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Unit 5

Assignment 6
Subject: ICS
Note: Solve all questions compulsory and send soft copy (PDF format) to respective subject

Assignment 6.1

1. What is cyber crime?

2. Explain PII Confidentiality Safeguards.
3. Describe Information Protection Law: Indian Perspective.
4. Explain PII impact levels with examples Cyber Stalking.

Assignment 6.2

5. Explain personally identifiable information PII. Describe PII impact levels with example
6. What is cyber stalking? How to identify and detect cyber stalking
7. Define cybercrime and discuss its types.

Assignment 6.3

8. Explain different impact levels of PII with an example.

9. Distinguish cyber stalking from other acts.
10. Enlist and explain design principal in short.
11. Write a short note on : Prevalence and impact

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