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BSBMGT517 Manage Operational

2 Objectives
Develop operational plan
Plan and manage resource acquisition
Monitor and review operational
Class Activity 1 – Assessment 2
Develop Meeting plan
Following Operational Plan from Week 1 you
are to make a meeting plan.
Points to be covered in the meeting plan:
4 Class Activity 1 – Assessment 2
Develop Meeting plan

Assign duties, responsibilities and KPI’s to

two employees from different departments
from the Operational plan.
5 Meeting Plan – Assessment 2 Task 1
Meeting Requested By:

Meeting Date:

Meeting Location:


Reason for Meeting:

6 Assessment 2 – Task 2

Following your Operational Plan, prepare a

document for two different employees containing
following information:
1. Their duties and responsibilities
2. The performance standards expected out of
them (KPI’s)
3. Timeline
7 Assessment 2 – Task 2

4. What resources will be provided

5. Budget
6. Intellectual property policy
7. Resources policy
Effective ways to identify areas of
underperformance in an Operational plan
Track, measure and report your results for
continuous improvement and identify areas of
Effective monitoring, review and evaluation provide
information on emerging issues, improve
performance and ensure accountability.
Elements of effective monitoring, review and
9 evaluation
Involve stakeholders: All relevant stakeholders
need to be engaged for monitoring, review and
evaluation activities to be successful.
Clearly communicating the benefits of activities
and providing the necessary support creates
opportunity for willing participation and
ownership. An open process that allows
stakeholders access to information increases
Elements of effective monitoring, review and
10 evaluation
Monitor progress:
Delivers timely and relevant information that allows you
to track progress towards outcomes and make
adjustments to implementation arrangements as
Track progress in a deliberate and systematic manner
at regular intervals during implementation.
Implementation planning must define the data to be
collected and the method used for monitoring.
Elements of effective monitoring, review and
11 evaluation
Review regularly:
Reviews as part of your planning process will help assess
progress of implementation at critical milestones or in
response to specific issues.
Reviews tend to focus on operational issues, effectiveness
of governance and project management structures, and
may also include policy outcomes.
 Findings and recommendations from reviews should be
used to improve implementation.
Elements of effective monitoring, review and
12 evaluation

Evaluate the outcomes

Evaluation should identify and map information as
well as ensure that ongoing access to consistent
data sources will be available through monitoring
over the life of the initiative.
Data can be quantitative (hard or numerical data) or
qualitative (soft or categorical).
Effective evaluation is the result of a planning
process over the life of the initiative.
13 Gap Analysis

Where you are?

Where do you want to be?
The gap or the difference between these two is
where the improvements need to be made.
Actions need to be taken to address the gap in the
performance of the system.
14 What is a Report

An account given of a particular matter, especially

in the form of an official document, after thorough
investigation or consideration by an appointed
person or body.
Purpose of Reports

The Purpose of Reports. Reports communicate

information which has been compiled as a result of
research and analysis of data and of issues.
 Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but
usually focus on transmitting information with a
clear purpose, to a specific audience.
Class Activity 2 – Assessment 3
Review your Operational Plan from Assessment 1
and gather information on the following:
Effectiveness of the implemented plan
Achievement of KPI’s
Profitability and productivity outcomes
Implementation outcomes
Areas of underperformance
Reasons for underperformance
Things that can go wrong in an Operational Plan
 Financial outcome: over budget or under budget
 Unavailability of resources: staffing and equipment
 Inadequate resources
 Supply issues
 Inadequate training
 Technology
 Market demand
 Organisational structures
 Government or legal
 Safety issues
Class Activity 2 – Assessment 3

Provide a detailed written report with the

following information:
1. Effectiveness of the implemented plan.
2. Review the financial outcome of each
3. Outline areas of underperformance.
20 Class Activity 2 – Assessment 3

4. Recommendations for improvements

5. Amended version of your plan with
changes highlighted
6. Outline in detail how the changes will be

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