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Welcome to the learning unit on Static Headers in Enquiry.

In this learning unit you will

learn about static enquiry headers and paging tool bars of enquiries in T24.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 1

The conventions used in this learning unit are,

1.Applications in T24 are represented in bold uppercase letters.

2.The fields in the applications are mentioned in uppercase letters.

3. This learning unit is example based. First an example output will be shown then you
will be taught the steps to create the Enquiry. At the end of each section a workshop is
given to test your level of understanding.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 2

At the end of this learning unit , you will be able to

1. Analyse the need for static enquiry headers in T24

2. Explain what a static enquiry header is

3. Create static enquiry headers

4. Explain what a paging toolbar is

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 3

The ENQUIRY application fetches data from an application in T24. The HEADER field
of the ENQUIRY application is used to specify headers for the enquiry output. In the
enquiry displayed here the header ‘Customer Records’ is specified in the HEADER

The first four lines of the enquiry output is reserved for header display. In the enquiry
output the header ‘Customer Records’ is displayed at the top section of the enquiry

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 4

In browser release R08.002 the header of the enquiry scrolls up when you navigate
down the enquiry output to view the data. Thereby the column headers are hidden to
the user. Can these column headers be made as static ones?

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 5

The same enquiry output is displayed here. In browser release R10, the column
headers remains static even when you navigate to the bottom of the enquiry output.
There are static headers of the enquiry.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 6

The enquiry output consists of the following three sections – the header, the content
and the footer section.

Header Section – The header section consists of a toolbar, and information about the
enquiry page results. Both the toolbar and information are optional.

Content section – The content section consists of the tabulated enquiry results data
and column headings for the data.

Footer section – The footer section consists of the paging icons and optionally further
selection criteria to refine a search.At the end of the enquiry output you have the
navigate buttons to move across the different pages of the enquiry. These navigation
links are the paging tool bars. The new enhancement that is introduced in the Browser
Release R10 is that the paging tool bars can be moved to the header section of the
enquiry. Lets see how these paging toolbars can be moved to the header section.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 7

In this enquiry example you will move the paging toolbars to the header section of the
enquiry. The enquiry that is displayed here is based on the CUSTOMER application.
The fields that are part of the enquiry are @ID,SHORT.NAME and SECTOR. Now lets
move the paging tool bar to the header section.


field. Thereby the paging toolbar is moved to the static header section of the enquiry.
This option of the ATTTRIBUTES field is available only from R10.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 8

Here is the enquiry output with the paging toolbars moved to the header section of the
enquiry. Also the header section is static which implies that even when the user scrolls
down across the enquiry output the column header and the paging toolbar remains
static in the header region as displayed in the screen shot.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 9

Here is the comparison of the enquiry output in two different browser releases -
R08.002 Vs R12. In browser release R08.002 the header just scrolls up along with the
enquiry page, where as in browser release R10 the header remains static .Also the
paging toolbars can be moved to the header section of the enquiry output using the
STATIC.PAGING.TOOL option of the ATTRIBUTES field of the enquiry.

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 10

1. Enquiry is a query you ask T24 about the data it has stored

2. The header of the enquiry can be displayed as a static header

3. Paging icons of the enquiry can be moved to the header region using the

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 11

You can now be able to explain about static enquiry headers and paging tool bars of
enquiries in T24.

You will now be able to,

1. Analyse the need for static enquiry headers in T24

2. Explain what a static enquiry header is

3. Create static enquiry headers

4. Explain what a paging tool bars is

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 12

CUS30Static Headers in Enquiry 13

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