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S . S . L O K R A S , P . K . D E S H P A N D E , N. R . K U L O O R
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 12, India

Catalytic dehydrogenation of 2-propanol over Cu-Si02 catalyst was investigated.

The undesired side reaction of dehydration can be controlled by a selective
catalyst and choice of proper operating conditions. The kinetics of the heterogene-
ous catalytic reaction can be adequately expressed by a forward first-order
and reverse second-order mechanism. The rate-controlling step with chemically
pure 2-propanol is single-site surface reaction, while for the technical grade
alcohol the adsorption of alcohol is rate-controlling. The static bed data are
compared with the fluidized bed data.

is one of the important industrial solvents and (1959). Liquid-phase reaction kinetics with Raney nickel
a raw material for synthesizing diacetone alcohol, iso- catalysts were studied by Kipperman and Nikolaeva
phorone, methyl acrylate, bisphenol A, ketone, etc. (1961) and Kipperman et al. (1962, 1963a,b). Rate-
Dehydrogenation of 2-propanol displaced the fermentation controlling steps and reaction mechanism by the Hougen-
process in commercial manufacture of acetone in the mid- Watson approach were also investigated by Garcia de
dle 1920’s. With the advent of petrochemical industries, la Banda et al.
2-propanol is now available in abundance a t competitive
prices and hence is a more suitable raw material.
Acetone can be obtained from 2-propanol by either The apparatus (Figure 1) consists of 2-propanol feeding
catalytic dehydrogenation or catalytic oxidation. The reac- and metering units, vaporizer with preheater, reactor, pro-
tions are duct condensers, and receivers, and gas collecting drum.
CHiCHOHCH3- CHlCOCHi + H? (1) The vaporizer consists of a 4-foot-long, 78-inch-i.d. 18-8
stainless steel tube. The reactor is a 2-inch-i.d., 18-inch-
CHiCHOHCHi + ;1. O?+ CH7COCHl + H20 ( 2 ) long, 18-8 stainless steel tube having a conical bottom
Reaction 1 is endothermic, while Reaction 2 is exothermic with a plug cock, a 4-inch-diameter, 4-inch-high disen-
and requires more critical temperature control. Therefore, gaging section a t the top, and two pressure taps a t the
industrial practice generally favors the dehydrogenation top and bottom. The heating is done electrically and
route. During catalytic dehydrogenation, dehydration of the temperatures are controlled by Sunvic energy regula-
an alcohol occurs simultaneously, according to the reaction, tors and autotransformers. Reactor temperature is
measured by a Chromel-Alumel thermocouple and con-
C3Hs + H20
CH?CHOHCH,--+ (3) trolled within i l ° C .
However, Reaction 3 can be controlled by selective Analysis. Hydrogen and propylene in the collected gas
catalysts and proper operating conditions. are determined in an Orsat apparatus and acetone in
the condensed product by Morasco’s Oxime method
literature Survey
(Mitchell et al., 1955). The liquid product was collected
Extensive work has been carried put on the dehydro- at -20°C. by using a salt-ice mixture. As the vapor pres-
genation of 2-propanol. Balandin and coworkers (Balandin, sure of acetone at -20°C. is 20 mm. of Hg, the carry-
1958) studied the various catalysts in detail, to explain over of acetone by the product gases was taken into
the phenomena of catalysis in the light of the multiplet account. Since it was observed that moles of acetone
theory and indicated the fundamental nature of bond formed are equal to the moles of H1 collected, the only
energy compared to the energy of activation. A large side reaction being that of dehydration, only hydrogen
number of patents deal with catalyst specifications and and propylene were estimated for routine analysis.
optimum operating parameters. Kinetic work is com- Catalyst Preparation. Catalysts, Cu-Si02 (1 t o 3, 1 to
paratively less. Ciborowski (1959) and Balandin and Tet- 4, 1 to 9, 1 to 19, and 1 to 99), Cu-pumice (1 to 4),
eni (1960) collected the kinetic data over copper catalysts, ZnO-SiOi (1 to 4), and Ni-Si02 (1 to 4) were prepared
while Germain et al. (1961, 1965), Garcia de la Banda by an impregnation technique. The impregnated nitrates
and Orlandini (1958, 1963), Garcia de la Banda (1960), of copper and nickel and zinc acetate were oxidized a t
Sheely (1963), Krylov (1965), and Zhabrova et al. (1965) 400°C. in a muffle furnace. The copper and nickel oxides
worked with zinc oxide catalysts. Kinetics with chromium were reduced with hydrogen at 3OO0C. in the reactor
catalysts were investigated by Garcia de la Banda (1960, before being used. The size of the catalyst used in most
19621, Garcia de la Banda et al. (1966), and Orlandini of the runs was -60 +lo0 Tyler mesh.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., Vol. 9, No. 2, 1970 293
Feed bottla i
I , T h e r m coude

m "! 8 %
supor healer Reac tor

receivers hx
liquid product

Gas collection system

Figure 1 . Flow diagram of setup for dehydrogenation of isopropyl alcohol to acetone

Catalyst Characteristics. The characteristics of Cu-Sios of 2-propanol over Ni, Cu, and ZnO were computed (Table
(1 to 4, -60 +lo0 Tyler mesh) catalyst, which was found 11).
to be the best among the lot, are surface area, 310.1 The activation energy for dehydrogenation is least for
sq. cm. per gram, apparent density, 2.4818 grams per copper, which indicates that it is a better dehydrogenation
cc., and bulk density, 0.8750 gram per cc. catalyst. For nickel dehydration is less prominent than
Selection of Catalyst and Carrier Material. Pumice- dehydrogenation, while for zinc oxide the two reactions
supported catalyst had low activity and short life and seem to be probable to an equal extent. For copper
hence silica gel was selected as a carrier. The performance catalyst, the activation energy for dehydration is lower
of catalysts Cu-Sios, Ni-SiO:!, and ZnO-SiOn, all in the than for dehydrogenation. However, experiments with cop-
ratio of 1 to 4 by weight and having a size of -60 +lo0 per show lesser dehydration with increasing copper con-
Tyler mesh, was compared. The experiments were con- tent. On the basis of those results, the copper catalyst
ducted with a 4-inch bed height in the temperature range was selected for detailed experimentation.
of 275" to 325°C. and WIF range of 16 to 22. The copper Copper-Catalyst Compositions (1 to 3, 1 to 4, 1 to 9,
catalyst gave a much better performance than nickel and 1 to 19, and 1 to 99) were investigated. Optimum values
zinc oxide. Conversions with nickel were rather low, and of dehydrogenation and dehydration were obtained with
with zinc oxide the dehydration reaction was more prom- 1 to 3 and 1 to 4 catalyst composition and hence 1
inent. Catalyst activity studies show that the activity to 4 catalyst was chosen for further studies.
of Cu-Si02 (1 to 4) remains constant for 24 hours. All
Results and Discussion
the experiments were carried out under constant activity
conditions. Xoncatalytic conversion was not observed. The experimental runs with Cu-Si02 (1 to 4, -60 +lo0
Some typical results a t 3OO0C. are presented in Table Tyler mesh) catalysts were carried out in the static and
I. fluidized beds. Chemically pure 2-propanol was used.
The catalyst performance can be partly explained in Technical grade 2-propanol was also used in the fluidized
the light of the energy correspondence principle, which beds.
forms a part of the multiplet theory of catalyst activity Static Bed Reactor. The experimental data are presented
of Balandin (1958). Based on the bond energies data in Table 111. The range of temperature and time factor
of Cotrell (1958), Balandin et al. (1963), and Balandin ( W I F ) employed was 250" to 325°C. and 16 to 30, respec-
and Tolstopyatova (1965) for three catalysts, the activa- tively. The extent of dehydration reaction was rather
tion energies for the dehydrogenation and dehydration low, the maximum a t 325°C. The conversion to acetone
increased with increase in time factor and the curves
of conversion us. time factor tend toward asymptotic values

Table 1. Comparison of Cu-Sios, Ni-SiOs,

and ZnO-Si02 Catalysts
Table II. Computed Values of Activation Energies for
% Conversion at 300" C. Dehydrogenation and Dehydration of 2-Propanol
Catalyst Dehydro- E . Kcal. G. Mole
(1 :4) W F genation Dehydration
Reaction Ni ZnO Cu
Ni-SiO, 22.2 20.4 2.0
ZnO-SiOP 24.2 23.6 58.8 Dehydrogenation 33.6 20.5 15.0
Cu-SiO.! 24.0 88.4 3.2 Dehydration 51.3 20.8 12.2

294 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., Vol. 9, No. 2, 1970
Table 111. Effect of Time Factor and
300.0 -
Temperature on Conversion
% Concwsion 7; Conwrsion
Dehydro- Dehydra- Dehydro- Dehydra-
No. W: F genation tion No. W:F genation tion
(At 250" C.) (At 275°C.) 200.0
1 16.6 60.0 1.5 1 15.9 67.4 2.0
4 21.8 73.1 1.1 4 25.9 88.1 2.8 a
5 24.4 77.7 1.2 6 27.8 91.7 1.8 :I'
6 24.7 81.5 2.2 6 29.0 93.6 2.4
7 30.0 85.9 1.6 100.0
(At 300" C.) (At 325O C.)
1 16.7 77.5 3.3 1 16.8 88.5 4.1
2 18.8 83.6 2.5 2 18.5 95.1 4.6
3 21.2 87.3 2.8 3 20.8 91.1 3.7
4 22.3 89.0 3.4 4 23.9 94.0 5.0
5 27.3 96.2 3.5 5 25.0 94.6 5.4
6 28.5 93.0 7 .O
0.0 5.0 IO 0 15.0 20 0

Figure 2. Plot of - R T / P [2 In ( 1 - x ) + x ] vs. W/F

at higher W / F . As the dehydrogenation reaction is endo-
thermic, increase in temperature increased the conversion.
However, the dehydration reaction increases at higher
temperatures. h = 11760 e-4?40'' (4)
Kinetics. The curves of conversions to acetone ( x ) LIS.
W / F were correlated by a second-degree polynomial, x and
= a ( W / F ) + b ( W / F ) 2and constants a and b were cal-
culated by the least squares method. The rate of reaction
h = 10,080 (5)
at any W I F value can be obtained by differentiating Standard deviations between experimental and cal-
the above polynomial with reference to W I F . Since the culated conversion values from Equations 4 and 5 are
extent of dehydration was rather small, it was not consid- 7.1 and 4.2%, respectively. Kolb and Burwell (1945)
ered in the kinetic analysis. First-order irreversible and experimentally determined the equilibrium constants for
forward first-order with reverse second-order mechanism this reaction, which is reversible in the temperature range
were considered and the following relationships were employed here. Hence it is preferable to employ Equation
obtained. 5 in preference to pseudo-first-order irreversible Equation
Hougen-Watson Reaction Mechanism. T o evaluate the
extent of internal and external diffusion in the reactor
system, experiments were carried out with -100 +150
Tyler mesh catalyst size and 4-inch and 2-inch high
REVERSIBLE catalysts beds. The conversion values with -60 +lo0 and
-100 +150-mesh size were similar under identical operating
conditions, indicating negligible internal diffusion.
Similarly with 2-inch and 4-inch high beds, the same
conversions were obtained at equal WIF values, showing
the absence of an external diffusion-controlling step.
(a)' ' + x(b)' ' } - 1 2 l n I--
) - $1 When various mechanisms and rate-controlling steps
In (a)'Z- x ( b ) ' ' ( a were tried, single-site surface reaction was found to be
the controlling step a t all the temperatures studied. The
where a = K R T ; p and b = 1 + a. values of the apparent reaction velocity constant, h,, and
For establishing the linearity between W / F and the the adsorption velocity constants, KA and K H (or K K ) ,
right-hand side of Equations 4 and 5 , the smoothed values are presented in Table V. By the usual Arrhenius plot,
of x-Le., the values of conversion x calculated from the activation energies were obtained. The various constants
fitted polynomial a t selected values of W / F (5, 10, 12, can thus be expressed as
16, 18, 20, and 22)-were used. The linearity was found
to be statistically significant. Figure 2 shows typical plots
for Equation 4. The values of the reaction velocity con-
stants obtained from the slopes of the curves are pre-
sented in Table IV. By the Arrhenius plots, activation
energies were calculated. The reaction velocity constants
can thus be expressed as The following rate equation can then be used.

Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., Vol. 9, No. 2, 1970 295
230.4907 x e-3606,6'TCa - C H C ~ / K
r= (6)
1 + (0.1688 x 10-zez685i'r)CA+ (9.9536 x 10-12e123666.irT

The standard deviation between the experimental and

Table VI. Effect of Time Factor and
calculated rates by Equation 6 is 49.8%. This figure is Temperature on Conversion
rather high. However, the temperature dependence of k,,
K A , and K H was as theoretically expected. The scatter 7c Conuersion 7% Conwrsion
in the Arrhenius-type plots caused this large error. Dehydm- Dehydm- Dehydm- Dehydra-
Fluidized Bed Reactor (Chemically Pure 2-Propanol). No. WIF genntion twn No. W / F genation tion
The reactor used for static bed studies was used for (At 250" C.) (At 2750 C.)
fluidized beds. A 4-inch high bed of Cu-SiO, (1 t o 4, 1 13.3 49.7 1.1 1 15.7 72.1 1.8
-60 +lo0 Tyler mesh) was used throughout. The incipient 2 17.4 57.0 1.8 2 16.9 73.3 2.6
fluidization velocity a t 300" C., calculated by using Leva's 3 19.1 71.0 2.0 3 17.0 72.8 2.0
(1959) correlating equation, was 16.50 pounds per hour 4 22.1 82.0 2.1 4 18.9 77.4 2.6
5 24.3 83.5 3.2 5 25.3 84.1 2.8
per square foot. For 140 grams of catalyst needed for 6 30.9 84.0 2.9 6 28.7 87.8 3.1
a 4-inch bed height ( W I F ) m l nis 51.54. The range of 7 29.0 94.2 5.5
W / F used was 14 to 30, and hence the bed was in the (At 30P C.) (At 325" C.)
fluidized form. The visual observation of constant pressure
1 17.0 78.1 3.8 1 16.9 87.6 3.5
drop a t all the flow rates used supplements the above 2 18.2 84.4 3.5 2 20.0 94.5 4.5
assumption. The range of temperature used was 250" t o 3 18.5 84.3 3.5 3 22.4 95.6 4.3
325'C. The experimental data are given in Table VI. 4 20.4 87.2 3.3 4 25.0 92.2 6.8
Comparison with static-bed data (Table 111) shows that 5 24.0 88.4 3.2 5 28.5 96.0 3.8
6 28.9 90.6 5.7 6 30.3 91.0 7.0
the over-all performance of a fluidized bed reactor is similar
to that of a static bed. The effect of temperature and
the time factor is similar to that obtained earlier and
the conversions are almost equal under similar operating as similar to a plug-flow reactor. Kinetics therefore can
conditions. These observations are contrary to the be adequately represented by Equations 4, 5, and 6.
expected low conversions in fluidized beds due to axial Fluidized Bed Reactor (Technical Grade 2-Propanol). The
backmixing and bubble phase. available technical grade 2-propanol was of a denatured
T o analyze these observations, residence-time distribu- variety. I t was purified by fractional distillation and the
tion studies were carried out with the same catalyst in heart-cut boiling a t 80.5"C. (680 mm. of Hg) was used
a glass tube having the same diameter as that of the for experimentation. This fraction compared favorably
reactor and a catalyst bed of 4 inches. Air was used with pure isopropyl alcohol in 2-propanol content (above
for fluidization and acetylene was used as a pulse tracer 99%) and refractive index (nz = 1.3820). The results
input. The exit gas samples were collected with the con- with Cu-Si02 (1 to 4, -60 +lo0 Tyler mesh) catalyst
tinuous rotating disk gas-sampling device of Kumar (1965) under fluidized bed conditions are presented in Table VII.
for time intervals of about 2 seconds. Acetylene in the The range of temperature and time factor ( W , F ) used
gas samples was estimated and the C curve was plotted. is 250" to 325" C. and 18 to 36, respectively.
From the relationship between the variance of the C curve The trend of conversion us. W I F curves is similar to
and reactor dispersion number, Dl uL, the experimental that obtained with C.P. 2-propanol and the effect of tem-
value of DluL was obtained as 0.01561. The tracer studies perature is the same. However, the conversions to
were calculated a t W,'F 18.0. The small value of D / u L dehydrogenation and dehydration obtained with technical
obtained partly explains the similar performance of static 2-propanol are considerably lower under otherwise identical
and fluidized beds, since the flow pattern can be taken conditions. The lower conversions cannot be attributed
to the lowering of the concentration of alcohol by the
denaturing agent, as the latter can be present in traces
only. The activity of the catalyst was not destroyed per-
manently. Thus the catalyst was not poisoned and the
Table IV. Values of Reaction Velocity
Constant at Various Temperatures relatively low conversions are probably due to the preferen-
tial adsorption of the denaturing agent on the catalyst
k , Liters surface, reducing the availability of active centers to
No. Temp., C. Hr , G Cat
alcohol adsorption.
1 250 3.882 Kinetics. The collected data were tested for the irreversi-
2 275 5.231
3 300 6.500
ble pseudo-first-order reaction mechanism given by Equa-
4 325 10.500 tion 4; satisfactory correlation was obtained. The
Arrhenius plot of calculated reaction velocity constants
Table V. Values of k,, K A , and KH at Various Temperatures and l / T yielded a straight line, from which the activation
energy was calculated. The reaction velocity can be
expressed as
No. c. k, KA KH
1 250 0.2563 2.9377 1.8641 k = 1.312 x 10' x
2 275 0.2559 1.5850 1.5923 ( E q u a t i o n 4, technical 2-propanol)
3 300 0.4677 1.9021 0.4402
4 325 0.5205 1.3880 0.3470 The energy of activation is higher with technical than
with C.P. 2-propanol. The standard deviation between

296 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., Vol. 9, No. 2, 1970
p = total pressure, atm.
Table VII. Effect of Time Factor and r = reaction rate
Temperature on Conversion R = gas constant
5; Conwsion X Conversion 7’ = absolute temperature, OK.

Dehydro- Dehydra- Dehydro- lleh-ydra-

W = weight of catalyst, grams
No. W )I.’ genation tion No. W IF genation tion
(At 2500C.) (At 275” C.) Literature Cited
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2 22.6 32.2 0.3 2 24.0 54.4 0.9 Balandin, A. A., Dutzik, Z., Tolstopyatova, A. A . , 12~‘.
3 25.4 37.7 0.3 3 28.0 60.4 1.7 Akad. Nauk, SSSR Otd. Khim. Nauk 1964, 969--Y.
4 27.8 44.5 0.7 4 28.2 58.6 1.6 Balandin, A. A., Konenko, I. E., Tolstopyatova, A . A . .
5 35.2 47.5 1.9 5 34.6 75.2 2.3 Kinetics Kat& 2, 900-6 (1961).
(At 200” C.) (At 3250C.) Balandin, A. A,, Teteni, P., Problem3 Kinetica i Katuliza,
1 18.5 61.1 0.9 1 18.6 73.1 1.8 Akad. Nauk SSSR, No. 10, 339--42 (1960).
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3 22.5 66.3 1.3 3 22.9 76.3 2.2 Third International Congress on Catalysis,” Vol. I, pp.
4 23.6 70.6 1.4 4 23.7 80.7 2.3 533-46, Korth-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam,
5 27.8 74.0 2.0 5 28.7 83.9 2.6 1965.
6 36.9 83.1 2.5 6 35.1 87.1 3.1 Ciborowski, S., Roczniki C’hern. 33, 145-55 (1959).
Cotrell, T . L., “Strength of Chemical Bonds,” 2nd ed.,
Butterworths, London, 1958.
Garcia de la Banda, J. F., J . Catalysis 1, 136 ,50 (1962).
Garcia de la Banda, J. F., U. S. Dept. of Commerce,
Office of Technical Services, P. B. Rept. 155,135, 94
experimental and calculated W F values for various con- (1960).
version values is 5.2 ‘-c. Garcia de la Baqda, J. F,, Orlandini, G. K., Anales Real
Hougen-Watson Reaction Mechanism. I n the case of Soc. Espaii. Fis. y Quim. (Madrid) 54B, 85-96 (1958).
technical 2-propanol, single-site adsorption of %-propanol Garcia de la Banda, J. F., Orlandini, G. K., Anales Real
Soc. Espaii. Fis. 3: Quirn. (Madrid). Ser. B, 59 (121,
was found to be the rate-controlling step over the entire
723-42 (1963).
temperature range employed. The calculated values of
apparent reaction velocity constants, k,, and the adsorp-
Garcia de la Handa, J. F., Orlandini, G. F.,
Lopez, A:
A., Anales Real SOC.Espaii. F&. J’ Quirn. (Madrid),
tion equilibrium constants, K H , followed Arrhenius-type Ser. B, 62 (2), 91-102 (1966).
relationship with reference t o temperature and following Germain, J. F., Gras, B., Beaufils, J . P., Compt. Rend.,
rate equation was developed. 261 (22) (Groupe 7), 4735-8 (1965).
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Bull. Soc. Chim. France 1961, 1172--8.
Kipperman, S. L., Nikolaeva, N. V., Kinetica i Kataliz
2, 936-9 (1961).
Kipperman, S. I,., Nikolaeva, iX. V., Davydova, J. R.,
The temperature dependence of k , and K H was that Kinetica i Kataliz 4 (4), 605--13 (1963a).
theoretically expected. The calculated rates differ from Kipperman, S. L., Nikolaeva, N. V., Davydova, I. I t . ,
the experimental ones with a standard deviation of 28.541. Kinetica i Kataliz 4 ( 5 ) , 723-35 (196313).
Thus the most probable reason for lower conversions with Kipperman, S. L., Nikolaeva, N. V., Davydova. I . R.,
technical grade 2-propanol seems to be the preferential Tr. Inst. Khim. Nauk Akad. Nauk. Kaz. SSK 8, 3-20
adsorption of the denaturing agent, reducing the number (1962).
of active centers for alcohol adsorption. Hence it can Kolb, H. J., Burwell, R. L., J . A m . Chern. Soc. 67, 1084--
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b constant, 1 + K R T i P
Weissberger, A., eds., “Organic Analysis,” Vol. 1 , p.
C A molar concentration of adsorbed alcohol
259, Interscience, New York, 1955.
CH molar concentration of adsorbed hydrogen
Orlandini, G. K., Anales Real. Soc. Espaii F k . J ’ Qulm
Ck molar concentration of adsorbed ketone
E energy of activation, kcal./g. mole
(Madrid) 55B,465-76 (1959).
F feed rate, moles/ hour Sheely, C. Q., Jr., “Catalytic Dehydrogenation of
k reaction velocity constant Isopropanol,” €’h.D. thesis, University of Illinois, 1963.
apparent reaction velocity constant Zhabrova, G. M., Koginskii, S. Z., Shibanova, M . D.,
K equilibrium constant Kinetica i Kataliz6 (6), 1018-24 (1965).
KA adsorption equilibrium constant for alcohol
KH adsorption equilibrium constant for hydrogen RECEIVED
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Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Develop., Vol. 9,No. 2, 1970 297

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