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New Judging System

1 Abstract ................................................................................... 4

2 Tournament Regulations ......................................................... 5

2.1 Tournament definition ................................................................. 5
2.2 Competitors arrival notification ..................................................... 6
2.3 Classification of the rounds .......................................................... 6
World & Continental Championships ...................................................... 6
World Cup Juniors and Seniors & World Master Main Class ....................... 6

2.4 Music Selection ........................................................................... 7

2.5 Figures for Juniors ...................................................................... 8
2.6 Observer and Judges ................................................................... 8
Observer ........................................................................................... 8
Judges............................................................................................... 9

2.7 Boogie Woogie Formations ........................................................... 9

3 Judgment Criteria .................................................................. 10

3.1 Dance technique ....................................................................... 11
Basic step .........................................................................................11 Rhythm Fast ................................................................................. 11 Rhythm Slow ................................................................................ 11 Foot technique .............................................................................. 11

Basic Dancing, Lead & Follow and Harmony ..........................................12 Basic Dancing ............................................................................... 12 Lead & Follow ............................................................................... 12 Ways of leading ............................................................................ 12 Methods for lead and follow ............................................................ 13 Follower ....................................................................................... 13 Hijacking ...................................................................................... 14

Harmony ..........................................................................................14

3.2 Dance figure ............................................................................ 14

Basic figures .....................................................................................15
Advanced Basic and Highlight Dance Figures .........................................15 Advanced Basic Figures .................................................................. 15 Highlight Dance figures .................................................................. 15

3.3 Music Interpretation .................................................................. 16

Spontaneous interpretation .................................................................17
Interpretation with Highlight and Advanced Basic Dance Figures ..............17

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3.4 Dance Performance ................................................................... 17
Presentation ......................................................................................18

4 Scoring the Dance ................................................................. 19

4.1 Calculation system .................................................................... 19
4.2 Cards ...................................................................................... 19

5 Appendix ............................................................................... 21

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1 Abstract
The New Judging System for Boogie Woogie has been developed with the aim to improve and adapt
judging criteria’s following the evolution and changes of the dance. Valuable inputs from various
stakeholders have been taken into consideration.
It also supports the judges in all aspects to do an efficient, fair and correct judgment with full
Continuous seminars and training sessions will be held for judges, coaches and dancers with the aim
to secure the right skills an acceptance of the NJS.

The areas that have been revised are:

 Tournament Regulations
 Judgment Criteria
 Scoring the Dance

Appendix documents
 Music Theory
 Anatomy
 Judging Seminar
 Judging sheets
 Classifications of rounds

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2 Tournament Regulations
In all items, not regulated separately in the following, the appropriate conditions stipulated by the
WRRC especially in the Tournament Rules shall be applicable.
All items not regulated explicitly in this documents following will be dealt with the WRRC
Tournament Rules

2.1 Tournament definition

Music Music
Category Age Round numbers Competition
speed duration
of couples
From 1st round up to ¼ final 48-52 1:30 3 World Cup

World &
¼ final 48-52 1:30 2
Juniors 13-17
Semi final 48-52 1:30 2 All

Final 48-52 1:30 1 All

World &
From 1st round to 2nd round 50-52 1:30 3

1st round 50-52 1:15 3 World Master

Main Class
Min 16
Fast Hope round 50-52 1:30 3 World Master

Starting ¼ final 50-52 1:30 2 All

Final 50-52 1:30 1 All

World &
1st round 27-30 1:30 3
Main Class
Min 16
Slow 1st round 27-30 1:15 3 World Master

Final 27-30 1:30 1 All

From 1st round to 2nd round 48-50 1:30 3 World Cup

World &
¼ final 48-50 1:30 2
Seniors Continental
Semi final 48-50 1:30 2 All

Final 48-50 1:30 1 All

35+40 Final 27-30 1:30 1 All

Formations Min 16 All rounds Free 2:45–3:00 4-6 All

Notes 1: Formation
 Rehearsal time for formation: 3 min 45

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Notes 2: Age
 The age of a competitor, for the purpose of determining their age category for
competition, is calculated as the year of birth subtracted from the year of competition.
 Age = (Year of competition) – (Year of birth)
 Seniors: One partner must turn at least 35 years old in the year of the competition
and the counterpart must become at least 40 years old in the year of the competition
 A couple is not allowed to compete in more than one age group.
 Multiple changes of age groups are not allowed.

2.2 Competitors arrival notification

All competitors in WRRC tournaments must arrive and report to the tournament supervisor at
least one hour prior to the beginning of the event.
The specifically required arrival time shall be stated in the tournament announcement.

2.3 Classification of the rounds

World & Continental Championships

 From the top 10 couples in the world ranking list, each national association is entitled
to enter their two best couples. The dead line for the world ranking list is 5 weeks
before the event.
 In addition to this, each national association is entitled to enter up to three further
couples. The reigning champion receives a wild card entry
 The Organizer may nominate an additional wild card entry but only for a couple of his
own nation
 All couples start on the 1st round of qualification (No seeded)
 The numbers of couples on the floor depends on the number of participating couples
 The duration of each round will be 1.30 min

For further details please refer to the document Boogie Woogie new judging system Classification
of rounds.

World Cup Juniors and Seniors & World Master Main Class
World Cup Juniors and Seniors and the World Masters Boogie Woogie Main Class tournaments
shall be organized in compliance with the following rules:
 The top 10 seeded couples gain automatic entry.
 In addition, each national association shall be entitled to register 8 couples above any
seeded couples.
 In accordance with the Executive Board of the WRRC the Organizer may also decide
the number of couples entitled to start per national association to remain open.

For the World Cup Juniors & Seniors

 The Organizer may nominate an additional wild card entry but only for a couple of its
own nation
 No knock-out (KO) rounds will be danced in accordance to the rules.
 The numbers of couples on the floor depends on the number of participating couples
 The duration of each round will be 1.30 min

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For the World Master Main Class
 If less than 48 couples
o Maximum of 6 seeded couples will be allowed and 1 wild card (WC)
o The Seeded and the WC will go directly to the quarter final
 If more than 48 couples
o Maximum of 10 seeded couples will be allowed and 1 wild card (WC)
o The first 5 Seeded couples of the top 10 register to the competition will go
directly to the quarter final
o The remaining Seeded couples will go to the 2nd round of qualification
 The Organizer may nominate an additional wild card (WC) entry but only for a couple
of his own nation.
 The WC will go directly to the quarter final
 In the 1st KO round the distribution of seeded couples will be implemented
automatically (e.g. 2 seeded couples can’t dance against each other)
 In the 2nd round the points from the 1st KO round will be used and the distribution will
be done by the principle top 6 against bottom 6 in random order.
 The numbers of couples in the floor will be maximum 3 up to 2nd round of qualification
and then 2 for quarter and semi-final.
 The duration of each round must be 1.30 min at the exception of the 1st round of
qualification (1:15 min).
 Slow and fast round will be danced on the 1st round of qualification and on the final

For further details please refer to the document Boogie Woogie new judging system Classification
of rounds.

2.4 Music Selection

The music is exclusively provided by WRRC, whereby only the titles approved by the WRRC
Executive Board must be used.
The tempo should not deviate for more than +-1 bar. This mean that in each round the tempo
allowed must be for fast round 48-49, 49-50, 50-51, 51-52 bpm and for slow round 27-28, 28-
29, 29-30 bars per minutes.
It is mandatory that the DJ uses homogeneous songs in each round, with same speed and
energy. A piano boogie is very different from a 50’s with a lot of breaks. So is the swing song is
very different from a piano or a 50’s song which provides different conditions for each couple.
Please note that within the same round piano boogie cannot mix with other music style.
To make these rules effective for each competition WRRC will prepare music selection lists that
the DJ has to use randomly.
In European and World championships no live music is allowed.
Live Music can only be used in World Master and World Cups in accordance with the WRRC
Presidium approved list of songs and by using a rhythm box.
Before the competition the supervisor should interact with the DJ in order to secure that above
rules will be followed.

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2.5 Figures for Juniors
Regardless if the dancer is doing it on its own or together below directives is applied:
 Rotations of more than 180° around the body’s width or depth axis are not allowed.

 Only figures are allowed that one partner can perform alone or if there is permanent
contact between the ground and at least one foot.

2.6 Observer and Judges

The selection of WRRC-Judges for Boogie Dancing World Cups and Masters is implemented by the
Sport Director by his specifying the membership associations which are entitled to send a WRRC-
Judge to the tournament. If the request to nominate a WRRC-Judge is not complied with by the
national association within 6 weeks, the Boogie Commissioner shall be entitled to select a suitable
WRRC-Judge himself.
5 Judges will be appointed for Master/World Cup and 7 for World and Continental championships.
1 Certified Boogie observer will be appointed for all Boogie competitions.
This applies for all types of competitions.
For world and continental competitions judges must be selected from countries where they are
judging national boogie Woogie competitions.

Observers are responsible for overseeing the adherence to the rules defined in the NJS.
Depending on the non-conformance a yellow card will be given to the couple:
 Figures
 Numbers of highlights figures: minimum 4
 Numbers of Acrobatic figures: maximum 2
 Numbers of side by side (maximum 2 in fast and 1 in slow)
 Length of the side by side in fast round: 1st side length maximum is 4X8 and the 2nd
side length maximum is 2X8
 Length of the side by side in slow round: 1 side length maximum 4X8
 Limitation of figures for juniors
 Accessories and Clothes
 Proper matching dance costume must be worn to match the music style.
 Jeans, sport caps and shorts are not allowed.
 Dancers are obliged to wear appropriate underwear (for example no strings),
appropriate stocking (for example no stay up) and appropriate length of skirts (not
more than 15 cm above the knee).
 Furthermore no provocative clothes.
All accessories belong to the costume like hats, caps, belts, suspenders, gloves etc.
are allowed.
 Others
 Figures danced on the floor and behaviour of dancers must be adequate and not
 Couples have to dance within the given floor space and not in front of the other
 For additional directives please refer to the Tournament Rules.
Please refer to the section violations of the rules for more details.

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The judges are responsible to evaluate the overall performance for every couple based on all
criteria and sub-criteria defined on the judgment criteria section. It will be judged with values
depending of the adequacy on all of them with no deduction.

4 main criteria will be judged:

 Dance Technique
 Dance Figures
 Music Interpretation
 Dance Performance

In case of essential mistakes like: Fall down, stop during the dance, stop before the end of the
music, out of beat (more than 1 basic step) the judge will reduce values in the appropriate

2.7 Boogie Woogie Formations

To be added.

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3 Judgment Criteria
The judgment criteria support the judges to do an efficient, fair and correct judgment. Furthermore
it also gives full transparency.

To make this effective the judgment criteria are divided in:

 Dance technique
 Dance figures
 Music Interpretation
 Dance Performance
The maximum number of points will be 100.
To emphasize the complexity of dancing boogie Woogie, dance technique, dance figures and music
interpretation are weighted similar (30 points each). Dance performance is weighted with 10 points.
These 4 main criteria have been breakdown into 6 sub-criteria that will be judged and each of it has
been weighted as described in the following table.
We would like to emphasize that Dance Technique has a strong influence in the other 3 main criteria
(Please refer to the keyword column and on the following sections).
Note: The dancers have to be evaluated individually and as a couple

% Points
Criteria Sub Sub
Max 100
Criteria Criteria
Basic Steps
50 % 15 Points
(Rhythm & Foot Technique)
Lead and Follow 30 Points
Basic Dancing 50 % 15 Points

Advanced Basic Dance Figures

Dance Figures 100 % 20 Points 20 Points
Highlight Dance Figures

Spontaneous Interpretation 25 % 10 Points

Interpretation with Highlight 40 Points
75 % 30 Points
Interpretation with Advanced Basic Dance Figures

Dance Presentation
100 % 10 Points 10 Points
Performance Performance

The whole scoring system is clearly defined in Chapter 4

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3.1 Dance technique
Dance technique is the most important element and the way to achieve dance excellence. It’s the
underlying basic factor.
It’s about making it easy to execute the:
 Basic step
 Basic Dancing
 Lead & Follow
 Harmony

Dance Technique has been divided in 2 sub-criteria each of it rewarded as follow:

 Basic step – 15 points
 Basic Dancing, Lead and Follow and Harmony – 15 points

Basic step
The basic step of Boogie Woogie dance should represent the rhythm of the original music.
Basic Steps (Rhythm and Foot Technique) sub-criteria will be judged all together and
rewarded by a maximum of 15 points. Rhythm Fast

 6 count steps: “a – 1 - a – 2 – a – 3 – a – 4 – a – 5 – a – 6”
 Bounce only on every “a”
 Dancing within the rhythm with every step (syncopated triple steps)
 The time the foot hits the floor and remains on should represent the beat in the music
 The basic steps must be performed on the beat
 Accentuation on the “2, 4 and 6”
 Variation of steps are possible if they are within the rhythm
The term syncopated triple steps is often used by dancers, trainers and judges, but from a
musician’s view it is not correct. The real meaning is to emphasize the beat on two and to
dance in a shuffle rhythm. Please refer to the appendix. Rhythm Slow

 6 count steps: “a – 1 - a – 2 – a – 3 – a – 4 – a – 5 – a – 6”
 Delay before the “2” “4” and “6” on the “a”
 The time the foot hits the floor and remains on should represent the beat in the music
 The basic steps must be performed on the beat
 Smooth bounce which fits the music by rolling the foot
 Dancing within the rhythm with every steps (syncopated triple steps)
 Variation of steps are possible if they are within the rhythm Foot technique

 Basic footwork must be performed in a dynamic way
 Bending the knees is necessary for obtaining a good bouncing
 Harmony with the partner on the basic steps (rhythm, touching the floor at the same
time, rolling and kicking the same way, lifting the knees equally)
 Keeping dynamic of the basic footwork through the whole round with the same energy
 “Traveling” on the floor is essential and should be executed by following the lines and
adapted to the natural basic variations
 The footwork should be adapted to the style of the music

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Basic Dancing, Lead & Follow and Harmony
Basic dancing, Lead & Follow and Harmony sub-criteria will be judged altogether and
rewarded with a maximum of 15 points. Basic Dancing

Basic dancing happens when dancers are calibrating their own body movements in balance.

All movements have to start from the center

The upper part of the body has to remain steady and isolated by the natural movement of the

Arm movement should support and be seen as an extension of the body movement and must
always be controlled

The head has to follow the natural direction of the shoulders, must be kept up and most of the
time only in two directions (eye contact with the partner or the audience)

Weight transfer
Shifting of a dancer’s weight from one foot to another

The basic dancing has to be on the line also when the travelling technique is used Lead & Follow

Lead and follow are designations for dancers performing a couple dance. The male is
traditionally the leader and the female is the follower. The leader is responsible for guiding the
couple and initiating transitions to different dance steps and for choosing appropriate dance
steps to suit the music. The leader communicates his choices and direction to the follower
through clear physical and visual signals, thereby allowing the couple to be smoothly
coordinated. The position of the leader is essential to maintain the right distance and to be
able to give a clear direction to the follower.
The leader and the follower have to be visible as one unity without losing their individuality.
The leader has to communicate the direction of the way the follower moves. Ways of leading

Body Lead
A body lead means when the leader initiates a lead by moving his body, which moves his
arm(s), and thus transmits a lead to the follower. 'Body lead' means much the same as

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'weight transfer' from the leader. It is important that the leader is positioning correctly
towards the follower.

Arm Lead
An arm lead means when the leader moves his arm(s) without moving his body, or moves his
body in a different direction to his arm. It is important that the leader is positioning correctly
towards the follower.

Visual Lead
Visual lead means when the leader uses eye contact or body position which the follower can
only see, but not feel. Methods for lead and follow

Basic connection
Way for the dancer to communicate and to be synchronized.
Furthermore to be continuously connected and keep the basic contact point all the time
without shaking arms.
The shoulder of the leader and the follower must be aligned within the giving frame by the
using the right muscles. Please refer to the document Boogie Woogie NJS – Anatomy.
The shoulder from the leader and the follower should maintain the natural position all the time

A type of connection which uses force in a direction away from and in direction to the partner
securing a good tension in the arms with no additional muscle work

Both partners putting an equal amount of bodyweight (giving more weight to the partner than
you actually could hold yourself)

The frame provides connection between the dance partners, making leading and following
A frame is a stable structural combination of both bodies maintained through the dancers'
arms and/or legs, and allows the leader to transmit body movement to the follower, and for
the follower to suggest ideas to the leader.
Connection occurs in both open and closed dance positions Follower
The follower has to pay attention with all of the senses and needs to follow all the signals from
the leader. The follower shall be recognized by an initiated start and stop. The follower is
expected to not initiate any move until the leader gives an indication.

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13 Hijacking
Is when the follower steals the lead and the roles will be reversed for some time. It’s an
exception and can only be used as a variation in Lead & Follow

Completeness if the couple is in harmony with each other
The ability of the couple to work as a team: one person should not be “out dancing” the other
Harmony in body positions, arms, heads, same movement, “Nice picture”, etc…

3.2 Dance figure

Dance figures should contain basic, advanced and highlight figures with a minimum of 4 different
highlight figures and at least 2 advanced dance figures.
Dance Figures criteria will be judged and rewarded as follow:
 Basic figures will be judged as part of lead and follow (Dance Technique)
 Advanced Dance Figures and highlight dance figures will be judged together as one
criteria and rewarded with a maximum of 20 points.

A balanced repertoire of figures is mandatory.

For a high score of the dance figures all the following must be considered:
 Execution of the figures
 Balance
 Accuracy

 Synchronicity during a figure between the couple and the movement can be clearly
recognized when a dance figure starts, and when it finishes
 Harmony

 Level of complexity in the figure (Difficulty)

 Different rotations with multiple simultaneous exchange of the dance
 Movements based on flexibility
 Movements demanding high level of coordination and isolation

 Variety in term of different styles (advanced basic figures and highlights figures) as
well as within each category

 Originality and esthetic in the figures

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Basic figures
All figures done with basic triple steps (6 count steps) with clear lead and follow.
Figures which do represent only one element and do not exceed the length of six beats.
Basic figures will be judged in Lead and Follow, Basic Dancing and Harmony (Dance
A variation of different basic figures is recommended.
Some examples of basic figures:
 Change place (six count pass?)
 In and out of arms (sending in and out?)
 Basic spin
 Sugar push
 Etc…
Exceptions: Swing out is considered as a basic step however it is preferable not to be used too often
in order to maintain the characteristics of the Boogie Woogie dance

Advanced Basic and Highlight Dance Figures Advanced Basic Figures

Figures that contains a combination of some of the following elements:
 Movements
 Syncopations
 Basic figures
and executed with advanced lead and follow.
These figures can be executed with different steps. Highlight Dance figures

An especially significant or interesting figure with a specific originality that keeps the attention
to the dance.
It is not just a combination or variation of basic figures. It is developed over one, two, three or
four eights, it is characterized by its creativity and appears as a surprise.
Some examples:
 Lift
 Dip
 Circle variation
 Side by side (open figures with or without contact)
 Slow: maximum 1 side by side 4X8
 Fast: Maximum of 2 side by side, one 4X8 and one 2X8
 Acrobatic will be judged as a dance figure, maximum 2
 Others, from other dances that influence swing dance e.g. Tango Argentin, ballroom,
salsa, break dance, Hip-Hop, Jazz Etc.…
 Humour
 Extreme physic (split)
 Figures with different speed and power (e.g. slow motion, time lapse)

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Side by Side
A side by side figure is considered as a highlight when the following criteria is met:
 Dancing a pre choreographed part
 Dancing mainly shoulder to shoulder with or without contact
 For at least more than one 8.
Note: If an acrobatic figure is performed during the side by side then a side by side and an
acrobatic will be counted by the observer

A figure is considered as an acrobatic figure when one of the following criteria is met:
 Rotations of more than 180° around the body’s width or depth axis in the air.
 The follower has her/his hips above the leader shoulders during the execution of the
acrobatic figure.
Note: It is important that an acrobatic figure must be harmonized with music.

3.3 Music Interpretation

Interpretation of the music is fundamental for Boogie Woogie and it should be perceived as
spontaneous and ends with the music.
Music Interpretation has been divided in 2 sub-criteria each one judged as follows:
 Spontaneous Interpretation – 10 points
 Interpretation with highlights and advanced dance figures – 30 points
Interpretation of music means fitting the dance with all its complexity to the music being played.
It’s about the dancer’s ability to receive, comprehend, be sensitive to, and have a working
knowledge of musical concepts. Dancers have to actively anticipate the music (rhythms, phrases,
breaks, bridges, etc.…) while executing the dance. Interpretation of music can be shown with
steps, body moves and figures.

What to interpret in the music

 Intro in the music
Note: dancers must interpret the mood and spirit of the intro to the music
 Rhythm and rhythm variations
Note: rhythm variations should be shown in the footwork, body work etc.
 Structures: Swing, Blues, R’N’R
Note: figures must be placed according to the structure of the music
 Chorus, Phrases
Note: Dancers must move on the one in the music according to the phrases and
 Breaks and bridges
Note: can be interpretation with poses, moves, dancing a figure, dancing over,
marking with arms, leg, head etc.
 Character of Music
Note: dancers must interpret the theme, mood and spirit of the music

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 Lyrics
Note: Being able to detect the message in the lyrics. Singing and/or imitating the
same is preferable to be limited.
 Instruments
Note: Showing the instrument with footwork, moves etc or simulating playing the
actual instrument
 Call & response
Note: is a technique where one of the dancer acts and a second dancer answers with a
direct reaction. This can be done with footwork, body work, moves etc.
 Variation in intensity and energy
Note: This can be done by changing the footwork, using more/less arms, head, body
work, changing the expression etc.
 Music effects

Note: to show the small effects in the music with footwork, body work, moves etc.
 Etc.…

For more details please refer to the document Boogie Woogie NJS – Music Theory.

Spontaneous interpretation
 Expressing different types of music contents with body moves
 Step variations have to fit the music
 Arms, shoulders and head improvisation
 Capability to import others dance styles and techniques
 During the interpretation of the music it’s essential that the dancers maintain smooth
transition between movements
 Ability to recognize and select particular instruments that are played
 Creating your own variations to music

Interpretation with Highlight and Advanced Basic Dance Figures

 The couple should select highlight figures that fit the music
 Ability to connect with the music, interpret and phrase it in a way that is unique and
 Capability to import others dance styles and techniques
 Counting 8s, phrases, and choruses
 Adapt dance figures spontaneously to the various music elements
 It is important that an acrobatic figure must be placed in with music

3.4 Dance Performance

Dance Performance describes the ability of a couple to attract and maintain the attention to the
Dance Performance (Presentation and Performance) criteria will be judged altogether and
rewarded with a maximum of 10 points.
Both dancers should equally contribute in order to achieve a balanced couple dance performance
excellence without losing their individuality.

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 Everything from the entry to the exit of the stage
 Dance is presented clean and in harmony
 General overall look
 The performance should be carried out in a professional manner
 Utilizing the floor on the stage

 Showmanship
 Facial and body expression
 Charisma
 Joy of dancing
 Easy execution, relaxed, smooth
 Self confidence
 Playing characters
 Attitude
 Freshness

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4 Scoring the Dance

4.1 Calculation system

The maximum numbers of points will be 100 (for slow and for fast).
The judge will provide values on a scale from 0 to 10 (judging sheet) for the 6 judged criteria’s.
These values will be converted into points in accordance with the percentage associated to each
Please refer to the judgment criteria section.

Simplified judgement with only the 4 main criteria’s will be used when the number of couples on
the floor is more than 2.

In all rounds points accounted from all judges will follow the same algorithm as Rock’n Roll
(average with standard deviation).

For the end result results Boogie Woogie will implement the

If a round contains both slow and fast, then results from both divisions will be added.

The total number of points will determined the place of the couple.

The total number of points of the fast round will be awarded by 10 %.

The following formula will apply to all sub-criteria

 (Marks/10) * % of Sub-criteria * Max number of point for the main criteria
 Example for Basic Steps – Marks provided by the judge = 3
Basic Steps = (3/10) * 50% * 30 = 4.5 points

For more information you can also refer to the Boogie Woogie NJS electronic System document.

4.2 Cards
The following deduction will be done
 Yellow card: 3 points
 Red card: 30 Points

Mostly for the first violation a yellow card is shown.

A further yellow card during the same competition means deduction of points for the round in
which the yellow card was shown, even if the reason for the second yellow card is a different
For some 2nd violations of the rules and for the finals sometimes also a first violation can
mean a red card. If a competitor already has one active yellow card, it is not deleted when
the second card is red

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The card for the 1st violation are described in the next table

Hope ¼ ½
Violation Qualification Final
Round Final Final

Numbers of Highlights Warning Warning Yellow Yellow Red

Numbers of Acrobatic Warning Warning Yellow Yellow Red

Numbers of Side by Side Warning Warning Yellow Yellow Red

Length of the side by side Warning Warning Yellow Yellow Red

Limitation of figures – Juniors Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Red

Dress Code – Accessories Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

Not dancing within the given

Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Red
floor space

Length of dancing Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Red

Not appearing after two calls Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow

Leaving the floor Black Black Black Black Black

Abuse of forbidden substances Black Black Black Black Black

Unsporting behaviour Black Black Black Black Black

Please refer to section observer for the list of rules violations where the observer will give a

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5 Appendix
Please refer to the following documents for additional information.
 Boogie Woogie NJS - Music Theory.pdf
 Boogie Woogie NJS – Anatomy.pdf
 Boogie Woogie NJS – Judging Seminar.pdf (to be done)
 Boogie Woogie NJS - Judging sheets.pdf
 Boogie Woogie NJS - Classification of the rounds.pdf
 Boogie Woogie NJS - Electronic System.pdf

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