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Sreedhar’s CCE


1. A boat goes 15 km/hr along with the stream and 7 km/hr against the stream. The
speed of the boat in still water is
1) 11 km/hr 2) 4 km/hr 3) 8 km/hr 4) 12 km/hr

2. The speed of a boat in upstream 3 km/hr and that of in downstream 5 km/hr. What
is the boat speed in still water
1) 4 km/ph 2) 6 km/hr 3) 8 km/hr 4) 5 km/hr
3. A boat goes 16 km downstream in one hour and the same distance upstream in two
hours. The speed of the stream is
1) 8 kmph
2) 16 kmph 3) 4 kmph 4) 2 kmph
4. A man can row 8 km/hr in still water. If the rate of current 2 km/h, it takes 1 hour
20 min to row to a place and back. How far is the place
1) 3 km 2) 6 km 3) 4 km 4) 5 km

A boat which sails at 12 kmph in still water starts chasing, from 18 km behind,
another one which sails at 6 kmph in the upstream direction. After how long will it
catchup if the stream is flowing at 3 kmph ?
1) 4h 2) 5 h 3) 3.5 h 4) 6h

6. The speed of a boat in upstream is that of down stream. Find the ratio of speed of
boat in still water and to the average speed of boat in downstream and upstream?
12 24 24 35
1) 2) 3) 4)

35 25 14 21
7. A boat sails 20 km of a river towards upstream in 4h. How long will it take to cover the
same distance downstream. If the speed of the current is two-seventh of the boat in
still water.
1) 2h 40 min 2) 2h min 3) 2h 50 min 4) 2h
8. The speed of a motor - boat in still water is that of the current of water as 43:5. The
boat goes along with the current in 12 h 40 min. It will come back in
1) 5h 55 min 2) 14 hours 3) 15 hr 45 min 4) 16 hours
9. A person can row 9 km an hour in still water. He finds that it takes twice the time to
row up the stream than the time to row downstream the speed of the stream.
1) 2 kmph 2) 3 kmph 3) 4 kmph 4) 2.5 kmph
10. The difference between downstream speed and upstream speed is 4 kmph and the
total time taken during upstream and down stream is 5 hours. What is the down-
stream speed, if the down stream and upstream distance are 24 km each
1) 10 kmph 2) 12 kmph 3) 14 kmph 4) 8 kmph
11. A man rows to a place 54 km distance and back in 45 hours. He finds that he can row
3 km with the stream in the same time as 2 km against the stream the rate of the
stream is
1) 1 kmph 2) 1.5 kmph 3) 0.5 kmph 4) 2 kmph

Sreedhar’s CCE
12. A boat takes 6 hours more while going back in upstream than in down stream. If the
distance between two places is 48 km and the speed of the boat in still water be
6 kmph. What must be the speed of boat in still water so that it can row down stream,
48 km, in 3 hours
1) 10 kmph 2) 12 kmph 3) 14 kmph 4) 20 kmph
13. Two boats A and B start towards each other from two places, 105 km apart. Speeds of
the boats A and B in still water are 9 kmph and 12 kmph respectively. if A proceeds
down and B up the stream. They will meet after
1) 5 hr 2) 3 hr 3) 6 hr 4) 4 hr
14. A streamer goes downstream from one port to another in 4 hours. It covers the same
distance up stream in 6 hours. If the speed of stream is 3 kmph the distance between

the two ports is
1) 56 km 2) 72 km 3) 60 km 4) 64 km
15. Speed of motor boat in still water is 70 kmph. If the motorboat travels 120 km along
the stream in 1 hour 20 min. then the time taken by it to cover the same distance
against the stream will be
1) 1 hour 12 min 2) 1 hour 30 min 3) 2 hour 24 min 4) 2 hour 12 min
16. A boat takes 90 min less to travel 36 miles down stream than to travel the same
distance upstream. If the speed of the boat in still water is 10 m/hr then what is the
speed of current ?


1) 1 mile/hr 2) 2 mile/hr 3) 3 mile/hr 4) 4 mile/hr
A boat covers 24 km upstream and 36 km down stream in 6 hours, while it covers
36 km upstream and 24 km down stream in 6 hrs. The speed of the current is

1) 1 km/hr 2) 4 km/hr 3) 6 km/hr 4) 2 km/hr

18. The speed of the in still water is 5 times to the speed of the current. It takes 1 hr 15 min
to row point A to B and back to A from B. If the distance between point A and point B
is 7.5 km. What is the speed of the current ?
1) 2.5 km/hr 2) 3.5 km/hr 3) 1.5 km/hr 4) 2 km/hr
19. A swimmer swims from a point A against a current for 5 min and then be swims

backwards in favour of the current for next 5 min and comes to a point B. The
distance between A and B is 100 m. The speed of the current is
1) 1 km/hr 2) 0.6 km/hr 3) 0.2 km/hr 4) 0.4 km/hr
20. The speed of the boat in still water is 17.5 km/hr and speed of the current is 25 km/hr.
it takes 429 min to row upstream from point X to point Y and downstream from point
Y to point Z. If the distance between point Y and point Z is two fifth of the distance
between point X and point Y. What is the total distance travelled by the boat? (Both
upstream and down stream)
1) 112 km 2) 122 km 3) 115.5 km 4) 120 km
21. P, Q, R are the three towns on a river bank. Q is equidistant from P and R. X row from
P to Q and back in 10 hrs and X can row from P to R in 4 hours. What is the ratio
between speed of the boat in still water and speed of the stream?
1) 5:3 2) 4:3 3) 6:5 4) 7:3
22. Two boats start a the same instant to cross a river ‘D’ meter wide. The faster boat
reaches the other bank and returns back immediately. What are the distances trav-
elled by them when they meet, where the speeds of these boats are S1 and S2 ?
2D 2D D D
1) (S  S ) , (S  S ) 2) (S  S ) S1, (S  S ) S2
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

2D 2D
3) (S  S ) .S1 and (S  S ) .S2 4) Data insufficient
1 2 1 2

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