Question: - Who Was Horus? What Lead To His Incredible Popularity in Ancient Egyptian Society?

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Question: - Who was Horus?

What lead to his incredible popularity in ancient Egyptian


Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris. Horus was known as the god of sky and air. In
ancient days the Egyptians have different faiths about god Horus. The head of Horus is like a
hawk and the body was like a human being. The Egyptians believed that Horus protect them
from various evil powers. They used to believe that the pharaoh was the living Horus.

In the Egyptian mythology, Horus was worshiped as the major god among all the other
gods. His brother Seth killed his father Osiris before his birth. When Horus grew up he takes
oath that he will take revenge from Seth and take the thrown from him.

It was believed that Seth who was the brother of Osiris and uncle of Horus killed Osiris
the father of Horus. Horus then takes revenge of the death of his father and captured the throne
of Egypt. Horus was a brave fighter and while fighting with Seth he lost one of his eyes. Later
his eye was restored to him and those eyes become the symbol of protection for the people of
ancient Egyptians. His right was symbolized as the sun and the left was considered as moon
.After the war with Seth .Horus was selected as the ruler of the world of the living. The followers
of Horus were the early rulers of the southern Egypt.

In some stories it was said that during the war between Horus and Seth both of them
approached to the council of the gods regarding the fact that who will inherit Osiris’s throne. The
council of the gods give their decision in favor of Horus, but the sun god Ra take the side of Seth
as according to him as Seth was old and more capable he should be considered to be the most
efficient king after Osiris . However, Horus was not agreed with the decision of the god of sun he
challenged Seth and started to fight against him.

During the war both of them turned themselves into hippopotamuses to find that who
could take breathe under water for longer time. As both Horus and Seth was engaged in the war
Horus’s mother Isis got a option to kill Seth but she does not do that. For this reason Horus get
angry on his mother and fled in the desert. Seth found him and damaged one of the eye of Horus
in spite of that Horus continued his fight. Later on, the goddess of Hathor with the milk of an
antelope repaired the damaged eye of Horus. The eye later on considered as the symbol of
bravery. After the long fight between the two, the gods decided that Horus was the best choice
for the throne and they selected him as the king. Horus as a humble gesture offered Seth to join
with him and live in the sky as the god of storms

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