Class6 Grammar

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Q1 Fill in the blanks: [1/2 x 6 = 3 marks]

1. My uncle is shifting to ____________ USA.

2. Can I have ____________ glass of water?
3. I want to go on ____________ long vacation.
4. Ornithology is ______________ branch of science that deals with birds.
5. Teaching is ____________ noble profession.
6. I met my neighbour in ______________ afternoon.

Q2 Fill in the blanks with preposition: [1/2 x 4 = 2 marks]

1. The carpenter keep is tool ________ a leather bag.

2. Sheela cleans the house ____________ the morning.
3. Are you preparing ______________ your exams?
4. The cat jumped ______________ the wall.

Q3 Fill in the blanks with coordinating conjunction: [1/2 x 4 = 2 marks]

1. Radhika was selected ___________ Meera wasn’t. (but, and)

2. Balu never lies _______________ everybody likes him. (so, nor)
3. This dress makes you look smart __________ stylish. (but, and)
4. Would you like to have pizza __________ a burger? (or, nor)

Q4 Punctuate the following: [3 marks]

1. i am sorry i cant accept your invitation

2. isnt it amazing
3. i ve already read the newspaper

Q5 Change into negative sentences: [3 marks]

1. I wrote a letter to my friend.

2. The dog is ferocious.
3. The gardener is watering the plant.

Q6 Frame the question using interrogative pronoun given in the bracket: [2 marks]

1. Mona had pasta for lunch. (what)

2. My father reached London last night. (when)

Q7 Fill in gaps with present continuous tense: [3 marks]

1. Parul _____________ daily to stay healthy. (exercise)

2. Neha ______________ beautifully. (write)
3. What is the baby doing? It ___________. (sleep)

Q8 Write second and third form of verb: [3 marks]

1. Eat. 2. Write. 3. Break.

Q9 Change the voice: [4 marks]

1. The goods are being sold by Ajay.

2. The loud noise frightened the cow.
3. The fierce dog frightened the stranger.
4. She answered that question.

Q10 Change sentence into reported speech: [3 marks]

1. Ruby said, “My father plays volleyball”.

2. The teacher said to Larry, “You have to write neatly”.
3. Raj said to manager, “I want to buy a laptop”.

Q11 Read the following passage and answer given questions: [5 marks]

Patriotism is an old concept, as old perhaps as the earliest of humans civilisations. But all
through the history of mankind, it has been narrowly understood. Today people have begun to
realise that patriotism is an essential part of human instinct. Patriotism has its negative sides
particularly when it exceeds its proper bounds.
People who think their own country to be the best and are blind to its weaknesses are not
patriots at all. We are the members of a large human family and so cannot neglect our duties
and responsibilities towards it. Our love for the country should be conditioned by respect for the
whole community. Narrow prejudice can do nothing except to bring misfortune. In trying to
overlook others’ interest in the modem world, we harm our own.

1. Today what is the belief of people regarding patriotism?

2. Which type of the people can be categorised as patriots?
3. What does narrow prejudices bring?
4. Patriotism is an evil when it is _____________
5. The word in the passage means opposite to positive.
(a) Proper
(b) Narrow
(c) Negative
(d) Reason.

Q12 Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to grant you leave for 4
days as you have to go to Delhi for your sister’s wedding. [5 marks]

Q13 Last year, during his vacation, Raj went to an adventure camp that included activities like
trekking, rafting, rock climbing etc. Write an email, as Raj, describing the activities to a friend. [5

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