasal verbs
f'riCa u nastavdma: Ponovno videnje - Kratka forma 's- Odnosne recenice- Present
Progressive- Modalni glagoli
lzgovor: Slovo и
2 15
- k: Saobraeajna sredstva - Na putovanju
Jnikadja: Razgovarati о obavezama
5 u
·1atika: Modalni glagoli- Present Progressive Recnik: Jelo i pice
- Phrasa/ verbs Komunikadja: U restoranu
:.•на i oblcaji: Travelling Ьу train Gramatika: Partidp - Pasiv
Priёa u nastavdma: Kuda Ы trebalo iti? lzgovor: Nastavak-ed
Kultura i oblcaji: Restaurants in North America
Prica u nastavdma: Pogled ujelovnik
- k: Pri roda i pejzaz - Vreme i kli ma
б 55
nikadja: Razgovarati о vremenu
atika: Odredeni clan - Relativne recenice Recnik: ljudsko telo- Opisivanje puta
- ~edtozi za mesto i pravac Komunikadja: Izraiavanje vestina - Pitati za put
w:; .'Ог: SLovo и - Razgovarati о povredama
ra i oblcaji: Canadian c/imate Gramati~a: Imperativ - Modalni glagol can
~ u nastavdma: Avanture sveta Kultura i oЬicaji: Expressions and sayings
Prica u nastavdma: Da li ste povredeni?

• · : Pridevi za iskazivanje osecanja
7 63
"'ikadja: Prihvatanje i odbljanje Recnik: Vremenske odrednice
- I.z:raiavanje osecanja Komunikadja: Razgovarati о verovatnoti
1tika: Gradenje reCi- Predlozi - Gradeпje Gramatika: Dopusne recenice- Predtozi za
~og oЫika - Question tags • izrazavanje vremena - Modalni glagoli
r: Imenice Kultura i оЫёајi: Emergencies - What's to Ье
а i оЫёајi: How аге you? done?
-. nastavdma: Avantura se nastavya Prica u nastavdma: Gde se Dejvid zadrzao?

five fs

8 71 11 103
Reenik: Zdravtje Recnik: Biografije- Izrazi sa get
Komunikacija: Uzrok i rezultat Komunikacija: Govoriti о sebl
Gramatika: Past Simple- Past Simple Progressive Gramatika: Present Perfect - Present Perfect
Kultura i obleaji: The healthcare system Progressive- Prilozi za vreme
Izgovor: Uopsteno Kultura i oblcaji: Schools ond universities
Prica u nastavcima: Kako se to dogodilo? Prica u nastavcima: Ispricaj о...

Ponavtjanje 2 79 12 111
Recnik: Ljudsko telo - Jelo i pice - Zdrav~e Recnik: Novac, novac, novac
Komunikacija: Razgovarati i verovatnoCi - U Komunikacija: Stav~anje primedbl -lzraiavanje
restoranu - Opisivanje dogadaja za~enja
Gramatika: Pasiv - Dopusne recenice- Predlozi i Gramatika: Dopusne rPёenice- Objekatska
prilozi- Past Progressive zamenica
lzgovor: Kratke forme - lgra ро ulogama Kultura i obleaji: Notes and coins
Prica u nastavcima: Da li neko moze da mi pozajmi
9 87

Recnik: Znamenitosti- Vreme otvaranja

Ponavtjanje З 119
Komunikacija: Opisivanje mesta
Gramatika: Povratne zamenice- Predlozi za vreme Recnik: Prostorije i uredenje- Znamenitosti
- Present Simple Komunikacija: Biografije- Razgovarati о cenama
lzgovor: v i f - Opisivanje stanova
Kultura i obleaji: Hours of trading Gramatika: Present Perfect - Indirektni govor
Prica u nastavcima: Uturist blrou - Povratne zemenice

Test 127
10 95
Recnik: Prostorije i uredenje Dodatak
Komunikacija: Opisivanje mesta, tegobe
Gramatika: Indirektni govor - Past Perfect Gramatika 131
Kultura i oblcaji: Living in North America Transkripti- tekstovi audio zapisa 148
Priea u nastavcima: Opustanje 1а planinama Roki Resenja 170
Mauntins Reёnik 185
~ Pocetak Slusanje VeZЬanje Za kraj 1

SLobodno vreme moze se provesti na razliCite naCine. ProCit.ajte pojmove date
1spod slika i napisite uz svaku sliku odgovarajuce slovo. ICadaepo&jesa
se korisd glagoltlke
fiJI· Каdем odustane
od hoblja, kodstl Је


., ,...

ofvo i razlicitih mogucnosti da se na engleskom jeziku opise ёovek. PoveZite
tzr.lle sa odgovarajucim prevodom.

1. quite tall and slim

medium height and build
3. short and fat
4. very muscular
s. straight hair
6. wavy hair
7. curly hair
а. pale skin
9. dark skin
10. а beard and а moustache

seven 17
: ' , _ _,~г r r ~ - - - - - - - - ~--=-==-

1 Pocetak ~ Slusanje Vezbanje Za kraj

Upoznacete Endrua O'Nila i Erin Bakster. Endruje marketing menadzer, а
Dejvid dizajnerveb sajtova. ОЬоје zive u Torontu. Erinje novinarka i dolazi iz
Londona. Njih troje se druze vec godinama i sad~ se nalaze ujednoj kafani u
Torontu. Poslusajte dijalog i Citajte za spikerom.

udodatlw tete & Erin: I'm so happy to see you both again. 1 can't believe it has already
~i telcsti phyOd been two years since 1 was here last. David, you look the same, but
$Уiћ dijatoga koji Va111 Andrew, you seem taller; Have you grown?
mogu pomotl ukoUko Andrew: Well, 1 was always quite tall, but l've put оп а little weight since 1
imate probl.elnв sa started taking cooking Lessons. 1 used to Ье skinny, remember? Now
tazumevanjem. l'm more of а man.
" David: Erin, you look different, too. You used to have short, straight hair,
but now it's long and wavy. Anyway, tell us what brings you to
Erin: Well, I'm on an eight-month exchange program with а Toronto
newspaper. А Canadian journalist went over to our office in London,
and 1 came over here. Му boss here is гeally nice and easy-going.
Andrew: Н еу; that sounds cool. So, what do you plan to do while you're
Erin: Well, as you guys know, 1 love travelling, and 1 enjoy spending time
in the outdoors, so 1 want to do some skiing this winter and I'd
like to go cycling and sailing in the summeг. Do you guys have any
Andrew: Well, I haven't had а real holiday for almost two years. David, what
David: А holiday! lt's been а long time. You're right!- I need to take а
Erin : Great! I think I have the answer. I've always wanted to see more of
Canada. What do you think about going оп а trip together
somewhere in Canada? МауЬе just for а week?
Andrew: Oh yeah ... I could imagine going to Montгeal ог out East to Nova
Scotia or... !
Erin: ... ог up north to the Northwest Teгritories ог out to see the
Rocky Mountains ... ! Okay Let's put our heads togetheг!

4 811
Poslusajte ove reёenice i dopunite ih reёima koje nedostaju. Proёitajte glasno
reeenice jos jednom i uporedite svoj izgovor sa izgovorom spikera.
1. l'm _ _ _ _ glad to see you again!

2. last month 1 started taking _ _ _ _ lessons.

З Myfriends are really nice and _ _ __
4. I used to Ье very _ _ __
S. I _ _ _ _ spending time in the outdoors.
6. I want to do some rock-climblng in the _ _ __
7. Whatdoyou _ _ _ _ aboutgoing on а holidaytogether?
8. 1 could imagine going to see the _ _ __

5 ..
Poslusajte josjednom сео dijalog i odgovorite na pitanja tako sto cete
obeleziti pravilno resenje. Ukoliko niste sigurni, mozete proCitati prevod u

1. Andrew 2. Andrew
8 а. has put on some weight. 8 а. used to Ье shorter.
8 Ь. is now skinnier than before. 8 Ь. was always that tall.
8 с. has become fat. 8 с. has grown.
З. Erin says that David 4. Erin
8 а. looks different. 8 а. hasn't changed much.
8 Ь. looks the same. 8 Ь. now has short hair.
8 с. is good tooking. 8 с. has tonger hair now.

5. Erin's hair б. Andrew

8 а. used to Ье straight. 8 а. thinks he's skinny.
8 Ь. used to Ье curly. 8 Ь. doesn't feellike а man.
8 с. is now straight. 8 с. is muscular.
7. Erin's new boss in Toronto is
8 а. unfriendly.
8 Ь. nice but formal.
8 с. nice and relaxed.
• '. ' ' ~, ,, •...,~-~,:m~-.--;; ,."",...r"'..,.~ ---------------
~~ -=~--;;:

1 Pocetak Slusanje ~ VeZЬanje Za kraj

~ § 15 Gerund Gerund (gerundium) је glagol sa nastavkom -ing (glagolska imenica) koji se
koristi posle odredenih glagola, izraza ili predloga. usledeCim recenicama
dato је nekoliko pri mera.
Oprez! ТrеЬа pmitl ra-
ztlku izmedu &er... • t
Na linijama napisite u oьtiku па -ing neki od ovih glagola:
..... ..t ............ exercise, visit, cycLe, pLay, drive, heLp .
'Пte(rt plarlag
1. Ма пу people in Canada enjoy - -- -- - - ice hockey in winter.
t811111s. (Present
ProgressМ!) 2. People in London often hate because there is so
Т11еу lov8 ,.......
tnltts. (Gerund)
much traffic.
З. Visitors to Toronto Love - -- -- - - the CNTower.
4. Most Canadians couLd not imagine to work; the
distance is too great.
5. Youcanstayfit by _ _ _________
6. Most children hate - - - -- -- with the housework.

• § 15 OЬli k used to Ako zelite da istaknete da је nekada nesto bllo uoblёajeno, koristi se oьtik
used to.

Erin used to have short, straight hair.

Erin је ranije nosila kratku, ravnu kosu.

Now her hair is iong and wavy.

Sada је пјепа kosa dugacka i talasasta.

Negacija od used to је didn't use to.

Imajte u vidu da kod didn't use to, use ne doblja nastavak -d.
Jat Vam је kratak odlomak iz Dejvidovog Zivota. Dopunite tekst koristeci used
to, odnosno didn't use to, i odgovarajuCi glagol u zagradi.

: . David (Ье) _ _ _ _ ___ а computer programmer, now he is а web-

2 Не (own) ------- а саг, but now he drives to work every day.
З When he was а student he {play) _ _ __ _ __ squash, but he
doesn't now .
.... David (go) _ _ _ _ ___ jogging every day until he hurt his knee.
~ Не (have) а small black-and-white ТV. Now he has а
Ьig-screen ТV .

• As а child he (like) _ _ _ _ ___ eating broccoli, but now he loves


:=s!usajte dijalog s CD-a i citajte za spikerom. Zadatak za Vas: izaberite

__,mak 4 i u pauzama igrajte Dejvidovu ulogu.

frin: You really do look Like you need а

hoLiday, David!
Dпid: I think you're right- work has
been very stressful.
frin: Well, 1 think it would Ье fun
ifthe three of us took а trip
together, don't you?
Dwid: Yeah, 1 liked your idea of going
out West to see the Rocky
&in: Well, I thought we could do
something exciting together!
Dwid: 1 would like to do some sightseeing in Vancouver. And you?
&in: 1 wouldn't mind going skiing.
8wid: 1 couLd also imagine going out for Japanese food.
&in: Oh yeah, 1 love sushi!
ele'<n 111
г -~~-~~" ~--~~ ..

1 Pocetak Slusanje ~ Vezbanje Za kraj

U engleskom jeziku ima mnogo slozenih prideva koji se ugLavnom pisu sa
ICada optsцjete fene fti crticom izmedu. Da li mozete da povezete odgovarajuce polovine?
clewljJie, tcortstfte ,.,
lleautlfli/t 1"..,. Za
mullrarte se laodstl izrR 1. а well-
lcaoltDje .......... .
2. а short-
•••• ....... lcoNtlmo
D prfpednike oiJa pola. з. а long-
4. а left-
5. an easy-
б. а 10-year-
7, а part-
8. а good-
9. а brand-
10. а one-

Uengleskom jeziku se za razliCite aktivnosti koriste razliCiti glagoli. Kaze se:
ICada se govcl11 о
lcafese l -. i ..Ь:
play cards (karte)

rrtn ...........

Etin somt~ li}e SW1ju go

chess (sah)
the guitar (gitaru)
jogging (trcanje)
saШng (jedrenje)
,.mtlnt tn htt .,.,. cycling (voinja blcikla)
tl-. coLLect stamps (marke)
Dtjvid sliko и slollodno coins (stari novac)
vrwme. antiques (antikvitete)
Uz nazive hoblja koji se zavrsavaju na -ing, moze se koristiti glagol do zajedno
sa а Ьit of, а Lot of, ili some:
1 often do а Ьit of rock climЫng in the summer.
We do а Lot of skiing in the winter.

12 1twelve
Snstajte ponudene pojmove u odredene kategorijeo

people plsy о о •

people go ...

~te na linijama odgovaraju6 glagolo
~ Erin often sailing in the summero
2. :I.nthe wintershe • some skiing.
""" i).)vid enjoys taьte tenniso

"<<rew's grandfather old clockso

:... ~d doesn't jogging anymoreo
=л.,·s father hunting in Englando
•.;d's sister designs and _ _ _ _ her own clotheso
Jma:rew _ _ _ _ а Ьit of photography in his spare timeo

thirteen 113
r ~ ".~--.-::::-:;:~_.....,...,..._-""--=..---;--==----~с;-~=---------


, 1 Slusanje Vezbanje • Za kraj

Izaberite pridev koji odgovara stici.

8 а. wett-dressed 8 а. light-skinned 8 а. dark-skinned 8 а. left-handed

8 Ь. badly dressed 8 Ь. dark-skinned 8 Ь. short-legged 8 Ь. right-handed
8 с. weLl-known 8 с. light-haired 8 с. long-legged 8 с. one-tegged

Saveti za uёenje!

Eflkasno Citanje tekstova

Za ёitanje tekstova vazno је ponavUanje.
Kada prvi put ёitate neki tekst, koncentrisite se na temu i sadrzaj.
Drugi put mozete ёitati tako da Vam paznja bude vise usmerena na izraz,
kako Ьiste ga zaista usvojili. Citajte tekst onoliko puta koliko Vam је to
neophodno, tako da postepeno stiCete oseeaj sigurnosti.
udodatku. Na taj nacin uspostavicete sopstveni tempo citanja.

In а pub
Ifyou go to а pub with friends in North America or in Great Britain,
there are а few rules that should Ье followed! Don'tjust order а drink
for yoursetf. It is normat to buy rounds- each person buys а drink for
everyone in the group until either everyone has bought а round, or the
pub closes.
Most pubs in Engtand close at 11 pm. However, new Laws mean that
pubs are now аьtе to stay open tonger. In Engtand you place your order
at the bar and paywhen you order. You do not normalty get served at
your taЬLe. In most pubs in Canada you can either ptace your order at
the bar or with а waiterjwaitress who will serve уоџ atyour taьte.
Тips аге veryimportant in Canada and the USA, where а 10 - 15% tip is
expected. This is because the waiters and waitresses are only paid а very low hourly wage. In Engtand, а
service chargeis included in the price ofyour order.
Da Li uz pomoc iLustracija mozete odgonetnuti znacenje engLeskih reCi?
'lapisite pored reci odgovarajuCi broj.

Dobro је znltf:
Neke stvari se na
Ьtitanskom engteskom
(ВЕ) kafu dnigltije
nego Rllllll8'i&om
(АЕ): ...,.... (АЕ) •

....... (Вf), tnldt

(АЕ) •18nJ (ВЕ),
(ВЕ), t.lld (АЕ) •
oll/tlitd (ВЕ), ,.,tdtlt
lot(AE)•CIFJIIk (BE), (las) (АЕ) •
........ (ВЕ), .......,
(АЕ) • 81tl IAJ (ВЕ).
train ferry motorcycLe

hovercraft coach cruise ship

minivan jumbojet sport.s-uti Lity-vehi cLe


·ше па Linijama reCi koje nedostaju. Bed & Breakfast (В& В)
А room with а si ngLe bed for оп е person is caLLed а------- en suite - sobo so kupo-
" - - - -- - is а room with а private bathroom. tilom
five-star - pet zvezdico
е best and most expensive hoteLs are - -- - - - hoteLs. single room - jednokrevetno
_ _ __ _ _ is а very common type of hoteL.
full-board - pun ponsion
W1th _ _ ____._ you get breakfast, Lunch and dinner.
oung traveLLers, especiaLLy large groups, often stay in а _ _ _ __ _

fuU Ьoard en suite youth hostet single room

8ed & Bre~kfast

ftfteen 115
~''' ··~·~--~ ~~-=--------=-"~~~-

2 Poeetak • Slusanje Vezbanje Za kraj

Endru, Dejvid i Erin su se tri sata kasnije odluCili za putovanje u Roki Mauntins.
Ostalo jejos da se dogovore oko nekih deta~a: ko је za sta odgovoran i kako
ide da~e planiranje.

Da li su ovi iskazi tacni ili netacni? Poslusajte dijalog jos jednom i obelezite da
li su odgovori tacni (true) ili netacni (fatse).

Тht three ofthem are atready prepared for ............

2. They need to find out about the price of а plane ticket.

3. Тhty want to coUect some tourfst lnformltion on the

4. дndrew will go to the train station to ask about tickets.

s. David wiU.coUectsometourfsttnfonnatlon.

б. frin will book а hoteL room for the first night or two.

7. David hu to get up ear1r for work t.omorrow


16 1si><teen
eiЬajteizgovor! Izgovarajte ove recenice glasno i uporedite svoj izgovor sa
tzgovorom spikera sa CD-a. Ponavljajte ovo vezbanje dok Vam se ne ucini da
МJCite "engleski".

1е а
: Okay guys, 1 have Lot of preparations to make.
1 And we mu$tn't forget to book а hotel room for the first night ог two.
.3 Well, for stitrters we have to find out about train ticket prices.

l(.oja su prevozna sredstva ovde prikazana?
--:~red slike napisite odgovarajuCi broj.

а. car Ь. yacht moped d. Ьus

с. е. horse f. truck
g. airpLane h. tram i. taxi ј. blcycle

seveћteen 117
. ~-=:х~~н-;::;-F~·=~~~

2 Pocetak Slusanje ~ Vezbanje Za kraj

Upisite naziv odgovarajuceg prevoznog sredstva uz glagole dnve, nde i take.

~§ 4 Modalni glagoli Modalni glagoli shoul.d i ought upotrebUavaju se kada zelimo da izrazimo
obavezu, savet Hi pretpostavku. Should i ought su zamenjivi. Nemojte da
izostavite to u frazi ought to!
Erin је na lnternetu pronasla puno dobrih saveta u vezi sa posetom Vankuveru.
Popunite recenice tako sto cete na linijama napisati should, shoul.dn't, ought
to Hi ought not to.

1. Vancouver is usually warm in the winter,

but it often rains, so you bring
а rain jacket.
2. lfyou want to visit the old part oftown,
you walk down to Gastown. Тhе

view of the mountains is beautiful. i

З. When in Vancouver, you riss а
whaLe-watching trip.
4. Of course, no trip to Vancouveris complete
without Japanese Food. For some of the
best Sushi, one ____ try the restau-
rants on Robson Street.

18 eighteen
fosWsajte kako se Endru raspituje za vozne karte.
:zatim zadatak!
:&ite snimak 8 i u pauzama preuzmite Endruovu ulogu.

f8ptoyee: How can I help you, Sir?

Alldrew: Yes, I'm interested in а train ticket
from Toronto to Vancouver.
f8ptoyee: Oh, you mean "Тhе Canadian".
Тhat's а Lovely trip!
118drew: Yes, two friends and I are planning
to go there in three weeks.
18ptoyee: Thattrain is very popular. Normally
you need to reserve quite far in ad-
illl*ew: Oh, I see. Well, could you please tell me how much it is?
IE8wttoyee: Sure. Are you travelling one-way, or return?
. . .ew: No, we're probaЬly going to fly home.
IE8ptoyee: The normal price for а one-way ticket starts at $815 CAD per per-
-..ew: And, about how long does it take?
f81ttoyee: The train leaves Toronto Tuesday morning and arrives in Vancou-
ver оп Friday morning.
' ' ew: Оо we have to рау extra for а sleeping car?
.-...аоуее: No. А sleeping car and breakfast are included in the price.
' ' ew: Would you mind checking if there is still space?
li8ptoyee: Mmh ... let me see...You're in luck, there are still а few spaces left,
butyou mustn't wait too long!
• ' ew: Great! I'm going to tell my friends. Then I'll come and book the

~ se govori о buduCim evrstim planovima ili rokovima, u engleskomjeziku

-.n-sti ili Present Progressive ili going to-future .
They're going to Canada next week.
Oni idu sledece nedelje и Kanadu.
What are you going to do next?
Sto radis sledece?

- nineteen 119
~ § 17 Present Poredajte pravilno ponudene reti u recenicu.
1. going /1/ about/ to / am / ask ј train ј tickets ј.

2. station / дndrew / going 1 week 1is ј nextj to 1 the ј .

З. for 1 going ј holidays ј where ј you ј are ј your ј?

4. early ј morning ј aren't ј working ј you ј in ј the / ?

Da Ыste istakli da је nesto neophodno ili vazno uraditi, upotreЫte have to ili
need to.
We have 1need to find out about train tickets.
Moramo se raspitati za vozne karte.
Ako zelite da kazete da nesto nije neophodno uraditi, ondajednostavno
upotreЫte negaciju. Za to Vamje potreban jedan pomocni glagol:
They don't have f need to buy а map.
Oni ne moraju da kupe kartu (тари).
дkо se nesto ne sme uraditi, onda se koristi glagol mustn't (must not).
We mustn't forget to book а hotel room.
Ne smemo zaboraviti da rezervisemo hotelsku sobu.

~ § 4 Modalni gl<lgol1 Endru i Dejvid prave spisak stvari koje moraju da pripreme. Napisite na
Linijama have to, need to ili must u odgovarajucem oЬLi ku.
1. We _ _ __ ___ callabouthotelsin
2. We - -- - - - - wait too long to
book а hotel room!
З. Erin _ __ _ ___ find outabout
sightseeing possiЫlities.
4. We - - - - - - - pick up the train tickets. They will Ье sent in the
5. We _ _ __ ___ forget to pack warm clothes. It can Ье cold in
the mountains.

20 1twenty
:I::ui koji se sastoje iz glagola i pгedloga, nazivaju se phrasat verbs.
ЬJ)erite odgovaгajuce predloge .
... {am going to - - - - - - - buying the plane ticket.
ne responsiЬLe for 1of1about)
~~.:;.. Jennifer will _ _ _ _ _ _ _ planning the meals.
look afteг1fог1of)
31.. _,chael said he is going to - - - - - - - гenting а саг.
t1ke саге of1aboutlafter)
s.&n is going to - - - - - - - organising the entertainment.
1 1of)
ое in charge afteг fог

e're going on holiday. 1 think this _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a toast.

calls afteг1fог 1up)
We need to _ _ _ _ _ __ whale-watching t.rips. (find out
8outl afteгlfoг)

1 don't want to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the party, but 1 have to Leave now.

Ьreak fог 1of1up)
:81qim se glagolom upotrebljavaju ovi izrazi: take, make iLi do?
1\1ti5fte гeti u odgovaгajucu kolonu.
make ••

• shopping the train а hotiday preparations friends а photo

а shower dinner the dishes the bus а meat а break

twen·ty-one 121
·- -- - --

Pocetak Slusanje Vezbanje ~ Za kraj

Saveti za uёепје ! Ј

Upotreba reё nika

Reci koje ne znate iLi ёijeg se znacenja vise ne secate, uvek mozete
pronati u reёniku na kraju knjige. Tamo se nalazi spisak reёi koje se
pojavLjuju u ovom kursu.
Potraga za nepoznatim reёima zaista је ponekad mucna, ali to је dobra
mogucnost da uёvrstite i prosirite svoj recnik. ReCi stranog jezika ёiје ste
znacenje traiili ро pravilu se ne zaboravljaju tako brzo.
- ···-··· ........

TraveШng Ьу tratn
In comparison to Euгopean standaгds,
peopLe in North America tгavet much Less
Ьу train. In Gгeat Britain, traveLLing Ьу
train is part of everyday Life, wheгeas in
America peopte onty use the train as а
means of гegionat tгansport. When ma-
king Long distancejourneys, peopLe often
fLy, atthough some brave peopLe travet Ьу
In Canada it is very simitar to the United States. There аге commuter and regionaL tгains, butthejourney
itseLf Leaves something to Ье desired. That's why most Canadians eitheг traveL Ьу саг ог theytake the pta-
Тhе famous Canada cross-country trtp has aLways been consideгed а unique experience. А Lot of peopLe
take their саг to make this over 6000 km trip. lfyou can affoгd it, you can take the Canadian raiLVIA-RaiL
and enjoy Canada's breathtaking scenery in реасе. However, you'U need to plan enough time - it takes а
good three days for the trip from Toronto to Vancouver.

22 twenty-two
~wsajte recenice sa CD-a. Zatim poveZite odgovarajuce delove recenice.

а. t.aeen Oclln
ancl the Padfic Ocun.
1. North America and Asia Ь. are Canada's largest naturat
2. Iceland
3. Canada lies
-'· Lake Ontario
S. Тhе Тhames and the Amazon
6. Niagara Falts
1. Mount St. Helens
L The Rockies and the
9. Тhе Sahara
10. Тhе Bahamas

vidite nekoliko slika u vezi sa vremenom i klimom.
r!d slike upiSite odgovarajuca slova.

L Иghtning Ь. snow с. vokano d. thunder е. fog f. rain

g. hurrkane h. earthquake i. drought ј. flood

twenty·three 123
Dejvid, Endru i Erin vec dva dana putuju vozom prema Vankuveru. Trenutno se
naLaze izmedu kanadskih provindja Saskacevana (Saskatchewan) i ALberte
(Atberta). Upravo doruckuju u kolima za rucavanje i citaju vodic i informadje,
kojeje Erin pripremila.

PosLusajte dijaLogjosjednom i odredite da Li su recenice tacne (true) iLi
netacne (fatse).

The three friends have Ьееn оп the train for two days.

2. Soon, they will Ье passing through the dty of

3. Erln found interesting travet information on the
4. The sun often shines оп the Pacific Ocean in the
5. David likes the idea ofwal.kfng around in bad weather.

6. Тhere is аferry trip that goes to Vancouver Island.

7. Erln wants to stay in the hoteL instead of going for

24 1twenty-four
::loslusajte vremensku prognozu i obelezite tacan odgovor.

1. ОпFriday morning it will Ье 2. Оп Friday afternoon it could

8 а. sunny. а. raiп.
8 Ь. cloudy. 8 Ь. snow.
8 с. warm. 8 с. sleet.

З. Friday evening there will Ье 4. Оп Saturday it could

8 а. fog. а. rain.
8 Ь. sun. Ь. snow.
8 с. thunderstorms. с. hail.

5. ОпSaturday it will Ье б. Оп Sunday there will Ье

8 а. sunny а. sleet.
8 Ь. cloudy. Ь. snow.
8 с. warm. с. fog.

fztoji mnogo reCi i izraza na temu vremena. Cesto se od osnovnih reCi izvode • § 6 Prilozi
r;~~devi, tako sto im se doda -у .
oprez! Naravno da postojeizuzeci. Evo nekoliko primera: Dobro је znati:
Navedeni pndevi
rain - rainy (kisno/kisovito) opisuju temperaturu od
sun- sunny (suncano) veoma tople do veoma
wind- windy (vetrovito) hladne: boШng - hot
snow- snowy (sneino) - warm - mitd - coot
cloud - cLoudy (оЫаспо) - c:hil&y1cotd
- frмzlng
fog- foggy (maglovito)
ice- icy (ledeno)
storm - stormy (olujno)
summer - summery (letnje)
winter- wintery (zimsko)
heat- hot (vruce)
cold- cold (hladno)
humidity - humid (vlainojsparno)
ftood - ftooded (poplavljeno)

twenl]l-five l 25
r -~ ',..~~".:;;,.~~--"'=----- ~---~џ~-.,";;._;о---- ,".,-=-~-

3 Pocetak stusanje • Vezbanje Za kгај

ObeLeZite гес koja ne odgovara ostalim ponudenim гecima.

1. 8 а. sun 2. 8 а. sleet З. • а. flood

8 Ь. stoгm 8 Ь. snow • Ь. tidal wave
8 с. thunder 8 с. гain • с. thundeгstoгm
8 d. lightning 8 d. fog • d. dгought

4. • а. summeг 5. 8 а. winteг б. • а. ice

•• Ь. tornado
с. hot
8 Ь. summeг
8 с. cloud


• d. humidity 8 d.spring • d. volcano

7. • а. chilly 8. 8 а. cold 9. 8 а. rainy

•• Ь. heat
с. freezing
8 Ь. storm
8 с. Ьгееzе

Ь. windy
с. heat

• d. cold 8 d. wind 8 d. foggy

Uzavisnosti od toga gde se nesto nalazi, u engleskom jeziku se kao odgovoг
na pitanje where? (gde?) koriste predlozi in, at i on.
In: in а room, in а саг, in а book, in the mountains, in а city,
in Canada
At: at the airport, at the tгain station
On: on а List, on the waLL, on the tгain, on the plane, on the bus,
on foot
~ § 7 Predlozi Koji predlog nedostaje?
1. Тhеге аге many 2. The hikers аге
passengeгs sitting hiking __ the
the tгain. mountains.

З. Erin is sitting _ 4. The bus is standing

the restaurant. the bus stati-

5. The calendar is
hanging _ _ the

26 twenty-six.
Pocetak Slusanje • VeZЬanje Za kraj З ]

~је rec о geografskim pojmovima, u engleskomjeziku postoje grupe reCi

Aage zahtevaju odredeni clan the, kao i оп е uz koje se odredeni clan the ne
sa the: nazivi grupa ostrva, mora i okeana, reka, suma, pustinja i svi
geografski nazivi u mnoiini.
bez the : nazivi kontinenata, drzava, ostrva,jezera, vodopada i planina.

?1';c:unite prazna mesta tako sto cete tamo gde treba napisati odredeni clan
tlle. а gde ne treba - kosu crtu. ~ § 1 Od redeni cla n

~ '4any visitors to Canada imagine а holiday in _ _ _ Rocky Mountains.

Z. Mount Robson is one ofthe highest mountains in the range and is
good for hiking and skiing.
- lisitors to Vancouver can take the ferry across to _ _ _ Vancouver Is-

:J·they can go on а whale-watching excursion on _ _ _ Padfic Ocean.

S.. tisitors to Ontario can take а boat ride on one of Great Lakes, or
2L atong _ _ _ St. Lawrence river in Quebec.
:1d of course, many people tike to have their picture taken in front of
_ __ Niagara Falls.
- -:.Jrists also tike to cross the border and visit _ _ _ America to go shop-

There are tots of ptaces where we can go for sushi.

:lrii reёenica se sastoji iz glavne recenice (There are Lots of ptaces) i
~е recenice (where we can go for sushi).
~је odnosna zamenica i odnosi se па rec ptaces u prvom detu stozene
~. Za povezivanje odnosne recenice sa imenicom gtavne recenice
.Cose koriste razliCite odnosne zamenice .
.....,'tћёlt za Ыса:
А travel agent is someone who sells you а ticket.
А pilot is someone that fties а plane.
. . . 'Which za stvari:
The guide book that 1 bought is interesting.
'Ъе train which we travetled оп was full.
8il•l!c.a blsmo izraziti pripadnost:
John is the man, whose house is on the Padfic Ocean.

-twenty-seven 127
~ § 9 Odnosne reёenice Која odnosna zamenica ovde nedostaje?
1. Тhе woman sold me the t.rain ticket was friendly.
2. The man, name 1 can't remember, h-as red hair.
З. The plane ticket 1 bought, was expensive.
4. Оо you know newspaper this is?
5. А tourist is someone visits another place on holiday.
6. Mt. St. Helen is the volcano erupted in 1980.
7. This is the woman guide book I borrowed.

Svi ovi predlozi oznacavaju pravac:
Каiе se arrtve m, to (и, ka, kod) How do 1 get to the city-centre from here?
lcada se dolazi u neltu Kako da dodem do centra grada?
zemUu il.i neki grad,
а u sve ostala d~eve, in (и) The train arrives in Vancouver at 9:00 in the
an1ve at. morning.
Voz stiie и Vankиver и 9 иjutrи.
through (kroz) The train wШ Ье passing through CaLgary soon.
Voz се иskoro proCi kroz Kalgari.
round (oko, okolo) The boat goes round the harbour every two
Camac vozi svaka dva sata oko lиke.
aLong (dиi, иz) 1 enjoy waLking aLong the beach.
Uiivam da setam dиi plaie (morske obale).
past (pored) WaLk past the flrst buiLding and turn Left.
Prodite pored prve zgrade i skrenite levo.
towards (и pravcи) Go towards the city centre.
Idite и pravcи centro grado.

28 1twenty-eight
\apisite to, in ili at na linijama. , § 7 Predlozi

:.. Many people travel ___ Canada to see the beautifullandscape.

L The woman in the tourist office told us how to get ___ the lake.

3- When we arrived ___ the hotel, our rooms were ready .

.... When we arrived ___ Vancouver, it was already dark.

~- On Sunday we took а drive _ _ the ocean.
~- Thousands oftourists arrive _ _ England every day.
~. Tourists who go _ _ the desert should bring lots of water.
g,_ Millions of passengers arrive _ _ Canada's airports each year.

I:Ioounite recenice ponudenim reCima i sintagmama koji oznacavaju predele.
l?пite na malo i veliko slovo! Poslusajte recenice sa СО-а.

i... The Atlantic is on the east coast of Canada and the USA.
- The Himalayas are а in Nepal.
::.. The Nile is one of the longest _ _ _ in the world .
• The Black _ _ _ is а popular beach-holiday spot for people from
~ Europe and Australia are - - - - - -
'i. Mt. Hood is а _ _ _ in the United States.

- Superior, Erie and Ontario are three ofthe Great _ __

1!.. Hiagara _ _ _ can Ье seen from Canada and the USA.

IJ Та rza n lived with Ја nе i n the _ _ _

The Sahara _ _ _ is in the north of Africa.
::n.. Poland and Finland are _ _ _ in Europe .
.-.. Iceland is an _ _ _ in the north of Europe.
:З The Caribbean is а ------

island mountain ocean livers t..Us countries

group of is(ands desert jungl.e mountain range sea
(akes continents

~~"""'--=--'" Ј~; '";;..,=~~~""·--::;·~~-f,.--. -,-._~_.----------

3 Pocetak SluSгnje Vezbanje ~ Za kraj

Osobenost engleskog jezika jeste i razliCit izgovor slova u.
Medutim, postoji i nekoliko pravila kojih se mozemo pndrzavati.
- kao [а] : Luggage, hungry
- kao kratko [i] : busy, minute
- kao englesko [а]: curtain ili surface
- kao Uu] : usuaL, unusuaL
- kao (kw] : quite iLi quick
Poslusajte pnmere sa СО -а i ponav~ajte ih za spikerom.

Saveti za ucenje! jt--------------------.


lzgovoг reCi u engleskom jeziku nije jednostavan јег se геСi
ne izgovaraju onako kako su napisane. Zato је vazno da se sa ucenjem
novih reCi istovremeno uCi i izgovor. Dok stusate snimak, obгatite posebnu
paznju па геёi koje Vam nisu poznate i Lake i pokusajte da uvezbate
izgovoг tih геСi.
.•..•. -..,,.,. --,",_,.,_.,,
;--. -- -~-;;- .,..

Canadian cLimate
In Canada, there are many different climatic zones which isn't suгprising with
Canada boгdering on the AtLantic and Padfic oceans as well as on the Arctic
in the north. Тhе Canadian climate is inf\uenced Ьу the mountain гanges, e.g.
the Rockies and the Prairies.
In Atlantic provinces such as Newfoundland and Nova Scotia there is а mari-
time climate.
The Pгairies- the pгovinces of Saskatchewan, ManitoЬa and parts of AЊerta
аге very ftatand it's often very windy- Tornadoes are not unusuaL Тhе West
coast has а mild Padfic cLimate. Winters there аге noгmalLy miLd and wet but
the Vancouverites stilt enjoy their sport all year гound! Toronto, in the pгovin­
ce of Ontario, Ues aLmost on the same latitude as Spain. Itcan get very hotin
summeг and heat waves аге not uncommon.
Canada is known for its great Canadian winters when many towns are only
accessЉle with snow chains ог with snowmoЬites. Temperatures can fall to
about -40°(. In the permafrost in the north of Canada, it can even get colder.
The Canadians have even given some places winter nicknames, for example
Manisnowba for the province of Manitoba and Winterpeg for Winnipeg, the
capitaL of Manitoba.

30 thirty
iali сМ P.ridevi opisuju osecanja. Dodajte im prevod.
~]te zatim rea i izgovarajte ih glasno.
- "'appy 2. sad З. angry

scared 5. courageous 6. upset

~ f:i ne 8. frustrated 9. inspired

enthusiastic 11. thrilled 12. anxious

:З. confident 14. furious 15. excited

Ьvely 17. relaxed

IIIIIIDsw..tSajte ove recenice koje izrazavaju slaganje ili neslaganje i ponavYajte

pno za spikerom. PoveZite zatim recenice sa prevodom.

1agree with you.

2. Yes, 1 thi~k you're right.
S. СМсау, that's fine Ьу me. .
rm afraid 1disagree with you.
'lllat's true, but I'm not sure
tlaat we shouLd do that.
Yes, but don't you think my
8еа is better?

thirty-one 131
Dejvid, Endru i Erin stigli su u Vankuver. Vec su u hotelu i nestrpUivi su da
krenu u avanturu. Troje prijateUa uziva u pogledu na planine sa prozora svoje
hotelske sobe i razmiSUa sta sledece da uradi.

Poslusajte dijalogjosjednom i procenite da li su iskazi tacni (true) ili netacni

Andrew agrees with Erin, that the weather is perfect

for slding.
Erin doesn't think it's а good idea to go skiing today.
David is unhappy aЬout being in Vancouver.
4. David doesn't want to go skiing.
5. Erin thinks that going skiing would help David. -------!
6. Andrew thinks Oavid should not go skiing.
7. David is angry that Erin and Andrew want to go skiing
without him.

32 1thirty-two
~е na linijama odgovarajuce prideve na engleskomjeziku.
- ""ala pomoc moze Vam posLuZiti prevod desno.
1. Тhе waiter feels 2. The father is very jealous -ljuЬomoron
proud - ponosan
very _ _ __ _ _ __ ofhis
anxious - zobrinut
son. embarassed - postiden

З. Тhе wife feels 4. Thewoman

_ _ _ _ ofher writing the test is

11<-idevi koji opisuju oseeanja mogu da se podele u razLiCite kategorije.

~прев (бrеса)

anl<lety (brk:ta)
an~<loue (zabrinut)
nmvoue {nщozan)
wo/'I"'М (zabrinut)
ecsi'&:A, fr~ht«!<~c:l. afnille'A
couraecюw (hral7ar. o&Avaian)
confldent ( eamouveren)
poнlmletic (peelmiбtj~an)
optlmletlc (cppimiOtiCan)
eelkonectoцo (ne&Jayran)

thirty-three Ј 33
• § З Pridevi Povezite pravilno delove recenica.

depressed - deprimiran
U engleskom jeziku mnogi pridevi imaju zavrsetak -ed, odnosno -ing. Pridevi
deprcssing- depn·mirajuce
na -fng opisuju kako se nesto doZivUava:
frustrated - frustriran
The ferry ride to Vancouver was boring.
frustrating - frustrirajuce
excited - uzbuden Voinja trajektom do Vankuvera Ьila је dosadna.
exciti ng - uzbud/jivo Pridevi koji se zavrsavaju na -ed opisuju kako se neko oseca:
bored - dosodno During the ferry ride 1 was bored.
boring - dasadan Za vreme voinje trajektom Ьilo mi је dosadno.

~§З Pridevi
Napisite na linijama prideve koji nedostaju. Poslusajte zatim recenice sa CD-a i
ponavqajtc ih glasno za spikerom.
1. The museum we visited was so _ _ __
2. One ог two tourists on the Ьоаt were _ _ _ _ Ьу the whales.
З. When Susan told us she was coming to visit us we were _ _ _ _
4. Many people in Vancouver say the weather in winter is _ _ _ _
5. The helicopter ride over Niagara Falls was _ _ _ _

34 1thirty1our
11' ~eva se cesto mogu napraviti odgovarajuce imenice tako sto se na pridev ., § 10 Gradenje reti

nastavak, na primer: happiness: happ(y) + -ness.

ebljeni nastavak odreduje koji је slog naglasen:

-ment slog ispred nastavka direktno је naglasen: content- ..........

. . ....
ment, excitement
nast8Vtlca, - -
-ness kod dvosloznih reti naglasen је prvi slog; kod reCi sa svoju М1Ь1 fonnu.
vise od dva sloga naglasen је tre6 slog od kraja reci: aapt'ltw:
cheerfulness, weLLness, sadness, Liveliness, nervou-
sness, self-consciousness .....<*"')
-ion f -ation naglasen је pretposlednji slog: depression, confusion,
~ ..... џ.•• .,
frustration, inspiration, relaxation

~5ajte primere sa CD-a i ponavUajte ih za spikerom.

pridevi zahtevaju predlog. Evo nekoliko primera koji su u cestoj upotrebl:

proud of someone angтy atf with someone
angтy about something upset at/ with someone
furious at/ with someone angтy about something
happy 1sad about something confused1frustrated Ьу something
excited Ьу something

E."'9land is very proud _ _ _ its football teams. (of 1 Ьу 1 from)

., § 7 Predloz1
~ visitor was angry the airline for losing his luggage.
orith 1 from 1 Ьу)
~е has always been afraid _ _ _ __ flying. (of 1 from / at)
'"'11 was very happy the new skis that she bought.
Oor 1 with 1at)
-",е American was confused _ _ _ _ all the French signs.
с, ј atl with)

peopLe at the beach were happy _____ the sunny weather.

(;uoutl from 1for)

thirty-ftve 135
,.. ..
----·· ~- = - ·-~- ·--- - - -- - - -~

, 4 Pocetak Slusaпje ~ Vt>;ba r1Jt> Za kraj

Da blste izrazili slaganje sa nekim, upotreblte neki od postojeCih izraza, na
Yes, 1 agree (with you). Yes, 1 t.hink you're right.
l'm with you. That's fine Ьу me.
That suits me fine .
Da blste izrazili potpuno neslaganje, upotreblte:
1 (totaLLy) disagree with you.
Da blste izrazili delimicno slaganje, upotreblte:
1 partLy agree (with you), but...
1 agree to some extent/ а certain extent, but...
Treba voditi racuna о tome da se u engleskom ne koriste suvise direktni izrazi.
Za izrazavanje neslaganja cesto se koristi ~ubazan uvod, na primer:
1 see your point, but... Yes, that's true, but...
You might/ couLd Ье right, but ...
l'm sure you're right, but ...

U iskazima koji izrazavaju slaganje i neslaganje poredajte reёi ро pravilnom
1. mejfinelsuitsjthatj.
2. you're ј think ј yes, ј I 1 rightj.
З. with ј totally ј you ј disagree ј I ј.
4. see 1 I 1yes, ј point/ your ј.
5. extentj Ij agree 1certain ј а ј to ј.
б. surejrightji'mjyou'rej.

Uengleskom jeziku cesto se na kraju recenice nalaze kratka pitanja, takozvana
• § 11 OlJP\I 1011 tags question tags. Ona se koriste da Ы se proverila tacnost neke pretpostavke ili
kada se trazi saglasnost.
Uquestion tags ponav~aju se ili pomocni glagoli (havejwasfwiLI) , ili se
koriste do/ does/ did, ukoliko u recenici jedini ili prvi glagol nije pomocni, vec
"puni"g lagol.
Ako је recenica potvrdna, koriste se odricna question tags :
The train was very fuLL, wasn't it?
Ako је recenica odricna, koriste se pozitivna question tags:
You won't forget to meet me at the airport, wiLL you?

36 1thirty-six
]tёajte odgovarajuca question tags upitnoj recenici.
- Ne can go to the museum after lunch, _ _ __

ou won't forget to send me а postcard, _ _ __ _

You'll meet me at the airport, _ _ _ __
vou haven't had lunch yet, _ _ _ __
't'ou're not angry with me, - - - - -

~а recenica se gradi tako sto se zameni red reci, odnosno tako sto se
j!ICI'"\Ocni glagol stavi ispred subjekta:
Izjavna recenica: David wiLL Ье here tomorrow.
Upitna recenica: WiLL David Ье here tomorrow?
tJico sto se pomocni glagol do upotreЬi u odgovarajucem vremenu.
Izjavna recenica: The train arrives at 6:00.
Upitna recenica: Does the train arrive at 6:00?
Izjavna recenica: The train arrived late.
Upitna recenica: Did the train arrive late?
llticla upitne zamenice whojwhatjwhich imaju funkciju subjekta u recenici, ne
c:".;n; se do:
which kao objekat: Which bus did you take?
which kao subjekat: Which bus goes to the harbour?
~kad se, za izrazavanje predloga, koriste negativna pitanja, kao u primeru
"""df)aloga: Why don't you two go together?

'liilcravite od izjavnih recenica upitne.
David is coming skiing with us.

fou have been to Vancoyver before.

_ •ou visited Tower Bridge on your holiday to london.

"оо will go for Sushi with us today.

thirty-seven 137
~ ~--~.,.,~ ~~~т:-7 -
.,..~ ~ - ~

4 Pocetak Slu5anje Vezbanje ~ Za kraj

PoveZite pravilno izjavnu recenicu sa odgovarajucom upitnom.

1. It snowed а lot last night.

2. I'm really h.ungry.
З. Momrny, we're bored!
4. The museum doesn't open
until11 о' ctock.

Saveti za ucenje! }1--------------------

Fraze i konstrukcije
Uovom kursu ucite mnogo gotovih izraza koji se u engleskom jeziku
cesto koriste.
Vase uёenje imace bolji efekat ukoliko svaki put kada naidete na takvu
konstrukciju, pokusate da је odmah upotreblte u novom recenicnom
kontekstu. Pokusajte da novonaucene konstrukcije samostalno upotreblte
u nekoliko drugih recenica. Tako cete istovremeno zapamtiti ne samo
znaёenje nego i aktivnu upotrebu.

19 -
How are you?
In Engtish there are many different ways that you can ask someone how they
аге. Тhese sometimes differ depending оп the country or гegion ог on the for-
mality ofthe situation.
AcceptPd expressions in English are, for example:
How are you?
How are you dofng?
In North America, especiaUy in the Prairies ог in the south-western regions,
you can hear phrases such as:
How y'att dotn' today?
In England, а common, very colloquial greeting is:
Y'atright, (mate)?
Of course, there are also а Lot of colloquial expressions, also known as $lang,
that аге often very short-lived, for example the following Canadian gгeetings:
Неу, what's happentng?
Howzit gofng?
Н еу, what's up?

38 thirty-eight
• Komunikacija Gramatika Recnik Ponavljanje 1

~ovorima ili dogovorima cesto se suprotstavUaju najrazlicitija mЩjenja.

~је dato nekoliko primera kako da na engleskom izrazite slaganje ili
:Иoaga nje.
~te recenice sa odgovarajuCim prevodom.

l. Тhat's а; .-.grea:tidea
.. -.

011 Lot of mo~ey.

а. l 011gree, but ttie layout still
hasto Ье improved.

thirty-.nine 1
1 Ponavtjanje ~ Komunikacija Gramatika Recnik lzgovor

Uz svaku sliku napisite recenicu koja opisuje osobu na slici.
Upotrebite pojmove koji su Vam ponudeni ispod slika.





Komunikacija ~ Gramatika Recnik Izgovor Ponavtjanje 1

glagoL ovde nedostaje? Ptay, go ili coLtect?

'!!. Mr Brown antiques.
2 Му friend Loves to cycling.
• John _ ___ the saxophone.
Тh е children want to camping this summer.
... "1у mother porcelain.
Betty and Sue Love to board games.
- Чу husband stamps.
11\arc snowboarding this winter.
!! Erin enjoys to inline skating.
Aлdrew coins.

su Vam recenice koje sadrze phrasat verbs.

::..aeite odgovaraju6 predlog.
•'"'о is going to Ье responsiЫe _ __ planning the meals?
• § 7 Predlon
'::lr f of 1about)
_ __ buying the train tickets. (of 1after 1for)
:JI'dlaeL said he is going to take care ___ organising the entertain-
~ (after 1about l of)

Sasan is going to Ье in charge _ _ renting а саг. (of 1for 1 after)

_ _ ferry rides. (for 1after 1about)
re taking а vacation. 1 think this calls _ _ а toast.
-..:r 1 up 1 after)

5ia ;ас •па forma 's ima razLiCita zriacenja.

llil:r.:eksta cete saznati umesto cega stoji.
'ism has He's (he is) going to the airport.
She's (she has) got no money.
It snowed tast night. Let's (Let us) go skiing.

& pripadnost David's digitat camera was very expensive.

fofty-one 141
~ Gramatika Recпik Izgovor

~ § 11 Question tags Napisite па Liпijama odgovarajuca question tags.
1. You like opera, _ _ _ _ ?
2. You will come with те tomorrow, - - - - ?

з. Јоhп weпt to Alaska Last year,

_ _ __ _ ?

4. You haveп't sееп my keys, ?

5. Andrea won't Ье at the party tomorrow, - - - - ?

б. You doп't have а п extra ticket, - - - -?

7. The children at the museum didп 't seem very thrilled, ___ __?
8. The whales Looked beautiful, _ _ _ _ ,

~ § 9 Odnosne rere11ice Vec ste se susreli sa odпosnim zameпicama which, that, who, whose, kao i
пjihovom upotrebom u odnosnim receпicama.
Као оdпоsпе zamenice mogu se upotreblti i druge upitпe reCi, kao sto su how,
when, why, where i what:
1 don't kпow how to get to the airport.
I'm поt sure when the train Leaves.
I would Like to kпow why our pLane was Late.
Оо you kпow where my passport is?
Tell те what you аге doiпg this weekeпd.
Verovatпo se pitate zasto па kraju neke оdпоsпе receпice sa upitпom reCju
пekad stoji zпak pitaпja, а пekad пе.
Kod direktпog pitaпja kao sto је Do you know where my passport is? stav~a
se zпak pitaпja, jer se direktпo obracate sagovorпiku.
Kod iпdirektпog pitaпja, kao sto је 1 wouLd Like to know why our pLane was
Late, radi se о iskazu kojim se posredno moli za пeku iпformaciju.

Napisite па liпijama odgovarajuce оdпоsпе zameпice.
1. Тhere аге mапу Lakes in Сапаdа, _ _ _ you са п go sailing.
2. guide-book is that on the tаЫе?
З. Excuse те, can you teLL me I са п get to the harbour?
4. I would Like to kпow the пехt ferry Leaves fo r the isLand.
5. Could you please tell те Lake Louise is?

42 1forty-two
Кomunikadja ~ Gramatika Recnik Ponavtjanje 1

ite recenice stavljaju6 glagol u odgovaraju6 oblik. • § 15 Geruпd

ke to jazz music. (Listen)

the summer I enjoy going _ _ _ . (hike)
ke chess. (pLay)
_ _ _ to Australia. (travel)
en 1 was а chiLd, 1wanted _ _ _ the drums. (pLay)
_ _ _ shortstories. (read)

• § 4 Modalni glagol1

lllesmemo zaboraviti da rezervisemo mesta. seats - me.sta

travel agency
- turistiCka agendja
Ье late - kasniti
ramo da budemo na zeleznickoj stanid u 2 sata.
atready - vet
drinks - pica
hurry up - poiuriti
--е.ьаlо је da ides u turistiCku agenciju.

; .

forty-three 143
Komunikacija Gramatika ~ Reenik Izgovor

Ovde se traze reCi koje imaju veze sa putovanjem i transportom. Poredajte
slova praviLnim redosledom.
1. prevozno sredstvo sa kriLima piralaen
2. vozi па dva tocka toorymelcc
з. vozi ро vodi rerfy
4. i za sportiste Leblcyc
5. dobro za velike porodice nivamin
б. pogodno za grupna putovanja cohca
7. krece se р о vodi uz pomoc vetra ocroverhatf
8. druga rec za taksi Ьас

9. to pokrece automoblL osalgeni

10. za Yude u gradu koji nemaju
automoblL ratm
11. konjska snaga resoh
12. za luksuzna putovanja usicre hisp

Endru, Erin i Dejvid napisali su razglednicu svojoj prijateYici Suzan. Da Li
mozete da dopunite reCi koje nedostaju?
Dear Susan,
- uzbu&en
V;;~ncouver ls fantaвticl The: trt~in ride t hrough the mountains w13s so
- razgledati
znameni~tl (1 rd) {1.) _ __ _ . 011 our first day here we went (2.) _ _ _ _. The sun
- ~uaJo је
(3.) the whole day. ln the hлrbour we saw а (4.) _ _ __
- ~a ma c na
naduvavanje lt was reafly wol. Yesterday we too!< the (5.) _ _ __ to Vancouver
- trajekt
lsland on а guided tour. Our tour guide Wi1S interestlng and (б.)
- radosni
- uzbu&eni ~---· Tomorrow we are going skiing. ~Ve are во (7.) ! You
- zar ne?
provavly wish you were here, (8.) _ _ __

See you вооn, Andrew, Erln ttnd David

44 1fo~{our
Кomunikadja Gramatika ~ Recnik Izgovor Ponavljanje 1

_esu aktivnosti prikazane na slici?

~ ukrstene reti na temu vremena i klime.
1. notwarm
2. lots of water
З. icy rain
4. the opposite of
5. а lightwind
б. when the ground
7. fast wind
8. no rain for а very
long time
9. wet weather
10. ice that falls from
the sky
11. goes with lightning
12. extremely cold
13. you can go skating
on it
14. goes with thunder
1 Ponavtjanje Komunikacija '" Gramatika Recnik ., Izgovor

16 -
Nazalost, spiker na radijuje bolestan i hitno је potreban neko ko се umesto
njega da proCita vremensku prognozu. ProCitajte glasno recenice i uporedite
svoj izgovor sa snimkom na CD-u.

А hurricane is moving across the Atlantic Ocean with winds

whipping to over 200 km / h.
In the Philippines, а volca no erupted over the weekend on an
uninhaЬited island.

А tornado touched down this morning near Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Fortunately no one was hu rt.
In Germany thunder rolled and lightning flashed brightly last night
during the storm.
А tidal wave crashed into shore in Australia оп the weekend. No one
was injured.

In India, New Delhi is experiencing а heat wave with temperatures over

45 degrees Celsius.
Temperatures in Moscow will reach the freezing point over night.

Kako se izgovara u u ovim engleskim reCima? Као i ili kao а? Pravilno grupisite
ponudene reci.
~Ledajte sliku savocem i povrcem i napisite odgovarajuce brojeve uz reci
~ su date ispod slike. Pazljivo sLusajuci, gLasno ponavljajte reёi za spikerom.

lettuce potato orange broccoli

carrot tomato pepper cucumber

apple : banana

.. :>ridevi opisuju hranu. Da Li mozete odabrati odgovaraju6 prevod?

~5ajte reci sa СО-а.

б. marinirano _ _~----
~ pdeno _________________
8. zaCinjeno _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9. ресепо и rerni __________
10. spremano па roStilju _ __

forty-seven 47

5 Pocetak • Slusaпje Vezbanje Za kraj

Ciпi se da је Oejvid ipak Ьiо ~ut

sto su Erin i Oejvid otisli па skijanje
bez пјеgа. Erin i Eпdru su, пaprotiv,
odtuCili da odu u Vankuver da пesto
pojedu. Bacili su pogled па jelovпik
da Ьi videti koji se sve ukusni
specijatiteti nude.
Postusajte razgovor.

Poslusajte dijatog izmedu Eriп, Endrua i konobara josjednom i odgovorite па
ova pitaпja.
1. The satad special is topped with 2, The baked satmon speciat comes
8 а. baked chicken breast. with
8 Ь. fried chicken breast. 8 а. steamed rice.
8 с. grilled chickeп breast. 8 Ь. boited rice.
8 с. fried rice.
З.What is the steak special served 4. Јп what order is the steak
with? prepared?
8 а. ricejsatad 8 а. seasoned, barbecued,
8 Ь. potatoes, satadjvegetaьtes marinated
8 с. only satad and vegetaьtes 8 Ь. mariпated, barbecued,
8 с. marinated, seasoпed,
5. Which type of potatoes are .!lQ.t б. How are the vegetaьtes cooked?
offered? 8 а. steamed
8 а. baked 8 Ь. boiled
8 Ь. fried 8 с. fried
8 с. boiled

48 1forty-eight
~Zite recenice sa odgovaraju6m prevodom.

1. Izvolrrё; sta ielite?

а. As а starter, ptease.
2. Оо, ieleoj·la blh lososa. Ь. WOidd you Wce anything to
drtnlc wtth your meat?
3. Оо li ielite salatu kao с. So, may I takt your order?
predjelo Ш kao glavno jelo?
d. Would you Uke the salad as а
starter or wtth the mut?
._ Као predjelo, molim. ~;.:.: :::::.::~
е. Yes, а minerai water pl.ease.
5. Оо li ielite da popijete nesto
uz to? f. Woutd you care for anything
for dessert?
6. Оо, mineralnu vodu, molim.
g. for the tUin course I' d Uke
1. Ја blh blftek sa pelenim the steak spedat with Ьaked
kro1r1piюm kao glavno jelo. potlto.
h. Grut. coming rtght up.
8. Оо (ј ielite
pavlaku preko -~~_,,_..•. ~;

pecenog krornpira?
Уа, rd Like the salmon specЦIL
t. Оо [ј moida ielite desert?
ј. Would you Ukё sour crнm wittl
your Ьaked potato?
10. U redu, stiie.

She would like the salad with the main course.

Erin wants to drtnk ice-tea with her meaL
Andrew ordered salad topped with chicken breast.
Не would Uke his salld as ' starter.
Andrew ordered fried potatoes with his meaL
Не would tilce sour aeam with his potato.
Erin and Andrew ordered dessert.

fo_">-nine 1•
Svrstajte namirnice u odgovarajucu grupu.

frult ~:~···~·~·-····--······ 0"mг

m&~t and pou~
vосг divUa{j
me!;O i zl\lin!il

~•..... .........•.••
bn!tad/ c~le
fleh ml"~nl prQI~Qeli
rt\:1~ ~1~::17/z!~r/c~

ham peach pork satmon sweets pineappl.e dudt trout

mushrooms meton chicken Ьееf turkey rabЬit mitk cheese
beans com fl.akes chocol.ate tuna deer etk chips yogurt
Ьass bread roUs whote wheat cautiflower
whipped cream white bread peas strawЬeny Ьасоn

Dopunite recenice nazivom odgovarajuce grupe namirnica.
Pomfrit se u Vetikoj 1. _ _ _ _ such as carrots and beans are important for good health.
Britlntji zove chtps,
а u SAD fr8nch frtes. 2. It is also recommended to eat З pieces of _ _ ___ per day. .
(ips se, naprotiv, u SAO
З. Beef, pork and ham are common types of _ _ __
zove chtps, а u Velikoj
Britlnijt crtsps. 4. Chtcken and turkey are part ofthe _ _ _ _ food group.
5. Tuna and t rout аге of course types of _ _ __
б. _ _ _ _ products such as mHk and cheese аге also а heaLthy part of
your diet.
7. Other important groups are the _____ like whole wheat breads,
and _____ such as corn flakes.

50 1
'li!lri pridevi cesto dolaze uz nazive nekih namirnica. Pogledajte i poslusajte
- fish sirova (sveia) riba boiLed eggs kuvana јаја rare - ktvav, slaЬo р«еп
.,_ potatoes peceni krompiri toasted bread tost medtum..,.ra - crven и
.-;ued chicken piletina sa rostilja barbecued hamburgers sredini
..Яеd coffee beans hamburgen· sa rostilja 1118diURI -tolf!,
boiled cabbage kuvani kupus

f!\10 i parova suprotлosti:

.._ meat krtina fatty meat masno meso
-.ler meat fino meso tough meat iilavo meso
~t-tasting sladunjavo bltter-tasting gorko
llltsh bread svei hleb stale bread stari hleb
Ji*Y steak socan biftek dry steak suvi biftek

se radi о naCinima pripreme hrane. Poveiite pravilno rec sa definicijom.

L cooked in hot water

а. roasted
l.. prepared in а frying pan
Ь. raw
1- cooked in the oven, for example а cake
с. steamed
cooked in oil in а п oven, like coffee beans
d. Ьoited
S. cooked in the oven оп the griiL setting
е. Ьarbecued
L notcooked
f. griUed
_ а common way to warm up bread for breakfast
g. fried
а. cooked with very little hot water and nothing else
h. toast
._ cooked outside on а barbecue, usually in the
i. baked

- glasi proslo vreme ovih glagola? Oprez! Tuje i par nepravilrph glaglola.
2. bake _ __ З. steam_ __
5. fry _ __ 6. marinate _ __
-cat - - - 8. do _ __

ftfty-on; 151
~,. ··-· ---- --

5 Pocetak Slusanje ~ VeZЬanje Za kraj

• § 12 Pasiv Aktivnom гecenicom kaze se sta neko гadi. Pasivnom recenicom naglasava se
sama гadnja.
Pasiv se gгadi od glagola Ье i participa glavnog glagola. Objekat aktivne
гecenice postaje subjekat pasivne гecenice. Subjekat aktivne гecenic-e moze se
iskazati konstгukcijom Ьу + imenica.
Aktiv: The chef cooks the potatoes.
Pasiv: Тhе potatoes аге cooked Ьу the chef.
Aktiv: Someone ~ Andгew's са г.
Pasiv: Andгew's саг was stolen Ьу someone.

U pasivnoj konstгukciji subjekat se ёesto izostavUa јег nije znacajan za iskaz.

Aktiv: We keep the dooгs and windows locked.
Pasiv: The dooгs and windows аге kept locked.

Pasiv moze da se g гadi i sa pomocnim glagolima.

can 1shouLd 1must + Ье + paгticip
Aktiv: You should fгу the steak for 7 minutes.
Pasiv: The steak should Ье fгied for 7 minutes.

Napisite odgovaгajuCi oЬlik glagola Ье da Ыste popunili гecenice u pasivu.
1. Every day Ьгеаd _ _ baked Ьу the Ьаkег.

2. Оп Wednesdays sandwiches served for lunch in the cafeteria.

З. Yesteгday the cheese bought at the market.
4. Fог dinneг уоuг eggs can fried ог boiled.

Pгebacite sledece гeceni ce u pasiv.
1. You should boil the eggs fог З minutes. - -- - - -- - -- - -
2. Andгew made the sandwiches. - - -- - - -- - -- - - -
З . The waiter takes the orders. - - - - - - - - - - -- - -
4. You can eat а steak medium ог well-done. - - -- -- -- - - -

52 1fifty-two
llla bismo opisali tok пеkе radпje, potrebпe su пат reti koje opisuju vremeпski ~ § 6 Pnloll
fjrst (iy) the steak must Ье mariпated overпight iп the fridge.
Then the steak should Ье seasoпed with salt апd pepper.
After that the steak is put оп the Ьarbecue.
fjnaHy, it is served with а baked potato апd sour cream and some sa-
3а Ьismo istakli
da se dve radпje odvijaju istovremeпo, koristi se whHe (dok),
.Мn (kada) ili just as (upravo kada).
Eriп made the spaghetti sauce whHe David cooked the пoodles.
David апd Eriп were iп the kitcheп when Aпdrew arrived.
Aпdrew орепеd the door just as David орепеd the wiпe.

tб -
~ razgovor је ispreturaп. Mozete li da пapisete brojeve koji pokazuju
~lап redosLed rеёепiса? Zatim posLusajte dijaLog.

After fiпishing the soup, we ordered some tuпa sushi.

Right, okay ...
So, tell те about this great sushi bar you went to!
Но, fiпa LLy, we ordered some Sake, Јарапеsе rice wiпe.
So, after that, the sushi was made Ьу the sushi chef right in froпt of us!
WeLL, first we sat dowп at the bar апd looked at the meпu.
,. Souпds good. What happeпed пехt?
1. Тhеп we ordered а Light Miso soup as а starter - It was so tasty!
Okay, апd ... ?
Н еу, cooL! So, that was it then?

•stirvakza gradeпje prosLog vremeпa pravilnih glagola -ed izgovara se па tri

1 S!OOta паСiпа. PosLusajte primere i svrstajte glagole u odgovarajuce grupe.

sa /d/: barbecued sa jjd/: mariпated

ftfty-three 153
Saveti za ucenje! Ј

Prepoznavanje znacenja reCi

Ako Citate ili slusate novi tekst, cesto ste u situaciji da pogadate znacenja
reci koje su Vam nepoznate. Recnik nam nije uvek pri ruci.
Evo nekoliko trikova koji mogu da Vam pomognu.
Postavite seЬi sledece pitanje: da li znam neku srpsku rec koja slicno zvuCi,
ili se slicno izgovara? Ili, da li ova rec lici na reciz nekog drugogjezika koji
Ponekad mozemo razumeti znacenje strane reCi koja ima istu osnovu kao i
poznata. Ako, na primer, znate sta znaCi message, onda sigurno mozete da
pogodite sta znaCi messenger.

Restaurants in North America
In contrast to fast food restaurants, in а normal restaurant in North America
you will Ье greeted Ьу someone who willshowyou to yourtaЫe. Normally you
will see а sign which says Please wait to Ье seated. You will then Ье shown
to your tаЫе, unless the restaurant is full oryou have not made а reservation.
For this reason, it is advisaЬle to book а taЬle in advance.
The service in most restaurants is quick and friendly as the waiters and wai-
tresses earn their money virtually only from tips- the normal hourly wage is
extremely low.
In many family restaurants the atmosphere is very relaxed and informal. Don't
Ье surprised if your waiter comes up to you grinning and greets you saying
something like:
HeLLo, my name is PhiL and IЋ Ье your server this evening. lf there's
anything you need, just ask.
For inexperienced travellers this might seem over-exaggerated.
If service is not included in the price, then normally you add 10%- 15% of the
net р rice as а tip. Phil will Ье extremely happy as you are probaЬly financi ng
his studies!

54 fifty1our
_ - ", , "~,-·",~-;~::: :_ '~>;i ,!~""-,;~~-':'·· :/~~f;,1:i!пг:,:~~Ћ~,~h~~~.:!i!f;~;::~1::~~~:,:?~~~r~;~:~
~ Pocetak Slus~nJ\!," - .;'-".Vezba"nJe "ч:,l!i~<,,tlZб;;шr,~a kr~J ;;;;: i;3i:·, б

1 1ШЈ
•ozete li da povezete nazive delova tela sa odgovaraju6m prevodom? Oobro је znatl:
m:mmtt· -
~Lu sajte snimak i gLasno ponavljajte reCi.

Mnoge englesk, reCi

kaQ knee, hand i arm i
1. arm lice na nemaCke. Ak~> ~
znate nemaёki, lak1> Ј·,
cete pogooiti njihovQ i
З. leg znacenje•• "'"'"" .,"",,нт~·
4. knee
5. foot

10. shoulder
.~-- '.~ »

~dite odgovarajuce izraze koji opisuju pokrete predstav~ene na slikama.

а. shake your foot Ь. ra;se уоџr Leg с. bend your knee

d. nod your head е. rotate your neck

fifty-jive 155
l lliВI
•ozete li da povezete nazive delova tela sa odgovaraju6m prevodom?
~lusajte snimak i glasno ponavYajte reci.

1. arm
2. hand
з. Leg
4. knee
5. foot
б. еу~-
7. head
8. mouth
9. neck
· 10. shouLder

~a dite odgovarajuce izraze koji opisuju pokrete predstavYene na slikama.

а. shake your foot Ь. taise your leg с. bend your knee

d. nod your head е. rotate your neck

fifty-five 155
Dok Erin i Endru zajedno putuju, Dejvidje unajmio vodica za izlet na planinu
Kostal. Poslusajte dijalog.

4- о
Poslusajte jos jednom prvu polovinu dijaloga i odredite da li su ovi iskazi tacni
(true) ili netacni (fa[se).

_56 1fifty-six
ft!Dstusajte ove recenice. Da li ih mozete prevesti?
.. Can you moveyour leg up and down? - - - - -- - -- - -
2.. Does it hurt when you bend your knee? - -- - -- -- --
1. Try rotating your neck. - -- - - - - - - -
Can you shake your foot from side to side? - -- - -- - - - - -

II!ЬsШSajte opise pravaca kretanja sa CD-a i dopunite reCi koje nedostaju .

..._ Takethefirst _ __ _
Z. Wћen you get to the corner, turn ____
____ the street for 100 meters.
____ the intersection.
_ _ _ traffic lights.
_ _ _ at the pedestrian crossing.
____ in the road.
____ on your right.

.-;j!ctno'rтposlusajte opis puta i brojevima obeleZite pravilan redosled

. ..cleni h recenica.
l>iite se puta.
l.2sa dorfete do ugla, skrenite levo.
--..е dalfe, dok ne stignete do raskrsnice.
~te ulicu па pesackom prelazu.
lJ:'te и prvu u/icu desno.
tL -.~-е treea kuca sa desne strane.
*и ovom ulicom 1ОО metard.
&edite па semaforu.
~w.;~n redosled: - -- - -- -- - - -

Oobro Је zna :
.~>.f''М:f'«'< ~.
Da li mozete da povezete sliku sa odgovarajucom reёju?
Neke fmenice l<oje
ozn•tavaju detove
tela lmaju nepraviLnu
mno!irщ. TreЬalo Ы da
.tapariltite to.
ttoth - teeth
foot -feet

а. chin Ь, fQrehead с.
nait d. toe
g. eyelirow h. teetn
.........""""'~~................~;w~ж'!•«<; Р9"Ј Н ~~~;;т"'"'....,.""!""_.....,., ..............._ ......~O'if"'"""~

Uovom nizu slova kriju se engleske reci zajos neke delove tela. Da li mozete
da ih pronadete?
heart -srce 1. grudni kos fhuetgahdchestgfuez
bLJst - grudi, nedra
hi ps - kukovi 2. grudi, nedra kleivb ustgfleuzfh rij ha
brain - mozak з. kukovi glknai uegidji hi ps mnе
bottom - zadnjica
waist - struk 4. zadnjica febottomhzgs lojnztvs
lu ngs - p/uea
chest- grudni kos
5. struk gteiwuncbdgwpwaist
Ьlood- krv
б. butina dgzejnbchsdzthighns
thigh- butina
7. pluca fsgtlungsvgterfЬm rset

8. mozak gsfrewdpbrainsnbertt
9. krv bn chzetfsrzen Ыооd n
10. srce sd rdtrh еа rtfdzetg bsbj

58 1 ftfty-eight
Ьi se iskazalaneka sposobnost ili umece, u engleskomjeziku koristi se ~ § 4 Modal11i glagoli
can, odnosno can't (cannot). Posle can uvek stoji glagol u infinitivu.
1 can't bend my knee. Dobro је znati:
Ne mogu da savijem koleno. ICada su u pltanju ho-
Can you raise your ieg? Ьijl ili razlitltl sportovi,
Da Li moiete da podignete nogu? mo& и rta: laaow
za proslo vreme od glagola can/ can't je couid/ couidn't . howto.
1 kaow how to plly
· naCin da kazete da ste u stanju da uradite nesto jeste Ье able to. 1 ovde dмpttar.
glagol u infinitivu. џ",.", dfl sviram gjtoru.
1 am (not) able to move my shouider. o.,... ........
...., to
(Ne) mogu da pomerim rame.
1 wasn't able to sieep iast night. DcJ li umef da plivoS?
Nisam mogaoj-la da spavam prosle noti.
sposobnost da se nesto uradi postoji samo kao mogucnost, onda se ispred
8le to stavlja might. Pri tome Ье ostaje nepromenjeno.
David might Ье able to come to the party.
Moida се Dejvid тоб da dode па zabavu.

oЬLi k glagoLa ovde nedostaje? Napisite tamo gdeje potrebno is, are, was

___ she аЬlе to move her neck?

_ _ _ not аЫе to sLeep.
_ _ _ we аЫе to get tickets to the concert?
_ _ _ аЫе to go skiing next week.
_ _ _ not аЫе to come with us this weekend.
_ _ _ аЫе to heLp me tomorrow, aren'tyou?
_ __ there to meet us at the station.
_ _ _ notaЫetowaLk.

fifty-nine 159
NapiSite na linijama glagole koji nedostaju.
yawn - zevati 1. John his lips when he eats.
frown - uzdisati
comb - cesifati . 2. Why аге you ? Are you unhappy?
smack - cmoknuti, coktati
З. Someone, who so much must Ье tired.
breathe- disati
wigg(e - klimati 4. You should your hair before going out today.
Ьite - ivakati, grickati
brush - cetkati, ribati 5. Mary's ЬаЬу can already _ __ _ her toes.
6. 1 know you're nervous, but stop _ _ __ your nails!
7. I my teeth at least twice а day.
8. We air using our lungs.

1З dt
Etin ide na kursjoge i doblja uputstva koje pokrete treba da izvede. Poslusajte
ovaj dijalog sa СО-а i Citajte za spikerom. Zatim sledi zadatak! Pustite snimak
35 i u pauzama govorite ulogu trenera.

Trainer: Okay, place your feet together.

. Erin: Like this?
Trainer: Yes, that's good. Now, put your
hands on your hips.
Erin: Is this okay?
Trainer: Fine, now bend your knees all
the way.
Erin: Okay.
Trainer: Erin, bend them all the way
Erin: Okay, sorry.
Trainer: Good, now stand up again slow-
ly and raise your left arm.
Erin: Right, okay.
Trainer: Raise your teft arm, not your
right arm!
Erin: Oh, right.
Trainer: Fine, now change arms and re-
peat five times.

60 1sixty
~gteskom jeziku koristi se imperativ za izdavanje zapovesti. • § 14 Jшperatlv
Olta struktura se gradi veoma jednostavno: koristi se osnovni oьtik (inflnitiv)
!§Ы9Оtа, а kadaje u pitanju negacija ispred se stav~a don't (do not).
Ш moving it from side to side.
Pokиsaj da se pokreces па јеdпи, ра па drиgи straпи.

~ bi zvucato uctivije, ispred se stav~a rec please.

Please speak louder.
Mo/im Vas, govorite glasпije.

- .....,. vise mogucnosti da se raspitate za put. Evo nekoliko uoЬicajenih:

Са п you teLI me the way to ... ?
Da ti moiete da mi kaiete риt zajdo ... ?
Where's the ... ?
Gdeje... ?
Excuse me, I'm tooking for ...
Izviпite, traiim ...

mogli da pokazete nekome put, Ьiсе Vam potrebni sledeCi izrazi:

Turn Left. Idite levo.
Turn right. Idite desno.
Go up. Idite gore.
Go down. Idite dole.
Cross the street. Predite и/icu.
Go straight. Idite prava.
Go towards ... Zdite и pravcи .. .
Go past ... Prodite pored.. .
Take the flrst right. Skrenite и р1Vи иlicu desпo.

sixty'ohe 161
,, , , , '". '" ~-~, .~ '",, ~ ~-~-:~ ·,,;.., , .... ,·,,;· ,"~~/:;, .~~~"': - ~'","~;к~~-=---==-==------~=,

, 1 б Pocetak Slusanje VeZЬanje ~ Za kraj

Ove slike prikazuju pet cula. Povezite reci sa slikama.

os«oj svile
tfle ..... of I'OSe$
miris ruio
the tute of chocolate
ukus lokoklde

а. hearing Ь. sme[[ с. touch d. taste

Saveti za ucenje!
Utimo reti uz pomoc kartica
ReCi se mogu efektivno uciti na potpuno razliCite naCine.
Svako mora sam da odluci koja metoda mu najvise odgovara .
.Pokusajte sa karticama. Primeticete da prilikom pisanja kartica mozete
da nauCite puno, а ako nadete vremena da redovno vezbate sa karticama,
veoma brzo cete uevrstiti svoj fond reCi.

Expressions and sayings
ln English, there аге many expгessions that include parts ofthe body. These
expгession> are often used amongst friends, in informal situations and in the
media as cleveг headlines.
It is theгeforeimport<~nt to know some oftћem. However, Ье careful when you
use them as some ofthem аге very informaland аге only used in certain dr-
cumstances and contexts. Here are some examples:
lt btoke my heart to teH Ьim.
Sloтilo тi је srce sto sam тorala da ти to kaieт.
She's а heartbreaker. Опа slama srca.
You have to use some eLbow grease. (dost. Moras da podтaies laktove.)
Moras da zovmes rиkave.
His cLothes raised ,an eyebrow. Njegova odeea bode оёl:
Don't give me any cheek! (dos!. Nemoj da тј das obraz.) - Iтas obraz
kao don!
She gave me the coLd shouLdet. Okrenиla ти је leda.
Не put his foot in it with his comment. Као da im је stavio prst и oko.
Get off my back! (dost. Skini mi se sa leda!) ~ Ostavi те па miru!

62 1sixty-two
Sчiovi izrazi opisuju neki vremenski period. Da Li mozete da ih povezete sa

t. untiL now а. (оо, do ltt:vrtka!

2. I'LL Ье done Ьу tomorrow. Ь. Dt:lб smo vet tu?

3. fur three d~ys

4. two hours ago
S. Вуе, until Thursday!
6. Are we there aLready? ·х·

llioiSite na linijama modaLne gLagoLe. Као pomoc, mozete da sLusate recenice. • § 4 Modalni glagoli

_ __ Ье there Ьу now.
Vei Ьi morao da Ьиdе ovde.
_ __ _ Ье at а pub in the dty.
tfoida Ьi mogli da Ьиdи и nekoj kafani и gradи.
_ _ _ Ье home soon.
ana се иskoro Ьiti kod kиte.
____ Ье hungry again!

_ _ _ have missed the bus.

:» kasni. Мага da је propustio autobиs.

_ _ _ Ье finished Ьу tomorrow.

l!faoli Ьismo da zavrsimo do sиtra.

sixty-three 1
Endru i Erin odavno su se vratili sa svog izleta i sede u hotelu. Ipak, nije im
prijatno, jer se Dejvid jos nije vratio. Vec је kasno, а on se nije ni javio. Da mw
se mozda nesto nije dogodito?

Poslusajte nekoliko izraza koji se koriste kada se iskazuje neka verovatnoa.
1. He's probably at the pub.
Оп је verovatno и kafani.
2. 1 doubt anything bad happened.
Sитпјат da se nesto Lose dogodilo.
З. МауЬе he missed the bus.
Moida је propиstio autobиs.
4. Perhaps he got ~ost.
Moida se izgublo.
5. She wouLd most ~ikeLy phone you.
Опа Ьi te najverovatnije nazvala.
б. l'm not abso~uteLy positive.
Nisam apsolutno sigиran.
7. l'm 99.9 percent sure.
Sigиran sam 99,9 posto.
8. ln аН probabШty, you are right.
Ро svoj prilici, ti si и pravu.
9. Do you reaHy think so?
Da Li zaista tako misliS?
10. Chances are everything is okay.
Velike sи sanse da sve Ьиdе и redu.

64 sixty-four
usLovnim recenicama nedostaje gLagoL. ~ § 8 Uslovne recenice
•51]1te recenice sa СО-а i napiSite па linijama rec koja nedostaje.
____ hungry, you shoutd eat something.
_ _ _ а miШon doHars, lwouLd traveL theworLd.
misses the train, she _ _ __ Ье late.
_ ___ go shoppingifwe had moretime.
:r-· _ _ _ _ too much ice-cream, your stomach will hurt.
____ comewith us on ourtripifyou wantto.
____ caLLyou.
_ _ _ Ье happier if it stopped raining.

,....sixty-ftve 1
'~---~"-~' -- с ~---- • "- -- '<~

1 Poёetak Slu5anje ~ Vezbanje Za kraj

Da Ьiste izrazili da nesto traje do nekog odredenog trenutka, koristicete unta

iLi tШ.
I was at the museum untiL З o'cLock. Bio sam и muzeju do tri sata.
тиt tlitnl Do
tado! Let's w.ait tШ David gets back. Hajde da sacekamo dok se Dejvid пе vrati.
UlltR t.•IТOWI Da Ьiste izrazili da se nesto desava pre nekog odredenog trenutka upotreblte
DosWrl! Ьу.
111 frNIJ! Do petko! We have to Ьеat the station Ьу 10 o'ctock. Moramo da budemo па
ieleznickoj stanid do deset sati.
Ву now ima isto znacenje kao atready. (vec)
Не should Ье home atready 1Ьу now. Мога da је оп vec kod kисе.
Ву then se, naprotiv, odnosi na neki trenutak u buducnosti.
WеЋ wait untН 2 o'ctock. If he's not back Ьу then, wе'Н took for him.
Cekacemo do 2 sata. Ako se do tada пе vrati, potraiicemo ga.

• § 7 Predlozi Dopunite reёenice tako Sto cete napisati Ьу ili untit 1 titt.
1. l'm really hungry! Оо we have to wait _ __ б o'clock to eat?
2. We have а restaurant reservation. We should get there 8 pm.

З. We have to wait _ __ there is enough snow before we can go skiing.

4. lt's б pm. Erin should Ье back from work now.
5. 1want to go snowboarding in January. 1 hope there's enough snow
___ then.
б. Areyou leaving already? Okay, _ __ Saturday, then.

For i ago cesto se mesaju. Sasvimjejednostavno da shvatite razliku u
ago ukazuje na trenutak u proslosti i uvek stoji iza odredbe za vreme.
1 ate Lunch 2 hours ago. Rиcao/-la sam pre dva sata.
We visited London three years ago. Pre tn· godine smo posetili London.
For ukazuje na trajanje radnje i uvek stoji ispred odredbe za vreme.
1 have Ьееп at the restaurant for 2 hours. Bio/-la sam и restoranи dva
1 have tearned Spanish for five years in schoot. Uёio/-la sam spanski и
skoli pet godina.

бб 1
:llt:weZite recenice sa prevodom.

L Erinje pretri meseca Ziveta u a~nesefOrtwo

l. Erin је skoro 30 godina Ziveta u
Ј. Dejvidje dve godine utio
japans~:...... ~
4.. Dejvid је pre sedam godina
utio japa.n~.~· •
Pre dva sata sam jos uvek Ыо
na autobuskoj s~~.~.!.5J·
Dva sata sam stajao na tfim moiitfis ago Erin l.ivei:J in
autobuskoj stanici. England.
-~~' ~"''~"'~'·"""'""''''"''щ

-..n~.. for iLi ago па linijama. r. § 7 Predlozi

_ __ three months, tast summer.
_ __ I went to the cinema.
_ __ two hours,

gtagoli kao must, might, wШ itd. koriste se kada zeLimo da kazemo r. § 4 Modalni glagoli
'!'oi!Sto moguce ili nemoguce, verovatno ili neverovatno, sigurno iLi

Не must Ье at home. His teLephone is busy.

tlora da је kod kuce, Telefon ти је zauzet.
Не .G!11 Ье at the museum, because it's ctosed.
'Јп пе moie blti и тиzеји јег је mиzej zatvoren.
Не1l Ье here in two. hours.
3\Се ovde za dva sata.
Slle ~ come, but the weather is too bad.
>о Ьi dosla, ali је vreme sиvise lose.
Sllle shoutd 1 ought to Ье here soon.
t«oюla Ьi иskoro da stigne.
lle may / might/coutd Ье at the pub, but I'm not sure.
~ао Ьi da bude и раЬи, ali nisam sigиran.

11xty-seven 167
13 ~

Dobro је znati: Koliko је spiker siguran? Obelezite tacan odgovor. Poslusajte zatim recenice Sl
Podsetnlk: 8llllti СО-а i ponavЧajte ih za spikerom.
...... znale morrztj i
Тhlt- ... hlllt! •
1ll8t ._ to lle М.! То
mort1 dtJ Ј- оп!

6. The museum can't Ье apen.
7. She should Ье at the hottt.
8. We could have enough time.
9. We~tohave ttme.

Kada se govori о tome kolika је verovatnoca da su se neke radnje u proslosti
dogodile, modalnom glagolu have dodaje se proslo vreme glavnog glagola.
Do you think something might have haopened?
Mis/is li da se nesta mogla desiti?
Не shoutd have arrived Ьу now.
Vec је morao stiб.
She must have missed the bus.
Мога da је propusti/a autobus.
Sta mislite, sta moze da se dogodi u ovim situacijama? Dopunite recenice
1. Dad the steaks. I can smell the barbecue.
2. We our train. The station is empty.
З. lt's already 8:30. Тheir plane Ьу now.

4. You Robertyesterday. He's in the Bahamas.

5. 1 too much beer. 1 feel sick.
б. John . His skis aren't here.

68 1sixty-eight
б~gleskom jeziku postoji viSe vrsta if-kLauza (uslovnih recenica), na primer: ~ § 8 Uslovne recenice

.f-kiauze koje izrazavaju uslov, koji је moguc ili verovatan.

lf we go Ьу train, it wШ Ье faster. DoЬro 1• znati:~·-··-··· _,

f-kLauzi upotrebUen је Present SimpLe, а u gl.avnoj reёenici wiH future.
mogu(e, .u nije
.fLidauze koje izrazavaju teoretsku mogucnost, ali Cije ostvarenje nije definittvno:
ll!f'OVatn о. lf ... to Cllllda
If Andrew had enough money, he woutd go to Austratia. Ako/Ukoliko #Мт
Ф-Оеј е u i/-ktauzi upotrebUen Past Simpte, а glavna recenica se gradi sa Zfl КlltниhJ... (Мolda
putqjem, moida ne.)

- td/ woutdn't ili couLd/ couLdn't.
. . . znКI dlje nelto
if stoji na pocetku recenice, zarez stoji izmedu gl.avne i if-kLauze. Ako if utwdeno:
80di drugu recenicu, ne stavUa se zarez. to
We wШ visit the museum if it is open. Cllllda...
If it is open, we'H visit the museum. Коdо odem и Кtm«<u•••
(Idem cWI.'1itlvno.)

811~:~r.~11'itPlogicne ij-ktauze, tako sto cete pravilno povezati polovine sa leve i

-~~:1eSr1 e strane. Poslusajte zatim recenice sa CD-a.

Dobro је ~ti·
lzraz Коdо Ьih Ыo/.ftl
ntl twrm matu". u
engteskom i1111 dva
. а. we coutd go slciing. medusoЬno zallltt'ljМ
оЬU/са tstog glagota:
Ь. tfi had е money. Ifiwent/watyou,I .
would take the tratn.
с. iftt stops raimng.
Оо.", по""' ....
iltlol- ", Ьlh WI.Wim.
d. ~ wiK Ье tiimgry la::;::;:.~~ ·

sixty-nine 169
Napisite pravilne oЫike glagola na linijama.
1. If I time, I would learn how to play the guitar. (have)
2. Тhе water will freeze if the temperature . (fall)
З. If I _ _ _ to relax, I would listen to classical music. (want)
4. Ifyou _ _ _ this book, you will enjoyit. (read)

5. If I you, I woutd order the jumbo shrimp an d baked potato. (Ье)

б. Тhе chicken will taste better if he _ _ _ it. (grill)

Post it!
Da li ste osoba koja stvari najbolje pamti kada ih vidi?
Onda Ьi, u cilju lakseg ucenja reCi, trebalo da probate Post-it-Method.
Opisite svoju okolinu tako sto cete na jednoj cedulji napisati engteske
nazive za predmete na svom radnom mestu ili u Vasoj kuCi, а cedulju zatim
zalepite na odgovarajuci predmet. Tako cete usput nauciti reCi.
I kada ovladate svim reCima koje ste zeleli da zapamtite, skinite cedulje i
ispisite nazive nekoliko novih predmeta.

Emergencies - What's to Ье done?
Imagine you are in an English-speaking country, you are having fun, the wea-
ther is nice and then suddenty there is an emergeney. Everyone hopes that
they will never have to deat with such а situation on hotiday, but here is some
vocabulary that could Ье hetpfut in case you do.
In North America, there is а switchboard number for emergendes. Just dial
911, pronounced nine-one-one. You wilL Ье connected to an operator who
witt send hetp immediatety.
In medicaL emergendes, an ambutance witl Ье sent which will take you to hos-
In case of fire, the fire brigade will Ье with you in no time.
For common crime, the potice will intervene.
Should you happen to Lose your passport, it is best to contact your embassy or
consulate. You will Ье in good hands ther.:!.

70 seventy
lald Lekara је neopisiva guzva. PosLusajte koje tegobe imaju ovi Uudi i napisite
~d pored datih reCi.

2. grip
4. boLovi u uhu
6. kasaU
8. gusoboUa
10. curi nos

нrache cough sore t:hroat "' cold itchy eyes headache

tempenrture ftu sto~tt«mad1e runny nose

III!Dooelilte recenice sa odgovarajuCim prevodom. PosLusajte recenice i

-,.".,\•~•t" ih gLasno za spikerom.

Не has а bruise on hts


Не has а.. broken

,,;,;, ,,,
Leg •

She cut h~[ftryger.

seventy-one 71
""""'' r ' ' ,.---~----=~-~- ... •,•"Ь:"""""=--7"~~·~-.,~~--.~ 70"...-;""" r •""'-••~~ ~"'="

i а· Pocetak ~ Slusanje VeZЬanje Za kraj

з .l
Najzad su Erin i Endru saznali sta se desilo sa Dejvidom. On imje telefonirao
u hotel i prica. Poslusajte dijalog. Prilikom drugog slusanja podvudte sve
gLagole u prostom proslom vremenu (Past Simp~e).
Erin: Hello?
David: Hi Erin.
Erin: David, is that you?! Hold on. Andrew's here, too. I'LL put you on the
Erin: David, where on earth are you?!
David: Ugh, well, actually, I'm in the hospital.
Andrew: Buddy, what аге you doing in the hospital?
David: I sort of broke my arm while I was climЫng.
Erin: Oh my god! How did that happen?
David: Well, the rocks were wet because it was raining. Anyway, I was hol-
.ding on to the горе when I slipped and fell.
Andrew: Were you Ыeeding? Did you need stitches?
David: No, but my arm's in а castand I've got а couple of bruises.
Erin: You sound funny. Have you got the sniffles ог something?
David: Yeah, I caught а cold while I was sitting in the rain waiting for the
Andrew: They took you Ьу helicopter? Oh man!
Erin: David, you poor thing! Should we сот е pick you up?
David: No, it's okay. Ijust phoned to say I'm finished here, and I'LL meet
you at the hotel in about an hour.
Andrew: Okay. I think that's enough adventure for one trip. Perhaps we
should take it easy for а couple of days.
David: I think so, too. Okay, see you Later.
Andrew und Erin : Okay, Ьуе.

4 . .
Uengleskom jeziku postoje reCi Ciji cemo izgovor tesko naslutiti na osnovu
toga kako se pisu. Lakse cete zapamtiti ove reCi ukoliko ih izgovarate i
uvezbavate zajedno sa drugim reCima koje slicno zvuce.
ache - take - break
bruise - f[u - blue
cough - constipated - got
stomach - runny - musc[e

72 1seventy-two
~lusajte ova pitanja i na linijama upiSite glagole koji nedostaju. r ОоЬrо је zutt:
·~ retмiilit""
_ How did you your ankle?
-~ fЩМI:i:
How did she а concussion? Нowdkt,.. ........
How did he manage to his chin? КD1Ф si t«Spff /411 do
Howdidyou yourtoe? piJiflel ptSt?

Чоw did she her hand? ....., ......


lfolelli I:D . .1•1

____ your shoulder?

.wa oko 12 sati svi ovi yudi radili su nesto odredeno. Pogledajte slike i upisite
-,..gote koji nedostaju.
~ajte recenice i ponavyajte ih za spikerom.

Тhеу were _ _ __
in the pub.

Не was in the bathroom

Shewas _ _ _ _ in
the kitchen.

shlving slciing drintdng cookfng Ustening

s;,_venty-three 173
7 ,
Traze se nazivi botesti i tegoba. Mozete Li da praviLno poredate sLova?

1. thtoachoe б. mretaruetpe
2. Luf 7. vef-re

З. gyeraLL 8. dachahee
4. masachotech _ _ _ __ 9. rachaee

5. ugoch

Mozete Li da dopunite recenice? Pomoci се Vam prevodi u zagradama.
1. Erin has а _ _ __ ankte. (uganut)

2. John _ _ __ his chin white he was shaving. (posekao је)

З. When 1 went hiking I _ __ _ mytoe. (udario)
4. SaLLy _ _ _ _ her hand white cooking. (opektaje)

5. How didyou getthat _ _ _ _ on your shoulder? (modrica)

б. MichaeL feLL off his Ьike and now he has а _ _ _ _ . (potres mozga)

9 18
Postusajte razgovor dvoje prijatetja, Karen i Dzona, koji tetefoniraju jedno
drugom, zaLeCi se da im је Lose. Ко ima koje tegobe?

а cough
1 а temper~Wre ,
а sore throat

zelimo da navedemo razlog, kazemo because. Posle because sledi
5illt7jekat + glagol:
Нег arm is in а cast because she broke it whiLe cLimblng.
Njena rиka је и gipsи јег ји је slomila prilikom penjanja.
se navodi uzrok neёega, moze se upotreЬiti oblik because of + imenica:
They had to stay at home because of their cat.
Morali sи da ostanи kod kиte zbog macke.
a..ta se govori о rezultatu ili posledici, veoma ёesto se koristi so. Ispred so
zarez. Cestje sluёaj da se dva iskaza povezu ujednu recenicu, kao u ovom

She broke her arm whHe cLimblng, so now it's in а cast.

Prilikom penjanja slomila је rиkи i zato је sada и gipsи.
forma lno: as а resutt (иsled toga) i therefore (zbog toga). Uglavnom
na poёetku reёenice, а iza njih se pise zarez.
They drank too much . As а resutt/Iherefore, they had а
Suvise sи popili. lbog toga su mamиrni.

~ы.. па linije because ili because of.

_ _ _ _ the weather.
_____ she broke her toe.
_ _ _ _ he has а cold.
----- а toothache.
_ __ _ the bad service.
_ _ _ _ he has an allergy.

f'rogressive opisuje radnje koje su u proslosti trajale neko vreme.

:.е od:
+ wasf was not + gtagoL + ing ~ § 21 Past Progressive
+ weref were not + gtagoL + ing
They were skiing.
She wasn't sailing. Тhеу were not skiing .
...,.'"""' reёenicama subjekat i pomocni glagol zamenjuju mesta.
Was she sailing? Were they skiing?
-еС stavЧa se па prvo mesto:
What were you doing at б o'clock?

Napisite was ili were na linije. Oprez! Neke recenice su odricne.
1. David climblng yesterday.
2. Mary sailing yesterday. She was at home with the flu.
З. Michael and 1 eating breakfast at 8 о' clock.
4. Mom and dad cooking dinner. Тheywere watching ТV.
5. What you doing at б o'clock last night?
б. _ _ _ _ we playing our music too loud?
7. What Jim doing in the kitchen?
8. Не hiking in the rain, was he?

Prilikom gradenja oЬlika na -ing, kod nekih glagola menja se naCin pisanja:
- Ako se glagol zavrsava na -е, ono se gubl: make = making.
- Ako se glagol zavrsava komblnadjom samoglasnik- suglasnik, onda se
suglasnik udvaja: stop = stopping, pLan = pLanning
- Ako se glagol zavrsava na -ie, onda to -ie postaje wy: Lie = Lying
- Obratite paznju! Postoje dva vazna izuzetka.
UkoLiko se glagolzavrsava sa dva samoglasnika ijednim suglasnikom, onda
suglasnik ne udvaja: wait = waiting, cook = cooking.

Da li mozete da napisete pravilan oЬlik na -ing datih glagola?
1. Theywere _ _ _ _ in the lake. (swim)
2. The cook was in the kitchen. (bake)
З. Were you this morning? (jog)
4. After my jog 1 was of thirst. (die)
5. Ithought 1 was а cold because 1 have а runny nose. (get)
б. Susan's dad was when we сате home. (cook)
7. John was а vacation but then he got sick. (plan)

76 seventy-six
~ § 21 Past Progressive

~ was Erin doing? She was reading.

;т Је Erin upravo radi/a? Citala је .
....а t;~dnju
u proslosti koja је trajala, koristi se Past Progressive. Ova radnja
.ac:oCela је u jednom trenJtku u proslosti, ali nije sigurno da је zavrsena.
happened? The phone rang. Sta se desilo? Te/efon је zazvonio.
n1frsenu radnju u proslosti koristi se Past SimpLe (prosto proslo vreme).

Simple i Past Progressive mogu se povezati i ujednu recenicu:

phone rang whHe Erin was reading •
..wfon је zazvonio dok је Erin бtala.
је istaknuto da se za vreme trajanja jedne radnje desavajos nesto.

same pricaju pricu. Stavite glagole u odgovarajuCi gLagoLski oЫik- Past

-..-eili Past Progressive.

_____ in Не was hoLding on When David fetl he

..,ountains. (cLimb) to а robe when he _ _ _ _ his arm .
_ _ _ _. (faLL) (break)

The guide quickty David _ _ _ _

_ __ _ for heLp. against а rock when

(caLL) hetp сате. (sit)

seventy-seven t
Saveti za ucenje!
Faise Friends
Uengleskomjeziku susrecemo se sa retima koje nam se Cine poznatim,
ali one imaju drugacije znacenje od onog koje pretpostavgamo. Takve reti
nazivamo faise friends - "losi prijateyi".
Tako је mustn't negacija glagola smeti а ne, kao sto Ьi se moglo
pretpostaviti, glagola morati.
Takode, actuaiiy ne znaci aktuelno, vec zapravo ili zaista. Trebalo Ьi
da zapamtite ove "Lose prijateye", јег oni mogu dovesti do zabuna i

The heaLthcare system
In the majority of English-
speaking countries, the
healthcare system is very
good. Ifyou аге sick, then
you go to the doctors. In
most cases, medicine will
cure you. You will Ье give-n а
prescription which you then
taketo а chemist's - the
English word for apoteka.
Especiatly in Canada and in the USA, there are а Lot of over-the-counter
medicines. Тhese са п Ье bought in the poputar drug stores.
А very important question is the financing ofthe hea!thcare systems. In
Canada thereis state health саге; Canadian citizenship automatically entitles
you to health insurance. The costs for doctor's visits as welL as atl medicaL
examinations and necessary opetations аге covered Ьу the state. However,
Less and tess costs аге being covered, for exampte regular visits to the dentist
or glasses and contact lenses.
Тhе Canadians consider themselves tucky as in the USA there is no state
nealthcare system at all. One has to take out private insurance, which is often
extremety expensive. А Lot of people cannot afford health insurance. In fact,
you don't have he.althinsurance, you can Ье refused treatment.

78 seventy-eight
• Komunikacija Gramatika Recnik Ponavljanje 2

!М prijateUice dogovoriLe su se da se nadu u kafiCu, aLi jedna od njih nije
ID:)Sla. Sedeci u kaficu, druga prijateUica nagada sta se mogLo dogoditi.
~ajte reCi praviLnirn retlosLedom.

- ~ave / Ьу / she / been / shouLd / now / here /.

2 10stjshejperhapsjgotj.

couLdn't / а / she / taxi / mауЬе / get ј.

forgotten / can't / she / have ј.

f10thi ng / are / has / happened / chances / bad / that ј.

.!м!/ to / soon / ought / she / here /.

•QCN•anlte na ovih nekoLiko pitanja koja su upucena Vama Licno. Pokusajte da

8Cnselte potpune recenice.

hat types of vegetaЫes don't you Like?

at do you Like the taste of?

Eyou couLd, what pLace woutd you Like to visit?

seventy-nine l,79
~ Komunikacija Gramatika Recnik Izgovor

з вв
Poslusajte kako Erin zapocinje svoj dan i upisite reCi koje nedostaju.
I usually (1.)
because I'm tired. Тhе first thing 1 do is (2.) _ __

_ my face. Тhen 1 (3.) my hair and get dressed.

Most days I practise yoga. First, I (4.) _ _ _ my neck and shoulders, then
I (5.) _ _ _ my knees. Afterthatl (б.) _ _ _ myarms and stand up
Before 1 eat breakfast I (7.) _ _ _ my hands of course and when 1 eat 1 Ьу
notto (8.) _ _ _ my lips. After breakfastl (9.) _ _ _ myteeth and go
to work.

4 1&
Poslusajte kako covek opisuje svojejelo i napisite odgovarajuci pridev iza
naziva svake namirnice.
1. salad _ __ 2. soup _ _ _

З. strawberries _ __ 4. butter _ _ __
5. chicken _ _ __ б. steak _ __
7. pork _ _ __ 8. meat _ __
9. bread rolls _ _ __

Kako Vi pripremate svoju kafu? PoveZite priloske odredbe za vreme sa
odgovarajuCim recenicama.

80 1eighty
~ Gramatika Recnik Ponavljanje 2

za opisivanje proslih zЬivanja vec znate. Jedan drugi oЫik pasiva- pasiv ~ § 12 Pasiv
!iill:1aSnjem vremenu- koristimo da Ьismo opisali ono sto se desava u ovom

The vegetaьtes are being cooked.

The coffee is being made.
sadasnjeg vremena se gradi:
Isfare + being + partidp glagola (made, cooked, toasted)

se upravo desava? NapiSite na linije is ili are.

- ..-е rice _ _ being steamed.
-~е chicken _ _ being grilled in the oven.
--re hamburgers _ _ being barbecued .

.eltciji naucili ste da se jednostavna uslovna recenica gradi sa wiH. ~ § 8 Uslovne recenice
We wiН visit the museum if it's open.
' ldvilo ne vafi za recenice sa modalnim glagolima, kao ni za zapovedne

Сап you teH David to саН me if you see him tomorrow?

Don't go out if you feel sick.

~ Vam uslovne recenice, koje izrazavaju nesto neverovatno. Glagol u

prebacite u odgovarajuti oЬlik.
_ _ __ more money, I would take а vacation. (have)
_ __ _ rich, I would eat in а restaurant every day. (Ье)
J!ine chicken would taste better if we _ _ _ _ it. (grill)
_ _ __ tomorrow? (snow)
_ __ _ hertelephone number, I would call her. (know)
_ _ _ _ the lottery. (win)
_ _ _ _ the 6.15 train. (take)
_ _ __ so much. (cost)

Komunikadja ~ Gramatika Recnik Izgovor

~ § 21 Past Progressive Glagole date u zagradi upotreblte u oЫiku Past Progressive. (na primer: We
were having iunch.) •

1. The steaks _ _ _ _ _ _ on the barbecue. (cook)

2. Today 1 in the park. Uog)
З. David thought he sick, (get)
4. The mother read а book while her kids , (swim)
5. Half an hour ago 1 а shower. (have)
б. David when he hurt his arm. (climb)
7. Andrew's nose when he had а cold. (run)
8. Last night some friends in the pub. (drink)

ОоЬrо је znati: Logicnim sledom poredajte recenice ovog dijaloga i doblcete vic.
Na ingleskom j~ku
1. Тhе man says: Doctor, my еуе hurts when 1 drink tea.
poento se kaU
punchttne. Каzе se, 2. А man has а sharp pain in his еуе.

takode, da vic vodi , З. The doctor asks: What can 1 do foryou?

(teads) do pundlline, 4. The doctor Looks atthe man and says: Well, then take the spoon out ofthe
Ako felimo da znamo cup.
da li је neko shvatio vic, 5. So, the man goes to see his doctor.
pita~o: Dld you get
Pravilan redosled: _ _ _ _ _ _ __
it? (Оо ti si ffJZUmfO/
-la?}. Ako је odgovor
~an, kafese: lgot
it, а1:о nije: Ј d1dn't 11
getit. Mozete Li da upisete glagole koji nedostaju?
1. Your forehead hot.
Oobro 1 znati: ,
u sada~njem vremenu
"' ,"щ.,," 1ј 2. Тhе flowers - - - - nice.
glagoli opazanja koriste З. Your arm bad. Is it broken?
se ugtavnom u Past ---
$impte oЬliku. 4. The music ____ nice.
Her perfume smtRs
Njerr parfem lepo minfe. Looks smeLt feeL sounds

82 1eighty-two
l<omuni ~ Gramatika Recnik Izgovor Ponavljanje 2

ove recenice sa CD-a i napsite prilog ili pridev koji nedostaje. ~ § З Pridev1

_____ certain that you have your passport with you?

~§б Pnlozi
_ __ _ possible that we will Ье late forthe guided tour.
_____ overcooked the fish. Не always does.
_ __ _ about when the bus leaves.
Ље chance that it will rain tomorrow is _ _ __
_ __ _ sure that the restaurant is о реп.
_ _ _ _ tasty.

• § 8 Uslovne receniCe

1':;ou had time, would you learn to play а musical instrument?

::fJOU could, would you like to live in an English-speaking country?

Jfthe chefin а restaurant overcooked your food, would you eat it?

8auld you give а good tip in а restaurant if the service was unfriendly?

Jt"you had а bad cold, would you go to the doctor?

fou nd а wallet, would you tell the police?

eighty-three 183
2 Ponavtjanje Komunikacija Gramatika ~ Recnik

Traze se nazivi namirnica. Da li mozete da uz pomoc opisa poredate slova w
pravilan niz?
1. zove se kao i njegova Ьоја ragone
2. okrugto i soёno pelap
з. zuto i slatko naanba
4. dobro za оёi rotacr
5. zeleno i zdravo corcoьti

б. ukusno је u salati erpepp

7. raste u zem lji attpoo
8. dugaёko i zeleno mubcurec
9. ima oьti k lista teetluc
10. crveno, okruglo i soёno matoto
11. spolja tvrdo, а iznutra socno pailenepp
12. zimsko povrce auwerlicolf
13. prija uz musli goruyt
14. pliva uzvodno tosamn

Poslusajte snimak 54. Sve reёi koje ste culi, kriju se medu ovim resetkama od
slova. Da li mozete da ih pronadete?

84 1eighty1oиr
Gramatika ~ Recnik Izgovor Ponavljanje 2

JpiSite glagoLe koji nedostaju.
~. When you are happy, you _ __
2. When you're unhappy, you _ __
3. When you're tired, you _ _ __
~. You when you have а coLd.
5. Sometimes you your lips.
.s. You your hair.
- . You your toes.

:oфidje svojojmajci posLao razgLednicu iz Vankuvera. Da li mozete da
~punite pismo odgovarajuCim retima? Desno imate maLu pomoc u vidu reci
~ nedostaju.

Dear Mum.
;,nutings from Yancouver! ftte (1.) _ _ _ _ here is great. laet nigћt - jelo
- sa ro~tiUa
- had (2.) _ _ _ _ salmon. l"oday we wel'lt to Chinato11tn a11d had
- patka
sted (3.) - - - - · · Luckily the Food is l:>etter than the weather. 1 - prehlada
- kijavica
иught а {4.) ____ an.d now 1 nave (5.) - - - - · The weather
- trebalo је
-qюrt 5aid it (6.) - - - - get nlccr soon. VVhile 1 wae; nlkirtg Jn the - modrlca
- ako/ukoliko
rountalns 1 fel!. Now l've got- а Ьlg (7.) ____ on my knee. More

iiUrl 1'11 try a11d send arюthвr poetc;:~rd (8.) ---'--- 1 have time.
е, David

eighty·ftve 185
2 Ponavtjanje Komunikacija Gramatika Reёnik ~ lzgovor

Usadasnjem vremenu pasiva cesto se upotreb~avaju skraceni oЬlici.
Poslusajte recenice sa CD-a i izgovarajte ih glasno za spikerom.
se ilgovlraju.ID и
1. The pork's being cooked.
retllo ,иu. jer zvui!t
IМif8nnalno i lille na Jar-
2. The fish's being baked.
gon. Wlse ugl.aYnom З. The bread's being toasted.
isplsuju cete. 4. The eggs're being boiled.
5. The coffee's being made.
б. The potatoes're being fтied.
7. The cheese's being cut.
8. Тhе salad's being made.

Endru i Erin su u hotelu i Endruje negde zaturio svoj novcanik. Erin pokusava
da mu pomogne da se seti gde ga је mogao ostaviti. Poslusajte razgovor izmedu
Endrua i Erin. lzaberite snimak 57 i u pauzama izgovarajte tekst koji govori

Andrew: Uh oh! Erin, I can't find my waLLet!

Erin: ReaLLy?
Andrew: Yeah, reaLLy. Hmm ...where could it
possiЬly Ье?
Erin: Оо you think you Lost it?
Andrew: No, I douЬt it. lt shou Ld Ье here so-
Erin: Then it's probaЬLy in your jacket.
Andrew: No, 1 checked already.
Erin: WeLL, maybe in your backpack?
Andrew: That's unlikely. I didn't use my backpack yesterday.
Erin: WeLL, it must Ье here somewhere. You had it Last night in the
hoteL bar.
Andrew: I'm fairly sure 1 had it when we came up to t he room.
Erin : ls it perhaps in your ot her jeans?
Andrew: Oh yeah! 1 might have Left it in my jeans.
Erin: lfl were you, 1 would check. Тhat's surely it!
Andrew: Н еге it is! Thanks, Erin, you're the best!

86 1e;ghty-s;x
tће museum i the market square the Chinese temple
tће statue ' the fountain the old part oftown
tћ еshopping ; the harbour

sve moze uraditi prilikom setnje gradom? Povezite izraze sa

m prevodom.

qo on а boat trip around the


~muse yourself

eightyt;seven 187
з .:
Dejvid i Eпdru su odluCili da obldu пеkе od cuveпih zпameпitosti
Vaпkuvera. Uturistickom iпformacioпom Ьirou raspituju se sta se sve
moze videti u metropoli. Poslusajte dijalog i pokusajte da razumete sto је
moguce vise. '

4 ..
Eпdru u turistickom Ьirou pita kada su пеkа od zпameпitih mesta otvoreпa
u;n;t8SiCOIIi ]eiiku za posetioce. Nazalost, toliko је Ьuспо da пе moze da cuje delove odgovora.
upotNbljaYa и samo Poslusajte receпice i upisite reёi koje пedostaju.
vreme: 1 o'dodc mo1e 1. Most bars апd pubs are о реп _ _ _ _ from 5 pm.
da znКt i в UVfle 18 2. The Chiпese temple is оре п from Мопdау to Friday _ _ 11 _ _
ujutru. l<ontekst nam
testo mote pomo6 da 7 o'clock pm.
shvatlmo da Use radi
оprepodnemim iti
З. Мапу stores iп the shoppiпg district are ореп _ _ _ _ _ __
poslepodnemim satima. 4. Тhе harbour boat tour ruпs ------- оп weekeпds.
Mote и, medutim,
upotreЫti 1• iU р81: 5. The museum offers guided tours ------- оп weekdays.
"_ • - tiU 10 plll 6. Оп Fridays апd Saturdays а few cafes are о реп _ _ _ _ _ __
- «16 иti ujиt:lll do 10
satf uwll.

88 1eighty-eight
Dejvid Cita о Vankuveru u svom vodicu za turiste. Mozete li pogoditi znacenje
~ u zagradama?

.-tlile visiting downtown Vancouver you will how (1. muШkulturalan) _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ the city is. Just visit (г: · prepun)
_ _ _ __ _ ___ Chinatown. Check out
~е (З. velegradski. kosmopolitski) _ __ _

_____ area around Gastown. Тhе harbour

1rea near Gastown can Ье very (4. turisticki) _ _ __ _ ____ at
':lmes. Don't miss to take а look at the (5. muzej) - - - - - - - - -
,f Anthropology. Тhе lndian art exhiЬition is (б. vredan posete) _ __
_ _ _ ___ . Areas such as Richmond and Burnaby aren't (7. pospani)
_ _ _ _ _ _ and each placein Vancouver has it's own flair.

worth а visit crowded .steepy mutticutturaL Мuseum

cosmopotitan toшisty

The Museum of Anthropology is open 7 days а week.

1Ьt museumdoses lt 6 o'cl.ock pm,
The museum is crowded in the morning.
1llt Ьus tD tfle musewn runs tvlfYten minutes.
The market square in Gastown is not worth visiting.
Ststown is 6velr in tf1e evenings.
The pup district in Gastown is very touristy.

eighty-nine 189
Rec ptace je u engteskomjezikujedna veoma opsta гесi koristi se u veoma
гazliCitim znacenjima.
PoveZite recenicu sa odgovarajuCim znacenjem ~eCi place.

1. Vancouver
·:· ....
is а great
" visit.

2. 1 know а great Chinese pl~ce.:.

З. Vancouver is full9.f cool_p,~ces.

U ovim recenicama dati su opisi mesta. Mozete li da napisete odgovaгajuce
prideve iza гecenica?
1. Vancouver is а city with people fгom many diffeгent countries.
2. Тhе beaches аге full of people in the summeг.
З. Тhеге islots of activity in Gastown.
4. The souveniг shop has lots of cheap gifts.
5. Тhе Chinese Temple is great. You should check it out.
б. Тhеге are still places where tourists don't go.

7. Many small areas outside Vancouver аге not very lively.

steepy Livel.y worth seeing untouched

mutticuLturat touristy crowded

Ujednom pabu Dejvid upoznaje osobu koja mu prica о Vankuveru. Poslusajte
sta nepoznati covek kaze i napisite odgovarajuce reCi па linUama.
1. Vancouveг is very multicultuгal. Тhеге аге people fгom China, _ _ _ _
and Africa.
2. _ _ _ _ is very inteгesting but it's usually cгowded.
З. Don't go to t he shops atong the _ _ __ _ . They're very touristy.
4. Тhere are some _ __ _ near Vancouveг that аге untouched Ьу
5. The Indian art _ __ _ _ is definitely worth а visit.
._lled<ajte nekoliko predloga koji se koriste za iskazivanje vremena. ~ § 7 Predlozi
Da Ьiste naveli tacno vreme, kaze se at:
ТИ museum opens at 10 o'ciock. (Muzej se otvara и 10 sati.)
•хо se vreme okvirno navodi, kaze se around:
11е are ieaving around 11 o'ciock. (Odlazimo oko 11 sati.)
..:z dane u nede~i kaze se оп :
'We arrive on Monday. (Stiiemo и ponedeljak.)
.од doba dana koristi se in :
.. the morning it is not so packed. (Ujиtrи nije tako рипо.)
d'va izuzetka:
nazive praznika koristi se at: at Christmas, at Easter, itd.
~raz посији no6 prevodimo kao at night.

• ·".r:пт•<>linije napisite odgovarajuce predloge:

5 o'clock .
..~Chinese Temple is closed _ _ Tuesdays.
'1'11.~ harbour is quite empty _ _ the evening.

8ilii~Jre razgovor izmedu Erin i jednog saradnika u Ьirou za informacije.

~lt.o'OintP Па pitanja takOStO Cete Obe[eziti tаСаП OdQOVOf.

2. The harbour boat tours run

а. seven days а week.
8 Ь. only оп weekdays.
8 с. only on weekends.

4. There are boat tours

8 а. every two hours.
Ь. 8 in the morning. 8 Ь. every three hours.
с. 8 in the evening. 8 с. every four hours.
are guided tours of Gastown б. The guided tours of Gastown are
Ј. every day. 8 а. in the morning only.
:.. only on the weekend. 8 Ь. both in the afternoon.
с. from Monday to Friday. с. in the morning and after-

flinety·one 191
~ § 16 Present Simple Present Simpte (prosto sadasnje vreme) vec znate. Koristi se za uoblcajene
ponov~ene radnje:
1 usuaLLy drink tea at breakfast.
OЬicno pijem сај za dorucak.
David normaLLy drives to work Ьу car.
Dejvid uglavnom ide autom па posao.
Prilikom gradenja ovog vremena mora se obratiti paznja na -s, odnosno -es
З. licujednine (hejshej it).

Osobenost oЬlika Present Simpie jeste njegova upotreba u planiranim

radnjama (scheduted activities), na primer, vreme saobracanja autobusa iii
voza, ili vreme otvaranja radnji. Pokazateg da se nesto planski redovno
jesu dodaci za vreme.
The buses run every ten minutes.
Autobusi idu па svakih deset minuta.
The museum opens daiLy at 10 o'cLock.
Muzej se otvara svakog dana и 1О sati.

Upotreblte glagote u odgovarajucem oЬliku .
1. Тhе boat _ _ _ around the harbour everytwo hours. (sail)
2. What time does the next bus _ _ _? (leave)
З. The next guided tour doesn't untilll о'clock. (start}
4. Most shops in Chinatown at 9 o'clock. (open)
5. The temple _ _ _ nightly at 8 pm. (close)
б. The busses don't after 10 pm on Sundays. (run)
7. The Gastown Bar _ ___ live music every Friday. (have)
8. The souvenir shop open 24 hours а day. (Ье)
9. When does FlightAC2З5 _ _ __ in Vancouver? (arrive)
10. Excuse me, what time do you _ _ __ breakfast on this flight? (serve)

92 1ninety-two
Povratne zamenice najcesce koristimo kada radnja izrazena gLagoLom ., § 5 Zamenice
oЬuhvata i osobu koja је vrsi. Ili, gramatickom terminoLogijom receno, kada su
subjekat i objekat u jednoj recenici identicni.
OЬiik •••••lfveomaје
Не made himself breakfast.
She hurthttнlfhildng.
ом ......... lluy
Ttellolo Ьi umi тори
Тhе cat washes itself. gmdo.
Amustt~tanlght. Кoristi $1 u poUtl&m
We enjoyed ourselves today. itl alcademslcom stitu.
Alnulap!llives toRight.
They amused t hemselves.

~ Ьismo
naglasili da cemo nesto LiCno uraditi, koristimo konstrukciju Ьу +
~tna zamenica.
1 visited the museum Ьу myself.
Samj-a sam posetfoj-la muzej.
Erin went out Ьу herself.
Erin је fzas/a sama.
Ьd'l other (sebljjedno drugom) se koristi kada se radnja vrsi uzajamno.
Andrew and David make each other something for lunch .
(Endru pravi Dejvidu nesto za jeLo, i Dejvid pravi Endruu nesto za jeLo.)
They make themseLves something for tunch.
(Onijedan drugom prave nesto zajelo.)

...,..Юiro na linijama odgovarajucu povratnu zamenicu, negde cete morati da

llllf.atte Ьу .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cLimblng.
_ _ __ _ __ _ _ а guide book.

~11, Andrew and David wentto Vancouver _ __ __ _ _ __

Cne can go on а guided tour - - - -- -- --
:et's go to the pub district and enjoy - -- - -- -- -

nfnety-three 193
UengLeskom jeziku se sLova v i f razLiCito izgovaraju. Zato је vazno da se rea
sa ovim sugLasnicima pravilno izgovaraju, kako Ьi se izЬegli nesporazumi.
EngLeski gLas [f] је Ьezvucan. •
То znaCi da Vase gLasne Zice ne viЬriraju kada ga izgovarate.

~W PosLusajte reCi i pokusajte da ih izgovorite za spikerom.

~ ~fe hi~self

Engleski gLas [v] је zvucan.

То znaCi da glasne zice viЬriraju kada ga izgovarate

~1!( PosLusajte reCi i pokusajte da ih izgovorite za spikerom.

DD live ~usic the~selves

Saveti za ucenje!
Ucite engLeski na Internetu
Da li Vam surfovanje Internetom priCinjava zadovoUstvo?
Ako је odgovor potvrdan, posetite onda veЬ-stranice sa engLeskog
govornog podrucja. Potpuno је svejedno koja su Vasa licna interesovanja,
na ovaj naCin mozete prosiriti svoj recnik.
Posto su mnoge veЬ-stranice dvojezicne ili visejezicne, za mnoge teme се
Vam odmah Ыti dat i prevod.

Hours of trading
In Canada and the USA, hours'Oftfaciing'are different than in Europe. Suoday
opening, for exampLe, has been the norm foryears. Тhе mёQority of shopkee-
pers can decide for themselves when they open up their shop for trade. Com-
pared to European standards, it's а shopper's paradise. Most shopping """•..-
are open from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 10 pm, on Saturdays untilб р18
and on Sundays untiL 5 pm. OccasionaLly there are midnight ~ales, when the
shops stay open untiL midnight.
For many consumers, these normal, generous
hours of trading are not enough. More and more supermarket$ and DIY super-
storesare open 24 hours а day, 7 days а week - justin case you need а carton
of milk ог а pack of screws at З am!
ShouLd it Ье too far to the next shopper's paradise, in every neighbaurhood
there is а corner store or convenience store. These are often very smaLl
stores in which you will find an unusually large selection of groceries and
househoLd articLes at higher prices.

94 1ninety-four
Plogtedajte nacrt ovog stana. Da ti znate nazive razliCitih prostorija? Napisite
Жgovarajuce brojeve ispred reCi.

spare room ' kitchen balcony

master bedroom ' utitity room den

tiving room : hattway bathroom

dining room

mogu da se opisuju stanovi. Postusajte recenice i napiSite na roomy - prostrano

rajuCim tinijama reCi koje nedostaju. lig ht - svetlo
warm- toplo
Рте tiving room is very ______ . You can watk around. inviting- privlacan,
r.,e kitchen is nice and _ __ _ _ .lt's а good ptace to cook. primam/jiv
draughty- izlozen promaji
Т"'те dining room is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . We tiketo eatin there. dark- tamno
cold - hladno
_ _ _ _ _ • Тhе wind comes through the door.
heated- zagrejan, ugrejan
-~den is _ _ _ _~· You need а reading tampto work. cozy- prijatno
quiet - mimo, tiho
Ъе utility room is usualty cold because it is not _ _ _ __ tiny - maleno
cramped - uzan
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . You can steep very wetl.
- - - - - - - . Тhere is very tittle space to sit.

, . ninety-jive 195
Erin, Dejvid i Endru su u Internet kafeu pronasti "Last minute" ponudu
(turistiCke ponude za one koji se odtucuju u poslednjem trenutku) za nelcDI!iill
dana odmora u jednoj pravoj kanadskoj brvnari u Roki Mauntins i odmah s...
rezervisali. Stigli su iznajmljenim kolima . Praticemo ih dok razgledaju KOI:Itlli.

Poslusajte dijatogjosjednom i procenite da ti su ovi iskazi tacni (true) Ш
netacni (fatse) .

room in the caЬin is cozy.

The couch doesn't took very comfortaЫe.
Тhе frldge in the kitchen doesn't work.
Тhere is а lot of light in the bathroom.
The water from the tap is warm.
б. In the master bedroom there are two single beds.
7. Тhere are no piUows for the Ьeds.
8. Тhе bedroom is quiet.

96 1ninety-six
trenutka desava se ро neki novi proЬlem. Mozete li da povezete ove
811!Лi<:е sa odgovarajucim prevodom? Poslusajte reёenice i izgovarajte ih
za spikerom.

Тhе fridge isn't working .

The kitchen tap is broken.
~ (~(' "" ;~ )~~~»~а >» " .'·~~~

There's something wrong with

tће lamp.
···-~:: . ((~; . ..... :: ·~·(~~~-*Ш;;;,

Irs cold and draughty in tће .

Ьith room.

~~<'''~~~~''''1~··~ ~~>•·њ »;;;,;;;-; .,.,., '''''~~:'::~~ "


se zovu ovi delovi namestaja? PoveZite pravilno slike i reёi tako sto cete .
odgovarajuce slovo u kvadratic pored slike.

ninety-seven 197
• § 20 Past Perfect Kada se govori о necemu sto se dogodilo u proslosti, koristi se Past Simpie
(prosto proslo vreme).
Erin booked the caЬin on the internet.
Erin је rezervisala kolibu preko Interneta.
Kada se govori о necemu sto se vec dogodilo pre neke druge prosle radnje,
koristi se Past Perfect (pluskvamperfekat).
Erin had checked the price before she booked the caЬin.
Erin se raspitala za cenu pre nego sto је rezervisala koliЬu.
Past Perfect se gradi od had + partidp giagoia.

Napisite ponudene glagole u oЫiku Past Perfect.
1. Before going grocery shopping Erin ------а list ofthings to buy

2. When Erin phoned the man aboutthe pillows Andrew _ _ already _ _
_ the car. (unpack)
З. Before this holiday David _ _ never _ _ __ in а log caЬin. (stay)
4. Erin never _ _ __ Indian art before. (see)
5. David never _ ___ his arm befor this time. (break)
б. Andrew _ _ already _ _ __ а car on other vacations. (rent)
7. David never _ __ through the mountains Ьу car before. (drive)

Direkt nf govor se koristi kada tacno navodimo neoje reo.
• § 13 lndнektni govor
David said: "I am tired."
Indfrektnf govor se koristi kada priЬlizno tacno zelimo da prenesemo sta је
neko rekao.
David said he was tired.
Kod upotrebe indfrektnog govora moraju se imati па umu dve stvari:
• menja se licna zamenica;
• glagolski oЫik se "pomera" unazad, u proslost.
Erin : "We are going to Vancouver."
Erfn said they were going to Vancouver.
Vreme se ne menjajedino kada је u recenici upotrebgen Past Perfect , jer ne
postoji glagolski oЬlik koji oznacava jos dubgu proslost.
David: "Erfn, 1 thought you had checked."
Davfd said he thought Erin had checked.
98 1ninety-eight
5c3vite recenice u indi rektni govor tako sto cete ih dopuniti glagolom koji
The chef said: иТhе steaks are ready." - The chef said the steaks _ _ _
Oavid said: "1 have hurt my arm." - David said he _ _ _ hurt his arm.
Erin said: "The sun is shining."- Erin said the sun _ _ _ shining.

prijateg је otisao na godisnji odmor i Vi ste mu obeeali da cete preslusati

~юvе pozive i poruke. Poslusajte ih sa CD-a i dopunite poruke.

_ _ __ __ _ _ _ you next week.

"rs Simmons said she - -- - -- - - - next Friday.

_ _ __ __ _ __ а new teLevision.
_ _ __ _ __ __ to london.
_ _ __ _ __ __ а new girlfriend.

е furniture store said your new couch - - -- -- -- - ready.

_ __ _ _ _ _ __ how to bake а cake.

r boss said she - - -- -- -- -to talk to you .

.1. .JVodniku stoji sayfsaid, objekatska zamenica moze se izostaviti.

David said (that) he was tired.
8r.:llmnn:~ sa sayfsaid koristi se to + objekatska zamenica:
What did David say to you?
-.....п,.,.mа i pitanjima sa teLL/ toLd uvek se upotrebgava objekatska

David toLd .!!!f (that) he was tired.

What did David teLL XQY?

.,.ninety-nine 199
Endru prica jednom prijate~u о svom godisnjem odmoru. Upisite say, sUI.
teH ili totd da blste dopunili recenice u indirektnom govoru.
1. Тhе museum guide _ _ _ us many interesting things about Indian
2. Не wanted to us about reaL Canadian Indians but we didn't
З. Не _ _ _ there had been many Indians in Canada.
4. Have I _ _ _ you about our trip to the Rocky Mountains?
5. Let me _ _ _ something about our Log cabln.
б. Тhе owner forgot to _ _ _ us that there were no piLLows.
7. Erin _ _ _ that she had checked when she booked the cabln.
8. She _ _ _ us Later that the owner had forgotten.

Povelite iskaz sa Leve strane sa odgovarajuCim iskazom sa desne strane tako
da dobljete Logican tekst.

а. Тhеу recommendid'we take

watking tour of the dty.
1. Тhere were no sheets in the
cabln. Ь. Не asked What kiniJ of cars
2. I went to see the doctor.
с. Erin suggested ttiit we
З. We taLked to the tourist
the саЫn owner.
d. 1 compl.ained to tfie hotet
4. 1wanted to buy newfurniture. manager aЬout the noise.
е. She .xptiined to те that my
5. The restaurant service was
toe wasn't broken.
exceLlent. '

б. Andrew wentto rent а car.

7. The hoteL guests were very
g. Тhе sak!S issistant ldvlseo
me on the Ьest couches and

100 1
one hundred
• '" "'р',' rп'"J~,/"""r",•;, ~~rr~ "'""'" ';пџ••r~ '

' Pocetak Slusaпje ~ VeiЬanje Za ~raj 1О

'lekimengleskim reCima potreban је predlog to, а nekima ne. Dodajte predlog
.. tamo gdeje potrebno.
- What did he suggest __ you?
2.. What did they recommend _ you?
- What did the doctor advise __ you?
What did you complain __ him about?
Nhat did the hoteL manager offer _ _ you?

"iow did he answer _ you?

teLefonira vlasniku brvnare da Ьi se raspitaLa о poste[jini koja nedostaje.
snimak 69 i u pauzama izgovarajte njen tekst.
Helto, this is Erin Baxter. Му friends and I rented the cabln from you.
owner: Hello Ms Baxter. What can 1 do for you? Is somethi ng the mat-
WeLL, actually, yes, there is. I don't Like to
complain, but wejust looked around the ca-
Ьin and well, I'm afraid there are по
pШows or sheets.
owner: Oh, I see.
Yes. Оп your website, it said that piltows and
sheets would Ье supplied. I'm sure you aLso
told me that оп the phone when I booked.
owner: Yes, you're right. PШows and sheets are suppLied. Let mejust
ask my wife about that. Hold on one moment, please.
-cs Baxter? I've just checked with my wife. She explained to те that the
sneets are in the Laundry at the moment. It will Ье ready in an hour.
Qh, that's wonderful. We toLd each other it was probaЬly just а
8Wfler: I do apoLogize for the confusion. WеЋ bring the sheets.and the
:lillows to you in about an hour.
:J!Ii:ay, great. Тhanks again. Вуе.
8Wfler: Вуе.

one hundred and one 101

Saveti za ucenje!
Prelistati gramatiku
Gramaticka praviLa cesto su veoma sLozena i zbog toga se tesko pamte.
Dakle, п е brinite ako niste zapamtiLi odmah sva praviLa. Pos:Le izvesnog
vremena praktiCnog koriscenja, intuintivno cet!! ispravno primenjivati
Medutim, dobro Ы bllo da statno pomaLo obnavUate gramatiku. NaroCito
oЫasti u kojima se osecate nesigurno.
Udodatku cete naCi Listu svih gramatickih tema koje su obradene u ovom
kursu. Iskoristite priliku i proverite sve ono sto Vam priLikom vezbanja
zadaje teskoce.

Livfng fn North Amer fca
In Canada and the USд, а large amount of peopLe live in the suburЬs in houses
rather than in rented apartments. The most common types of houses are deta-
ched, semi-!te~ched and terraced houses. дn option which is becoming more
popular forthose living in the cities is to buy your own apartment. This is pro-
ving to Ье а compromise between dty Living and owning your own property.
Тhе driving force behind the dynamic property market is the desire to own
one's own home, together w;th the rather disturЬing lack of reasonaЬly priced
rented accommodation. The majority of home owners prefer to invest their money in their own property.
rather than paying rent to а Landlord for years.
Ifyou want to buy а house, normally you w; н need а mortgage from а bank.
Тhat's why it is important to spend а lot of time looking for the best interest
rates. дlthough it costs а lot of time and money, North Americans seUand
move house just as often as Europeans move apartment. For many, dealing
the ~roperty market is the best form of privat~ investment for one's future.

102 one hundred and two

~ Pocetak Slusanje VeZЬanje Za kraj 11

Ovde vidite nekoLiko Erininih, Dejvidovih i Endruovih porodicnih fotografija.
Poslusajte recenice i ponavUajte ih glasno za spikerom.

This is Erin as а _ _ __

Erin's grandmother is _ _ _ _

ЈЈ toku zivota covek doZivi mnogo toga. Povezite izraze sa odgovarajuCim


one hundr{c/ and three 1103

з lfil
Erin, Endru i Dejvid konacno mogu da se malo opuste. Posle jednog mirnog
dana, oni o~usteno sede ispred kamina. Poslusajte о cemu razgovaraju.

Poslusajte sa CD-a 5 recenica Cije prevode vidite ovde. Napisite brojeve
odgovarajuCim redosledom.
1. Zelim da imam veliku porodicujednog dana.
2. Мој prijateU ustaje svakog dana u 5:30 da Ы isao na posao.
З. Moji ozenjeni prijateUi nikada nisu imali decu.
4. Proveli smo najveCi deo vremena Ьаvе6 se sportom.
5. Kada smo Ыli deca uvek smo Ьili napoqu.
Pravilan redosled: - - - - - - - - - - - -

104 1one hundred and four

s lil
Poslusajte dijalogejosjednom. Procenite da li su recenice tacne (t rue) ili
netacne (faLse).

Тhе thrн friends are in their twentles and thirtles.

They аге taUcing about their childhood for the first
Erin grew up in London.
There was lots to do where Erin grew up.
Andrew and David ptayed sports after schoot when
tfley were ldds.
Erin was 18 years old when she finished school.
Маnу of Erin's friends are mamed.
Erin never wants to get married.

li'ozete li rasporediti reCi tako da dobljete ispravnu recenicu? Dobro је znati:

flre.ood се Vam pomoCi u tome. Da Ыsmo rekll da ~"""'·
teenagers ј love ј fell/ in ј parents ј were ј my ј when ј they ј. је neko јо5 flv,
/ltfoji roditelji su se zaljubl/i jedno и drugo jos dok su Ьili tinejdieri. upotreЬieemo pridev
Не ts stiU attw.
- Оп је ја$ IМk iiv.
summer 1 they 1 married 1 in 1 gotl the /1969 ј of.
't'encali su se и leto 1969.

.tlen ј divorced ј I/ gotj 12 ј old ј they ј was ј years ј.

f&lzveli su se kada sam imao 12 godina.

wnsed 1 Ьу / mother / my / us / herself /.

~Моја majka nas је sve odgajila .

.amed 1 my ј pregnant ј Kate ј sister ј is 1 and ј.

!!lt!yo sestra Kejt је udata i trudna.

~. grandmother / alive / is / my / .
. а baka је jos uvek iiva.

one hund-;d and jive 1105

Glagol get ima puno znacenja u zavisnosti od konteksta u kojem је
upotreЫjen. Da Li mozete da povezete recenice sa odgovarajucim prevodom?

1. let's get started!

2. I got promoted.
З . I got flred..~..
4. Without а map you'LLget
5. I ~ave to get dressed.
6. I'm getting undressed.
7. Get changed!
8. Тhеу got to know each other
9. How аге you getting on?
10. Erin gets on wett with her
11. Can I get you something to
12. М~ friend just got married.
lЗ. Му parents got divorced.

• § 6 Prilozi Da Ьi se odgovorilo na pitanje How often ... ? (Koliko cesto... ?) , potrebni su
prilozi za vreme kao sto su always (uvek), usuaHy (uglavnom) , regularLy
(redovno), sometimes (ponekad), occasionatly (povremeno), hardly ever
(jedva) ili never (nikada). Red reCi је ovde veoma vazan. Prilozi za vreme
stoje uvekispred glavnog glagola, izuzev glagola Ье .
We usuaHy pLayed hockey. ali: 1 am usuaHy tired.
Sometimes, usuaLLy i occasionaLLy mogu da stoje i па pocetku recenice.

Pokusajte da odgovorite na ova pitanja tako sto cete upotreЬiti priloge za

1. Howoften do you go out fo r dinner?
2. How often do you eat pizza?
З. How often did you watch ТV as а kid?
4. How often do you read the newspaper?

106 1one hundred and six

Pocetak Stusanje ~ VeZЬanje Za kraj 11

9 118
Poslusajte kako Erin prica о svom zivotu i о svojim roditegima.
Zatim numerisite slike ро odgovarajucem redosledu.

lllravilan redosled: _ _ __ _ _

:na ti mozete da dopunite Erinin opis?
li::I"Jtekstje-znacajan pokazateU koja Vam rec nedostaje.
Му friend Mary is 35 years old, so she's in her _ _ _ _
"tary just had а _ _ __ girl. She is only 10 weeks old.
14ary's father doesn't work anymore. Не is _ __ _
"-ary's grandmother is still alive but she is quite _ __ _
'1yother friend Susan is married and they have two ·__ _ __ , Scott
i1'1d Kyle.
5mtt is 10 years old and Kyle is 14, so Kyle's already а _ _ _ _

one hundred and seven 1107

', "'/~' '""5/',~~~~~·т·;· ~'. ' ''"'~~$;;~W:Т-----==---~'1m»~>T;.-;;~~;.;""'--

: 11 " , Pocetak Slusanje ~ Vezbaпje Za kraj

ll liiD
soon - uskoro Poslusajte sta kaze Dejvid i dopuпite receпice.
some day- jednom
one day- jednog dana 1. _ __ _ _ I would like to sail arouпd the world.

lately- и pos/ednje vreme 2. We should go поw because I thiпk the bus leaves _ _ _ __
а long time ago -
pre mnogo vremena З. I broke my arm _ _ _ _ _ while оп vacatioп.
the other day
4. The weather has Ьееп really пiсе _ __ __
- рге neki dan
recently - nedavno 5. Му pareпts took me to Vaпcouver _ __ __
6. 1 met а п iпteresti119 persoп ir1 the bar _ _ __ _
7. 1 waпt to get married апd _ __ _ _ have kids.

Da Ьi se istaklo da se пesto vec dogodilo, u potvrdпim reeeпicama se koristi
I've a[ready seen the museum.
Muzej sam vec video.
U upitпim i odricпim receпicama koristi se yet.
1 haven't seen the museum yet.
Jos nisam videoj-la muzej.
Have you seen the museum yet?
Da li si vec videoj-la muzej?
A[ready stoji izmedu pomocnog i glavnog glagola, а yet па kraju recenice.

Napisite a[ready ili yet na linijama.

1. David, have you gone to the dentist _ _ __ ?
2. No, 1 haven't been _ _ __
З. Erin _ _ _ phoned the owner of the cabln.
4. Тhе pillows areп't ready _ ___ . Тhеу аге still in the lauпdry.
5. Andrew ____ visited the United States, England and Australia.
6. However, he hasn't been to the Bahamas _ __ _
7. Erin _ ___ sent three postcards to her friends. Have you sent
any _ ___ ?

108 1one hundred and eight

.._ .,t Perfect se koristi da Ы se reklo koliko se vec dugo nesto desava. U • § 19 Present Perfect
jeziku za to se koristi prezent.
How [ong have they been at the cabln?
Koliko sи vec dиgo oni и brvanari?
recca jos ovde se prevodi sa since, ukoliko se radi о odredenom trenutku
Monday - od ponedeljka, since 4 o'c[ock - od 4 sata), а sa for kaqa
-adi о vremenskom periodu (for three days- vec tri dana, for а year - vec
-m" dana).
They have been at the cabln since 12 o'c[ock.
Oni sи и kolibl od 12 sati.
Erin has been in Canada for а month.
Erin је и Kanadi vec mesec dana.

llillllriSi1te na linijama prevode vremenskih odrednica koje su date u zagradama.

Erin, David and Andrew have been atthe cabln - - -- - - -

~еу have been at the cabln _ __ _ _ _ . (vec jedan dan)

_ __ _ __ . (od 10 sati)
:I:has been raining _ __ _ __ _ . (vec 4 sata)
_ __ _ __ he was а child. (od kada)
Aлdrew's parents have been married _ _ _ __ __ . (vec 30 godina)
.t.лdrew and David have known each other _ _ _ _ __ _
if!C godinama)

Erin has come to Canada _ _ _ _ __ . (па godinи dana)

..,_ ,. Perfect Progressive se upotrebYava da Ы se izraziLa radnja kojaje

u proslosti i jos uvek traje.
Erin has been [iving in Canada for а month.
Erin iivi и Kanadi vec mesec dana.
lt has been snowing since 2 o'c[ock.
Sneg pada od 14 ёasova.
Hasfhave been + oЫik па -ing g[avnog g[ago[a.
herfor З ytii!Г$,
have: I have had this
~u.d\ fl)r s ~)'$.
Н: 1 h<~Ye"~ here
for 2 hOurs.

one hиnd:d and nine 1109

Dopunite recenice u Present Perfect ili Present Perfect Progressive.
Oprez! Neke recenice su odricne.
1. The weatheris terriЬle. It _ _ _ __ ____ for а week. (rain)
2. _ _ _ you _ __ __ _ forthe bus for а long time? (wait)
З. We _ _ __ _ __ __ yet, because there's no snow. (ski)
4. I _ _ __ _ ____ French forfiveyears. (learn)
5. She the hotel room already. (book)

Saveti za ucenje!
Govonti giasno
Dobar izgovor postize se cestim govorom. Prilikom veZЬanja svog izgovora
nemojte se ogranicavati samo na odredena vezbanja, vec izgovarajte
giasno i onda kada se to izriCito ne traZi od Vas.

SchooLs and universities
After kindergarten, chiidren move on to primary school. Then, between the ages of 11 and 13, they go
secondary school. In Gre at Britain, there are comprehensive schoots and grammar scf1oo1s. In
America, this levei of schooiing is called either high schooi ог secondary schoot.
In Great Britain, you can leave school at 16 and go to а vocational coUege to learn а trade ог to gain
lifications you need for а particular career. Alternatively, you can stay оп at school fог another two
which is the same in North America. After finishing school, pupils can either start woгk ог continue witll
their studies at university ог college. In ordeг to study, in Engiand you requiгe A-levels and in North
rica а high-school diploma.
The majority of pupils in North America go to puЬLic schools, which are financed Ьу taxes. Howeveг, it
not unusual fог parents to send their children to private schools. These can Ье very expensive and аге
theгefoгe, accessiЬle to everyone.
In Gгeat Britain, state schoots аге funded Ьу the state. Privately financed
schools аге called independent schoots ог private schoots. PuЫtc schoots
аге elite independent schools.
Тhе majority of univeгsities аге financed partly Ьу taxes and partlv Ьytuition
fees. Тhеге аге mоге and тоге private univeгsities where students рау high
fees fог the privilege «;>f studying there.

110 опе hundred and ten

se sve moze uCiniti sa novcem? Pogtedajte stike i procitajte reCi na desnoj

v1allet- novcanik
cheque - cek
Ьа nk са rd - kortica
bank machine
- automat za podizanje
ban knotes - novcanice
coins - metalni novac,
sitan novac
bank accol!nt- racun и
credit card - kreditna
1Do1eiit:e recenice na engteskom jeziku sa odgovarajucim prevodom. Zatim
recenice i ponavtjajte ih gtasno za spikerom.

one hundred and efeven 1111

PosLe dva dana odmora, provedena u brvnari u Roki Mauntins, troje prijatet;li
odLazi. Oni najpre zeLe da se odjave i da se zatim iznajmLjenim koLima vra~ .11.
Vankuver. PosLusajte koje probleme imaju priLikom pLacanja racuna.

l)().bro jt ~natl:
?'//Л~@-@~ ·· - .w#1#1~
Ove recenice su ispreturane. Da Li mozete da ih dovedete u red? PosLusajte
Каdа se izvinjavarno zatim recenice i izgovarajte ih gLasno za spikerom.
ce$W koristlmo priloge
koji se izgovar;Uu 1. l've forgotten ј I'm afraid ј my waLLet ј.
1'111 reaU1 sопу,
Veoma mi ~ iaa. 2. any cash ј I'm terribly sorry, ј оп me ј but 1 don't have ј.
I'm so .sony.
Taka mi је zao.
rm terrtbly sorry. З. 1 have ј to the bank machine ј I'm afraid ј to run ј.
StraSno ml fi iao.
rmgenutмty sony.
4. but I've run ј I'm really sorry, ј out of money.

5. I'm awfully sorry, ј until next week ј butl don't get paid ј.

112 1one hundred and twelve


Pocetak ~ Slusaпje Vezbanje Za kraj 12

4 &1
Evo nekoliko izraza koje mozemo da uputimo sebl ili drugima. Poslusajte ove
reeenice i ubadte rec koja nedostaje.
l_ 1_ _ _ _ I had saved some money.
lcllt _ , iU Cll8l
(laerwk), ulargonu
_ _ _ _ I hadn't bought that new ТV. •INIIIfutlt ,.....,
_____ have withdrawn money from the bank. ......iU ......

•- You shouldn't _ _ _ _ spent allyour money so quickly.

- - - - - waited longer, it would have cost less.
Ifi hadn't wasted so much money, I _ _ __ Ье rich today.

1 wa5 really good. and 1 dldn't; (2.) ----ту тоnеу on anyt;hing.

l:>efore we left for Vancouver 1 hatl t;o (3.)_ _ _ _ enough Ga5h for

____ а lat; cf тоnеу for ту cliтЬi~ adve>~t;ure. that

when 1 l:>rol:e ту апn. 1 had to (5.) _ _ _ _ the hOбpital l:>ill, and

wa5 when 1 (6.} - - - - cf тоnеу. Thanl<fully. Andгew (7.) _ _

те боте. ana now 1 have to (8.) _ _ _ _ t;o hlт.

опе hundred and thirteen 1113

~ § 7 Pr~dlo11 Dopunite recenice odgovaraju6m predlogom.
1. David deposited money his account. (into 1 on 1at)
2. Не tried to save as much money as he could. (in 1down 1 up)
З. When he needed money, David withdrewsome _ __ his bank account
(into 1 on 1 from)
4. While оп holiday, David spent money ___ souvenirs. (in 1for 1on)
5. David wanted to рау the ЬiU fo r the cabln credit card, but it was
denied. (Ьу 1 with 1 on)

Za prideve rich (bogat) i poor (siromasan) postoji mnogo sinonima.
Rasporedite reCi pravilno.

~ § 5 Zamerшc Pogledajtejos jednom objekatske zamenice koje su date levo. Kada је pravilan
red reCi u pitanju, mora se voditi racuna о tome da objekatska zamenica u
me - menijmene engleskom jeziku stoji
you - tebijteЬe • ili direktno posle glavnog glagola,
him - njemujnjega Can you Lend me some money?
her - пјој/пји • ili posle predloga koji ide uz glavni glagol.
it - njemuj njega
You can borrow some money from .lllf.

you - vamajVama,
Gde stoji objekatska zamenica? Napisite rec iz zagrade па odgovarajuce mesto.
th em - njimaj njih 1. I asked ifl could ___ borrow some money from ___ . (him)

2. Hetold mehewould _ __ Lenditto _ _ . (me)

З. 1 have _ _ to payitbackto . (him)
4. David will give some money back one day. (them)
5. Andrew's parents Lent _ _ _ money for university _ _ _ . (him)

114 1one hundred and fourteen


Pocetak Slusanje • VeZЬanje la kraj 12

aьtik should have + partidp upotrebgava se kada nesto nije uradeno, ali Ьi
IJIIo dobro da jeste. PoveZite date izraze sa odgovarajuCim odgovorima.

L I don't feel very weU.

!2. I got l.ost in the city.
1. l'm broke after my hol.iday.
-6. 1 got to work Late again becau-
se of the bus.

ltiia Ьiste izraziti svoje zaUenje zbog necega sto se dogodito u proslosti,
~Џ>trebgava se oЬlik wish + Past Perfect (had + particip) .
1 wish 1 had gone to the bank. ·
Vo/eoj-la Ьih da sam atisao и banku.
esto wish moze se reCi i if onLy.
If onLy 1 had gone to the bank.
Da sam samo otisao и banku.

_ _ _ __ him the money. (not lend)

_ _ _ _ _ the computer later. It's cheaper now. (buy)
lf only you _ _ _ _ _ the flight in advance. (book)
You probaЬly wish you allyour money, don'tyou. (not
_ _ __ _ а reservation at the restaurant. ( make)
If only she _ _ _ _ _ for thejob. (apply)
_ _ _ _ _ hiking yesterday. It's raining today. (go)

one hundrea and fifteen 1115

~-@!. $"''

11 lit .i!t
Poslusajte razgovor izmedu Erin i Endrua. Pustite snimak 80 i u pauzama
izgovarajte Erinin tekst.
Andrew: Is there anything you regret about yqur
Erin: Well, our family was very poor, so my mother
had to work а lot.
Andrew: Do you wish your parents had been rich?
Erin: No not really, but I wish my mom had had
morefun. Whataboutyou?
Andrew: I sometimes wish my chiLdhood had been different.
Erin: Really? Like what?
Andrew: I wanted to Ье а rock star, butl went to university instead.
Erin: You could still play music now if you wanted to.
Andrew: Yeah, but rock stars have to start early in life. If only 1 had kept р~
ying music!

~ § 8 Uslovne recenice Sta Ьi Ьilo kad Ьi ... Da Ьismo uslovnu recenicu izrazili u proslom vremenu,
upotrebyava se oЬli k:
If + Past Perfect, + would 1 could 1 might have + particip
lf 1 had known it was а bargain, 1 would have bought it.
Da sam znao da је povoljno, kupio Ьih.
Ako se if nalazi na pocetku recenice, dva recenicna dela odvajaju se zarezom.
Ako је glavna recenica na prvom mestu, zarez se ne stavya.
1 would have bought it if 1 had known it was а bargain.
Kupioj-la Ьih da sam znaoj-la da је cena povoljna.

1З Ш
Poslusajte recenice i dopunite delovima koji nedostaju.
1. lf our family had been wealthier, my mom _ _ _ __ __ _
а happier life.
2. I could have paid the Ьill iH _ _ __ ____ my arm.
З. lf 1 hadn't gone climblng, I - - -- - -- - my arm.
4. ! _ __ __ _ __ shopping ifl had had more money.
5. Ifi а rock star, 1would have earned lots of money.

116 1;one hundred and sixteen

Ako neki uslov ne moze Ьiti ispunjen јег su se dogadaji u proslosti vec • § 8 Uslovne recenice
~rugaCije odigrali, а ioak ima uticaj na sadasnji trenutak - upotrebljava se
siede6 oЬlik: If + Past Perfect, + wouid 1 couid 1 might + InflnШve
lf 1 had gone to bed eariier, 1 wouidn't Ье tired now.
Da sam ranije otisaoj-La и krevet, ne Ьih sada Ьiој- /а umoranj-na.

15 11В
Poslusajte razgovor troje prijatelja. Odredite ko је sta rekao.

Andrew David Erin

lo ima mnogo novca?

Joslusajte reёenice i na linijama napisite reCi koje nedostaju.
Му parents own а co1venience store and now they аге _ _ _ __
z. Му sister is а student and she is quite _ _ _ __
3. 1 have а friend who works in reaL estale. She's _ _ _ _ _

... 1also know an artist who makes sculptures. He's _ _ _ __

Му father used to have а different store, but he went _ _ _ _ _
1 know many _ _ _ _ _ fami lies with chiLdren.
Му boss at the company where I work is _ _ _ _ _

one hundred and seve:i:een 1117

Saveti za ucenje!
ObeLezavanje deLova teksta iLi reCi moze priLikom uёenja nekog stranog
jezika da bude od veLike pomoCi, јег omogucava da se сЩаnо uvezbavaju
razLiёiti aspekti jednog jezika.
Odaberite deo teksta ili ceLo vezbanje, iLi potrazite tekst iz engLeskih novin~
iLi pasus iz neke knjige i radite sa tim ро sopstvenoj zamisLi. Tako mozete,
na primer, da podvLaёite u tekstu gLagoLski oЬLi k za vreme koje ste upravo
nauёiLi i da tako vezbate njegovu upotrebu u razL iCitim kontekstima. Ili
mozete da ciljano uёite reCi koje Vam н nе idu". Vase ideje nemaju granica.

Notes and cotns
The currencies in the three Engtish-speaking coun-
tries are the American Dol.lar (SUS) in the USA, the
Canadian in Canada (SCAD) and the Pound
Sterting in Great Britain (f).
The American and Canadian DoLLar are divided into
cents. The Pound SterLing is divided into pence.
The terms notes and ЬШs are used in Engtish-spea-
king countries. In Canada andthe USA one speaks
of а ten dollar ЬШ. In Great Britain one speaks of а ten pound note. Coins
sometimes have speciat names, for exampLe in Canada and the USA, а 5 cent
coin is catted а ntckel, а 10 cent coin is caLLed а dtme and а 25 cent coin is
caLLed а quarter.
In Canada, there аге two originat names. А one
doLLar coin is catted а loonte, Ьecause of the
ofthe Canadian Ыrd, the Loon that appears оп the
coin. Тhе two dolLar coin, which was iлtroduced
Later, is caLLed а toonte, from the EngLish word
ln EngLand, one uses the Letter р after the amc)untt.1
Тhis stands for penny (singuLar) or pence (pLuraL).

118 one hundred and e;ghteen

~ Komunikacij~ Gramatika Recnik Izgovor Ponavljanje З

Ovdeje rec о cestim komblnacijama glagota i imenice, kao to book а trip
rezervisati putovanje). Napisite na linijama glagole koji nedostaju.
1. On her holiday Erin _ __ _ lots of pictures of mountains with her

l. Andrew а lot of money in pubs in Vancouver.

З. David his parents some expensive souvenirs.
•. Erin her mother in England some postcards ofVancouver.
5. The three ofthem the Museum of Anthropology.
IS. Manytourists atthe harbour on а whale-watching trip.
7. Andrew, David and Erin Vancouver's nightlife.
8. The three friends themselves in Chinatown.

Cada zelite da razgovarate о ceni, onda su Vam ovi izrazi od velike koristi.
extremety expensive (ekstremno skupo) - very expensive (veoma skupo)-
mrty ј quitej pretty expensive (prilicno skupo)- reasonaьte (umereno,
wumna cena) - affordaьte (povoljno)- cheap (jeftino)- free (besp{atno)
!)vako cete pitati za cenu.
Uz pomoc direktnog pitanja:
How much / What does it cost?
What is the price of ... ?
iJёtiviji oЬlik za isto pitanje је:
Coutd you ptease tett me how much/ what it costs?
Can you tett me the price?

!)а li mozete da prevedete ove recenice?

L Koliko kosta ova razglednica?
Z. Majice su prilicno skupe.
з_ Muzej se ne placa.


one hundred and nineteen

1 119
~ Komuпikadja Gramatika Recпik lzgovor

з .В
PosLusajte opis staпa. Da Li mozete da па Liпije dopiSete prideve koji

1. Ље master bedroom is quite _ __ _

2. Љedeпis _ __ _ aпd _ _ __
З. The diпiпg room is _ _ _ _ апd _ __ _
4. Ље bathroom is too _ _ __
5. It is _ __ _ апd _ _ __ iп the Liviпg room.
б. Ље haLLway is too _ _ _ _ апd _ __ _

Odgovorite Licпo па ova pitaпja.
1. What do you like to do оп your hoLidays?

2. What doп't you Like to do оп your holidays?

З. What furпiture do you have iп your Liviпg room?

4. How ofteп do you go out to eat?

5. How ofteп do you watch ТV?

б. What should you have dопе this week, but didп't do?

120 1one hundred and twenty

Gramatika Recni k Izgovor

struiSite Kejtin zivot tako sto cete pravilno povezati delove recenica.

а. in а fami~ Of 6 kidS.
She left school
с. got pregnant.

d. at the age of 16.

е. heffirst Ьа!ЈУ.

Afterthey got married Kate

g. mamid 6 months t.ltir.
h. ttiij got diVOrced.
Тhеу were married 10 years
i. she met her husЬand PauL

t~~gleskomjezi ku
koristi se nekoliko posebnih izraza da Ьi se reklo daje
umro. Nek1 izrazi se upotrebYavaju u saYivom oЬliku i zbog toga se
.."~Psamo medu pnjate~ima, u drugim situacijama su neprimereni.

Kick the bucket.

Baciti kasiku.
Bite the dust .
Zagristi и ledinu.
Push up the daisies.
Min'sati cvete odozdo.

i pr00tajte izraz~:
r..O:OoW:><Oj ..::

Mr. WШiams kicked the bucket.

Uncte Bit blt the dust.
Aunt June is pushing up the daisies •

one hundred and t!fenty-one 1121

З Ponavljanje ~ Komunikacija Gramatika Recnik Izgovor

Dokje troje prijatelja ЬiLo na putu, neko је provaLio u Erinin stan. PosLe
iznenadenja, priredene za Erin, njih troje razgovaraju. PosLusajte dijalog •
napisite glagole koji nedostaju.
Erin: Неу guys, that was а fantastic party. Thanks for (1.) _ _ __
me up!
Andrew: It was our pleasure. Wc {2.) _ __ _ you needed а Little
afterthe break-in.
David: Although it's only (З.) _ _ __ а few days since ourtrip 1
missed being with you guys.
Yeah, we (4.) _ _ _ _ а lot of fun together. There (5.) _ _
_ _ а couple of uncomfortaЫe moments though, like when
(б.) _ __ _ like coming skiing.
David: Ok, I can admit it. I'm not the easiest person to (7 .) _ _ __
with sometimes.
Andrew: You were а Ьit unsociaьte at times, but never mind, David. 1
(8.) _ __ _ Ье difficult, too, when I'm in the mood.
Erin : Guys, Ье honest with me now. (9.) _ _ __ I stressful atai..C'
Andrew: WeLl, you did freak out а little when we (10.) _ _ _ _ what
happened to David.
David: And the mix-up with the cabln sort of (11.) _ _ __ on my
Andrew: Yeah, but don't worry about it. We (12.) _ _ _ _ hold it
David: Liste11, guys. We all (13.) _ _ __ our little quirks, butso
everyone, right?
Erin: Absolutely! Could you guys imagine (14.) _ _ _ _ а trip like
that again?
Andrew: WeLl, maybe, but perhaps we (15.) _ _ __ wait а Little whiLe
before repeating that.
Sve troje : Good idea!

122 1one hundred and twenty-two

Komuni ~ Gramatika Recnik

Dopunite ove recenice u indirektnom govoru. ., § 13 Indirektni govor

1. The chef said: "The salmon is atmost ready."

Тhе chef said - -- - - - - - - - -- - - --
2. David said to Erin: "I wilL sleep on the couch."
Oavid told Erin - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -
3. Тhе waitress said: "You should order the salad."
Тhе waitress suggested - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -
~- Му doctor said to me: "Get more exercise."
Му doctor adviced me to - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -
5. Erin said to her mother: "I have seen the Rocky Mountains."
Erin told her mother _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __
6. The forecast said: "Тhе sun will shine tomorrow."
Тhе forecast said - - -- - - - - -- - - - - --

NapiSite na linijama povratne zamenice koje nedostaju. • § 5 Zamenice

1. Тhе man in the tourist office is Ьу _____ today.

Z. Erin went back to the tourist office Ьу _ _ __

З. Let's enjoy _ ____ in а pub.

• · Ben and Susan went climЬing Ьу _____
5. Did you buy _ _ _ _ а guide book?
15. You and your friend shouldn't go skiing Ьу _ _ __

one hundred and twenty-three 1
З Ponavtjanje Komunikacija ~ Gramatika Recnik Izgovor

~ § 18 Past Simple NauCiLi ste da se Past Simpte upotreb~ava za zavrsenu radnju, а Presetd
Perfect za radnje koje traju, dakle - jos nisu zavrsene.
~ § 19 Present Perfect Erin came to Canada а month ago. (Past SimpLe)
Erin је pre mesec dana dos/a и Kanadи.
Erin has been in Canada for а month. (Present Perfect)
Erin је od pre mesec dana и Kanadi.
Cesti pokazate~i da је u recenici upotreb~en Past Simpte jesu prilozi za
kao sto su: yesterday, Last month, 10 years ago, itd.
PokazateUi da u recenici treba upotreblti Present Perfect jesu prilozi za
vreme kao sto su: yet, for, since, ever, never, so far iLi untiL now.

Dopunite recenice tako sto cete na Linije napisati oЫike Past SimpLe iLi
Present Perfect gLagoLa datih u zagradi.

1. - -- -- - - to China? (youl ever 1Ье)

2. I in Beijing 8 years ago with my famiLy. (Ье)

З. David's parents - - - -- - - married for over ЗО years. (Ье)

4. Тhеу the tickets yet. (not book)
5. She Canada Lastyear. (visit)
6. Му grandmother _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the United States. (never leave)
7. I Andrew yesterday. (meet)
8. We to а nightclub Last Saturday. (go)

Upitne recenice su ispreturane. Da li ih mozete poredati pravilno?
1. wereiWhenl parentslyour 1 born? 1

2. city? 1 Did 1 grow up 1country 1 in 1the 1you 1 or 1in 1 the

З. were 1schooL? 1 you 1 when 1 old 1 you 1 Left 1 How

4. When 1 married? 1 did 1 getl you

124 1one hundred and twent:y-fou'

Komuni а Gramatika ~ Recnik PonavLjanje З

fuLL of peopLe.~ so that it is hard to move

there is а feeLing of Life and activity
fuLL of peopLe from different countries and
с. not worth visiting
• paated
it's а go?.~..idea to do something
not much Life or activity

it's not а good idea to visit this pLace

11. sl.iipy
there are~.anytourists'Ћere

prikazuju razne komade namestaja. Pronadite njihove nazive u .,resetki

. Oprez! Reёi su pisane zajedno, bez razmaka izmedu.

R1 D F . т О r I L
w Е
- R Е А D 1 N G L А м р

D u R R Е Ј к Q v в
о v Е 1-D N м м А К
r-B о А R D N

L м с н G'
А R D в А т н т u
н F Е 1 с м I ·R R
с о F F Е Е т А в L Е


'.··~·д ш.
' . 1

·~ .. · .
~ ....... ... .·llfl . •
.i~· ... . "

one hundred and twenty-five 1125

Komunikacija Gramatika ~ Recnik

Traze se znamenitosti. Mozete Li da pravilno poredate slova?
1. tu ima mnogo predmeta kojima
se divimo suemmu
2. trg u centru grada karmte qusrea
з. figura od kamena ettasu
4. tamo se ide u kupovinu oishppgn ictdisrt
5. tu ima puno camaca i trajekata oruhrab
б. tu se kupuju razglednice vousnier hops
7. tu se jede nocu inculgthb
8. tu se doЬijaju informacije ruitots feicfo
9. izlozba rat hixi Ьieton
10. ulice sa kaldrmom lesppocenot teersts
11. oЬilazak grada dideug ruto
12. poznati deo VankL•vera toswagn

Endruje svom prijatetiu Ronu poslao razglednicu. Mozete li da dopunite reo
koje nedostaju? Pomo6 се Vam reCi na Levoj strani.

- brvnara Hl Ron.
- imati
Тhis is th~ (1.) ~--"----- where v1e stayed! You shoufd (2.) _ _ _
- kamin
- prUatno scen t he inslde. lt ћаd а (3.) and wae. re.;1lly (4.) ~
- mogucnost ~-~· We found ~те typic:al (5.) - - -- - ree.taurants •.vhere
- z~l~o bih the fo9d W<i!S nice. Тhе bee.t thing wae. that the саЫn dfdn't coot а (6.)

-~--- eitherl Well, 1 (7.) - ---"'-- you wer.e here - you'd lovc

, it! 1'11 write more later.

See you, Andrew

126 one hundred and twenty-six


IUda se koristi odredeni clan? Dodajte clan the tamo gde је potrebno.
Jamaica is an isLand in the Caribbean.
l.. _ _ Philippines are а group ofislands in southern Asia.
3. Тhе largest mountain in the worLd is _ _ Mount Everest.
•- _ _ Himalayas are а mountain range in NepaL.
5. Greece and _ _ Turkey are neighbours.

L When we arrived _ _ London it was early in the morning.

l.. When we arrived _ _ our hotel we couldn't check in right away.
3. PeopLe who go hiking _ _ the mountains should wear good shoes .
..._ I left my passport _ _ home.

-~"~ '"' odgovarajuCi glagol.

l et's go outside. Тhе sun is _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ while we were skiing.
We tried to go sailing but the wind didn't _ _ _ _ _ at all.
_ _ _ _ _ the streets.
Every year а volcano _ _ _ _ _ somewhere .

'rhe guided tourthatwewenton was very _ _ _ _ _ . (dosadan)
The visitors on the guided tour looked . ("smoren")
The train ride through the Rocky Mountains was _ _ _ _ _
Thoe passengers on the train were _ _ _ _ _ Ьу the view of the
~ ntains. (odusevifen)

one·hundred and twe; ty-seven f 127

Kako su se ljudi osecali? Povezite odgovarajuce delove recenice.

1. ThetittLe boyfeltscared ,when

•• ''>~'~ ""' • .~ ·"'~''Ч)~>-.<« '~'''-:~~-«<*'' ···

2. The waiter was embarrassed -

·' З. The tour ,guide tooked reaily
' 4. The woman was fщjous becau-

5. Тhе husband seemed jeaLous
: when

Poredajte pravilno reCi da Ьiste doblLi izraze slaganja (agreeing) i nesLaac1r11111111
( disagreeing).

1. !jextendjtojagreejajcertainj.

2. sure/I'm/rightjyou'rej.

З. with/I/disagreejtotallyjyouj.

4. butjbe/mightjyoujright, ј ...

5. point,j!jseejbutjyourj. ..

Napisite na liniju odgovarajucu rec suprotnog znacenja.
1. raw _ __ _ 2. lean _ __ _
З. tender _ __ _ 4. dry _ _ __
5. sweet _ __ _ б. fresh _ _ __

Ьitter state tough cooked fatty juicy

128 1one hundred and twenty-eight
Poslusajte kako se s pгema salata i dopisite odgovaгajuce геСi.
1. _ _ _ _ the lettuce has to Ье washed.
l. _ _ _ _ itshoutd Ье putin а salad bowl.
3. The vegetaЬles should Ье washed _ _ __
'-· _ _ _ _ the vegetaЬLes аге mixed with the lettuce.
5. And _ _ _ _ the dгessing is made and poured onto the salad.

!lapгavite pasivne гecenice. Glagol u zagгadi stavite u odgova гaj u6 oЬlik.
~- The steaks _ _ __ marinated Ьеfоге they аге barbecued. (Ье}
_ _ _ baked in the oven with vegetaЬles. (Ье)
•. All vegetaЬles should _ __ washed Ьеfоге eating. (Ье)
•· First the Ьгеаd has to Ье .and then it's toasted. (cut)
~- Afteг all the food is eaten the dishes аге _ _ _ . (wash)

l.iko se zovu ovi delovi tela?

~~.s.-n<•·~"' па linijama Ьу ili untit.

We аге гeally late. We have to Ье theгe ___ 8 o'clock.
_ _ _ it stops raining.
Тhе train should get there ___ morning.

one hundred and twenty·nine 1129

Ovim uslovпim receпicama пedostaje пајmапјејеdап glagol. Glagol u zagrМi
prebacite u odgovarajuCi vremeпski oblik.
1. lfl had more time, I _ __ _ а пеw laпguage. (learп)
2. I'd go to the Bahamas ifl а relaxiпg holiday. (waпt)
З. Chances are if you book over the iпterпet, you _ _ _ _ less. (рау)

4 Ifthe weather пiсе tomorrow, we can go sailiпg. (Ье)

5. Ifl you, I'd go somewhere warm for а vacatioп. (Ье)

Napisite па linijama say, said, tell ili told.
1. The boat guide us mапу iпterestiпg things about whales.
2. Uпfortuпately he didп't us about the storm.
З. Не _ __ _ it doesп't usually raiп that much.
4. let me _ _ _ somethiпg about the art exhiblt.

Napisite na liпijama already ili yet.
1. Eriп, have you booked the саЬlп _ _ _ '
2. Eriп has _ __ fouпd а good website.
З. She hasп't made а reservatioп _ _ _
4. Eriп's mum has._ ___ gotteп а postcard from her.

Prevedite па engleski dodatke za vreme koji su dati u zagradi.
1. Eriп's mum has lived iп Eпglaпd _ _ _ __ _ . (od pre 50 godina
2. Erin has been surfiпg the interпet . (od jutros)
З. It has been raiпiпg . (od pre 15 minuta)
4. Eriп has waпted to see the Rockies she was а child.
(od kada)
5. David hasп'tseeп his pareпts _ _ _ _ _ _ . (od prosle nedelje)

130 1
one hundred and thirty

Pregled sadrzaja Gramatike

§ 1 Odredeni clan
§ 2 OЬlik used to
§ з Pridevi
§ 4 Modalni glagoli
§ 5 Zamenice
§ б Prilozi
§ 7 Predlozi
§ 8 Uslovne recenice
§ 9 Odnosne recenice
§ 10 Gradenje reCi
§11 Question tags
§ 12 Pasiv
§13 Indirektni govor
§ 14 Imperativ
§ 15 Gerund- glagolska imenica
§ 16 Present Simple
§ 17 Present Progressive
§ 18 Past Simple
§ 19 Present Perfect
§ 20 Past Perfect
§ 21 Present Perfect Progressive
§ 22 Past Progressive
§ 23 Nepravilni glagoli

опе hundred and thirty-one 1131


• . Odredeni ёian When 1 was younger 1 used to go fishing.

Kada sam Ыо mladi, isao sam па pecanje.
Uengteskom jeziku postoji samo jedan odredeni Negacija od used to је didn't use to.
clan: the. Andrew di dn't use to take cooking Lessons..
the man muskarac Eпdru ranije nijfi isao па ёasove kuvanja.
thewoman zena Мога se voditi racuna da u odricnoj formi use ne
the room soba dobja nastavak -d .
Nije uoblcajeno da se used to koristi za
Ctan the stoji uz imenice kada se ukazuje na
postavUanje pitanja. Used to ne Ьi trebiilo
odredene osobe, stvari iti pojmove koji su poznati
zameniti sa oЬlikom Ье used to (blti пavikпut nc
govorniku, iti koje treba da budu ьti ze opisane.
Odredeni ctan u engteskom jeziku stoji ispred
naziva drzava i geografskih pojmova u mnozini,
naziva reka i mora, naziva hoteta, Ьioskopa, • Pridevi
pozorista itd; i ispred prezimena u mnozini i u
izrazima sa of. Pridevi kao sto su blg iti smaLL upotrebUavaju se t1;i
the Uni ted States Ьi se reklo kakav је neko iti kakvo је nesto. Pridevi
the Mississippi u engleskom uvek ostaju nepromenjeni.
the MiНers а happy woman
the GuLf of Mexico srecna iena
an interesting documentary
Odredeni ctan se oblcno ne koristi ispred naziva
iпteresantan dokumentarac
ptanina, jezera, ulica, parkova iti zgrada i trgova.
two good books
1 iive in Oxford Street.
dve dobre kпjige
She went windsurfing оп Lake Michigan.
Where's O'Hare Airport? Mesto u recenici
Pridevi u recenici mogu da stoje neposredno ispred
Ovde, naravno, ima nekotiko izuzetaka: tako se
imenice koju opisuju.
clan stavUa onda kada prvi deo naziva neke zgrade,
She has а friendLy boss.
gradevine ili ustanove nije vlastito ime.
Опа ima ljubazпog sefa.
the White House
Ako pridev ne stoji ispred imenice, onda stoji па
the Empire State BuiLding
kraju recenice, iza gtagota. Pridevi se cesto koriste
the HiLton HoteL
sa glagolom Ье .
The boss isn't very friendLy.
ф OЬLik used to Sef пiје veoma ljubazaп.
Komparacija prideva
Da Ьi se rekto daje ranije nesto Ьilo uoblcajeno ali
Kod pravitne komparacije prideva, jednoslozni i
sada vise nije, upotrebUava se oЬlik used to.
dvoslozni pridevi koji se zavrsavaju na -у dobljaju u
Erin used to have short, straight hair.
komparativu nastavak -er, a.u superlativu nastavak
(Now her hair is Long and wavy.)
- est.
Erin је ranije imala kratku, ravпu kosu.
taU ta~r ta l~rt
(Sada је ona dugaёka i talasasta.)
visok viSi najviSi
easy easier easiest
lako lakse najlakse
1~2 опе huпdred апd thirty-two

kiпd kiпd er kiпd est canf couid

ljubazan ljubazniji najljubazniji Modalnim glagolom can izrazavamo mogucпost,
Ako se pridev zavrsava na -е, dodaje se samo -r sposobпost, dozvolu, ра ёаk i molbu.
оdпоsпо -st. • Mogucnost
пiсе nicer пicest 1 nn take the fLight tomorrow.
Akoje па kraju prideva -у, оп prelazi u -i. Mogu sutra da odem avionom.
fuппу funnier fuппiest • Sposobnost
Ako se pridev zavrsava komЬiпacijom suglasпik Can you raise your Leg?
- samoglasпik - suglasnik, udvaja se posledпji Da li moies da podignes nogu?
suglasпik. • DozvoLa
Ьig Ьi gger Ьigges t You can use my РС if you want.
hot hotter hottest Moies da koristis тој racunar, ako ieliS.
~slozпi ili viseslozпi pridevi koji se п е • MoLba
zavrsavaju па -у, -er, -Le ili -ow, doЫjaju u Ш you heLp me, pLease?
la>mparativu rec more, а u superlativu most. Da li moies da mi pomognes?
beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
Can ima isti oЬlik u svim lici ma, sto znaCi da
lep /epsi najlepsi
Present SimpLe роzпаје samo jedan oЬlik ovog
iпterestiпg more iпterestiпg most
Past Simpie od са п је couid.
interesantan interesantniji najinteresantniji
We couldn't heLp her.
~ pridevi koji se veoma cesto koriste imaju
Nismo mogli da јој pomognemo.
~ravilпo poredeпje. Obratite pazпju.
Ako zelimo da se izrazimo uetivo, umesto са п cemo
good better best
upotreЬiti couLd .
bad worse worst
CouLd 1 have а bottLe of wine, pLease?
much f many more most
Da li Ьih mogaoj-la da doЬijem flasu vina?
far further furthest
CouLd se ta kode п е mепја, u svim licima ima isti

Modaini gLagoLi
Pomocu wouLd moze se izraziti poпuda ili
!IЬ!alпi glagoli kao sto su can, shouLd ili
hipoteticka situacija.
_.Ld upotrebYavaju se sa glagolima puпog
• Ponuda
.~Nсепја i sluze da iskazu daju odredeno
WouLd you Like а cup of tea?
IIIOdalпo zпасепје, па primer, da izraze
Da li Ьiste ieleli solju саја?
1 ll[]l'tC\\rame i misYeпje, ili da izraze mogucпost,
• Hipoteticka situacija
1111eТ\ogucпost ili пeo p hodпost.
That n.uld. Ье great.
То Ьi Ьilo sjajno.
WouLd takode ima isti oЬlik u svim licima .

one hundred anc(thirty-three 1133


shouLd We shoutdn't ••• i ShouLdn't we ••• ? nemaju isto

Pomocni glagoL shouLd upotreb~ava se da Ьi se znacenje.
izrazila obaveza, savet iLi pretpostavka. We shouLdn't take а саЬ.
• Obaveza Nije trebalo da uzmemo taksi.
You shouLd check your e-maiL every day. Shoutdn't we take а саЬ?
Treba/o Ьi da svakog dana proveris svoju Zar nije trebalo da uzmemo taksi?
elektronsku postu.
• Savet
We shouLd coLLect some information on the • Zamenice
Treba/o Ьi da sakupimo neko/iko informacija о Licne zamenice
regionu. Licne zamenice upotreb~avamo umesto Lica iLi
• Pretpostavka stvari koje su nam vec poznate. RazLikujemo
The train shouLd arrive in ten minutes. subjekatske i objekatske zamenice.
Treba/o Ьi da voz stigne za deset minuta.
Subjekatske zamenice
Negacija 1 ја we mi
Negacija od can glasi cannot, iLi skraceno can't . you ti/Vi you vijVi
I can't / cannot come to the meeting. he оп they oni
Ne mogu da dodem па sastanak. she опа
Vodite racuna о tome da se cannot uvek pise it о по
ftШ works in Spain.
Odriean oblik wouLd i shouLd takode se gradi sa Не works in Spain.
not. Ako se koristi skraceni oblik, n't se dodaje The taLk is very boring.
direktno na glagol. .11 is very boring.
That wouLd not 1wouLdn't Ье nice. Dan and Jessica Live in Mexico.
То ne Ьi Ьilo lepo. ~ Live in Mexico.

Negacija glagola shouLd moze da doblje i znacenje Spedflёnosti:

prebacivanja, zamerke ili opomene. 1 se uvek pise veLikim sLovom.
You shoutd not/ shouLdn't drink too much Za t1~ Vi ili vi postoji u engLeskom jeziku samo
coffee. jedna rec: you.
Ne Ьi trebalo da pijeS tako puno kafe.
Objekatske zamenice
Upitni oblik me meni/mene us namajnas
Upitni oЬlik gradimo tako sto modalni gLagoL i you tebl/Vama, you vamajVama,
subjekat zamene mesta. GlagoL punog znaёenja TebejVas Vas/Vas
stoji u infinitivu. him njemujnjega them njimajnjih
They can speak Spanish. her njojjnju
Can they speak Spanish? it njemujnjega
She wouLd Like а new desk. ....
Woutd she Like а new desk?
We shoutd go now.
Shoutd we go now?
Ali, oprez sa odricnim pitanjima! Na primer,

134 1one hundred ond thirty-jour


John Likes S.Ш.,Ш. • PrHozi

John Likes Ш.
I' H meet my friends at the pub. Prilozi su reCi koje Ыize odreduju glagol.
IЋ meet :ttwn at the pub. PrHozi za nacin opisuju kako se nesto radi.
Tom gave the boss а book. Не waLks ·stowLy.
Tom gave him а book. Оп ide polako.
Pritozima za vreme isticemo kada se nesto
ltosle it's/it was koriste se objekatske zamenice.
i Peter! It's me, Steven.
She is coming back tomorrow.
ldra , · er! Ја sam, Stiveп.
Опа se vraca sutra.
l'm not reaHy sure but 1 think it was her.
Prilozi za mesto nam kazu gde se nesto desava.
Nisum siguraп, ali mislim da је to Ьila опр.
Do you work ~?
Оа li ovde radis?
ltovratne zamenice
Prilozima za interval desavanja kazemo koliko
myseLf sebejse yoursetves sebejse
cesto se nesto desava.
yourseLf sebejse themselves sebejse
They ~ саН me.
himseLf sebejse oursetves sebejse
Опi те ёesto zovu telefoпom.
herseLf sebejse
itseLf sebejse
Povratne zamenice koristimo kada radnja glagola Као i pridevi, i prilozi mogu da se porede.
oЬuhvata osobu koja vrsi radnju. Ili, gramatickim Najednoslozne priloge dodaje se -er, odnosno
~Юjmovima iskazano, kada su subjekat i objekat u -est.
~enici isti. soon sooner soonest
Did У.!Ш enjoy yoursetf? skorojraпo skorijejronije nojskorijej
Da li si se zabavioj-la? пајrапiје
!Му introduced themseLves. Ispred dvosloznih iLi visesloznih priloga dodaje se
Опi su se predstavili. more odnosno most.
We asked oursetves where he was? carefuHy more carefuHy most carefuHy
Pitali smo se gde је оп Ьiо? pai(jivo pailjivije пajpailjivije
Ove zamenice se koriste i kada zelimo da posebno Neki dvoslozni pridevi imaju dvojako poredenje:
<1aglasimo daje neko nesto Licno uradio. Uovom mogu da se porede i sa -erj-est, kao i sa morej
stueaju se u srpskomjeziku koristi recsam ili liёпо. most.
fl.L!..!. repaired the printer himself. stowty slower slowest
Polje sam popravio stampaё. more slowly most slowly
Are юш organizing the trip yourseLves? sporo sporije пajsporije
Оо li sami orgaпizujete putovaпje?
I'LL write the Letter mysetf.
Sam си пapisati pismo.

one hundшl and /JU"'f-ft'!! 1135

Izvotfeпje od pndeva Evo liste nekih vaznijih predloga koje ste vec sre
Mnogi prilozi za naCin grade se tako sto se na u ovom kursu.
odgovarajuci pridev doda -Ly. • about
Thi s is the fuШ versioп. (pridev) about forty oko cetrdeset
Ovo је kопаспа verzija. i пformatioп about iпformadje о
We fiпally arrived. (prilog) Does he kпow Zna li оп za ovo?
Копаспо smo stigli. about this?
Ako se pridev zavrsava na -у, onda fiпalno -у
• Ьу
prelazi u -i.
а play Ьу
Lucky LuckiLy
Ako se pridev zavrsava suglasnikom -Le, onda se -е
go Ьу traiп iCi vozom
рау Ьу credit card platiti kreditпom
simpLe simpLy
Ovo pravilo, nazalost, ima рuпо izuzetaka.
Tako, na primer, nisu sve reCi koje se zavrsavaju na • for
-ly, prilozi. for me za тепе
He's а frieпdly persoп. (pridev) go for Luп ch iCi па rиcak
Оп је lјиЬаzпа osoba.
• from
U neki m sluёajevima pridev i prilog imaju isti oЬlik.
а preseпt from pokloп od
They buiLd М cars пowadays. (pridev)
U dапаsпје vreme se prave brzi aиtomoblli. • with
You're driviпg too fast. (prilog) Come with me. Podi sa mnom.
Vozis suvise brzo.
• of
Ponekad oЬlici koji se zavrsavaju na -Ly imaju
potpuno drugaCije znaёenje:
а cup of tea solja саја
пеаr ~ Ыizu пearly - skoro, gotovo kiпd of you lepo od tebe
hard ~ tvrdo hardly- jedva • оп

our expert оп nas ekspert za mobllпe

ceHphoпes telefone
ф: Predlozi
U zavisnosti od primene, predlozi se dele na
Predlozi u engleskomjeziku mogu da imaju predloge za vreme i za prostor, predloge za naCin,
razliёita znaёenja, u zavisnosti od toga u kojem kao i predloge za uzrok.
se kontekstu koriste. Moze im se dati izvesno
osnovno znaёenje, ali ne postoje nikakva cvrsta PredLozi za vreme:
pravil.a za primenu predloga. Zato је potrebno da • after
se postepeno uce, u ёvrstoj vezi sa kontekstom u after Luпch posle rиcka
kojem se pojavUuju.
• ago
two weeks ago pre dve nedelje
• at
at two o'cLock и dva sata
at Christmas zаВоШ
at the momeпt trenиtпo
at luпchtime и vreme rиcka
136 опе hundred and thirty-six

• for • Ьу
for ап hour sat vremeпa Over there Ьу the Тото, pored radija.
for two years za dve godiпe radio.
• from • iп
from поw tШ
od sada do sиtra iп the drawer и ftoci
tomorrow -~ She's in Fraпce. Оп а је и Fraпcиskoj.
~ in the army и vojsd
iп the eveпiпg иvесе in а picture па slici
in 1975 1975. • near
iп half ап hour za pola sata near the super- и Ыiziпi
in Мау и таји market sиpermarketa

• tШ/untiL • ОП
tiН 8 p.m. do 20h оп the right па desпoj straпi
• оп оп the 2пd floor па 2. spratи

оп Mondays оп the waH па zidи

оп Мау 18th оп the corner па иglи
18. maja
оп the weekeпd za vikeпd • to
• to welcome to dobro doSli и
а quarter to seven petпaest do sedam l've been to Bio/-la sam и Kaпadi.
• past iпvitatioп to а pozivпica za zabavи
half past пine pola deset party
• since • under
siпce 1966 od 1966. uпder the desk ispod stola
• duriпg • behind
duriпg luпch za vreme rиcka behind the door iza vrata
т--rebalo Ьida zapamtite i ovo: • between
оп time tаспо betweeп the izmedи zgrada
iп time Ьlagovremeпo buildiпgs

• in front of
flred lozi za mesto: in front of the door ispred vrata
at the statioп па ielezпickoj stanici • across
at home kod kисе across the street preko риtа
at work па poslи • outside
at school и skoli outside the house (napoijи) ispred kисе
at the top gore, и vrhи (прr.
па vrhи straпice)

• from
I'm from Ireland. Ја sam iz Irske.

опе hundred ond thИy-seven 1 137

l· Gramatika

• next to • Ustovne recenice

next to the bank pored Ьапkе
Da Ьi se izrazio uslov, u engleskomjeziku se korisllr
• opposite
if-ktauze. Uslovne recenice se sastoje od glavne •
opposite the park preko риtа parka
zavisne recenice, koja se uvodi veznikom if. Glavra
recenica izra~u njenog uslova, а
Predtozi za pravac:
zavisna recenica sam uslov. ~
• back
Uuslovnim recenicama, u kojim aje i sp~
tet's go back Hajde da se vratimo
uslova realno, glavna recenica stoji u wШ future •
if-ktauza u Present Simpte oЫiku.
• down posLedica usLov
go down the street iб пiz иliси IЋ buy some mitk if the shops ш оре-
Кирiси mleko, ako su prodavnice
• up
go up the escatator iб pokretпim
John wШ tatk to if he Ш! him.
stepeпicama gore
• through Dion се razgovarati ako ga vidi.
through the door kroz vrato sa njim,
We won't come if the weather 1i ЬМ.
• to
Necemo dоб, ako је vreme lose.
go to Canada iб и Капаdи
Urecenicama u kojimaje rec о nekoj opstevazefu]
to the airport па aerodrom
istini i u gLavnoj i u i/-kLauzi stoji Present
to the museum и mиzej
• cross 1across posledica ~
cross the street preko иlice She~ atways there if you nn.d, her.
run across the road trёati preko иlice Оп а је иvek tи, ako ti је potrebna.
Ice .!!ШИ if you .h.ut it.
• towards
Led se topi, ako se zagreva.
towards the exit и pravcи izlaza
I/-kLauza moze da stoji ispred i iza glavne
• past recenice, а da to ne menja znacenje recenice.
past the bus stop pored aиtobиske staпice SheЋ Ье angry if you don't саН her.
Оп а се se /jиtiti, ako је ne na2oveS.
Predtozi koji stuie za iskazivanje naCina i lf you don't саН herL sheЋ Ье angry.
uzroka: Ako је пе nazoves, /jиtice se.
1 usuaHy go to work .ЬХ bus. Obratite paznju na to da zarez stoji samo
ОЬiёпо idem aиtobиsom па posao. ako recenica poCinje zavisnom recenicom (if-
Му ftight was canceHed due to bad wea- ktauzom). Ako је gLavna recenica na prvom mestu.
ther. ne stavLja se zarez.
Мој let је Ьiо otkazaп zbog loseg vremena. ....
Drugi predlozi iz ove grupe su with, without,
because of, for.

138 1one hund"d and tbl<(y-e;ght


Uslovnim reёenicama mozemo da izrazimo 4 • Gracfenje reCi

stepena verovatnoce:
1. opsti uslov Dodavanjem prefiksa iLi sufiksa na prideve ili
She gets angry if you don't caLL her. imenice mogu se graditi nove reёi:
~ Ne postav~a se pitanje koLiko је stanje stvari
verovatno. Prefiksi:
un- unsure nesiguran
2. verovatan uslov
поn- non-smoker nepusac
She' ll get angry if you don't caLL her.
ех- exgi rlfri en d blvsa devojka
~ Verovatno је da се se stva ri ovako razvijati.
mis- misunderstanding nesporazum
З. manje verovatan uslov in- insincere пeiskren
She'd Ье angry if you didn't caLL her.
~ Ne odgovara u potpunosti pravom stanju Sufiksi:
stvari. -ness nervousness nervoza
-iess homeless beskucnik
•· uslov koji ne moze da se ispuni
-ment excitement uzbudenje
We wouid have been in Vancouver if 1
-ion confusion zbunjenost
hadn't broken my arm.
~ Ovaj uslov је nemoguce ispuniti zato sto su se
dogadaji u proslosti drugaёije odigrali.
• Question tags

ф Odnosne recen;ce
Uengleskomjeziku se na kraju reёenice ёesto
nalaze "mini pitanja". Ona se nazivaju question
tags. Upotreb~avaju se da Ьi se pitalo da Lije neka
Odnosne reёnice su one reёenice koje opisuju
pretpostavka taёna, ili kada se zeli saglasnost.
80UП (imenicu) ili noun phrase:
Imaju formu kratkih pitanja: pomocni gtagoL +
А pHot is someone who flies а piane.
Pilotje пеkо ko upravlja avioпom.
David, you are excited, too, aren't you?
The book that 1 bought is interesting.
Dejvide, ti si takode uzbudeп, zar ne?
Kпjiga koju sam kupioj-La је interesantna.
Weii, okay, but you won't Ье angry with us,
prvom primeru odnosna reёenica је vazan deo
wШ you?
s&ozene reёenice. Bez nje reёenica ne Ьi Ьila
Ра dobro, ali песеs se ljutiti па nas, zar пе?
drugom primeru odnosna reёenica moze da bude Za question tags koriste se pomocni glagoli
120stavUena i reёenica Ьi jos uvek Ьila razumUiva. (have, was, wШ, itd.). Kadajejedini ili prvi
The book is interesting. glagol u reёenici glagol punog znacenja, а ne
Ovde је odnosna recenica samo dodatna pomocni glagol, ond<~ se koristi
тnformacija. ' dofdoesfdid.
You visit Canada every year for а hoiiday,
don't you ?
Svake godine ides и Kanadu па odmor, zar пе?

опе hundred and thirty-пiпe 1139

Kadaje recenica potvrdna. koriste se odricna • Indirektni govor

question tags.
The train was very fuLL, wasn't it? Postoje dve mogucnosti da se navedu neёije reCi.
Voz је Ьiо рип, zar ne? Ili se osoba doslovno citira, ili se prenosi sadrzaj
You can come to my party, can't you? njenih reCi. Oruga varijanta se zove indirektni
Moies da dodes па moju zabavu, zar пе? govor.
Kada је recenica odricna, koriste se pozitivna Direktni govor: David said: "1 am tired."
question tags. Indirektni govor: David said he was tired.
You won't forget to meet me at the airport, Uindirektnom govoru vreme zavisne recenice
wШ you ? upravlja se prema vremenu glavne recenice. Ako
NeceS zaboraviti da dodes ро mene па је Ј gLavnoj reёenici upotrebЦcn oblik sadasnjeg
aerodrom, zar ne? ili buduceg vremena, vreme zavisne recenice nett
They aren't Leaving aLready, are they? se menjati. Ako је u glavnoj recenici upotrebljeno
Опј jos пе jdu, zar ne? proslo vreme i u zavisnoj recenici upotreЬice se
odgovarajuce proslo vreme.

• Pasiv Present Simpie prelazi u Past Simpie:

David said: "1 am tired." ~ David said he was tired.
Pasiv aktivne recenice u obliku Present SimpLe Present Progressive prelazi u Past Progressive:
gradi se od glagola Ье i Past ParticipLe (3. oblik). "1 am going to Vancouver tomorrow."
Objekat aktivne reёenice postaje subjekat pasivne ~ She said she was going to Vancouver the follow-
recenicc. Subjekat se moze izraziti konstrukcijom ing day.
Ьу + subjekat aktivne recenice.
Past Simpie prelazi u Past Perfect:
Aktiv Someone stoLe Andrew's car. "The caЬin was really nice."
Neko је ukrao Endruova kola. ~ They said that the caЬin had been really nice.
Pasiv Andrew's car was stoLen Ьу someone. Present Perfect prelazi u Past Perfect:
Endruov auto је Ьiо ukraden (od nekoga). "I have never been to Canada."
ёesto se subjekat aktivne recenice u pasivnoj ~ She said that she had never been to Canada.
konstrukciji jednostavno izostavlja, јег nije WШ ili ' ii prelazi u wouid ili 'd:
znacajan za iskaz. "Bed-linen wШ Ье supplied."
Aktiv We keep the doors and w1ndows ~ She :.aid tl1at bed-Li11en wouLd Ье suppLied.

Locked. Ipak, ne postoje tako evrsta pravila koja Ьi vaZila

Vrata ј prozore drimo zatvorene. za svaku situaciju. Upotreba vremena zavisi od
Pasiv The doors and windows are kept smisla recenice.
Vrata ј prozori se drie zatvoreпj,

140 1 one hundred and forty


• Imperativ Erin, Endrи i Dejvid poce/i sи da planirajи svoje

Zapovedni naCin, imperativ, ima u engteskom Erin, Andrew und David began planning
jeziku isti oblik kao infinitiv. Odricni oblik their trip.
imperativa gradi se pomocu don't. Erin, Endrи i Oejvid poce/i sи planiranje
Select а database. Izaberite Ьаzи putovanja.
podataka. RaztiCito znacenje:
Get up! Ustani! 1 li ke visiting different countries.
Don't wait! Ne cekaj! Rado posecujem razliCite zemlje.
Da Ьi naredba, zahtev iti uputstvo zvucati 1 normally like to try the local food .
gubaznije, ё:esto se stav\ja please ispred gtagola. Volim da probam је/а loko/ne kuhinje.
Please help me. Pomozi mi, molim te. То vazi i za gtagole stop i remember.
Please don't smoke. Ne pusite, molim. Paznja: Posle want uvek stoji to + infinitiv.
Imperativom se takode izrazavaju i dobre ze\je iti
Have а nice day! Lep dan! • Present Simple
Fasten your seat Velite pojas,
belts, please. molim Vas. Gradenje
Don't Ье angry. Ne ifиti se. Present Simple (prosto sadasnje vreme) pravitnih
Itnperativ se cesto upotreb\java za davanje gtagota ima samo dva oblika. Jedan је obtik
щюtstava u prirucnicima. infinitiva, koji је isti za sva lica, izuzev za trece lice
Follow these instructions carefully. FШ out jedninc (hejshejit), gde se dodaje 11astavak -s.
the registration card. Sign your name at
raditi govoriti Ziveti
the bottom of the card ....
I work speak Live
Paiifivo sledite instrukcije. Ispиnite prijavni
you work speak Live
list. PotpiШe se и dnи prijavnog lista ...
hefshejit works speaks Lives
we work speak Live
you work speak live
• Gerund they work speak Live
5erund (gtagolska imenica) је gtagol sa nastavkom Oblici nepra,;tnih gtagota moraju se posebno
-ing, koji se ne sme pomesati sa oЬlikom Present zapamtiti.
f'rogressive. Ovaj oьtik ko1isli ~~ pusLe sasvim ....
IJdredenih glagota, izraza ili predloga.
1 want to do some skiing.
ietim da idem па skijanje.
1 would like to go hunting.
ieleo/-la blh da odem и /ov.
!8aste nekih glagola moze stajati i gerund i
~oostrukcija to + infinitiv. Ponekadje znacenje
са oblika isto, ati cesto postoji raztika u
Isto znacenje:
Erin, Andrew and David began to plan their

one hundred and forty-one 1141


Odrican obli k Ье have do go

Glagoli punog znacenja, kao sto su Иvе ili eat, I am have do go
gгade odrican oЫik tako sto se ispгed glagola doda you are have do go
do notj don't, odnosno does notj doesn't . Glavni hejshejit is has does goes
glagol ostaje uvek u infinitivu, sto znaCi bez -s we аге have do go
nastavka za tгесе lice jednine.
She lives in Mexico. Опа iivi и Meksikи.

She doesn't live in Опа ne iivi и
Mexico. Meksikи.
We eat pizza. Mi jedemo рiси. • Present Progressive
We don't eat pizza. Mi ne jedemo рiси.
Upitni oЬlik Present Progressive (trajni prezent) gгa di se od
Za gгadenje upitnog oЬlika potгeban nam је, kao i Present Simple oЬlika glagola Ье i takozvanog
kod odricnog oЫika, pomocni glagol do odnosno oЬli ka na -ing glavnog glagola. Ovaj oЬli k se gradll
does. tako sto se -ing dodaje infi nitivu odgova гaj uceg
Не speaks Italian. ~ he~ glagola. Kod glagola koji se zavгsavaju па -е , ono
Italian? otpada (come- coming).
They work in а hotel. QQ they !t2!Js. in а 1 am walking
hotel? you are walking
1 u upitnom oЬliku glavni glagol stoji uvek u hej she ј it is walking
infinitivu, sto znaCi hez -s nastavka za t rece lice we are wa Шng
jednine. you are walking
they are walking
Present Simple se uglavnom upotгebgava za Odrican oblik
uopstene iskaze ili tvгdnje· u sadasnjem vгemenu. Odrican oЬlik se g гadi uz pomoc recce not. Not
Не works in а hotel. uvek stoji odmah iza odgova гajuceg oЬlika glagol.i
Оп radi и hotelu. Ье. Are not i is not mogu da se skгate u aren't i
Му husband n quite tall. isn't.
Мој mиi је prilicno visok. l'm not talking to you.
Koristi se i kada se opisuje neka navika ili гad­ Н е isn't listening.
nja koja se redo-vno ponav~a, pri cemu se cesto ili He's not liste11i11g.
pojavguju геСi koje to signaliziгaju, kao usually Тhеу aren't staying at the hotel.
(oblcno), always (uvek) ili every day (svakog ili They're not staying at the h ot~L.
She always drinks coffee оп Sundays. Upitni oЬlik
Опа nedeljom uvek pije kafu. Upitni o Ьli k se gradi tako sto subjekat i pomocni
glagol Ье zamene mesta.
Nepravilni glagoli Are you reading the newspaper?
Neki glagoli imaju nepгavi lan oЬli k u Present Da li sada Citas novine?
Simple. То su, рге svega, pomocni glagoli do, Ье, What is she doing?
have, kao i glagol go. Sta ona sada radi?

142 1one hиndred and forty-two


Uzavisпosti od upotrebgenog vremeпa, ista

reёenica doblja razLiёito znaёenje:
IIN!sel~tProgressive se upotreьtjava: 1 play golf.
kada se radi о radпjama iLi dogadajima koji se zпaCi da redovпo igram goLf.
desavaju u trenutku govora. l'm playing golf.
They're drinking in а pub. zпаёi da goLfigram trenutno.
Опi (иpravo) рiји и kafaпi. 1 don't drink coffee.
She's having tunch. znaёi da пikada ne pijem kafu.
Опа је (upravo) па rисkи. I'm not drinking coffee.
• kada se radi о evrstim pLanovima ili terminima u znaёi da treпutпo ne pijem kafu, vec nesto drugo.
buducnosti, dakLe, kada је rеё о dogadajima koji
su pLaпiraпi iLi evrsto dogovoreпi za buducnost.
They're going to the Rocky Mountains • Past Simpte
next week.
Опi idu sledece пedelje и Roki Mauпtiпs. Gradenje
What are you doing tomorrow? Past Simple (prosto proslo vreme) pravilnih
Sta radis sutra? glagola gradi se tako Sto se па infi nitivпu osnovu
gLagoLa doda nastavak -ed. Ako se gLagoL zavrsava
nt Simpte ili Present Progressive? па -е, dodaje se samo -d.
engLeskomjeziku postoje dva gLagoLska oЬlika walk watkgg
koristimo kada govorimo о sadasnjosti: саН callgg
...,~~•1t Simpte i Present Progressive. Live Live!(
...,_.,t Simpte se koristi kada se govori о Kod nekih gLagoLa oЬLik za prosLo vreme је
' C>te\lazt~c mtvrdпjama, kao i radnjama koje imaju пe praviLaп. Tu spadaju
efovпost u desava пju iLi se poпavgaju. see - saw, eat - ate, go - went.
She speaks Engtish.
Опа govori eпgleski. Odricni oЫik
Не rud.i the newspaper every morning. Odriёni oЬLik se gradi od didn't (did not) i
Оп svakog jиtra бtа поviпе. infinitiva gLavnog gLagoLa.
f!Rsent Progressive se koristi kada se govori Did je oЫik za proslo vreme gLagoLa do.
radnji iLi zblvaпju koje se desava u trenutku She didn't answer the phone.
~ora. Uvek se odпosi па period koji oseeamo kao Опа se пiје javila па telefoп.
~о ogranicen. lzuzetak su recenice u kojima se kao gLavпi gLagoL
They're ptanning а trip. pojavguje Ье . Tu se odriёni oЫik gradi pomocu
Опi (upravo) plaпiraju putovaпje. wasn't (was not) ili weren't (were not), Sto znaёi
She's tatking to а frieQd. pomocu oьtika prosLog vremena glagola Ье .
Опа (trепиtпо) razgovara sa prijateljem. Не wasn't very happy about the accident.
It's raining. Оп nije Ьiо bas srecaп zbog пezgode.
Pada kisa. т

опе huпdred апd forty-three 1143


Upitni oblik We'ye pLanned а trtp to the Rocky

Upitni oЫik se gradi od did odnosno didn't i Mountains.
infinitiva glavnog glagola. Plaпirali smo put za Roki Maипtins.
What did you teLL her? Erin has been in Canada for а month.
Sta si јој rekla? Erin је и Kanadi od pre mesec dапа.
Didn't he break his arm?
lar оп nije slomio rиkи? Odricni oЫik
Izuzetak su i pitanja u kojima se Ье po)v~uje kao Present Perfect gradi odricni oЫik sa haven't
glavni glagol. (have not) odnosno hasn't (has not) .
Were you happy? We hayen't seen him.
Da li ste blli sretni? Nismo ga videli.
Why wasn't he at the hoteL? Не hasn't broken his arm.
lasto оп пiје blo и hotelи? Оп пiје slomio ruku.

Upotreba Upitni oЫik

SimpLe past se upotreb~ava kada govorimo о Upitni oЫik se gradi tako sto subjekat i pomocni
zavrsenim radnjama ili zblvanjima u proslosti. gl.agol zamene mesta.
testo se koriste dodaci za vreme koji se odnose na Have they ever been to Vancouver?
proslost (na primer yesterday, Last week, а year Da li su опi vec blli и Vaпkuveru?
ago, in 1965). Has she toLd him what happened?
1 saw him yesterday. Da li ти је ispricala sta se dogodilo.
Videoj-la sam ga јисе.
Не met his wife in 1987. Upotreba
Оп је svoju ienи upoznao 1987. Present Perfect se cesto upotrebUava kada se
govori о necemu sto ј е u proslosti pocelo; jos u\'8
traje. Opisuje i stanja koja nisu zavrsena, nego joS
О Present perfect traju iLi su vazeea. Cesto se koristi u vezi sa since,
forili how Long.
Gradenje Andrew has Lived in Canada since he was
Present Perfect se gradi od pomocnog glagola born.
have u oЫiku Present SimpLe i partici::>a glavnog Епdrи iivi и Kaпadi od rodenja.
glagola. Her parents have been divorced for 18
1 have asked pitao sam years.
you have asked pitao si Njeпi roditelji sи razvedeпi vet 18 godiпa.
hejshejit has asked pitaoj-laj-lo је U oЫiku Present Perfect se cesto srecu i not ••• yet
we have asked pitali smo (jos пе) ili never (jos пikada) .
you have asked pitali ste 1 haven't seen the пеw museum yn.
they have asked pitalV·lej-la sи Jos пisam videoj-la novi muzej.
l've ~ been to Canada.
Kod nepravilnih glagola i particip је nepravilan. Tu
Nikada jos пisam Ьioj-la и Kaпadi.
spadaju glagoli koje cesto koristimo, kao sto su go
- have gone, see - have seen, ili find - have
found . Have i has se uglavnom koriste u skracenoj
formi - 've i 's.

1441one huпdred апd farty-foиr


• Past Perfect
upitпim receпicama cesto se pojavquju ever
lkodo) ili yet (vec). Past Perfect izrazava radnju koja se u proslosti
Have you ever been to Canada? desila pre пеkе druge radпje.
Оо /i ste ikodo Ьi/i и Konodi? Enn had checked the prices before she
Has the bus arnved ro? booked the cabln.
Оо li је оиtоЬиs vec stigoo? Erin se raspitala za cene pre nego sto је
rezervisala brvnarи.
Ako zelite da пaglasite da radпja u sadasпjosti
Past Perfect se gradi od had i partic1pa gLagoLa
]OS uvek traje, koristicete Present Perfect
(З. oьtik). Ako је glagol pravilaп, infiпitiv glagola
doblce пastavak -ed . Oьtici пepravilпih glagola
lt has been snowing since 2 o'cLock.
moraju se zapamtiti, na primer, Ье - been, see
Sneg podo od 14 ёosovo.
- seen, break - broken.
~di seod:
Erin had checked the prices.
havef has been + oblik па -ing gtavnog
Erin se raspitala za сепе.
David had broken his arm.
Oprez! Ovi glagoti se пikada п е koriste u Present Oejvid је slomio гиkи.
ferfect Progressive.
b ow: Не has kпоwп her for З years. Upitni oblik
IUve: 1 have had this couch for 5 days. Uupitпom oьtiku vremena Past Perfect, had se
м : 1 have been here for 2 hours. nalazi па pocetku receпice.
Had Erin checked the prices?
fresent Perfect ili Past SfmpLe? Da li se Erin raspitala za сепе?
lada se u engteskomjeziku govori о zblvanjima
.а prostosti moze se koristiti i Present SimpLe i Odricni oblik
fresent Perfect. Odricпi oьtik vremeпa Past Perfect gradi se veoma
hst SimpLe koristimo kada govorimo о zavrseпoj jednostavno. Had sejedпostavno zameпi odricnim
radпji iLi zЬivaпju u prostosti. Cesto se srecemo sa oьtikom hadn't . Ovaj oьtik isti је u svim licima.
\'femeпskim odred пicama kao sto su yesterday, She hadn't seen the пеw museum untiL she
~ year ago, Last August ili in 1977, koji jasno went to Vancouver.
~zuju па odredeпi trenutak u proslosti. Опа nije videla novi mиzej dok nije otiSla и
1 Erin Last Monday. Vankиver.
Sreoj-lo som Erin proslog ponedeljko.
fresent Perfect se koristi kada se zblva пja
u proslosti odпose па sadasпjost. Vremeпske • Past Progressive
odredпice koje se cesto koriste u'Vremeпu
fresent Perfect su ever, never, yet, since ili this Past Progressive opisuje radпje u prostosti koje
weekf year. traju. Gradi se od:
They have known each other for years. 1/ he/ shej it + wasj was not + gLagoL + ing
Oni se poznojи vec godinomo. wef youj they + werej were not + gLagoL + ing
Jiin you ever Jlnn to Canada? She was sailiпg. Тhеу were skiiпg.
Оо li si ikado Ьioj-lo и Konodi? She wasn't saitiпg. Тhеу were not skiiпg .

one hиndred and forty-five 1145

Uupitnim recenicama subjekat i pomocni glagol Za zavrsene radnje u proslosti koristimo Past
zamenjuju mesta. Simple.
Was she sailing? Were they skiing?
What happened? The phone rang.
Upitna гес dolazi na pocetak recenice:
Sta se desilo? Telefon је zazvonio.
What were you doing at 6 o'clock?
Past Simple i Past Progressive se mogu nаб u
Past Progressive i Past Simple istoj recenici:
Za oznacavanje radnje u proslosti koja traje neko The phone rang whiLe Erin was reading.
vreme koristi se Past Progressive. Ove radnje su Te/efon је zazvonio dok је Erin titala.
pocele ujednom trenutku u proslosti i nije sigurno
Tako se saopstava da se nesto desilo u toku
da su zavrsene.
trajanja neke druge radnje.
What was Erin doing? She was reading.
Sta је Erin radi/a? Citala је.

• Nepravilni glagoli

Kod glagola razlikujemo prvi oЬlik (inftnitivjosnovni oЫik), drugi oЬlik (Past Stmple) i treCi oЬlik (Past
Participle) .
Evo liste najvaznijih nepravilnih glagola:


bring brought brought

Ьuikl Ьuitt Ьuilt
burn burned / burnt bumedfburnt
Ьuу Ьought Ьought
can could
c:atth cautht c:aught
come came come
cost cost CQ$t
cut cut cut
do dld done
drink drank
~ dfove
eat ate jesti
fal1 feU ptiSti
feel felt felt osetati (se)

146 1one hundred and forty-six


2. oЬiik З. oЬlik prevod
found found паб
t\ew flown leteD
forgot forgotten zaboraviti
got got doЬiti
gave given dati
went gone i6
grew grown rosti' '" ..
had had imoti
heard heard Cиtijpos/u~oti
held hekt drl«i
huтt hurt povreditijboleti
kept kept drlati
knew known znati
lef't teft otiti/osi:Jwiti
lent Lent pozajmiti l&l$titi
Lost Lost izgublti
llllde made llniti/lflditl
meant meant mislitVznatiti
met met Sl'fSti
paid paid platiti
put put stJwitjfpo/Dliti'.
read read бtati
rose nsen rasti/podi6
said said rеб
saw seen WJeti
seLL soLd sold prodati

sent sent poslati ~--'

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sing sang su~g pevati




bke took taken uzeti
(lllllch taught taught podultмzt:i

teLL told toLd reбjpricati


written ..

one hundred and forty·seven 1147

Tekstovi audio zapisa

а Veibanje з, 5
Erin: I'm so happyto see you both again. I Erin: Tako sam srecпa sto vas vjdim оЬојја....
can't believe it has already been two Ne mogu da verиjem da је proslo vet
years since 1 was here Last. David, you dve godjпe od kada smo se posledпji
Look the same, but Andrew, you seem риt videli. Dejvjde, izgledas роtрипо
taLter. Haveyou grown? isto. Ali ti тј, Eпdru, jzgledas viSi, do
Andrew: WeLt, i was always quite tall, but I've пisi porastao?
put on а little weight since 1started Endru: Ne, иvek sam Ьiо pri[jcпo visok, а[ј sae
taking cooking lessons. I used to Ье se malo иgојјо od kada jdem па kurs
skinny, remember? Now I'm more of а kиvапја. Ranije sam Ьiо mrsav, secйS
man. se? Sada vise izgledam kao mиskarac.
David: Erin, you Look different, too. You used Dejvid: Eriп, ј ti izgledas drиgaбje. Imala si
to have short, straight hair, but now ranije kracu, rаvпи kosи, а sada је
it's Long and wavy. Anyway, teLL us what dиgacka ј talasasta. Kaii пат, sta te
brings you to Toronto. dovodi и Toronto?
Erin: Well, I'm on an eight-month exchange Erin : иcestvujem и programu razmeпe
program with а Toronto newspaper. А sa jednom novinskom redakdjom iz
Canadian journalist went over to our Toronta и trajanjи od osam mesed.
office in London, and 1came over here. и nasoj redakciji и Lопdопи sada se
Му boss here is really nice and easy- пalazj јеdап kaпadski поvјпаr, а ја
going. sam dosla ovamo. Моја seftca ovde је
Andrew: Н еу, that sounds cool. So, what do you veoma ftna i opustena.
plan to do while you're here? Endru: То zvиб kиl. Ра, kakvi su ti planovi dot
Erin : Well, as you guys know, 1 love travel- si ovde?
ling, and 1 enjoy spending time in the Erin: Као sto znate, ја volim da риtијет i
outdoors, so 1 want to do some skiing uiivam da provodim vreme и prirodi.
this winter and l'd like to go cycling Zato ielim da ove zime idem па
and sailing in the summer. Do you guys skijanje, а da и toku leta vozim Ьicikl
have any plans? i da jdem па jedrenje. Da [ј vj јтаtе
Andrew: Well, 1 haven't had а real holiday for al- neke planove?
most two years. David, what about you? Endru: Vec dve godine пjsam imao pravj
David : А holiday! lt's been а long time. You're godisпjj odmor. А ti, Dejvide?
right! - 1 need to take а vacation. Dejvid: Odmor! 8ј[о је to davno. и pravи si,
.... potreban mi је.

148 1:опе huпdred апd forty-ejght

Tekstovi audio zapisa

Erfn: Great! I think 1have the answer. I've Erin: Sиper! Mislim da imam reseпje. Uvek
atways wanted to see more of Canada. sam ie/ela da vidim Капаdи. Sta
What do you think about going on а trip mislite о tome da zajedпo pиtujemo ро
together somewhere in Canada? МауЬе Kaпadi. Moida па пеdеiји dапа?
just for а week? Endru: О da ... Mogu da zamislim kako је to
Andrew: Oh yeah ... 1 could imagine going to otiб и Moпtrea/ ili moida па istok
Montreal or out East to Nova Scotia or Nove Skotske, i/i...
Erin: ... i/i па sever do Severozapadпih
Erfn: ... or up north to the Northwest Territo- Teritorija, i/i и Roki Mauпtiпs. Dobro,
ries or out to see the Rocky Mountains! hajde da razmis/imo!
Okay let's put our heads together!

Vezbanje 4
1. l'm really glad to see you again! б. 1 want to do some rock-climЫng in the summer.
2. l.ast month 1 started taking skiing lessons. 7. What do you think about going on а holiday
3. Му friends are reatty nice and easy-going. together?
~. 1 used to Ье very thin. 8. 1 could imagine going to see the mountains.
S. 1 enjoy spending time in the outdoors.

Veibanje 3, 4
Davfd: So then, it's settled! - ln just а few Dejvid: Dobro, to је dogovoreпo! - Za
weeks we're taking the train to the пekoliko пedeija krenиcemo vozom
Rocky Mountains. 1think this calts for а и Roki Mauпtiпs. Mislim da treba da
toast! пazdravimo tome.
АН three: То our train trip to the Rocky Sve troje: Za паsе риtоvапје и Roki Маипtiпs!
Mountains! Erin: Ok, momci, ima jos рипо toga da se
Erfn: Okay guys, we have а lot of prepara- pripremi. 5ta kaiete, sta sve tгеьа da
tions to make. What did we say we need se uradi?
to do again? Endru: Као prvo, moramo se raspitati za сепе
Andrew: Well, for starters we have to find out vozпih karata. I пе smemo zaboraviti
about train ticket prices. da rezervisemo sоЬи и hotelи za prvи
Davfd: And we mustn't forget to book а hotel пос i/i dve.
room for the first night or two.

опё huпdred апd forty-niпe 1149

Tekstovi audio zapisa

'(~ ··

Erin : Oh yeah, гight. I also think we should Erin: · Da, tacno. Mislim da Ьi trebalo da
collect some tourist infoгmation on the nabavimo neki informativni materijaa с
гegion, like maps and guide books. toj oЬlasti, kao sto sи geografske k~
David: Okay, gгeat. So, who's going to Ье i vodic za tиriste.
responsiьte fог what? Dejvid: Ok, dobro. Dakle, ko је za sta zadиiг
Andrew: Well, I'm going to the tгain station next Endru: Ја idem sledece nedelje па ielezniдa.l
week to look afteг the tгain tickets. And stanicи da se pobrinem za karte. А
Erin said she's taking саге of the tourist Erin је rekla da се da se potrиdi oko
information. informatora za tиriste.
David: Cool. Then I'll Ье in chaгge of booking Dejvid: Киl. Onda sam ја zadиien za
us а hotel гооm fог оuг aгrival in rezervadjи hotelske sobe dok smo
Vancouveг. I've neveг had so much fun и Vankиverи. Nikada mi planiranje
planning а holiday Ьеfоге! godisnjeg odmora nije Ьilo tako
Andrew: Well guys, I hate to break up а good zabavno!
party, but it's Late and I'm working Endru: Ljиdi, mrzim sto prekidam nasи
tomorrow. zabavи, ali kasno је, а ја sиtra raditJt
Erin : Right then. Let's get going. Check Erin: Dobro, dakle. Hajde da idemo. Racun
please! molim Vas!

JQ} Vezbanje 1
1. North America and Asia аге Laгge continents. 7. Mount St. Helens in Washington State,
2. Iceland is an island in northeгn Europe. erupted in 1980.
З. Canada Lies between Тhе Atlantic Ocean and The 8. The Rockies and the Pyгenees are popular
Pacific Ocean. mountain ranges.
4. Lake Ontario is one offive Gгeat Lakes 9. Тhе Sahara is а vast desert in Africa.
between Canada and the USA. 10. Тhе Bahamas are а group of islands south of
5. Тhе Thames and The Amazon are Long rivers. Florida.
6. Niagara Falls аге Canada's Largest natuгal falls.

:а Vez~anje З , 4
Andrew: Wow, accoгding to my map, we'LL Ье Endru: Vаи, sиdeCi роmojoj karti uskoro
passing through Calgary soon! proCi kroz Kalgari.
David : Really? I can't believe I've been on this Dejvid: Stvarno? Ne mogи da verиjem da vei
tгain fог two days already. dva dana sedim и ovom vozu.
Andrew: Yeah. It says here, Calgary is the city Endru: Da, ovde pise da је Kalgari grad и
which has the most sunny days in Kanadi sa najvise sиncanih dana -
Canada - over Зоо per year! od 300 godisnje!
..... .....

150 1опе hundn~d and ftfty

Well, in the info that Erin found on the Dejvid: и iпformacijama koje је Eriп proпasla
net it says winter is the time when it's па Iпtemetи pise da је zima па
usually rainy, foggy and cold on the Pociftkи иglavпom hladпa, maglovita i
Pacific Ocean. kisovita.
That's okay. Bad weather \von't stop us Erin: Ne smeta. Lose vreme паs песе
from exploring Vancouveг. We can visit odvratiti od togo do istroiimo
Chinatown. Му book says theгe аге lots Vaпkиver. Moiemo da posetimo kiпeskи
of places where we can go for sushi! cetvrt. и mojoj kпjizi pise do imo
Go rightahead! 1 think I'llstayin the mпogo restoraпa и kojima moiemo da
hotel instead. jedemo sиsi.
What's wгong, David? Noгma llyyou're Dejvid: Samo vi idite. Mislim da си radije
the kind of guy who likes adventure. ostati и hotelи.
Yeah, 1 know. Ijust don't feellike Endru: Sta se desava, Oejvide? ОЬlспо si
walking aгound in а thunderstoгm the spremaп za avaпtиre.
whole time. Okay, what else is on your Dejvid: Оа, zпam. Jedпostavпo пisam
list, Erin? raspoloieп da ро ovom пеvrетепи
Whale-watching excursions, for setam. I, sta је jos па tvojoj listi?
instance! Тhere's а trip that goes round Erin: Ekskиrzija па kojoj blsmo posmatrali
t he harbour every two hours. kitove, па primer! Svaka dva sata ima
Yeah, and 1 read we can take the ferry tиra oko lиke.
to Vancouver Island. Endru: Оа, proCitao sam da trajektom moiemo
&in: David, there's even а trip that takes you da se prebacimo do ostrva Vaпkuver.
up to see а glacieг! Erin: Oejvide, postoji cak i izlet koji te ti
8avid: All right, you sure know how to cheer а omogибti da vidis glecere.
guy up! Thanks guys! Dejvid: Dobro, vi zaista zпate kako da пekoga
oraspoloiite. Hvala, ijиdi!

Vezbanje 5 В11 Vezbanje 15

мd heгe's the weather forecast fог the next few 1. The Atlantic Ocean is on the east coast of
alays: The weathe г Friday will Ье sunnyin the moг­ Canada and the USA.
l'l'ing with а high of 4 degrees Celsius. Clouds will 2. Тhе Himalayas аге а mountain range in Nepal.
move in in t he еагlу afteгnoon. In the late afteг­ З. The Nile is one ofthe longest riveгs in the
noon there is а 50% chance of гain. In the evening world.
':ћеге will Ье thundeгstoгms. The tempeгatuгe will 4. The Black Sea is а populaг beach-holiday spot
!jtop to below zего overnight. Saturday will Ье for people from Turkey.
doudy and cold with а possibllity of snow. On Sun- 5. Europe and Australia а ге continents.
~y it will rain again. It will warm up and become б. Mt. Hood is а mountain in the United States.
foggy. Hail and thundeгstorms аге possiЬle in the 7. Superioг, Erie and Ontario аге three ofthe
1fteгnoon. Great Lakes.
8. Niagara Falls can Ье seen from Canada and the

one hundred ~;d jifty-one 1151

Tekstovi audio zapisa

9. Tarzan lived with Jane in thejungle. ~

10. The Sahara Desertis in the north of Africa. - Veibanje 16
11. Poland and Finland аге countries in Europe.
luggage, hungry, busy, minute, curtain, surface.
12. lceland is an istand in the north of Europe.
usual, unusuat, quite, quick
13. The Caribbean is а group of islands.

Veibanje 3, 4
Erin: Wow! Look at the snow on the moun- Erin: Vаи! Pogledajte sпeg па vrhovima
taintops! It's perfect skiing weather, рlапiпа! SavгSeпo је vreme za skija~
isn't it? zar пе?
Andrew: Yeah, 1 can hardly wait! We should go Endru: Da, п е тоgи da docekam. Trebalo је
today, while we still feel courageous, da kreпemo jos daпas, dok jos imarn&
don't you think? hrabrosti, zar пе misliS tako?
Erin: Good idea. l'm so glad that we're here Erin: Dobra ideja. Sretпa sam sto smo смЈf
together. David, you're exdted, too, zajedno. Dejvide, i ti si иzЬиdеп, zcr
aren'tyou? ne?
David: Sure, l'm happythat we're here. lt's Dejvid: Naravпo, sretan sam·sto smo ovde.
justthat, on the train, we didn't dedde Jediпo sto и vozu nismo odlиCili sto
what we wanted to do first, did we? prvo ielimo da radimo, zar ne?
.Andrew: Oh, well ... What would you rather do, Endru: A... to. Sta Ьi ti voleo da radis?
then? Dejvid: Najpre Ьih ieleo da vidim grad. Suvt2
David: Personally, 1 feellike seeing the city sam иmoran da Ьih prvog dапа od"_.
first. l'm too tired to go skiing on our isao па skijanje.
fi rst day here. Erin: Razиmem, ali skijanje се samo da ti
Erin: 1 see your point, but going skiing would pomogne da se osetas iivlje. Endru S~
probaьty make you feellivelier. дndrew slaie, zar пе, Епdrи?
agrees with me, don't you дndrew? Endru: Da, moram da kaiem da је Eriп и
Andrew: Yeah, 1 have to say, l'm with Erin. I'm pravи. Uvereп sam da Ьi se posle toq~r
confident that you would feel better osecao bolje.
afterwards. Dejvid: Siguran sam da ste и pravи, a/i zaisu
David: Well, l'm sure you're right, but I ho- nisam raspoloieп. lasto vas dvoje м
nestly don't feellike it. So why don't ocJ.ete?
you two go together? Erin: Uredи. Ali ti se песеs ljиtiti па nas.
Erin: Well, okay, butyou won't Ье angry with је l' tako?
us, will you? Dejvid: Ne, и redu је, zaista. Vidimo se onlkl.
David: No, it's fine Ьу me, reatty. Go enjoy kasnije veceras.
yourselves, and we'll see each other
later tonight.

152 1one hundred and fifty-two

Ponavtjanje 1
Vezbanje 9
1. Тhе museum we visited was so boring. ВВ Vezbanje s
Z. One or two tourists on the boat were frightened
1. Who's going to Ье responsiole for ptanning the
Ьу the whales.
З. When Susan told us she was coming to visit us
2. Jennifeг willlook after buying the train
we were excited.
• · Many people in Vancouver say the weatherin
з. Michael said he is going to take саге of
winter is depressing.
oгganising the entertainment.
S. Тhе helicopter ride over Niagara Fatts was thrit-
4. Susan is going to Ье in chaгge of гenting а саг.
5. We need to find out about ferry rides.
б. Wе'ге taking а vacation. I think this catts for а

CDntentment, excitement, cheerfutness, wettness,

sadness, tiveliness, nervousness, setf-consciouss-
ess, depression, confusion, frustration, inspirati-
Dtl, retaxation

Vezbanje з, 4
Andrew: Okay, on the menu they've got soups, Endru: Ok, па meпiju imaju supe, salate, meso
salads, meat and fish, pasta dishes, and ј ribu, testeпiпe i deserte.
desserts. Erin: Vau! 5/usaj ovo: riba па iaru sa
&;n: Wow, tisten to this: grilted fish with ресепјт kroтpjriтa ј brokoli!
roasted potatoes and bгoccoli! Endru: Ne, cekaj! - Ovo је jos bolje: sпic/a,
Andrew: No, wait! - Тhis is even betteг: Steak, veliki skaтpj, ресепј krompiri i Cezar
jumbo shrimp, baked potato and Сеаsаг salata! Mmm.
satad! Mmm. Erin: Ne mogu da se od/uбm sta da jedem.
&in: I can't decide what I want to eat. How А ti?
aboutyou? Endru: Ni ја. !т ат ideju. Konobar dolazj
Andrew: Ме neither. I have an idea. The waiter's ovamo. Hajde da ga pjtamo da [ј јтаји
coming оvег. Let's ask him iftheгe аге dпevпi· meпi.
any speciats. Erin: Oobra ideja!
frin: Good idea!
Erin: Oobar dап! Оо /i moiete da пат kaiete
fri n: Hello, could you please tell us what staje daпas па meпiju?
your speciats аге today? ...

опе huпdred and fifty-three 1153

Waiter: Sure, we have а tasty garden salad, Konobar: Naravno, јтато ukusnu zelenu
topped with grilled chicken breast, or sa pjfetim belim mesom sa rosЩjo
baked salmon with steamed rice and pecenog lososa sa barenim pirin~
salad. salatom.
Andrew: What other meat dishes do you have оп Endru: Која jela od mesa jos imate danus ос
special? meniju?
Waiter: We also have barbecued steak, served Konobar: !тото ~пјс[и па iaru, serviranu sa
with potatoes and а side-order of salad kroтpjriтa, ј kao prilog - salata ~
or vegetaЫcs. povrce.
Andrew: How do you do your steak? Endru: Kako pripremate sniclu?
Waiter: First the steak is marinated. Then it is Konobar: Snicla se najpre marinira. Zatim se
seasoned, and after that it's barbecued. zабпј ј па kraju ispece па roStilju.
Erin: And, how are the potatoes and vegeta- Erin: А kako se spremaju krompiri i р~
Ыеs cooked? Konobar: Ро ielji. Krompiri mogu da se реkь
Waiter: lt's your choice. The potatoes can Ье prie, а povrce se kuva па pari.
baked or fried, and the vegetaЫes are Endru: Ok, mislim da пат treba jos пekolil:r
steamed. miпuta da odluбmo.
Andrew: Okay, I think we need another minute Konobar: Nema proьtema, vratiCu se da uzmm:
or two to decide. porudiblпu.
Waiter: No proЫem, I'll Ье right back to take
your order.

Vezbanje б

Waiter: So, may 1take your order? Waiter: And to drink... ?

Erin: Yes, I'd Like the salmon special. Andrew: I think I'll have an ice-tea, with по ia-
Waiter: Would you like the salad as а starter or Waiter: Would you care for anything for des-
with the meal? sert?
Erin: As а starter, ptease. Erin : Oh, I think we'll wait to and see for
Waiter: Would you like anything to drink with sert.
your meal? Waiter: Great, coming right up.
Erin : Yes, а mineral water please.
Waiter: And for you, sir?
Andrew: I'd also like а salad to start.
Waiter: And for the main course?
Andrew: Тhе steak special with baked potato.
Waiter: Would you like sour creamwith your
baked potato?
Andrew: Oh, yes please!
154 1one hund.-..1 ond ft~·foиr
Vezbanje 16
• So, tell me about this great sushi bar you went 1> After finishing the soup, we ordered some tuna
to! sushi.
Well, first we sat down at the bar and looked at ~ Okay, and ... ?
the menu. 1> So, after that, the sushi was made Ьу the
• Right, okay ... sushi chef right in front of us!
Тhen we ordered а light Miso soup as а starter ~ Н еу, cool! So, that was it then?
- It was so tasty! 1> No, finally, we ordered some Sake, Japanese
• Sounds good. What happened next? rice wine.

lravid: Ouch! Му arm! Dejvid: Јој! Моја rиka!

'uide: David, don't move! I'll Ье right there! Vodic: Dejvjde, пе pomeraj se! Stjzem odmah!
- Are you badly hurt? - Da [ј sj tesko povredeп?
lravid: I have а sharp pain in my forearm, and Dejvid: Imam ostre bolove и podlaktjcj ј ресе
it burns! Ouch! те! Јој!
'u1de: Try moving it from side to side. Vodi ё: Pokиsaj da је pomeris.
lravid: I can't! It really hurts! Dejvid: Ne mogи! lajsta boli!
'uide: Well, it's not Ьleeding . Can you bend it Vodic: Ра, ne krvari. Da li moies da је savijes
at the elbow? и laktи?
lravid: Yeah, а little, butit's very painful! Dejvid: Da, malo, ali jako boli!
'uide: Does it hurt when I touch your forearm Vodic: Da li Ьо[ј kada ti ovako dodjтem
like this? podlaktjcи?
David: Ouch! Тhat kills! Dejvid: Јој! Uiasпo boli!
' uide: Okay, just sit againstthis rock and hold Vodic: Ok, паslопј se па
ove steпe ј drzj svojи
your arm still. I'm going to call for help. rиkи. Pozvacи pomoc.
Vodic: Halo, govori Bred Aпdersoп, vodjc.
' uide: Hello, this is Brad Anderson speaking,
!та т ovde jedпog povredeпog
mountain guide. I've got а wounded
afpjпjstu. Mjslim da је sloтjo rиkи.
climber here. 1 think his arm is broken.
Pomoc: Ok, Bred, dajte тј vasu tacпu pozidju.
Heip: Okay Brad, telL me your exact position.
Vodic: Nalazimo se па Vajld Bil Ridiи.
' uide: We're at WiLd Bill Ridge.
Dejvid: Јој!
David: Ouch!
Pomoc: Ok, imam vas па kartj.
Heip: Right, I've got you on the map. ......

опе huпdred апd fifty-five t 155
Tekstovi audio

Guide: 1 know the area. Go west оп Highway Vodic: Poznajem oЬlast. Idite autoputem 10
10 to Williams lake. Turn right on to р гета zapadu do jezera Vilijams Lejt._
number б side-road. Follow the road for Skrenite desno па put broj б i idite
2 km ... ovim putem 2 km ...
Help: Don't worry. We'll send а medicopter, Pomoc: Ne brinite. Poslacemo helikopter, to
it's quicker. Stay there. We'll Ье there је brie. Ostanite tamo. Ти smo za 20
in 20 minutes. minuta. .

Vezbanje б, 7 · · Veibanje 15
1. Take the first right. Turn left at the first street. Follow the street for
2. When you get to the corner, turn left. lOOm. Cross at the pedestrian crossing. Take the
З. Follow the street for lOOm. next right and it's the third buiLding оп your right
4. Кеер going untiLyou reach the intersection.
5. Go through traffic Lights.
б. Cross at the pedestrian crossing.
7. FoLlow the bend in the road.
8. lt's the third house on your right.

111 Vei banje 2

1. Не must Ье there Ьу now. 4. You can't Ье hungry again!
2. They might Ье at а pub in the city. 5. He's Late; he must have missed the bus.
З. She wilL Ье home soon. б. We should Ье finished Ьу tomorrow.

· ' Vei banje З, 5

Ertn : It's 10 o'cLock aLready. 1 wonder why Erin: Vet је 22 casa. Pitam se zasto se
David isn't back yet. Dejvid jos nije vratio.
Andrew: Oh, he's рrоЬаЫу out having fun some- Endru: Ah, sigurno se negde zabavija. PojOVJt:R
where. He'll turn up soon, I'm sure. se uskoro, siguran sam.
Erin : Не went cLimЬing, right? And it's been Erin: Otisao је па penjanje, zar пе? А mrat
dark for hours now, so he must Ье finis- је vec satima, morao је da zavrsi sa
hed climЬing Ьу now. репјапјет do sada.
...... ......

156 1one hundred ond fifty-six

Andrew: WeLl, maybe he met someone and went Endru: Moida је upozпao пekoga i otiS/i su
out for а cocktail or something. After da рорiји пeki koktel ili пesto sliёпo.
aLL, we're оп holiday. Ipak, па odmorи smo.
Erin: If he went out for а drink, he would Enn: Da је oblao па pice, vcrovatno
most Likely caLL. Не wouldn'tjust Leave Ы пazvao. Оп пе Ы ostavio svoje
his friends sitting in the hotel. prijate/je da sede и hote/и.
Andrew: Perhaps he Lost track of time. If he's at Endru: Moida је zaboravio па vreme. Ako је и
а bar, he'll show up sooner or later. пekom Ьаrи, pojavite se pre ili kasпije.
Erin: Do you think something might have Е nп: Mislis li da је moglo пesto da ти se
happened to him? dogodi?
Andrew: I doubt it. David's а careful guy. Endru: Sитпјат. Dejvid је oprezaп momak.
Erin: Do you think so? Are you positive? Enn: Da li zaista mis/is tako? Da li si
Andrew: WeLl, not а hundred percent, but what sigиraп?
could have happened, Erin? Endru: Ра, пеbas stoproceпtпo. Ali sta moie
Erin: I don't know. МауЬе they got lost, or da se dogodi, Erin?
what if he got hurt climЬing? Oh god, Е nп: Ne zпam. Moida sи se izgиЫ/i ili - sta
Andrew, where оп earth could he Ье? ako se prilikom репјапја povredio? О
I'm really worried! boie, Endrи, gde Ы mogao da Ьиdе?
Andrew: Okay, look. We'll wait until morning. If laista briпem!
he's not back Ьу then, we'Ll try and find Endru: Vidi, ёekacemo do ијиtrи. Ako se do
him, okay? tada ne vrati, pokиsatemo da ga
Erin: Alright, I guess so. pronademo, и redu?
Enn: Mislim da је и redи.

Veibanje б Veibanje 16
1. Ifyou are hungry, you should eat something. 1. Ifyou don't eat something, you will Ье hungry
2. lfl had а million dollars, 1 would travel the later.
world. 2. Ifthe bus is late, we can take the tram.
3. lf she misses the train, she wiLl Ье late. З. I wiLl caLL а doctoг if you аге hurt.
•· We could go shopping, if we had more time. 4. I would buy а new а саг if I had t.he money.
5. If you eat too much ice-cream, your stomach 5. Ifit snowed, we could go skiing.
will hurt. б. If I wеге you, I would steam the vegetaьtes.
6. You can come with us on our trip, iГ you want to. 7. If theгe were mоге wind, you could go sailing.
7. lf you give me your phone number, 1 wilL calL 8. I will go fог а walk if it stops гaining.
8. We would Ье happier, if it stopped raining.

опе hипdred апd ftfty-seven 1157


Vezbanje 1
1. 1 have а cold. б. 1 have а cough.
2. I have the flu. 7. I have а temperature.
З. I have itchy eyes. 8. I have а sore throat.
4. I have an earache. 9. 1 have а headache.
5. 1 have а stomach-ache. 10. 1 have а rw1ny nose.

Vezbanje 3
Erin: Hello? Erin: Halo?
David: Hi Erin. Dejvid: Zdravo Erin.
Erin: David, is thatyou? Hold on. Andrew's Erin: Dejvide, da Li si ti? Sacekaj malo. 1
here, too. I'LL put you on the speaker- Endru је ovde. Ukijuacи spikerfon.
phone. Erin: Dejvide, gde si pobogu?
Erin: David, where on earth are you? Dejvid: Uh, ра, zapravo, ја sam и Ьоfпјсј.
David: Ugh, well, actually, I'm in the hospital. Endru: Drиie, sta radis и bolnici?
Andrew: Buddy, what are you doing in the Dejvid: Slomio sam rиku prilikom penjanja.
hospitaL? Erin: О, тој boie. Kako se to dogodilo?
David: 1 sort of broke my arm while I was clim- Dejvid: Ра, stene su Ыlе mokre jer је padala
Ьing. kjsa. Driao sam se za konopac kada
Erin: Oh my god! How did that happen? sam se okliznиo ј рао.
David: Well, the rocks were wet because it was Endru: Da Li sj krvario? Da {ј su morali da te
raining. Anyway, 1 was hoLding on to usjvaju?
the горе when 1 slipped and fell. Dejvid: Ne, а(ј ruka тј је и gipsu ј jmam
Andrew: Were you Ьleeding? Did you need stit- nekoliko modrica.
ches? Erin: ZvuбS nekako ёиdпо. Da nemas
David: No, but my arm's in а cast and I've got а kijavicи?
couple of bruises. Dejvid: Da, prehladia sam se dok sam sedeo ,.
Erin : You sound funny. Have you got the kisi ј cekao helikopter.
sniffies or something? Endru: Doveli su te he/ikopterom? Соvеёе!
David: Yeah, I caught а cold while 1 was sitting Erin: Jadni Dejvjde! Da li treba da dodemo
in the rain waiting for the helicopter. ро tebe?
Andrew: Theytook you Ьу helicopter? Oh man! ..,..
Erin: David, you poor thing! Should we come
pickyou up?

158 1 one hundred and fifty-eight

Tekstovi audio zapisa

No, it's okay. Ijust phoned to say I'm Dejvid: Ne, и redu је. Samo sam nazvao da
finished here, and l'll meetyou at the kaiem da sam sada gotov i da сета se
hotel in about an hour. паб и hotelu za oko pola sata.
Okay. 1 think that's enough adventure Endru: Dobro. Verujem da је bllo dovoijno
for one trip. Perhaps we should take it avantura za jedno putovanje. Moida Ьi
easy for а couple of days. trebalo da se smirimo nekoliko dana.
1 think so too. Okay, see you later. Dejvid: I ја tako mislim. Vidimo se.
Andrew und Erin: Okay, Ьуе. Endru i Erin: Vaii, сао.

Vezbanje 5 Vezbanje 9
l. How did you twistyour ankle? John: You're coughing and sneezing, have
2. How did she get а concussion? you got а cold?
3. How did he manage to cut his chin? Karen: No. The doctor said I've got the flu: l'm
._ How did you break your toe? freezing, and I have а sore throat and а
5. How did she burn her hand? temperature. You sound sick, too. What
&. How did you bruise your shoutder? have you got?
John: 1 have allergies: my eyes аге itchy and
I've got а runny nose.
Karen: Му flat-mate was playing her music too
Vezbanje б loud and now I have а headache.
John : Oh. Well, 1 went swimtring today and
:. Не was skiing.
now 1 have an earache.
2 They were drinking in the pub.
Karen: Oh yeah, 1 atso have а stomach-ache
3. Не was in the bathroom shaving.
from eating too much ice-cream.
• Тhеу were listening to loud music.
John: Well, l'm going to see а dentist tomor-
5 She was cooking in the kitchen.
row. 1 have а bad toothache.
Karen: 1 think we both need а vacation!

fonavljanje 2

Vezbanje 1 - Vezbanje з
l. She should have been here Ьу now. Erin: 1 usuallyyawn because l'm tired. The first
z.. Perhaps she got lost. thing 1 do is wash my face. Then 1 comb my hai r
3. МауЬе she coutdn't get а taxi. and get dressed. Most days 1 practise yoga. First
.... She can't have forgotten! 1 rotate my neck and shoulders, then 1 bend my
5. Chances аге that nothing bad has happened. knees. After that 1 raise my arms and stand up
i . She oughtto Ье here soon. again. Before 1 eat breakfast 1wash my hands of
course a11d when 1 eat 1 try not to smack my lips.
After breakfastl brush myteeth and go to work .

опе hundred and fifty-nine 1159

Tekstovi audio zapisa

Vezbanje 4 11В Vezbanje 12

1. The salad was гea lLytasty . 1. Аге you absoLuteLy certain that you have yo.s:
2. Му soup was bland. passport with you?
З. Тhese stгawbeгries аге sweet. 2. It is quite possible that we wilL Ье late for ~
4. The butteгis quite saLty. guided tour.
5. Му chicken was spicy. З. Dad probably Qvercooked the fish. Не aL~s
б. The steak was very Lean. does.
7. This pork is too fatty. 4. I'm uncertain about when the bus Leaves.
8. The meat was nice and tender. 5. The chance that it wiLL rain tomorrow is u
9. These bread roLLs are staLe. б. I'm fairLy suгe that the гestaurant is open.
7. This pasta dish is reaLly tasty.

1В Vezbanje 15
twisted, broken, bгuise, concussion, itchy,
earache, cough, temperature, fever, constipats.
vomit, diarrhea, alLeгgies, hangover

18 Vezbanje з, б
Tourist Offlce EmpLoyee : Hi there! How may 1 stuzbenik: ldravo svima! Sta mogu da utiпim
heLp you today? za vas?
Andrew: Hi. We're looking for some information Endru: ldravo! Zeleli Ьismo пekoliko iпfor-
on some sights. macija о пekim zпameпitostima.
Tour;st Offlce EmpLoyee: No problem. What stuzbenik: Nema proЬlema. Sta Ьiste ieleli da
wouLd you like to know? zпate?
Andrew: WeLL, we read in our guidebook about Endru: U vodilu za putovaпje smo litali о
an lndian art exhiЫt. пеkој izloiЬi iпdijaпske umetnosti.
Tourist Office EmpLoyee: Ah, yes. You must SLuibenik: Ah, da. Sigurno mislite па Aпl~rOL1lЖISII1
mean the Museum of AnthгopoLogy at muzej па uпiverzitetu · Britis КоlитЫ:.с­
the University of British CoLumЫa. They Оп ima ёudesпu zЬirku iпdijanske
have а wonderfuL seLection oflndian umetnosti.
art. Erin: Da, to је to. Da Li Ьiste mogli da па".
Erin: Yes, that's the one. CouLd you possibly kaiete kada је otvoreп?
teLL us, when they're open? SLuZЬenik: Da vidimo, imam brosuru ... Evo ga.
Tourist Office EmpLoyee: let's see, 1 have а Otvoreп је svakog dапа od 1 О do 17
brochure ... Неге it is. Тhеу'ге open ёasova, sedam dапа и пede/ji.
daity from 10:00 am untiL 5:00 pm, se- Endru: Da Li tu pise i koliko kosta ulazпica?
ven days а week. ...
Andrew: And does it also say how much it is?
lбО 1опе huпdred апd sixty
••ri••t Office Emp~oyee: Sure. Admission to the ЯuzЬeni k: Naravпo. Ulazпica za odrasle kosta 7
museum costs $7 .ОО for adults. dolara.
Oh, good. That's quite reasonaЫe. Erin: Oh, dobro. То пiје sиvise skиpo.
..",r;ct Offlce EmpLoyee: And, ifyou go in the Stuzbenik: I ako idete ujutru nece blti guive.
morning, it won't Ье so packed. You can Aиtobиsom cete lako stiб tато. Idи па
easily get there Ьу bus. Тhеу run every svakih deset тiпиtа.
10 minutes. Endru: Odlicпo! Zeliтo da vidiтo i пеkе
Oh, good! We also want to do some zпaтeпitosti grada. Sta moiete da
general sightseeing around town. What пат preporuCite?
would you recommend? Яuibenik: Trebalo Ы obavezпo da pogledate
t.urist Office Employee: You should definitely Gastaип. Тата sejos пalazi stara
check out Gastown. Тhere's the old triпica sa kaldrтisaпiт иiiсата i
market square with cobЫestone pliпskiт satoт koji jos radi. Svakako,
streets, and the gas clock, which stitl treba posetiti i kiпeskи cetvrt.
operates. Chinatown is also definitely Dejvid: А kakav је поспi iivot? Nесето па
worth а visit. igraпkи, ali iта li пеkо mesto sa
-.v;d: What about nightlife? We don't want kаfапата i baroviтa?
to go dancing, but is there а place with Яuzbenik: Da, oko Gastaипa је pozпata
pubs and bars? ро kаfапата i iivoj muzici. Uvece је
11urist Office Emp~oyee: Yes. Тhе area around priliёпo iivo, a/i пе рrеtетапо tиristicki.
Gastown is а poputar place for pubs and Erin: Uredи, тпоgо ste пат poтog/i. Рипо
tive music. In the evening it's very tive- hvala!
ly, but not too touristy. Sluzbenik: Bilo тi је zadovoljstvo. Uiivajte и
&in: Okay, you've been а great help. Тhan ks svoт boravkи и Vaпkuveru!
а tot!
11urist Office Emp~oyee : Му pleasure. Enjoy
your stay in Vancouver!

Vezbanje 4
l . Most bars and pubs are оре п nightly from 5 4. The harbour boat tour runs every two hours on
p.m. weekends.
Z. Тhе Chinese temple is о реп Monday to Friday 5. Тhе museum offers guided tours twice а day on
from 11 o'clock tilL 7 o'clock p.m. weekdays.
1. Many stores in the shopping district аге open б. On Fridays and Saturdays, а few cafes are open
seven days а week. 24 hours.

опе huпdred апd sixty-oпe 1161

Tekstovi audio zapisa

Vezbanje 9 Vezbanje 11
1. Vancouveг is very
multicultural. Тhеге аге peo- Employee: Oh, уоu'ге back. Do you have some
ple fгom China, Japan and Africa. mо ге questions?
2. Chinatown is very inteгesting, but it's usually Erin: Yes, do you peгhaps know when the
cгowded. nex't bus to the museum leaves?
З. Don't go to the shops along the hагЬоuг. Employee: Yes, the next оп е Leaves at 10 after
Тhеу'ге very touristy. 10.
4. Тhеге аге some islands nеаг Vancouveг that аге Erin: 1 have anotheг question: ls theгe alsol
untouched Ьу tourists. а guided touг of Gastown?
5. The lndian art exhiЬit is definitely worth а visit. EmpLoyee: Yes, we offeг small guided touгs,
but only оп weekends. Тhеу go twia 1
day, at 11:ЗО a.m and 2:ЗО pm.
Erin: Okay. Could you also tell me ifthe
haгbour boat touгs onLy гun at the
Employee: No, they also run in the week,
starting at 8 o'clock in the mo гning.
They go every two houгs.
Eri n: Okay. Thanks again! Вуе.


· Vezbanje 2
1. The living гооm is very гооmу. You can walk 5. The den is daгk. You need а гeading Lamp to
aгound. woгk.
2. The kitchen is nice and light. lt's а good place б. The utiLity гооm is usually cold because it is nO(
to cook. heated.
З. The dining гооm is very waгm and inviting. We 7. The bedroom is extremely cosy and quiet. You
like to eat in theгe. can sleep very well.
4. Тhе hallwayis dгaughty. Тhе wind comes 8. Тh е balcony is very tiny and cгamped. There is
thгough the dоог. very little space to sit.

Vezbanje з, 4
Erin: Wow! А геаl Canadian Log caЬin in the Erin: Vаи! Prava kanadska bNnara и brdimtz
mountains! l've always wanted to stay Odиvek sam ielela da iivim и jednoj
in one like this. takvoj kиб.
David: Yeah, this living гооm is so cosy! 1 like Dejvid: Da, dnevna soba је tako prijatna!
the old-style fuгniture. The couch and Volim ovaj starinski namestaj. Каис 1
the ormchairs look really co rn fortaЬle. jotelje izgledajи zaista иdobno.
...... ......

162 Ј опе hиndred and sixty-two

And look guys, а fiгeplace! We са п have Endru: Pogledajte, ljиdi, otvoreпi kатiп!
а fiгe! Моiето da zapaliтo vatrи!
The view of the mouпtaiпs fгom the Dejvid: Pogled izпad brda је takode lep.
wiпdow is beautiful, too. 1 thiпk we can /ttisliт da ovde zaista тоiето da se
гeally геlах hеге fог а couple of days. cdтoriтo пekoliko dапа.
Well, the kitchen Looks fiпe to те. The Endru: Ра, kиhiпja dobro izgleda, sto se тепе
fridge works; theгe аге pots, рапs and tice. Friiider radj; јта serpj, tigaпja ј
dishes iп the cupboaгds. posиda и kиhiпjskiт оrтаriбта.
Let's have а look at the bathгoom. Well, Erin: Hajde da pogledaтo kиpatilo. Lepo је
it's пiсе апd light. And theгe's а bath- ј svetlo. !та kadи i tus kablпu. Uh!
tub апd а showeг. Whoa! The wateг's Voda је hladпa!
cold! Dejvid: Неј, ljиdj, dodjte da vidjte spavace
Н еу guys, come check out the Ье- sobe. U velikoj sobl sи dиpli krevet,
dгooms. ln the masteг bedгoom theгe's garderoba i koтoda. I и gostiпjskoj
а douЬLe bed, а wагdгоЬе апd а chest sobl su dva kreveta.
of dгaweгs. In the sраге гооm theгe аге Erin: Vаи! lajsta је тirno ovde. Bar сета
also two single beds. dobro spavati.
fri n: Wow, it's really quiet iп hеге. We should Endru: Ah... Eriп? Iтато тali рrоЫет. Nета
sleep well at teast. пijastиcпica пi carsava.
Andrew: Ahh ... Erin? We have а smaLl ргоЬLеm. Dejvid: Eriп, тislio sат da si rekla da sj se
Тhеге аге по pillows ог sheets. raspitala. Sta pise па forтиlaru kojj si
David: Eriп, 1thought you said you had che- skinulo so veЬ-sojto?
cked оп that. What does it say оп the Erin: Proverila sат. Ovde pise: "ёarsavj i
рарег you printed offthe website? jastиcпice stoje па raspolagaпjи."
fri n: I did check оп that. Неге. lt says: Vl11snik тi је ј preko telefoпa rekao da
"Sheets and pillows will Ье supplied." се sve bltj tu. Ne briпjte. Nazvacu ga ј
Тhе оwпег aLso told me on the phone rеШето рrоЫет.
that they would Ье supplied. Endru: Verovatпo је пesporazuт. Dejvid i ја
Don't woгry. l'll phone him and sort out тоiето и теdиvrетепи da doneseтo
the ргоЬLеm. stvari iz auta, vaii, drugar?
Andrew: It's ргоЬаЬlу just а misuпdeгstaпding. Dejvid: Dc, ako se тога. Nета odтora ni za
In the meaпtime, David and 1 can uп- povredeпe!
pack the car, right buddy?
David: Yeah, I guess so. Man, there's по rest
for the injuгed!

one hundred anifsixty-three 1163

Vezbanje 11
1> Hi. lt's John. 1 will phone you next week.
18 Vezbanje 1
1> Hello. This is Mrs. Simmons. I can visit you оп
Friday. 1. This is Andrew as а ЬаЬу.
t> Hi ! lt's Mark. Listen, I've bought а new televisi- 2. This is Erin as а child.
on. lt's great! З. David's pareпts аге middle-aged.
1> Hi. It's your mom. Guess what! I'm going to 4. Erin's grandmother is elderly.
1> Hi. It's Mike. I've got а new girlfriend! You have
to meet her.
t> Hi. This is the furniture store. Your new couch is
1> Hi. It's Steve. 1 don't know how to bake а cake.
Can you help me?
1> Hi. It's your boss. I have to talk to you! It's real-
ly important!

Vezbanje з, 5
David: Guys, we're all in our late twenties and Dejvid: Ljиdi, svi smo и poznim dvadesetim
early thirties, and we've known each ј ranim tridesetim godinama ј
other for а couple of years now, but 1 poznajemo se vec nekoliko godjпa, •
don't think we've ever talked about our mislim da jos пjkada nismo raz,aovlli'ВIIII'I
childhood, have we? о nasem detinjstvи, zar пе?
Andrew: No, we haven't. Erin, what was it like Endru: Ne, nismo. Erin, kako је bllo odra~
growing up in England? и Engleskoj?
Erin: Well, 1 grew up in а small town. There Erin: Odrasla sam и jednom malom gradu_
was never anything to do there. As tee- Тото nije bllo nicega. Као tinejdier~
nagers we took the train into London smo jednom nedeljno isli vozom и
о псе а week. What about you guys? London. Kakoje bllo kod vas?
David: As kids we played street hockey ог bas- Dejvid: Као deca smo svakog dana igrali
ketball every day after school. We spent па иlid ili kosarkи posle skole. N~
most of our time outside. lt was always vremena smo provodili napoljи. U..w
fun. bllo zabavno.
Andrew: Erin, how old were you when you finis- Endru: Erin, koliko si imala godina kada si
hed school? zavrsila skolи?
Erin: 1was seventeen. We finish school Erin: Imala sam sedamnaest godina. Mi
earLier than you do in Canada. Then I ranije zavrsavamo skolи nego vi и
moved to London to go to university. Kanadi. Zatim sam otisla и London •
David: What do your friends normally do in stиdije.
England? Dejvid: Sta tvoji prijatelji oblcno rade и
..... Engleskoj?
164 1опе hиndred and sjxty-foиr
Tekstovi audio zapisa

Тhеу work, just like us. Many of them Erin: Oni rade, kao i mi. Mnogi sи и brakи i
аге married and have already got child- imajи dеси. Stalno те pitajи zasto se
ren. Тh еу keep asking me why I haven't nisam иdа/а.
got married yet. Endru: I da /i тjs/js da ces se иdati?
And, do you think you'll get married? Erin: Ah, moida jednog dana, kada
Oh, someday perhaps, when I've met Mr pronadem onog pravog. Trenиtno sam
Right. At the moment l'm too busy with sиvise okиpirana svojom karijerom da
my career to even think about it. Ьih иopste razтjSlja/a о tome.
We know how you f~el. It's по different Dejvid: Mi znamo kako је. U Kanadi nije nista
in Canada. We hardly ever have time drиga6je. Jedva da imamo vremena za
for ourselves. You get up everyday for sebe. Svakog dana иstajanje, odlazak
work, then, one day you retire, go to па posao, zatim jednog dana odemo
the park every afternoon and feed the и penzijи, svako popodne trёimo ро
ducks. parkи i hrапјто patke.
Erin: Oh well, one day in our old age we will Erin: Ра, jednog dana kada ostarimo,
look back and remember great mo- osvmиcemo se иnazad ј setjcemo se
ments like sitting here in front of the ovih /epih trenиtaka. Kako smo sede/j
fireplace in а cabln in the Rockies! jspred kатјпа, и jednoj bNnari и Roki
Andrew: Absolutely! А toast to cool vacations Maиntins!
and amazing friends! Endru: Tacno! Hajde da nozdrovimo
АН three: Cheers! velicanstvenom odmorи ј divnim
Sve troje: iive/i!

Veibanje 4 Vei banje 9

Andrew: When we were kids we were always out- Му parents met each other at school when they
side. were teenagers. Му father was tall and handsome.
Erin: Му friend gets up at 5:30 every day to Му mother was beautiful. They fell in love in the
go to work. summer and after school moved to а small house in
David: We spent most of ourtime playing а town near London. Му father worked in the town.
sports. Two years later they started having children and
Erin : Му married friends never had children. my sister was born. I was born two years later. Му
Erin: One day I would like to raise а family. sister and I had lots offun as kids. We played toge-
ther all the time. As teenagers there was nothing
to do in town, so we often went to London Ьу train.
1 went to university in London. After 1finished stu-
dying 1 stayed in London and started working for а

one hundred and sixty-ftve 1165

Tekstovi audio zapisa

1В Veibanje 11
1. Someday I would like to saiL around the world. 5. Му
parents took me to Vancouver а Long time
2. We shouLd go now because I think the bus Lea- ago.
ves soon. б. I met an interesting person in the bar the о
З. I broke my arm recentLy whiLe on vacation. day.
4. Тhе weather has been realLy nice LateLy. 7. I want to get married and one day have kids.


· · Veibanje 2
Owner: Did you enjoyyour stay? We hope eve- VLasnik: Оо Li ste иiivali и boravkи? Nadomo •
rything was all right for you. da је sve bllo и redu.
Erin: Yes, it was wonderfuL. Thank you. Erin: Оа, bllo је divпo. Ри по hvala.
Owner: Okay, then, the Ьill comes to 172.44 VLasnik: Oobro, rасип izпosi 172,44, иklјис~
including taxes. i taksи.
Andrew: We said, we wouLd spLit it three ways. Endru: Rekli smo da delimo па tri dela. То~
So that's about $60 а person. dakle oko 60 do/ara ро osobl.
David: I have an idea. I'LL charge it to my credit Dejvid: Imam ideju. Ја tu platiti mojom
card, because I don't have anymore kreditпom karticom, јег kod sebe
cash on me. петат gotoviпe.
Erin: Okay, that makes it easy. We'll payyou Erin: U redи, to је jedпostavпije. P/atitemc
back Later then. ti kasпije.
Owner: Oh! Sorry, I'm afraid your credit card VLasnik: Oh, iao mi је, a/i p/asim se da је Va
was denied. kartica odbijeпa.
David: Oh no! I forgot, I paid the hospitaL ЬiLL Dejvid: О, пе! zaboravio sam da sam kartic~
Ьу credit card. It must Ье maxed out. I p/atio bt;JlпiCki racuп. Мога da sam
shouLd have withdrawn some cash back dostigao limit. Trebala је da podigпm
in Vancouver. поvас и Vaпkиveru.
Owner: You can aLso рау Ьу direct deЬit. ljust VLasnik: Moiete da p/atite i elektroпskom keS
need your bank card. karticom. Samo mi је potrebпa Vasa
David: Тhat's а good idea. I hope there's en- platna kartica.
ough money in my account. Dejvid: То је dobra ideja. Nadam se da па
Owner: Oh dear! I'm afraid your bank card was rасипи imam dovoljпo поvса.
aLso denied. VLasnik: Oh, p/asim se da Vam је i platпa
David : WonderfuL! Guys, I'm really sorry about kartica odbijeпa.
this. If onLy I hadn't broken my arm. Dejvid: Oivпo! Ljиdi, stvarno mi је iao zbog
..... ovoga! Da samo пisam slomio rиkи .

166 1опе hund,.d and My-sO<

Tekstovf audio zapisa

Andrew: Never mind, David. I'll put it оп my cre- Endru: Nema veze, Oejvide. Platicu ја svojom
dit card and you can рау me back later. karticom, а ti ces mi novac vratiti
After all, what аге friends for? kasnije. Сети uopste s/uie prijatelji?
Davfd: Thanks for lending те the money. I Dejvid: Hvala sto ces mi pozajmiti novac.
promise I'U рау you back as soon as I Obecavam da си ti vratiti ёiт dobijem
get my next paycheque. s/edecu platu.

Veibanje З

1. l'm afraid l've forgotten my waUet. Erin: Andrew, ifyou had been а rock star,
2. I'm terriЫy sorry, but 1 don't have any cash on what would Ье different in your life to-
те. day?
З. l'm really sorry, but l've run out of money. Andrew: lfl had been а rock star, 1would Ье loa-
4. l'm afraid 1 have to run to the bank machine. ded.
5. l'm awfully sorry, but 1 don't get paid until next David: Erin, how would your life Ье now, if you
week. had been rich growing up?
Erin: Oh, 1think 1 would live in the Bahamas.
Andrew: David, lf you hadn't gone to university,
- Vezbanje 4 what woutd you Ье doing now?
David: 1would own а convenience store, рrо­
1. 1 wish 1 had saved some money.
2. lf only 1 hadn't bought that new ТV.
Erin: Andrew, if we hadn't come to Vancou-
З. 1 should have withdrawn money from the bank.
ver, what would you Ье doing right
4. You shouldn't have spent all your money so
Andrew: That's easy. 1 would Ье working.
5. lfyou had waited longer, it would have cost
David: Okay Erin, would you have kids Ьу now,
ifyou had stayed in England?
6. lfl hadп't wasted so much money, I would Ье
Erin: No, but 1 might Ье married.
rich today.
Erin: And you David? Ifyou had got married?
David: lfl had gotten married, 1 woutd have 5
- Vezbanje 13
1. If our family had been wealthier, my mom would
have ha d а happier life.
2. 1 could have paid the Ыll ifl hadn't broken my
З. lf 1 hadп't gone climЫng, 1 woutdn't have bro-
ken myarm.
4. 1 would have gone shopping ifl had had more
5. Ifl had been а rock star, 1would have earned
Lots of money.
опе hund"'d ond sixty-щen 1'"
Ponavijanje З
· : Vezbanje 16
1. Му parents own а convenience store and now · : Vezbanje З
they аге loaded.
1. The master bedroom is quite roomy.
2. Му sister is а student and she is quite poor.
2. The den is nice and light.
З. 1 have а friend who works in real estate. She's
З. The dining room is warm and inviting.
4. The bathroom is too draughty.
4. 1 also know an artist who makes sculptures. He's
5. It is warm and cozy in the living room.
б. Тhе hallway is too tiny and cramped.
5. Му father used to have а different store, but he
went bankrupt.
б. 1 know many needy families with children.
7. Му boss at the company where I work is made of

.. Vezbanje 7
Erin : Н еу
guys, that was а fantastic party. Erin: Неј, /judi, Ьila је to super zabava!
Thanks for cheering me up! Hvala sto ste те oraspoloiili.
Andrew: It was our pleasure. We thought you Endru: Bilo пат је zadovoijstvo. Mislili sто'*
needed а little boost after the break-in. се ti trebati ovako nesto posle prelom&.
David: Although it's only been а few days since Dejvid: Iako је od naseg putovaпja proslo
our trip I missed being with you guys. sато пekoliko dапа, vec ste тi
Erin: Yeah, we did have а lot offun together. nedostajali.
There were а couple of uncomfortaЫe Erin: Оа, Ьilo пат је zabavпo. Ipak Ьilo ~
moments though, like when you didn't i пekoliko пeprijatnih treпutaka, koo
feellike coming skiing. kada пisi hteo da ides sa пота па
David: Ok, I can admit it. I'm not the easiest skijaпje.
person to getalong with sometimes. Dejvid: Dobro, prizпajeт. Sa тпот ponekoc
Andrew: You were а Ьit unsociaЫe at times, but . пiје tako lako.
never mind, David. I са п Ье difficult, Endru: Ponekad si Ьiо та/о nedrustven. АЬ •
too, when I'm in the mood. sтeta. 1ја и тет, Dejvide, da budew
Erin: Guys, Ье honest with me now: Was 1 teiak kada пisат raspoloieп.
stressful at all? Erin: Мотсi, budite iskreпi sa тпот. Оо
.... sат Ьila порота?

168 t one hundred and sixty-eight

Tekstovi audio zapisa

Andrew: Well, you did freak out а Little when we Endru: Ра, таlо si blla van sebe kada nisтo
didn't know what happened to David. · znali sta se desava sa Oejvidoт.
David: And the mix-up with the caЬin sort of Dejvid: А zbrka и vezi sa brvnaroт те је
got on my nerves. iznervirala.
Andrew: Yeah, but don't worry about it. We Endru: Оа, ali ne brini. Nесето ti prebacivati
won't hotd it against you. zbog toga.
David: Listen, guys. We att have our Littte Dejvid: Slusajte, ljudi. Svi iтато svoje та/е
quirks, but so does everyone, right? bublce. Ali zar to nije kod svakoga
Erin: Absolutety! Could you guys imagine isto?
doing а trip like that again? Erin: Naravno! Оа li тolete da zaтislite
Andrew: Wetl, maybe, but perhaps we coutd wait da ponovo оdето па jedno ovakvo
аLittle white before repeating that. putovanje?
АН 3: Good idea! Endru: Ра, тozda. Ali Ьisто тaida тogli
таlо da sacekaтo pre nego sto to
Sve troje: Oobra ideja!


' Vezbanje 8
1. First the lettuce has to Ье washed.
2. After that it should Ье put in а satad bowt.
3. Тhе vegeta ьtes shoutd Ье washed before
•· Then the vegeta ьtes are mixed with the
S. And finatty, the dressing is made and poured
onto th~ salad.

one hundred and sixty-nine 1169

1 Vetina kafana u Engleskoj zatvara se u 23 easa.
Ipak, ро novim zakonima, kafane Ы trebalo da
Vezbanje 1
budu duze otvorene. U Engleskoj se naruёuje
1-е; 2-g; 3-а; 4-d; 5-Ь; 6-h; 7-f; 8-с
direktno na sanku i tamo se placa. Oblcno ne
posluzuju za stolom. Uvecini kafana u Kanadi
Vezbanje 2
moze se naruciti za sankom, ali је moguce blti
1-е; 2-h; 3-i; 4-с; 5-g; 6-Ь; 7-ј; 8-f; 9-d; 10-а
usluzen i za ~tolom. Napojnica u Kanadi i Americi
igra veoma veliku ulogu. Ocekuje se da ona iznosi
Vezbanje 4
10-15% od vrednosti raёuna. То је zato sto је
1. reaLly; 2. skiing; З. easy-going; 4. thin;
osob~e placeno veoma malo ро satu. U EngleskoJ
5. enjoy; б . summer; 7. think; 8. mountains
је, opet, napojnica uraёunata u cenu.

Vezbanje 5
1-а; 2-Ь; 3-Ь; 4-с; 5-а; 6-с; 7-с
Vezbanje 1
Vezbanje б 1. train; 2. motorcycle; 3. cruise ship;
1. playing; 2. driving; З. visiting; 4. cycling; 4. minivan; 5. coach; б. sports-utility-vehicle;
5. exercising; б . helping 7. hovercraft; 8. helicopter; 9. ferry;
10. jumbo jet
Vezbanje 8
1. used to Ье; 2. didn't use to own; З . used to play; Vezbanje 2
4. used to go; 5. used to have; б. didn't use to Like 1. single room; 2. en suite; З. five-star;
4. Bed &Breakfast; 5. full-board; б. youth hostel
Vezbanje 10
1-d; 2-g; 3-е; 4-h; 5-с; 6-i; 7-а; 8-Ь; 9-f; 10-ј Vezbanje 4
1. false; 2. false; 3. true; 4. true; 5. false;
Vezbanje 12 б. false; 7. false
peopie piay: the drums, card games, board
games, the piano; Vezbanje б
peopie coHect: antiques, porcelain, CDs, books; 1-d; 2-g; 3-i; 4-ј; 5-f; 6-а; 7-с; 8-е; 9-h; 10-Ь
peopie go : windsurfing, hiking, jogging, skiing
Vezbanje 7
Vezbanje 13 drive: а SUV, а car, а truck, а minivan;
1. goes; 2. does; 3. playing; 4. collects; 5. go; б. ride: а blcycle, а horse, а motorcycle;
goes; 7. makes; 8. d.oes take: the train, the ferry, the bus, the coach

Vezbanje 14 Vezbanje 8
1-а; 2 -Ь; 3-с; 4-а 1. should ј ought to; 2. should ј ought to;
З. shouldn't/ ought not to; 4. should ј ought to
Vezbanje 15
U kafani
Kada se u дmerici i Velikoj Britaniji ide sa
prijate~ima u kafanu, trebalo Ы postovati neka
pravila. Ne naruёujte samo za sebe. Uoblёajeno је
da poruёite turu- svako р !аса pice za celu grupu
dok svako ne dode па red, ili se kafana ne zatvori.

170 1опе hundred ood sewmty

Vezbanje 11 з
1. 1 am going to ask about train tickets.;
2. Next week Andrew is going to the station / An- Vezbanje 1
drew is going to the station next week.; 1-ј; 2-d; 3-а; 4-i; 5-h; 6-Ь; 7-е; 8-f; 9-g; 10-с
3. Where аге you going for your holidays?;
4. Aren 't you working early in the morning? Vezbanje 2
1-е; 2-f; 3-Ь; 4-а; 5-d; 6-ј; 7-i; 8-h; 9-g; 10-с
Vezbanje 13
1. have to ј need to; 2. mustn't; 3. has to ј needs Vezbanje 4
to; 4. don't have to ј need to; 5. mustn't 1. true; 2. false; З. true; 4. false; 5. false;
6. true; 7. false
Vezbanje 14
1. Ье responsiьte for; 2. look after; 3. take саге of; Vezbanje 5
4. Ье in charge of; 5. calls for; 6. find out about; 7. 1-а; 2-а; 3-с; 4-Ь; 5-Ь; б-с
break up
Vezbanje 1
Vezbanje 15 1-а; 2-d; 3-d; 4-Ь; 5-с; 6-d; 7-Ь; 8-а; 9-с
take: the train, а holiday, а photo, а shower, the
bus, а brea k; Vezbanje 8
make: preparations, dinner, а meal, friends; 1. on; 2. in; З. in; 4. at; 5. оп
do: the shopping, the dishes
Vezbanje 10
Vezbanje 16 1. the; 2. - ; З. -; 4. the; 5. the; the;
Putovan1je zeteznicom 6. -; 7. -
U poredenju sa prilikama u Evropi, u Severnoj
Amerid mnogo se rede putuje zeleznicom. U Vezbanje 12
Velikoj Britaniji to је deo svakodnevice, dokje u 1. whojthat; 2. whose; З. which/that;
Americi prevoz vozom ogranicen п а regionalni 4. whose; 5. whojthat; 6. which/that; 7. whose
saobracaj. U udaljene krajeve putuje se avionom,
iako neki odvazni ljudi idu cak i kolima. U Kanadi Vezbanje 14
је situacija slicna kao u Sjedinjenim Americkim 1. to; 2. to; З . at; 4. in; 5. to; 6. in; 7. to; 8. at
Drzavama. Postoji, doduse, regionalni saobracaj.
Zato veCina Kanadana putuje autom ili avionom. Vezbanje 15
Poznati Canada cross-country-trip vaZi jos uvek kao 1. Ocean; 2. mountain range; З. rivers; 4. Se.a;
jedinstveni doZivljaj. Mnogi krecu aut~m ~а. ovaj 5. continents; 6. mountain; 7. Lakes; 8. Falls;
put duzi od 6000 km. Ко ima odgovaraJuti s1tan 9. jungle; 10. Desert; 11. countries; 12. island;
novac, moze se voziti kanadskom zeleznicom VIA- 1З. group of islands
Rail i u miru uZivati u predetima koji oduzimaju
dah. Samo Ьi trebalo odvojiti nesto vremena
- naime, voznja vozom izmedu Toronta i Vankuvera
traje t ri d.ana.
Vezbanje 11 Vezbanje 2
Kanadska ktima 1 -с; 2-Ь; 3-f; 4-а; 5-е; 6-d
U Kanadi vladaju najrazlititije klimatske prilike.
Nikakvo cudo, јег se Kanada graniti sa Atlaпtikom, Vezbanje 4
Pacifikom i Aпtarktikom па severu. 1. true; 2. false; З. false; 4. true; 5. true;
Na kanadsku klimu uticu planinski veпci , kao sto је б. false; 7. false
Roki Mauntins, ali i prerije.
Uatlantskim pokrajinama, kao sto su Njufaunlend Vezbanje 5
i Nova ~kotska , vlada mediteranska klima . Prerije, 1. embarassed; 2. proud; З .jalouse; 4. anxious
dakle, pokrajine Saskacevan, Manitoba i delimicпo
Alberta veoma su ravne i cesto је vetrovito- Vezbanje 7
tornado ovde пiје п euoЬicaje n. Na zapadпoj obali 1 -е; 2- с; 3-а; 4-f; 5-g; 6-Ь; 7-d
Kanade vlada blaga pacificka klima. Zime su tamo
uglavnom blage i kisovite, ali Zitegi Vaпkuvera Vezbanje 9
uZivaju u tome sto mogu da se bave sportom cele 1. boriпg; 2. frighteпed; З . excited;
godine. Toronto, grad u pokrajini Ontario, leZi па 4. depressiпg; 5. thrilliпg
skoro istom stepenu geografske sirine kao ~panija.
Leto moie da bude veoma vruce i vreli toplotni Vezbanje 11
talasi nisu пeuoЬicajeni . 1. of; 2. with; З. of; 4. with; 5. Ьу; б . about
Капаdаје poznata ро cuvenim kaпadskim zimama,
kada se do mпogih mesta moze doCi samo uz Vezbanje 1З
pomoc lanaca za sneg ili па cuvenim motorпim 1. That suits me fiпe.;
saпkama. Temperatura moze da padпei па 40 2. Yes, 1thiпk you're right.;
stepeпi Celzijusa. UveCitom ledu Severпe Капаdе З. 1totally disagree with you.;
moze da budejos hladnije. Kanadani su пekim 4. Yes, 1 see you're point.;
mestima cak dali zimske nadimke, kao, па primer, 5. I agree to а certaiп exteпd.;
МапisпоЬа za pokrajiпu Maпitoba i Viпterpeg za б . l'm sure you're right.
Viпipeg, glavпi grad Manitobe.
Vezbanje 15
1. сап't we?; 2. wiltyou?; З . won'tyou?;
4 4. have you?; 5. аге you?
Vezbanje 1
1. srecan; 2. tuzan; з. gut; 4. uplaseп; 5. odvazaп; Vezbanje 17
б . пeraspolozen; 7. dobar; 8. frustri raп; 1. Is David comiпg skiing with us?;
9. inspirisaп; 10. рuп eпtuzijazma; 2. Have you Ьееп to Vancouver before?;
11. odusevgen; 12: zabriпut; 13. samouvereп; З. Did you visit Tower Bridge оп your holiday to
14. Ьеsап; 15. uzbudeп; 1б. veseo; 17. opusteп Lопdоп?;
4. Witlyou go for Sushi with us today?

Vezbanje 18
1-с; 2-а; 3-Ь; 4-d

172 1опе hundred ond seventy-two

Vezbanje 19 Vezbanje 5
How are you? 1. for; 2. after; З. of; 4. of; 5. about; 6. for
U eпgleskom postoji рuпо паСiпа da пekoga
pitate kako је. NaCiпi se, s јеdпе straпe, razlikuju u Vezbanje 7
zavisпosti od driave i oьtasti, а s druge straпe- u 1. doп'tyou?; 2. woп'tyou?; З. didп'the?;
odпosu па to koliko је situadja formalпa. 4. have you?; 5. will she?; 6. do you?;
Cesto korisceпi izrazi па eпgleskom su, izmedu 7. did they?; 8. didп't they?
How are you? Vezbanje 9
How are you doing? 1. where; 2. Whose; З. how; 4. when; 5. where
USevernoj Americi, роsеЬпо u preriji ili u
jugozapadпimregionima, mogu se cuti receпice, Vezbanj e 10
kao: 1. tisteпing; 2. hiking; З. playing; 4. to travel; 5.
How y'aLL doin' today? to play; 6. reading
U Eпgleskoj se moie cuti uоЬiсајеп, svakodпevпi,
пeformalпi pozdrav: Vezbanj e 11
Y'aLright, ( mate)? 1. We mustп't forget to reserve seats.;
Naravпo da ima i mпogo verzija koje su u upotreЬi 2. We have to Ье at the statioп at 2 o'clock.;
u zargoпu, poznatom kao sleпg, koje su оЬlспо З . You should go to the travel agent.;
kratke, kao sto su ovi kaпadski pozdravi: 4. You mustп't Ье late.;
Неу, what's happening? 5. Не should Ье here already.;
Неу, what's up? б. We mustп't forget the drinks.;
Howzit going? 7. She has to work.; 8. We have to hurry up.

Vezbanje 12
PonavLjanje 1 1. airplaпe; 2. motorcycle; З. ferry; 4. Ьicycle;
Vezbanje 1 5. miпivaп; б. coach; 7. hovercraft; 8. саЬ;
1-d; 2-а; 3 -Ь; 4-е; 5-f; 6 -с 9. gasoline; 10. tram; 11. horse; 12. cruise ship

Vezbanje 2 Vezbanje 1З
1-Ь; 2-с; 3-d; 4-g; 5-е; 6 -а; 7-h; 8-f 1. exdting; 2. sightseeiпg; З . shone;
4. hovercraft; 5. ferry; б. cheerful; 7. thrilled;
Vezbanj e з 8. doп'tyou?
1. She has curly hair.; 2. Не is very muscular.;
З. Не is medium height апd built.; 4. Не has dark Vezbanje 14
skiп.; 5. She has wavy hair.; б. Не is short апd fat.; 1. inliпe-skating; 2. hikiпg; З. sпowboardiпg;
7. She is quite tall апd s(im.; 8. She has straight 4. rock-climblпg; 5. skiiпg; б . cycliпg
hair.; 9. She has pale skiп.
Vezbanje 15
Vezbanje 4 1. cool; 2. flood; З . sleet; 4. summer; 5. breeze; б.
1. collects; 2. go; З. plays; 4. go; 5. collects; earthquake; 7. storm; 8. drought; 9. rain;
6. play; 7. collects; 8. goes; 9. go; 10. collects 10. hail; 11. thunder; 12. freeziпg; 1З . ice;
14. Lightпiпg

one hundred and seventy-three 1 17З


Vezbanje 17 Vezbanje 10
izgovara se kao а: luggage, hungry, much, 1-d; 2-g; 3-i; 4-а; 5-f; 6-Ь; 7-h; 8-с; 9-е
running; izgovara se kao i: building, suite,
minute, busy Vezbanje 11
1. roasted; 2. baked; З. steamed; 4. eaten;
5. fried; б. marinated~ 7. cut; 8. done
Vezbanje 1 Vezbanje 13
1. orange; 2. apple; З. banana; 4. carrot; 1. is; 2. are; З. was; 4. Ье
5. broccoli; б. pepper; 7. potato; 8. cucumber;
9. Lettuce; 10. tomato Vezbanje 14
1. Тhе eggs should Ье boiled for З minutes.;
Vezbanje 2 2. The sandwiches were/ are made Ьу Andrew.;
1. tasty; 2. Ыand; З. sweet; 4. salty; 5. spicy; З. Тhе orders are taken Ьу the waiter.;
б. marinated; 7. fry; 8. seasoned; 9. roasted; 4. А steak can Ье eaten medium or well-done.
10. grill
Vezbanje 16
Vezbanje 4 з.- б.- 1. - 10.- 8. - 2.- 5.- 4.- 7 о - 9.
1-с; 2-а; 3-Ь; 4-с; 5-с; 6-а
Vezbanje 17
Vezbanje 5 wie ft/: topped; wie jtj: seasoned, steamed; •"'!
1-с; 2-i; 3-d; 4-а; 5-Ь ; 6-е; 7-g; 8-ј; 9-f; 10-h /id/: roasted, toasted

Vezbanje б Vezbanje 18
1. true; 2. false; З. false; 4. false; 5. true; Restorani u Severnoj Americi
б. false; 7. true; 8. false Za razliku od restorana brze hrane, u oЫcnim
restoranima Vas neko pozdravi na ulazu i pokaze
Vezbanje 7 Vam Vas sto. OЬicno se moze videti plocica sa
fruit: peach, pineapple, strawberry, melon; natpisom Please wait to Ье seated. Ako је restor.tfl"
vegetaЫes : beans, mushrooms, cauliflower, pun ili kada niste rezervisali, pokazace Vam sto ZJ
peas; koji cete sesti. Iz tog razloga se savetuje da se stt
meat and pouitry: beef, pork, ham, bacon, rezervise unapred.
chicken, turkey, duck; Uslugaje u ve6ni restorana brza i uctiva,jer
game: rabЬit, deer, elk, konobari i konobarice gotovo da zive samo od
fish: trout, salmon, bass, tuna; napojnica - novac koji doЬijaju ро satu veoma je
dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt, whipped cream; mali.
bread/ cereais: white bread, whole wheat, U mnogim porodicnim restoranima atmosfera ј е
bread rolls, corn ftakes; opustena i neformalna. Ne budite iznenadeni alca
junk food: chips, chocolate, sweets Vam konobar pride nasmejan i pozdravi Vas otp~
Like ovako: HeLLo, my name is PhH and I'H Ье
Vezbanje 8 your server this evening. If there's anything
1. vegetaЬLes; 2. fruit; З. meat; 4. poultry; you need, just ask.
5. fish; б. dairy; 7. breads, cereals .....

17 41one liundred and seventy-four


(Zdravo, zoveт se Fil i veёeras си Ьiti Vas Veibanje 11

konobar. Ako Vат је nesto potrebno, sато 1. Isj Was; 2. arejwere; З . ArejWere; 4. Ье;
pitajte.) 5. is; б. are; 7. Ье; 8. is 1was
Kada servis nije uracunat u cenu, daje se
napojnica, ро pravilu u visini od 10-15% neto Vezbanje 12
iznosa. А Fil се se sigurno obradovati, jer time 1. smacks; 2. frowning; З. yawns; 4. comb 1
najverovatnije fi nansirate njegove studije. brush; 5. wiggle; б. Ьiting; 7. brush; 8. breathe

Veibanje 15
Vezbanje 1
1-f; 2-с; 3-g; 4-ј; 5-а; 6-d; 7-Ь; 8-i; 9-h; 10-е Veibanje 17
1 -с; 2-Ь; 3-d; 4-е; 5-а
Vezbanje 2
1-с; 2-а; З-е; 4-Ь; 5-d Veibanje 18
Izrazi i izreke
Vezbanje 4 Uengleskom jeziku ima puno izraza u kojima su
1. false; 2. true; З. false; 4. false; 5. false; upotrebtieni nazivi za delove tela. Ovi izrazi se
б. true; 7. false; 8. false cesto koriste medu prijatetiima, u neformalnim
situacijama i u medijima, kao naslovi u novinama.
Vezbanje 5 Zato ј е vazno znati neke od njih. Budite oprezni
1. Da li mozes da pokreces nogu gore-dole? sa njihovom upotrebom, јег su neki neformalni
2. Da li te boli kada savijes koleno? i mogu se upotrebtiavati samo pod odredenim
3. Pokusaj da okrenes glavu? okolnostima i u posebnim kontekstima. Evo
4. Da li mozes da pomeris nogu sajedne strane na nekoliko primera:
drugu? It broke my heart to teH blm.
Sloтilo тi је srce sto sат тога/а da ти to
Vezbanje б kaieт.
1. right; 2. left; З. Follow; 4. reach; 5. through; б. She's а heartbreaker.
Cross; 7. bend; 8 . house Опа slaтa srca.
You have to use some elbow grease.
Vezbanje 7 (dosl. Moras da podтaies laktove.)
5. - 2.- 7.- з.- 8.- 4.- 1.- б. Moras da zavrnes rиkave.
His ctothes raised an eyebrow.
Vezbanje 8 Njegava odeta bode оёi.
1. -f; 2. -h; З. -g; 4. -Ь; 5. -а; б. -е; 7. -с; Don't give me any cheek!
8. -i; 9. -d (dosl. Nетој da тi das obraz.)
Iтas obraz kao don!
Veibanje 9 She gave me the cotd shoulder.
1. chest; 2. bust; З. hips; 4. bottom; 5. waist; Okrenиla ти је leda.
б. thigh; 7.lungs; 8. brain; 9. Ьlood; 10. heart Не put his foot in it with his comment.
Као da im је stavio prst и oko.
Get off my back!
(dosl. Skini тi se sa leda!)
Ostavi те па тiru!

one hundred and seventy-jive , 175


7 Vezbanje 18 t

Vezbanje 1 Nevolja - sta raditi?

1-е; 2-с; 3-f; 4-d; 5-а; б-Ь Zamislite da ste u пе kој zemlji eпgleskog govornog
podruCja, zabavljate se, lepo је vreme i izпenada
VeZЬanje 2 se dogodi пеkа пezgoda. Svako se паd а da se
1. should; 2. might; З. will; 4. can't; 5. must; па odmoru песе паСi u s li cпoj situaciji, ali evo
б. should nekoliko reCi koje vam u takvoj prilici mogu Ьiti od
Vezbanje 5 USeverпoj Americi postoji Ьrој па koji mozete da
Erin: 1. 4. б. 9. 11. se javite u stucaju svake moguce пevolj e. Birate
Andrew: 2. З. 5. 7. 8. 10. jednostavпo 911, izgovara se nine-one-one.
Povezace Vas sa posredпikom koji се Vam odmah
Vezbanje б poslati potrebпu pomoc.
1. are; 2. had; З. wilt; 4. could; 5. eat; б. can; 7. Uslucaju da imate zdravstveпe prohleme,
will; 8. would poslace kola hitпe pomo6, koja се Vas prebaci~~
bolпicu. Ako је rec о pozaru, vatrogasпa kola stizu
Vezbanje 8 muпjevitom brzinom.
1. untilj till; 2. Ьу; З. until/ till; 4. Ьу; 5. Ьу; Kada је rec о п ekom zloCinu, stiZe policija.
б. uпtil/ till; дkо izgublte pasos, пајЬоlје је da koпtaktirate
ambasadu ili koпzulat svoje zem lje. Ти ste u
Vezbanje 10 dobrim rukama.
1-f; 2-d; З-а; 4-е; 5-Ь; б-с

Vezbanje 11
1. for; 2. ago; З. for; 4. ago Vezbanje 1
1. cold; 2. flu; З. itchy eyes; 4. earache;
Ve.Zbanje 13 5. stomachache; б. cough; 7. temperature;
pot.puno sigurno: З, 4, б; 8. sore throat; 9. headache; 10. ruпny nose
prilicno sigurno: 5, 7, 9;
moguce, ali ne definitivno: 1, 2, 8; Vezbanje 2
1-g; 2-d; З-е; 4-Ь; 5 -а; 6-h; 7-f; 8-с
VeZЬanje 14
1. must have cooked; 2. might have missed; Vezbanje з
З. should have arrived; 4. сап't have sееп; broke, did hарреп, were, slipped, fell, did пееd,
5. might have druпk; б. could have gопе skiiпg caught, took, phoпed

Vezbanje 1б Vezbanje 5
1-d; 2-g; 3- h; 4-Ь; 5-а; б-е; 7-f; 8-с 1. twist; 2. get; З. cut; 4. break; 5. burп;
б. bruise
Ve.Zbanje 17
1. had; 2. falls; З. waпted; 4. read; Vezbanje б
5. was / were; б. gritls 1. skiiп g; 2. drinkiпg; З. shaviп g; 4. listeniпg; 5.

17б l one hundred and seventy-six

Vezbanje 7 operacija, preuzima dгZava. Ima i pregleda i
1. toothache; 2. ftu; З. allergy; 4. stomachache; intervencija koje drzava ne pokriva, kao sto su
S. cough; б. temperature; 7. fever; 8. headache; redovne posete zubaru, naoeare ili kontaktna
9. earache sociva.
Kanadane ipak mozemo smatrati srecnim, јег u
Vezbanje 8 Sjedinjenim Drzavama uopste ne postoji sistem
1. twisted; 2. cut; З. broke; 4. burnt; 5. bruise; б. zdravstvene zastite na nivou drzave. Мо га se
concussion zakljuCiti ugovor о privatnom zdravstvenom
osiguranju, cesto ро astronomskim cenama. Mnogi
Vezbanje 9 ljudi ne mogu sebl da priuste osiguranje. Nekome
John: allergies, itchy eyes, runny nose, earache, eak moze da bude odЬijena lekarska nega.
toothache; Karen: а temperature, а headache, а
stomach ache, а cough, а sore throat, the flu
Ponavljanje 2
Vezbanje 11 Vezbanje 1
1. because of; 2. because; З. because; 1. She should have been here Ьу now.;
lt. because of; 5. because of; б. because 2. Perhaps she got lost.;
З. МауЬе she couldn't get а taxi.;
Vezbanje 1З 4. She can't have forgotten.;
1. was; 2. wasn't jwas not; З. were; 5. Chances аге that nothing bad has happened.; б.
4. weren't jwere not; 5. were; б. Were; She ought to Ье here soon.
7. was; 8.wasn'tjwas not
Veibanje 2
Vezbanje 15 1. I like to eat apples, oranges, peaches,
1. swimming; 2. baking; З. jogging; 4. dying; bananas ... ;
S. getting; б. cooking; 7. planning 2. I don't like peas, beans, broccoli,
mushrooms ... ;
Vezbanje 17 З. I like the taste of cheese, ice-cream,
1. was climЬing; 2. fell; З. broke; 4. called; strawberries ... ;
S. was sitting 4. I like the smell of flowers, fresh coffee,
fruit ... ;
Vezbanje 18 5. Ifl could, I would like to visit Canada, China,
Zdravstvena zastita Jamaica ... ;
U veCini zemalja engleskog govornog podruCja б . Yesterday I was reading, jogging, working ...
sistem zdravstvene zastite funkcionise veoma
dobro. Kada ste bolesni, idete lekaru. Bolest se
uglavnom tretira lekovima. DoЬijate recept koji
nosite u apoteku. Posebno u Kanadi i SAD ima
puno tzv. over-the-counter medidnes. Mogu se
nabaviti i u omiljenim drug stores.
Veoma vazno pitanjejeste finansiranje zdravstvene
zastite. UKanadi postoji zdravstveno osiguranje па
nivou drzave; kanadsko drzavljanstvo automatski
omogucava zdravstveno osiguranje. Troskove
poseta lekarima, kao i svih pregleda i potrebnih

опе hundred qnd seventy-seven 1177

- -,- -~-

Veibanje З
1. yawn; 2. wash; З. comb; 4. rotate; 5. bend;
т Е
z х
~ н

~ 1
т ~с
б. raise; 7. wash; 8. smack; 9. Ьrush w А д к Е v о Q Е N .._l. . .
I R Ј L м F у
u G R
Veibanje 4 $ А 8 .t~ F р N Ј G G w 5
1. tasty; 2. btand; З. sweet; 4. salty; 5. spicy; ' т с R в Е D D I z н 1',
б. lean; ·7. fatty; 8 . nice and tender; 9. stale Е н о т R v о м I т 1__..

Veibanje 5



1 -с; 2-а; 3-d; 4-Ь tс о N с u s s 1 о N l ,a
s D м с R в R u 1 s L
Vezbanje б R А L L Е R G 1 Е s • ..Ј.

1. is; 2. is 1are; 3. are; 4. аге tJL _I А _R . в.. н Е А s А 11

Vezbanje 8 Vezbanje 1б
1. had; 2. wasjwere; З. grilled; 4. snowed 1. smile; 2. frown; З. yawn; 4. sniffle; 5. smack; L
5. knew; б. won; 7. took; 8. cost comb; 7. wiggle

Vezbanje 9 Vezbanje 17
1. were cooking; 2. wasjogging; 1. food; 2. barbecued 1grilled; З. duck ; 4. cold; S.
З. was getting; 4. were swimming; sniffles; б . should; 7. bruise; 8. if
5. was having; б. was climЬing;
7. was running; 8. were drinking
' 9
Vezbanje 10 Vezbanje 1
2 - 5 - 3-1-4 1. the Chinese temple; 2. the harbour;
З. the museum; 4. the fo untain; 5. the old part of
Vezbanje 11 town; б. the statue; 7. the market square;
1. feels; 2. smell; з. looks; 4. sounds 8. the shopping district

Vezbanje 12 Vezbanje 2
1. absolutely; 2. quite; З . probaЬly; 4. uncertain; 1~е; 2-i; 3-g; 4-d; 5-Ь; 6-а; 7-ј; 8-с; 9-h; 10-f
5. unlikely; б. fairly; 7. really
Vezbanje 4
Vezbanje 14 1. nightly; 2. from, till; З. seven days а week;
1. orange; 2. apple; З. banana; 4. carrot; 4. everytwo hours; 5. twice а day; б. 24 hours
5. broccoli; б. pepper; 7. potato; 8. cucumber;
9. lettuce; 10. tomato; 11. pineapple; Vezbanje 5
12. cauliflower; 1З. yogurt; 14. salmon 1. multicultural; 2. crowded; З. cosmopolitan;
4. touristy; 5. Museum; б. worth а visit;
Vezbanje 15 7. sleepy
twisted, broken, bruise, concussion, itchy,
earache, cough, temperature, fever, constipated, Vezbanje б
vomit, diarrhea, allergies, hangover 1. false; 2. true; З. faLse; 4. false; 5. true;
б. false; 7. true; 8. false

178 1one hundred and seventy-eight


Vezbanje 7 neoblcan izbor namirnica i kucnih artikala ро nesto

1-с; 2-а; 3-Ь visim cenama.

Veibanje 8
1. multicuLturaL; 2. crowded; З . LiveLy;
4. touristy; 5. worth seeing; б. untouched; Vezbanj e 1
7. sLeepy 1. kitchen; 2. den; З. bathroom; 4. utiLity room; 5.
Living room; 6. master bedroom; 7. spare room; 8.
Vezbanje 9 dining room; 9. baLcony; 10. haLlway
1. Japan; 2. Chinatown; З . harbour; 4. islands; 5.
exhibltion Vezbanje 2
1. roomy; 2. Light; З. warm and inviting;
Vezbanje 10 4. draughty; 5. dark; 6. heated;
1. at; 2. on; З. in 7. cozy and quiet; 8. tiny and cramped

Vezbanje 11 Vezbanje 4
1-с; 2-а; 3-с; 4-а; 5-Ь; 6-с 1. true; 2. faLse; 3. faLse; 4. true; 5. faLse;
б. faLse; 7. true; 8. true
Vezbanje 13
1. saiLs; 2. Leave; З . start; 4. open; 5. cLoses; Vezbanje 5
б. run; 7. has; 8. is; 9. arrive; 10. serve 1-d; 2-а; З-с; 4-f; 5-е; 6-Ь

Vezbanje 15 Vezbanje 6
1. himseLf; 2. herseLf; З. Ьу yourself; 1-е; 2-g; 3-d; 4-а 5-h 6-Ь 7-f; 8-с
4. Ьу themseLves; 5. Ьу oneseLf; б . ourseLves
Vezbanje 8
Vezbanje 17 1. had made; 2. had unpacked; З . had stayed;
Radno vreme prodavnica 4. had seen; 5. had broken б. had rented;
U Kanadi i SAD radno vreme prodavnica drugaCije 1. had driven
је nego u Evropi. Kupovina nedeljom је, na
primer, moguca vec godinama. Vecina vLasnika Vezbanj e 10
prodavnica samostaLno odLucuje kada се otvoriti 1. were; 2. had; З . was
svoju radnju. U poredenju sa prilikama u Evropi, to
је pravi гај za kupovinu. VeCina trgovackih centara Vezbanje 11
otvorena је od ponedeljka do petka od 10 casova 1. wouLd phone; 2. couLd visit; з. had bought;
do 22 casa, subotom do 18, а nedeljom do 17 4. was going; 5. had; 6. was; 7. didn't know;
easova. Povremeno se desava da neke radnje budu 8. had
otvorene i do ponoCi. Za mnoge potrosace ni ovo
nije dovoljno. Sveje vise supermarketa koji rade 24
ёаsа, sedam dana u nedelji- u sluёaju da nekome u
З ujutru zatreba Litar mLeka iLi kutija srafova!
дkо је udaђenost do sledeceg velikog marketa
priticna, u svakoj cetvrti ima maLih radnji iLi
convenience store (dosLovno- prakticna radnja).
То su ёesto maLe prodavnice u kojima se moze naCi

one hundred and seventy-nine 1179


Veibanje 13 Veibanje 4
1. told; 2. tell; З. said; 4. told; 5. say; б . tetl; 5-2-4 - 3 - 1
7. said; 8. told
Veibanje 5
Veibanje 14 1. true; 2. true; З. fatse; 4. fa tse; 5. true;
1-с; 2 -е; 3-а; 4-g; 5-f; 6-Ь; 7-d б. fa tse; 7. true; 8. false

Veibanje 15 Veibanje б
1. to; 2. to; З.-; 4. to; 5. -; б . to; 7. - ; 8.- 1. Му parents fell in love when they were
Veibanje 17 2. Тhеу got married in the summer of 1969.
Stanovanje u Sevemoj Amerid З. Тhеу got divorced when 1 was twelve years ota.
U Kanadi i u SAD Ljudi u predgradima stanuju radije 4. Му mother raised us Ьу herself.
u kutama nego u 'znajm~enim stanovima. NajcesCi 5. Му sister Kate is married and pregnant.
tip kuca su kuce zajednu porodiщ dupleksi iLi б. Му grandmother is stilt alive.
kuce u nizu. Opcija koja је sve omi~enija kod
stanovnika velikih gradova jeste stan u vlasnistvu. Veibanje 7
Pokretacka snaga dinamicnog trШta 1-i; 2-ј; 3-е; 4-m; 5-Ь; 6-а; 7-l; 8-f; 9-g; 10-k; 11-
nekretninama, pored ozbl~nog nedostatka stanova с; 12-d; 13-h
za iznajm~ivanje ро povo~noj ceni, jeste ze~a da
se imaju svoja cetiri zida. Sve vise ~udi radije ulaze Veibanje 8
novac u privatno vlasnistvo, nego da godinama 1.1 hгrdly ever go out for dinner.
placa kiriju stanodavcu. 2. 1 sometimes ate pizza.
Ко zeli da kupi kucu, ро pravilu treba da doblje З. 1 never watched ТV as а kid.
kredit od banke uz hipoteku. Potrebno је uloZiti 4. I regularly read the newspaper.
mnogo vremena u potragu za najbo~om kamatnom
stopom. Iako to kosta i mnogo vremena i mnogo Veibanje 9
novca, zite~i Severne Amerike prodaju svoje kuce 4-3 - 6 - 2 - 1 - 5
i sele se onoliko cesto koliko se u Evropi menjaju
stanovi. Za mnogeje posao sa nekret ninama Veibanje 10
najbo~e privatno ulaganje za buducnost. 1. thirties; 2. ЬаЬу; З . retired;
4. elderly; 5. children; б. teenager
11 Veibanje 11
Veibanje 1 1. Someday; 2. soon; З. recently; 4. lately;
1. ЬаЬу; 2. child; 3. middle-aged; 4. etderly 5. а Long time ago; б. the other day; 7. one day

Veibanje 2 Veibanje 12
1-f; 2 -с; 3-а; 4-ј; 5-d; 6-h; 7-i; 8-Ь; 9 - е; 10-g 1. yet; 2. yet; З . already; 4. yet; 5. already;
б. yet; 7. already / yet

!80 1опе hundred ond eighty


Vezbanje 13
12 t

1. since yesterday; 2. for one day1for а day;

з. since 10 о' clock; 4. for four hours; 5. since; Vezbanje 1
6. for 30 years; 7. for years; 8. for one year 1-h; 2-е; 3-ј; 4-а; 5-с; 6-i; 7- Ь; 8-f; 9-g; 10-d

Vezbanje 15 Vezbanje 2
1. has been raining; 2. Have been waiting; 1. I'm afraid I've forgotten my wallet.
З. haven't gonel been skiing; 2. I'm terriЬly sorry, but 1 doп't have any cash оп
4. have been learning; 5. has booked me.
З. I'm afraid I have to ruп to the Ьапk machiпe. 4.
Vezbanje 16 I'm really sorry, but l've run out of mопеу.
Skole i univerziteti 5. I'm awfully sorry, but 1 don't get paid uпtil next
Posle vrtica, deca pohadaju osnovnu skolu. U week.
oJZГastu od 11 do 13 godina prelaze па drugi
stepeп obrazovanja. U Velikoj Britaniji postoje Vezbanje 4
comprehensive schools (osnovne skole); grammar 1. wish; 2. опlу; З . should; 4. have; 5. had;
~hools (gimnazije). U Severnoj Americi se za ovaj 6. would
tip skola kaze highschool ili secondary school.
uVelikoj Britaniji skola se moze пapustiti vec sa Vezbanje 5
16 godina i pohadati neka strucna skola ili izuCiti 1. waste1spend; 2. spend 1waste; З. with draw; 4.
neki zanat. Moze se, kao; u Severnoj Americi, s peпt; 5. рау; 6. rап out; 7. Leпt;
ostati u skoli i dve godine duze. Ро zavrsenoj skoli, 8. рау it back
deca mogu poceti da rade ili zapoceti studUe па
univerzitetu ili koledzu. Za to је u Velikoj Britaniji Vezbanje 6
potreba п A-levels, а u Severпoj Americi hi'gh-school 1. iпto; 2. up; З. from; 4. on; 5. Ьу
diploma (matura).
Vебпа uceпika u Severпoj Americi ide u drzavпe Vezbanje 7
skole, koje se finansiraju od poreza. Nije neoЬicno rich: wealthy, made of mопеу, loaded,
da roditelji salju svoju decu u privatпe skole. comfortaЫe, weLL off;
Оп е mogu da budu veoma skupe i zbog toga nisu poor: needy, bad off, baпkrupt, broke
pristupacп e svima. U Velikoj BritaпUi drzava
fi пansira state schools. Privatno fiпa nsirane skole Vezbanje 8
zovu se independent schools ili private schools. 1. 1 asked ifl could borrow some money from him.
РиЫiс schools su elitпe privatпe skole. 2. Не told me he would Leпd it to me.
Vебпа uпiverziteta finaпsira se delom od poreza, З . I have to рау it back to him.
а delom od skolariпe . Sveje vise privatпih 4. Oavid will give them some mопеу back one day.
u пiverziteta na kojima se, za privilegiju da se na 5. Aпdrew's parents leпt him mопеу for
njima studira, placaju veoma visoke skolarine. uпiversity.

Vezbanje 9
1-d; 2-а; З-с; 4-Ь; 5-f; 6-е

Ende der Seitenzah/en

1 181

Vezbanje 10 . Ponavijanje З
1. hadn't lent; 2. had bought; З. had booked;
Vezbanje 1
4. hadn't spent; 5. had made; 6. had applied;
7. had gone 1. took; 2. spent; З. bought; 4. sent; 5. visitec.; L
went; 1. enjoyed; 8. amused
Vezbanje 13 ·
1. would have had; 2. hadn't broken; З. wouldn't Vezbanje 2
have broken; 4. would have gone; 5. had been 1. How much does the postcard cost? /
What does the po'stcard cost?
Vezbanje 15 2. The T-shirts аге fairly1quitej pretty expen~
З. The museum is free.
Andrew: d, е; David: а, с; Erin: Ь, f

Vezbanje 16 Vezbanje З
1. loaded; 2. poor; З. wealthy; 4. broke; 1. roomy; 2. nice, Light; З. warm, inviting;
5. bankrupt; 6. needy; 7. made of money 4. draughty; 5. warm, cozy; 6. tiny, cramped

Vezbanje 17 Vezbanje 4
Novcanice i sitan novac 1. I Like to take pictures, visit museums, buy sou-
Valuta u SAD је americki dolar ($US), u Kanadi venirs ...
kanadski dolar ($CAD) а u Velikoj Britaniji funta 2. r don't Like to go to touristy areas, take
(f). guided tours ...
З. I have а couch, а coffee taЬLe, а reading Lamp
Americki i kanadski dolar se dele na cents. Funta se
deli na pence. an armchair ...
Uzemgama engleskog govornog podruCja za 4. I go out to eat once а month, every two weelcs
novcanice se koriste izrazi note ili Ыll. UKanadi
; SAD se kaze о ten dollar Ыll. UVelikoj Britaniji 5. I never watch 1V. /I watch 1V every day ...
se kaze а ten pound note. Sitan novac ponekad 6. I should have gone grocery shopping.
moze da ima posebne nazive. U Kanadi i u SAD,
na primer, novCic od 5 centi zove se- а nickel, Vezbanje 5
novbl od 10 centi - а dime, а novCiC od 25 centi 1-f; 2 -а; 3-d; 4-i; 5-Ь; 6-g; 7 -с; 8-е; 9- h
- а quarter. U Kanadi postoje dve osobenosti.
Vezbanje 7
Novcic odjednog dolara se zove а loonei, ро slid
kanadske ptice Loon koja se moze videti na novCiCu. 1. cheering; 2. thought; З. been; 4. did have;
NovCiC od dva dolara, koji је kasnije uveden, zove 5. were; 6. didn't feel; 7. get along; 8. can;
se а toonie, zbog engleske reCi two. UEngleskoj 9. Was; 10. didn't know; 11. got; 12. won't ;
se, u zavisnosti od vrednosti, izgovara glas р 13. have; 14. doing; 15. could
(izgovor: pi). Ono oznacava реппу (jednina) ili
pence (mnozina). Vezbanje 8
1.... (that) the salmon was almost ready.
2.... (that) he would sleep on the couch.
З .... (that) I/we order·tt1e salad.
4 .... get more exerdse.
5.... (that) she had seen the Rocky Mountains. 6.
... (that) the sun would shine tomorrow.

182 1

Vezbanje 9 Test
1. himself; 2. herself; З. ourselves;
Vezbanje 1
4. themselves; 5. yourself; б. yourselves
1. -;2.The;З. -;4.The;5. -

Vezbanje 10
1. Have you ever been; 2. was; З. have been; Vezbanje 2
4. haven't booked; 5. visited; б. has never left; 7.
1. in; 2. at; З. in; 4. at
met; 8. went
Vezbanje з
Vezbanje 11 1. shining; 2. fell; З. blow; 4. flooded; 5. errupts
1. When were your parents born?;
Vezbanje 4
2. Did you grow up in the country or in the city?; З
How old were you when you left school?; 1. boring; 2. bored; З. thrillingj exciting; 4.
4. When did you get married? thrilledj excited

Vezbanje 12 Vezbanje 5
1-d; 2-g; 3-f; 4-а; 5-h; 6-Ь; 7-с; 8 -е
1 -с; 2-е; 3 -а; 4-Ь; 5-d

Vezbanje 1З Vezbanje б
1. toilet; 2. reading lamp; З. stove; 4. cupboard; 1. I agree to а certain extend. 2. I'm sure you're
5. bathtub; б. mirror; 7. coffee taЬle; 8. chairs; right. 3. I totally disagree with you. 4. You might
9. fireplace; 10. sink Ье right, but ... 5. I see your point, but ...

W Е R D Гf~r-y"'''"'!> f' (;'f- ~ Eiri!!f~ Vezbanje 7

~ 11: , Е k .A IJ' 1 .,Ј N,. G l !;iA" М· Р] 1. cooked; 2. fatty; 3. tough; 4. juicy; 5. Ьitter;
V D U R R Е Ј К Q V В б. stale
~ $, *{ Р У Е D N~ М М А К•i
R'f у , Ј1
f Р< В, () ·• А R D fi i Vezbanje 8
f' J., S Т Z 1,. М С Н 1 G О "! 1. First; 2. After that; З. before cutting; 4. Тhen;
, А R · D ~,,9 А f Hm, Т 1 ЈЈ В i ~ 5. finally
Н F Е I С М lЉ R R ~ 0 i R«i'
t ' & о ".r,_ F• Р 6 Е т Е
fif' - ~ '"'А,. ·=·• Vezbanje 9
' 1. are; 2. isjwas; З. Ье; 4. cut; 5. washed
Vezbanje 14
Vezbanje 10
1. museum; 2. market square; З.. statue;
4. shopping district; 5. harb~ur; б. souvenir shop; 1. еуе; 2. eltьow; З. nail; 4. cheek
7. nightclub; 8. tourist office;
9. art exhihition; 10. cobblestone streets Vezbanje 11
11. guided tour; 12. Gastown 1. Ьу; 2. until; З. Ьу

Vezbanje 15 Vezbanje 12
1. cabln; 2. have; З. fireplace; 4. cozy ј cosy; 1. would learn; 2. wanted; З. will рау; 4. is;
5. Canadian; б. fortune; 7. wish 5. wasjwere

1 183
. . ..
Veibanje 13
1. told; 2. tell; З. said; 4. say

Veibanje 14
1. yet; 2. already; З. yet; 4. already

Veibanje 15
1. fo r 50 years; 2. since this morning;
З. for 15 minutes; 4. since; 5. since last week

t-:, .#

~ as а result kao rezиltat

as soon as Cim, sto pre
ahsolutely apsolиtno
Azija t
according to ро, и skladи sa pitati
aching bolno Atlantic Ocean Atlantik
acting glиma
АТМ (automated teller aиtomat za novac
active aktivan, -а, -о
actively aktivno tetka, ијпа, strina
activity aktivnost . Australia Australija
add dodati away da/eko, иdaljen
admire diviti se awfully иiasno
admission иlaz
admit priznati
adult odrasla osoba в
adventure avantиra
ЬаЬу ЬеЬа
advise savetovati nazad, natrag
affordaЬle povoljan
bacon slanina
Africa Afrika bad off los и песети
ago pre prtljag
ag reeaЬle prijatan, prikladan Bahami
air conditioning klima-иredaj "'
bake ре б
airline vazdиsna kompanija pekar
airplane avion balcony balkon
Alberta AlЬerta, pokrajina и Kanadi
banana banana
alive iiv racиn и banci
bank account
Alps A/pi platna kartica
bank card
already vec automat za podizanje
bank machine
Amazon Amazon novca
ambulance kola hitne ротоб novcanica
amount iznos bankrupt bankrot
amuse zabavljati rostll]
anger bes barbecued па roStiljи
ankle zglob, Clanak kosarka
answer odgovoriti grgec
anthropology antropologija kиpatilo
antiques antikviteti bathtub kada
anxiety briga Ье а pain in the neck Ыti nepodnosljiv
anxious zabrinиt
beaЬleto тоб, Ыti и stanjи
apartment stan (apartman) Ье afraid plaSiti se
apple jabuka Ье attractedto osecati priv/acnost
Arctic Arktik somebody prema nekome
arm ruka roditi se
Ье born
armchair fotelja bankrotirati
Ье broke
arrival dolazak Ье broken Ыti unisten
arnve dоб
Ье frightened Ыti up/asen
art иmetnost


Ье in high spirits Ьiti dobro raspoloien bother smetati

Ье оп cloud nine Ьiti па sedmom пеЬи bottom pozadinajdno
Ье responsiЬle for Ьiti odgovoran za nesto Ьоу decak
Ье scared plasiti se boyfriend mladic
Ье wrong Ьiti и zaЬ/udi, nemati brain mozak
pravo bread hleb
Ье wrong ne slagati se bread roll zemicka
beach plaia break pauza, odmor
beanc; pasulj break razblti
beard brada break up prekinutijraskinuti
beat udarati breast grudi
beautiful lep, divan breathe disati
because јег, zato sto breeze povetarac
because of zbog broccoli brokoli
become postoti broken siomljen
Bed & Breakfast nocenje s dorиckom bruise modn'ca, oteklina
bedroom spavaca soba bruise nagnjeCitijoteCi
beef govedina brush cetkati
beg moliti bucket kofa
behind iza, pozadi buddy ottak
Beijing Peking building zgrada/gradevina
belong to pripadati bum zodnjica
below dole, ispod burn goreti
bend saviti burnt izgoreo
bend skretanje bus autobиs
between izmedи bust nedrajprsa
Ьicycle Ьidkl Ьу do (vremenski)
Ьill гасип bynow do sada, vec
Ьill novcanico bythen do tada
Ьillionaire milijarder
Ьiography Ьiograftja
Ьit parce, komod
Ьite gristi саЬ taksi
Ьite zalogaj cabbage kupиs
Ыand Ьlag, mio cabln koliba
bleed krvariti calendar kalendar
blood krv Calgary grad и Alberti,
board game drиstvena igra (npr. sah) pokrajina и Капаdт
boil kuvati call for traiiti, zahtevati
boiling vrelo/kljиcajиб camping kampovati
boost nagonjstimиlans са п тоб
border granica cannot odn'can oЬ/ik od mo6
bored "smoren" card karta za igranje
boring dosadan card game igra sa kartama
borrow pozajmiti career karijera



Caribbean Karibl CN Tower CN toranj, prepoznatljivi

carrot sargarepa znak Toronta
cast gips coach putnicki autobus
catch uhvatiti, doblti cobЬlestone kaldrma
cauliflower karfiol coffee kafa
Ceasar salad Cezar salata coffee taЬle stoCit
Celsius Celzijus coin novбt
cent cent cold prehlada
cereals cerealijejiitarice collect skup(jati
certain izvesni, -а, -о college koledi, visa skola
certain sigurno comb ceSljati (se)
chair stolica comfortaЬle udobno
chance sansa Coming right up! Odmah dolazim!
change promeniti company firma
change sitnina complain ialiti se
charge to credit card platiti karticom complete kompletanjpotpun
cheap jeftin comprehensive school osnovna skola
check racun concussion potres mozga
check out ispitati/proveriti condition stanje
cheek obraz condominium stan и vlasnistvu
cheer up razvedriti (se) conductor kondukter
cheerfulness raspoloienje confess priznati
cheese sir confident samouverenjizvestan
cheque cek confused zbunjen
chess sah confusing zbunjujuce
chest grudi confusion zbunjenost
chest kutija con nected povezan
chest of drawers komoda constipated imati zatvor
chicken pile(tina) consulate konzulat
child dete contentment srecajzadovoljstvo
childhood detinjstvo continent kontinent
chilly hladno convenience store radnja
chin brada cook kuvati
China Kina cool superjkul
china porcelan cool hladno
Chinatown kineska cetvrt corn flakes korn flejks
Chinese kineski,-a,-o corner ugao
dtycentre centar grada couch kauc
class razred cough kasalj
classical klasican, -а, -о country zemlja
climber planinar couple par
clock sat courage hrabrost
clothing odeca courageous hrabar
cloud oblak course kurs
cloudy oblacno cozy prijatno

1 187

cramped uskojtesno difference razlika

crash in sruШi se different razliдto
cream stag dime 10 centi
credit card kreditna kartica dining obedovanje
cross рrеб dining room trpezarija
crowded ри по direct direktno
cruise ship krstarenje brodom direct deЫt placanje elektronsko".
cucumber krastavac kes karticom
cuisine kuhinja (је/о) directions pravci
cupboard vitrina disagree ne blti saglasan,
curLy kovrdiavo · protivreбti
curtain zavesa dishes је/а
curve krivina dishes sudovi
cut posekotina distance udaljenost
cut sеб district rejon, kvart
cycle voziti blcikl divorced razveden
doctor lekar
doLLar dolar
D doubt sumnjati
daiLy dnevno down-and-out siromasan
dairy mlecni proizvodi drawer fioka
daisy krasuljak dressed obucen
damaged ostecen drop tonutVispustiti
dangerous opasan drought susa
dark tamno drums bubnjevi
deaL posao dry suvo
deЬit duiiti duck patka
deer је/е п during za vreme
degree stepen dust prasina
den jazblnajjama
denied odbijen
deposit uplatiti
depressed deprimiran each svaki, -а, -о
depressing deprimirajuce each other jedan drugog
depression depresija ear uho
desert pustinja earacne bolovi и usima
design dati nacrt earn zaraditi
dessert desert earth zemlja
detached odvojen earthquake zemljotres
detached house kuca и kojoj iivi easy-going opusten
jedna porodica egg јаје
diaL blrati telefonski broj eLЬow lakat
diarrhea dijarea elderly starojostarelo
die umreti elementary school osnovna skola
diet ishrana elk los

188 1
. .,

~ Reёnik

etse inace, jos fever groznica

ernbassy ambasada fight borba, tиса
emergency hitan slиcoj fiLL pиniti
en suite sa kиpatilom/ tиs i WC fitter ftlter
enjoyment иiitak find out about raspitati se о песети
entertainment zabava fine dobro
enthusiastic рип entиzijazma fine и redи
equipped namesten finger prst
Erie lake Iri jezero (jezero и Fintand Finska
Kanadi) fire vatra
erupt izblti fire department vatrogasna slиiba
even cak fired zapa/jen/otpиsten
ever ikada fireptace kamin
every svaki, -а, -о fish riba
exchange program pro_gram razmene fishing pecanje
excited иzbиden fit и formi
excitement иzЬиdепје five-star pet zvezdica
exercise veiЬa ftash sevati
exercise veiЬati fl.ood poplava
exhiЬit izloiiti flooded poplav/jen
expensive skиp Florida F/orida, driava и SAD
explain objasniti ftu grip
explore otkriti fty leteti
extent stepen fog magla
extra ekstra foggy mag/ovito
extremely ekstremnojkrajnje fotlow slediti
еуе oko foot stopa/o
eyebrow obrva for vec, od (vremenski)
for instance па primer
forearm podlaktica
F forecast prognoza
fa ce lice forehead celo
fairly priliёno forests sиme
fall vodopad formaL formalno
fall pasti forth napred
fa ll in love. zaljиblti se fortune sreca/bogatstvo
fa rm farma fountain fontana
fast food brza hrana free besplatno
fat debeo freeze zamrznиti
fatty masno freezing ledeno
faucet slavina fresh svei
feed hraniti fridge friiider
feel osecati frightening zastrasиjиce
fees zaradajhonorar frown naborati celo
fe rry skela, camac frozen smrznиto


fruit voce grill spremati па rosti(ju

frustrated frustriran groceries namirnice
frustrating frustrirajuce group of islands grupa ostNa
frustration frustracija grow rasti
fry priiti (и tiganju) grow up porasti
full-board pun pansion guide vodic
funny smesno guitar gitara
furious besan
furniture namestaj
haiL grad
G hail pada grad
gale oluja hallway hodnik
game divljac ham sunka
garden vrt, basta hamburger hamburger
gas gas hand ruka
genuinely stvarnojpravo handsome zgodan
get razumeti hang okatiti
get doblti happy srecan
get changed presvuб se hard tesko
get divorced razvesti se hardly jedva
get dressed оЬиб se hardware stores prodavnice alata
get going krenutVnastaviti hate mrzeti
get hungry ogladneti Hawaiian Islands Havaji
get married oieniti/udati se head glava
get оп well with slagati se sa nekim headache glavobolja
someone health insu·ance zdravstveno osigura~
get undressed . skinuti se hear cuti
getup ustati hearing sluh
gift 1
poklon heart srce
glad srecan, radostan heartЬreaker srcolomac
go ahead nastaviti heat vrelina
Gobl Desert pustinja Gobl heat wave talas vreline
good-looking zgodan heated ugrejan, zagrejan
goods roba heel peta
grammar school gimnozija helicopter helikopter
grandmother baka herself sebe, se
grease ulje, mast high visok, -а, -о
Great Lakes Velika jezera highest najvisi, -а, -е
highschool skolajsrednja !kOitl
highschool diploma matura
highway drum, glavni put
hike pe5aбti
hiker setac
Himalayas Hima/aji

190 1
1 Recnik

himself sebe, se in the meantime и medиvremenи
hip kиk included иkljиcen
hip-hop hip-hop mиzika income primqnje, plata
hockey hokej Indian indijanski
hold on izdriati Indian Ocean Indijski okean
homeowner vlasnik kисе inline skating voinja rolera
honest iskren, castan inspiration inspiracija
honestly iskreno inspired inspirisan
horse konj inspiring inspirativan
hospital bolnica insurance osigиranje
host domaбn interest rates kamatna stopa
hostess domaбca international medиnarodni
hot vruc inviting primamljiv
house kиса island ostrvo
household domaбnstvo itchy koji izaziva svrab
housework kиcni posao
hovercraft hoverkraft
how kako
humid vlaino, mokro Jamaica Jamajka
humidity vlainost (vazdиha) Japanese japaпski
hunt loviti ја и diez mиzika
hurricane иragan jeans diiпs
hurt boletijpovrediti joint zglob
journalist пovinarj-ka
juicy socno
1 jumbo veliki
I guess so Mislim, иvеrеп sam, jumbojet diambo diet
smatram da је tako jumper diemper
ice led jungle diипgla
ice hockey hokej па /еdи just as bas kao
ice tea ledeпi сај
Iceland Is/aпd
ice-skating klizaпje па ledи
icy ledeпo kick иdaritf/sиtпиti
if ako, и slисаји da kids deca
imagine zamisliti kill ublti
impossiЬle петоgисе kind of пеkа vrsta, poпesto,
improbaЬle пeverovatпo рата/о, и пеkи rиkи
in advance иnapred ki nderga rten deqi vrtic
in charge of blti za nesto odgovoran kitchen kиhiпja
in front of ispred knee koleпo
in person licпo known pozпat
L make preparations pripremati
lake jezero Manisnowba nadimak za Manitobи
Lake Louise jezero и Kanadi Manitoba pokrajina и Kanadi
Lake Miфigan jezero Мitigen marinated mariniran
Lake Ontario jezero Ontario married oienjen/иdata
Landlord vlasnik master bedroom velika spavaca soba
late kasno mate ortak
Lately и poslednje vreme
maxed out prekoraceno
lean mrsav maybe moida
leave otiб
теа п misliti
left levo meat meso
left-handed levorиk medical medidnski
leg noga medicopter spasilacki helikopter
lend pozajmiti Mediterranean Sea Sredozemno тоге
lettuce salata medium srednje
licence licenca medium build srednje grade
lie leiati medium height srednje visine
life iivot medium-rare polиpeceno
lifetime iivot melon dinja
lightning типја
menu jelovnik
lip usna metropolitan velegradski
liveliness iivost Mexico Meksiko
lively бо, iivahan middle-aged и srednjim godinama
living room dnevna soba midnight р о пос
log staЬlo might modalni glagol
Long dиgacak mild Ьlag,neian
long-legged dugonog, -а, -о milk mleko
Look miШon milion
loonie 1 dolar (kanadski novШ) millionaire milioner
Lorry kamion mineraL water mineralna voda
love ljиbav
mini van minibиs
luck sreca mirror ogledalo
luggage prtljag Miso soup miso sира
lunchtime rиcak
Mississippi Misisipi
lung plиta misunderstanding nesporazиm
mixed up zЬипјеп
modeL model
м moment momenat
madness lиdilo
топ еу novac
magazine casopis MontreaL grad и Kanadi
main course glavno jelo moped moped
make raditi, бniti mortgage hipoteka
most Likely najverovatnije
motorcycle motocikl
Mount Everest Mont Everest

192 1

'14ount Hood рlапiпа и SAD note поvсапiса
Иou nt Kilimanjaro KШmaпdiaro Nova Scotia pokrajiпa па atlaпtskoj
'14ount Robson рlапiпа и Roki Маипtiпs obali Капаdе
~ount St. Helens рlапiпа и saveznoj novel roman
Driavi Vasiпgton
mountain planina
mountain range planinski vепас
mountaintop planinski vrh occasional povremen
moustache brkovi occasionally povremeпo

mouth иsta of па

move pokretati offer poпuditi

movein иseliti se old age (duboka) starost
Mr. Right gospodiп Pravi on foot peske
multi mиlti- one-way ticket karta и jednom pravcи
multicultural mиltikиlturalaп opening hours vreme otvaranja
muscle miШ operate fипkcionisati
muscular miШav operator operater
mushroom pecиrka optimistic optiтisticaп
myself тепе, те orange poтoraпdia
orange juice sok od poтorandie
organise organizovati
N other drugi, -а, -о
nail nokat ouch јој!
natural prirodan oughtto treba da/trebalo Ьi
neck vrat ourselves паs, saтi
needy potrebaп outdoors napoifи
neighborhood koтsilиk overnight preko поб
Nepal Nepal owe dиgovati
nervous пervozaп own posedovati
nervousness nervoza
net intemet р
net пеtо
never mind пета veze Pacific Ocean Padfik
Newfoundland Njиfaundlend pack pakovati
next sledeб,-a,-e packed ри п

Niagara Falls Nijagarini vodopadi pain bol

nickel 5 ceпti painful Ьоlап, -а, -о
nightlife nocпi iivot paint slikati
nightly п оси painting slika
no longer ne vise pale Ыеd, -а, -о
nod kliтati pan tiganj
normal norтalaп, -а, -о part deo
normally oblcno partly deliтicno
northern severno, severo- pass proбjdodati
nose поs pass away итreti

Recnik 1
passport pasos prefer nesto vise voletijradije
past prosao tiniti
pasta testenine pregnant и drиgom stanjи
рау back vratiti (novac) preparations pripreme
paycheque cek (plata) prepare pripremiti
ре а grasak prepared pripremljen
peach breskva prescription recept
pence mnoZina od peni pretty lep,-a,-o
penny peni pretty prilicno
pepper paprika/Ьiber primary schooL osnovna skola
percent procenat private school privatna skola
perhaps moida probabllity verovatnoca
permafrost vetiti led рrоЬаЫе verovatan, -а, -о
personaLLy liёno programmer programer
pessimistic pesimistican promise obecati
Philippines Filipini promote иnapreditVpromovisati
photography fotograjija properLy ispravno
piano k/avir pub district kvart sa kafiбma
picture fotograftja puЬlic school privatna skola
pill pilиla (и Engleskoj)
pillow jastиk pump pиmpati
pineapple ananas punchline taёkajjedinica
pLane avion pupil иcenik
play igrati purse tasnica
pleasure zadovoljstvo push pritisnиti
point taёka put on оЬиб
police po/icija Pyrenees Pirineji
poor siromasan
р ор рор mиzika
porcelain porcelan о
pork svinjsko meso quarter 25 centi
positive sigиmo quick brzo
possibllity mogиcnost quiet tiho
possiЫe mogиc, verovatan quite prilicno
possiЬly mogиce
post posta
pot /о пас
potato krompir rabblt zec
poultry iivina rainforest prasиma
Pound Sterling fиnta sterlinga rainy kisovito
(britanska valиta) raise podiб
pour sipati raise odgajati
range /апас
rare kNOV,-0,-0
rather radije

194 1

гаw sirov, -о, -о Sahara Sohoro
reading Lamp lотро zo titonje sail jedriti t
ready spreтon Sake joponsko pirincono rokijo
real estate nekretnino salad soloto
realise shvotitijrozитeti salmon losos
reasonaЬle povoljon salty slono
recently nedovno Saskatchewan Soskocevon
recommend preporиCiti sauce sos
Red Sea Crveno тоге savc ~иvoti
regret ioliti save up stedeti
regular redovon, -о, -о saxophone soksofon
regularly redovno say reti
relaxation opиstonje scheduled plonironojdogovoreno
relaxed opиsten sculpture skиlptиra
relaxing ориstајисе sea тоге

rent kirijo season zoбniti

rental zo iznajтljivonje secondary school srednja skolo
repair poprovko see rozuтeti
retire penzionisati se seem бniti sejdelovoti
retired penzionisan seLection izbor
retu rn ti cket povratno korta seLf-conscious nesigиran, zbиnjen
rice pirinoc self-consciousness stidljivost ·
rich bogot, -о, -о semi- роlи-
ride johoti send posloti
ride voinjo serve serviroti
right desno server konoborj-ica
right-handed desnorиk service poslиga
ring zvoniti setting тestojpostavka
roasted peceno (и rerni) settted odluceno, dogovoreno
Robson Street иlica и Vankиverи, shake tresti (se)
poznata ро prodavnicoтa sharp ostro
rock stena shave brijati (se)
rock cli т Ьi ng penjanje sheet carsav
Rockies Roki Maиntins shine sijati, sjaj
roll kotrljati shopping mall trini centor
Rome Riт short nizok
rgomy prostron short of cash neтati dovoljno novco
rotate okrenиti short story krotko prico
run out izletetijistrcoti short-haired krotke kose
ru nny trceti shoulder го те

show up pojaviti (se)

s shrimp
sad tиion side-order dodatok
sadness tиgo side-road sporedna иlico


sight pogled spare slobodaпjviska

sight pogled spare room gostiпska soba
sights zпameпitosti speakerphone spikerjoп
since od speciaL dпevпi meпi
sing pevati spend potrositi
singLe room jedпokrevetпa soba spend provesti
sink sudopera spicy [juto
sit sedeti split podeliti
ski skijati split it three ways podeliti па tri dela
skin koia sports-utility-vehicle komЬi, diip
skinny mrsav spot mesto
skis skije sqaush skvos
sleep in пaspavati se square trg
sleeping саг spavata kola stale ustajalo
steepy pospan,-a,- о stamp postaпska marka
steet susпeiica stand stajati
slim vitak starter predjelo
slip oklizпuti se starve ogladпetVgladovati
smack mg'ackati statue statиa

smell miris, сиlо mirisa stay boravak

smetL mirisati steak sпicla
smile smeskati se steam diпstati
smoke dim step stati, stupiti
snifftes kijavicajsmrcaпje still mirno
snowchains laпci za sпeg stitt jos
snowball grudva stitch sav
snowboarding skijaпje па dasd stomachache bolovi и stomaku
snowman Sпesko Belit storm о/ија
snowy zavejaп stormy olujпi
so zato stove sporet
someday jedпog dапа straight ravпo

sometime пekada, jedпom strawberry jagoda

sometimes paпekad strike sresti, pogoditi
soon иskoro student studeпtj-kiпja
sooner ог Later pre ili kasпije suburb predgrade
sore ира[јеп suggest predloiiti
sortout dovesti и red suit odgovarati
sound zvucati summery letпje
soup supa sun suпce

sour kiselo Superior Lake jezero и Kaпadi

south јиiпо supply sпabdeti
South America Juiпa Amerika surely sigurno
souvenir suveпir surface povгSiпa
space mesto, prostor sweater diemper
spaghetti spageti sweet sladak

196 1
t Reёnik

tooth zub
т top рrеvиб
tornado tornado
taЬle sto
touch dodirnиti
taЬlet taЫeta
take саге of
touch down prizemljiti
obaviti nesto
tough iilav
take in videti
tourist tиrista
take something easy pиstiti da se mirno odvija
touristy tиristiCki
tall visok
towards prema, ka
Tower Bridge most и Londonи
town grad
taste probatijimati иkиs
townhouse kиte и nizu
taste иkиs, lиlo иkиsа
trade zanimanje
traffic saobracaj
tax porez
train voz
tram tramvaj
transfer prebaciti
travel pиtovati
temperature temperatиra ...
tree drvo
trip izlet
tender neino
trout pastrmka
terriЬle strasno
truck kamion
test test try pokиsati
Thames Temza
tuition fee troskovi stиdiranja
thankfully srecom
tuna tиna
the other day pre neki dan
tunnel tиnel
the Prairies Prerije (и Kanadi)
Turkey Tиrska
themselves njih, sebe, oni licno
turkey cиrka
therefore zbog toga
turn okrenиti
thigh bиtina
turn up pojaviti se
thi rty-yea r-o ld tridesetogodisnjak
twisted иganиt
thrilled odиsevljen
thrilling napeto
throat grlo u
thumb palac
uncertain nesigиran, -а, -о
thunder grom
uncle ијаk,stric, teca
thunderstorm nevreme
uninhablted nenaseljen
tidal wave talas poplave
university иniverzitet
till do
unpack raspakovati
toast nazdraviti песети
unsure nesigиran
toe prst па nozi
until do
toilet toa/et
untouched nedirnиt
tomato paradajz
unusual neoblcno
too sиvise
upset tиianjиznemiren
toonie 2 dolara (kanadski
usual иoblcajen, -а, -о

Recnik Ј
usually џg/avnom wind vetar
utility room ostava windsurfing jedreпje па dasci
windy vetrovito
v Winnepeg glavпi grad pokrajiпe
Maпitoba, Капаdа
Vancouver Vaпkuver Winterpeg пadimak za Viпipeg
Vancouver Island ostrvo па obali wintery zimsko
Vaпkuvera wish ieleti
Vancouverites i itelj Vaпkuvera withdraw povuб
vanilla vaпila without bez
vast veliko, daleko wonder pitati se
vegetaьtes povrce wonderful cudesпo
vocational ро zaпimaпju wool vuпa

vomit povracati worker radпik

worrying zabriпjavajuб

w worth
would you саге for ...?
Оо li Ьiste rado .. . ?
wage plata wounded povredeп
waist struk wrist rucпi zglob
wall zid
wallet пovcaпik у
wardroЬe garderober
warm topao yacht jahta
warm up zagrejati (se) yawn zevati
Washington State Savezпa Oriava Vasiпgtoп yet vec
waste rasipati yogurt jogurt
waterfall vodopad yourself tebe, te, sebe, se
wavy talasast yourselves sebe, vas
wealthy dobrostojeб youth hostel odmaraliste (omladiпsko
well dobro
well done dobro ispeceп
well-dressed dobro оЬисеп
wellness blagostanje
wet mokro
whale kit
whale-watching posmatraпje kitova
when kada
which koji,-a,-e
while dok
whip udarati
whipped cream slag
white Ьread beli hleb
Whoa! Auh!
whole wheat Ьread hleb sa puпim zrnom
wiggle klimati se

Izvori (za fotografije i Hustracije): strana 102 ј 17:
strana 181 8: stambeno nase~e sa kucama u nizu:
Vankuver (kolaz): turista u Vankuveru Simon Tribe, Stralzund
banka: Simon Tribe, Stralzund
strana 22 1 16:
Amtrak-voz: Mat Melzer, strana 110 f 16:
Via-Rail-voz: Via RaiL Canada inc. univerzitet Kolumblja:
istockphoto.comfJason Feinstein
strana 30/ 17:
planine ј jezera: Simon Tribe, Stralzund strana111/1:
kolaz (novac, kreditna kartica itd.):
strana 441 13: Simon Tribe, Stralzund
razglednica Vaпkuverd: ј
Kyle Maass strana 118 ј 17:
novcanice: Simon Tribe, Stralzund
strana 54 / 18: novac u metalu: Simon Tribe, Stralzund
konobar: Getty Images (Photodisc), Minhen
konobarica / restoran: Getty Images (Photodisc), strana 126/ 15:
Minhen razglednica brvnare: Simon Tribe, Stralzund

strana 70 1 18: Spikeri:

kola hitne pomoCi: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Gillian Bathmaker William Sears
vatrogasna kola: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Mark Borrill David Shallis
strana: 78/ 18: Peter Cole Rebecca Simpson
apoteka: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Margaret Сор Angelique Slaats
Peter Fenn Helen Smyth
strana 851 17: Susie Hare lnge Spaughton
razglednica Vankuvera: Brett Harwood Simon Tribe
Courtesy James Heffernan Mary L. Turvey
strana 87/ 1: Philip Hewitt Nicola Tuson
muzej: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Katie Hoffman Andrew Weale
дndrew Hutchins Elizabeth Webster
pijaca: EKS GmbH, Stutgart
kineski hram: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Derrick Jenkins David Michael
statua: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Anthony King Williamson
bunar: EKS GmbH, Stutgart Jennifer King
ulica sa prodavnicama: Simon Tribe, Stutgart Virginia Maier
Luka: Simon Tribe, Stralzund James Martin
Stari grad: Simon Tribe Stralzund Michael Mattison
Sheila McBride
strana 8813: Rona McGeoch
AntropoloSki muzej: Paul Newcomb
Courtesy of PhiL Newton
Kineska cetvrt: Joanne Рорр
Courtesy of Tersia Potgieter
strana 94/ 17: Astrid Proctor
Deli's: Philipp ZiegLer, Stutgarl Debby Rebsch
trzni centar: Simon Tribe, Stralzund Nigel Rigby
дlison Rippier


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