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Torrential monsoon rains and rising river levels have caused flooding.

In Kachin
State, according to the State Government, more than 6,200 people have been
evacuated to 39 sites in Myitkyina, Bhamo and Shwegu townships as of 13 July.
Rakhine, Chin and Mon states are also being hit by floods. (OCHA, 15 Jul 2019)
Heavy rainfall during Myanmar’s monsoon season resulted in the Laymyo River
overflowing at the beginning of July. By 14 July, all of the more than 3,400 people
living in the IDP camp of Sin Baw Kaing village, Mrauk-U Township, were affected,
and had to be relocated...On 14 July, the water level of Laymyo River had risen
further above danger level, and was expected to continue for the next two days.
There are more than 180,000 residents in Mrauk-U Township, and an increase in
flooding has the potential of affecting a higher number of people across the
Township, including other IDP camps in the area. (ACAPS, 15 Jul 2019)
In Kachin State, more than 6,200 people are sheltering in 39 sites in Myitkyina,
Bhamo and Shwegu. There are no reports of disease outbreak or casualties.
Kyauktaw, Mrauk-U and Minbya townships of Rakhine State, and Belin Township of
Mon State are reportedly affected by floods with people evacuated from some areas.
National authorities, the Myanmar Red Cross Society, civil society organisations and
private donors are responding to the immediate needs of those affected or displaced
by floods. By 14 July, all of the more than 3,400 people living in the IDP camp of Sin
Baw Kaing village, Mrauk-U Township, were affected, and had to be relocated. Due
to the active conflict, a night-time curfew is in place since April 2019 in Mrauk-U,
limiting movement and access to services, particularly to healthcare. Internet
access is down since 21 June and aid organisations have reported disruption to their
activities. (ECHO, 16 Jul 2019)
Monsoon rains and overflowing rivers have triggered seasonal floods in eight states
and regions, with evacuations in many locations. According to the Government, more
than 57,000 people are estimated to have been cumulatively displaced to 184
evacuation centres. Three people are reported to have been killed. State and
regional governments, DDM, the Myanmar Red Cross Society, civil society
organizations and private individuals have provided relief assistance to the displaced
and affected people. (OCHA, 22 Jul 2019)
A cumulative number of 78,000 people were displaced to 186 evacuation centres in
Kachin, Rakhine, Chin, and Mon states, as well as Bago, Sagaing, Mandalay and
Magway regions, according to the national Department of Disaster Management
(DDM). As of 23 July, more than 40,000 people remain displaced in 39 evacuation
centres in these three regions while almost all of the displaced people in other
affected states and regions have returned to their homes. (OCHA, 23 Jul 2019)
According to official reports, monsoon floods have cumulatively displaced more than
86,000 people in eight states and regions. As flood waters have receded, more than
40,000 people remain displaced, sheltering in 57 sites downstream in the lower-lying
regions of Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing. Around 300 people also remain displaced
in the Bhamo area of Kachin State. (OCHA, 30 Jul 2019)
Monsoon floods cumulatively displaced more than 89,000 people across nine states
and regions, as of 4 August. Most sites in Kachin and all sites in Rakhine, Mon and
Chin states were closed and people have returned home as floodwaters receded.
With water flowing southward, Sagaing, Mandalay, Bago and Magway regions and
Kayin State are currently the most affected, with more than 26,000 people displaced.
(OCHA, 5 Aug 2019)
More than 134,000 people have been affected by the floods since the beginning of
July 2019. Approximately 86,413 people affected in the first round of flooding and
formerly displaced in Kachin, Rakhine, Sagaing, Chin, Mandalay, and Magway have
since been able to return to their homes. As of 11 August 2019, 48,581 people are
seeking shelter in evacuation sites due to floods over the last two days in
Ayeyarwaddy, Kayin, Bago, Mon, Tanintharyi, and Yangon. A landslide, caused by the
heavy rainfall, occurred in Paung Township, Mon State yesterday morning. Reports
from the branch assisting in the landslide operations indicate around 49 casualties,
over 24 injured and around 50 people still missing. (IFRC, 12 Aug 2019)
According to the Department of Disaster Management (DDM), a rain-induced
landslide occurred in a village in Paung Township (Mon State) on Friday. Search and
rescue operations have recovered 53 dead bodies, 29 are believed to be still missing.
DDM is providing relief and cash assistance to affected families. The response is
being managed by the local governments and the Red Cross. (ECHO, 12 Aug 2019)
Heavy monsoon rain, floods and landslides continue to affect the country resulting in
additional deaths and displacing thousands. According to UN OCHA, at least 80,000
people are displaced and sheltering in 170 evacuation sites across the country.
Media report that the number of deaths from the landslide in Paung Township (Mon
State) has risen to 61. The mudflow destroyed dozens of houses and displaced 150
people. For the next 24 hours, heavy rainfall is forecast across the country,
particularly in the Lower Sagaing Region. (ECHO, 14 Aug 2019)
Floodwaters are receding in many areas across Myanmar, with the number of people
sheltering in temporary evacuation sites now below 100,000 people from a peak of
more than 110,000 people on 13 August. Mon State is severely affected, with huge
tracts of farmland and entire villages submerged as water levels have not yet
subsided. Over the next few days, more heavy rainfall is predicted for Mon State,
Kayin State, and Taninthayi Region, each one already heavily affected. (OCHA, 16
Aug 2019)
The immediate emergency caused by monsoon flooding in mid-August in Myanmar
has passed for the time being, with fewer than 4,500 people remaining in temporary
evacuation sites across the country. As of 26 August, more than half the currently
displaced people are in Bago region, where more than 2,500 people were still unable
to return home. All evacuation sites in Mon State that had been opened are now
officially closed. Magway region has eight remaining sites, while one site remains
open in Kayin State and two in Mandalay region. Only 12 sites remain open nation-
wide. Most essential needs were covered by local communities and national and
state first responders. Much of the work will now focus on the recovery phase,
barring any deterioration later in the monsoon season. A number of agencies are
currently active in needs assessments. (OCHA, 27 Aug 2019)


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