Department of Software Engineering: Artificial Intelligence

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Department of Software Engineering

Artificial Intelligence
Date: 11-10-2019

Due Date: 16-10-2019 Assignment – 1 Marks: 25

1. Define the following in your own words. Give examples of each. [5]
a. Artificial Intelligence
b. Agent
c. Percept
d. Rationality
e. Exploration

2. Your agent has to find route from Lahore to Multan. Define the problem as an AI
problem. Clearly show / mention all components of the problem definition. You may
consult the Google map for the state space. [5]

3. Describe iterative deepening search. Find the goal in the following search space using
IDS. Initial state is “1” and goal is “14”. Clearly show all the nodes in frontier at each
stage. Draw all stages of the search. [10]
4. Define and explain A* search along with its properties. Solve the following with it. [5]

Important Instructions:
 Submit your work on moodle portal
 Everyone should do his / her own work
 Copied material shall receive zero marks
 Dead line shall not be extended
 Late submissions shall not be accepted

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