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Router/Ethernet Switch
Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Version 4.8.22

ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,
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Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
P. R. China
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Copyright © 2006 ZTE CORPORATION.

The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of
this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPO-
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This document is provided “as is”, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are dis-
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ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.

The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

Revision History

Revision No. Revision Date Revision Reason

R1.0 Dec. 28, 2008 First Edition

Serial Number: sjzl20086536

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About This Manual.............................................. i
Command Introduction .....................................1
Manual Use Guide........................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ............................. 1
Auxiliary Function ........................................................... 2
Command Mode ............................................................. 3
SNMP Configuration ..........................................7
show snmp .................................................................... 7
show snmp config........................................................... 7
show snmp Engine-id ...................................................... 8
show snmp group ........................................................... 8
show snmp user ............................................................. 8
snmp-server access-list ................................................... 8
snmp-server community.................................................. 9
snmp-server contact ....................................................... 9
snmp-server context ......................................................10
snmp-server enable inform .............................................10
snmp-server enable trap ................................................11
snmp-server engine-id ...................................................11
snmp-server group ........................................................12
snmp-server host ..........................................................13
snmp-server location .....................................................14
snmp-server packetsize..................................................15
snmp-server trap-source ................................................15
snmp-server user ..........................................................16
snmp-server view ..........................................................17
RMON Configuration ........................................ 19
rmon alarm ..................................................................19
rmon collection history ...................................................20
rmon collection statistics ................................................21
rmon event...................................................................22
show rmon ...................................................................23
WEB Network Management Configuration........ 25
web enable ...................................................................25
web disable ..................................................................25
LFAP Configuration.......................................... 27
lfap backup-server1 .......................................................27

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lfap backup-server2 .......................................................28
lfap enable ...................................................................28
lfap disable ...................................................................29
lfap fas-server...............................................................29
lfap flow-expired-time ....................................................30
lfap ka-interval..............................................................30
lfap max-send-fun-size...................................................30
lfap message-response-interval .......................................31
lfap server-retry-interval ................................................31
lfap statistic sample-rate ................................................32
lfap update-interval .......................................................32
show lfap config ............................................................33
show lfap statistic..........................................................33
Group Configuration ........................................ 35
group erase-member .....................................................35
group handtime.............................................................36
group holdtime..............................................................36
group member ..............................................................37
group name ..................................................................38
group reset-member ......................................................38
group save-member.......................................................38
group switch-type..........................................................39
group tftp-server ...........................................................40
group trap-host .............................................................40
group-mng extend-mac enable........................................41
show group ..................................................................41
show group candidates...................................................42
show group candidates mac ............................................42
show group members.....................................................43
show group members member-num.................................43
show zdp......................................................................44
show zdp neighbour .......................................................44
show zdp neighbour mac ................................................44
show ztp ......................................................................45
show ztp device ............................................................45
show ztp device-list .......................................................46
show ztp topology .........................................................46
zdp enable....................................................................47
zdp holdtime.................................................................47
zdp timer .....................................................................48

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ztp enable ....................................................................48
ztp hop ........................................................................49
ztp hop-delay................................................................49
ztp port-delay ...............................................................50
ztp start .......................................................................50
ztp timer ......................................................................50
ztp vlan........................................................................51

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About This Manual

Purpose This manual provides procedures and guidelines that support the
operation of ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
Intended This manual is intended for engineers and technicians who perform
Audience operation activities on ZXR10 router and Ethernet switch.
What Is in This This manual contains the following chapters:
Chapter Summary

Chapter 1, Command This chapter describes the use method

Introduction of the command manual, command
description, format convention, auxiliary
function and mode.

Chapter 2,SNMP This chapter describes the operation and

Configuration management commands for the Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

Chapter 3, RMON This chapter describes the operation and

Configuration management commands for the remote
monitoring (RMON).

Chapter 4, WEB This chapter describes WEB network

Network Management management commands

Chapter 5, LFAP This chapter describes the configuration

Configuration and viewing commands of the Lightweight
Flow Accounting Protocol (LFAP).

Chapter 6, Group This chapter describes the configuration

Management and view commands related to group
Configuration management

Related The following documentation is related to this manual:

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Command
Index Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Ethernet
Switch Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume I)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Basic Con-
figuration Volume III)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Remote Ac-
cess Volume)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-
ing Volume I)

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv4 Rout-

ing Volume II)
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (MPLS Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (QoS Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Security
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Multicast
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (IPv6 Vol-
� ZXR10 Router/Ethernet Switch Command Manual (Voice and
Video Service Volume)

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Chapter 1

Command Introduction

Table of Contents
Manual Use Guide............................................................... 1
Description of Man-Machine Commands ................................. 1
Auxiliary Function ............................................................... 2
Command Mode ................................................................. 3

Manual Use Guide

The commands in other volumes are classified by functional mod-
ules, and each functional module corresponds to a chapter and
the commands in the chapter are organized in the form of level 2
directory and in the order of a–z.
To search a command, do as follows:
1. Find the desired command by referring to ZXR10 Router/Eth-
ernet Switch Command Manual — Command Index.
2. Find command details by the volume, chapter/section and page
of the obtained command.

Description of Man-Machine
Each MML command is described by the following items:
� Function
It describes the function implemented by this command.
� Command Mode
It describes the mode in which this command can be executed.
� Format
It describes the complete format of this command, including
the no format if possible.
� Parameter Description
It describes parameters in this command in the form and pre-
scribes the range and default value. If different products have

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

different parameter ranges or default values, an additional

form is used for description.
� Default
The default value is available in the case that this command is
not set. The default parameter value is not described here for
value selection.
Additional description shall be given if different products have
different default values.
� Instructions
First describes the platform version information about this
command. For example, “The platform version X.X.XX or later
supports this command” indicates this command is provided
from the beginning of the platform version X.X.XX. This com-
mand is provided from the platform version 2.6 by default.
Second describes the use method and precautions of this com-
� Example
It describes the use of this command in an example.
� Related Commands
Lists the command(s) related to this command.
� History Command
It describes history version information related to this com-
mand if a command is changed after version upgrade.
Do not describe the history command if this entry does not exist.

Auxiliary Function
The auxiliary function for ZXR10 devices is as follows.
1. In any command mode, enter a question mark (?) after the
DOS prompt of the system, a list of available commands in the
command mode will be displayed. With the context-sensitive
help function, the keywords and parameter lists of any com-
mands can be obtained.
i. In any command mode, enter a question mark "?" after the
DOS prompt of the system, and a list of all commands in
the mode and the brief description of the commands will
be displayed.
ii. Input the question mark behind a character or character
string to view the list of commands or keywords beginning
with this character or character string. Note that there is
no space between the character (string) and the question
iii. Press TAB behind the character string. If the command or
keyword beginning with this character string is unique, it
shall be completed with a space at the end. Note that there
is no space between the character string and the TAB.

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

iv. Input a question mark after a command, a keyword or a

parameter, the next keyword or parameter to be input will
be listed, and also a brief explanation will be given. Note
that a space must be entered before the question mark.
2. If incorrect command, keyword or parameter is input, the error
isolation is offered with ^ in the user interface after you press
ENTER. The ^ is below the first character of the input incorrect
command, keyword or parameter.
3. ZXR10 router/Ethernet switch allows the command or key-
word to be abbreviated into a character or character string that
uniquely identifies this command or keyword. For example, the
show command can be abbreviated to sh or sho.
4. The user interface supports the function of recording input
commands. A maximum of ten history commands can be
recorded. The function is very useful in re-invocation of a long
or complicated command or ingress.
To re-invoke a command from the record buffer, conduct one
of the following operations, as shown below.

Command Function

Press CTRL-P or the Re-invokes the latest command in the

up arrow key record buffer. Repeat these keys to
invoke old commands forwards.

Press CTRL-N or the Rolls the commands downward. When the

down arrow key last command line is reached, one more
operation will roll the commands from the
begging of the buffer cyclically.

In any mode, execute the show history command to list the

latest commands input in this mode.

Command Mode
The command modes in this manual are shown below.

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Exec ZXR10> enters directly Views simple

mode after logging information
the system

Privi- ZXR10# Exec enable Configures

leged mode system
mode parameters

Global ZXR10(config)# Privi- configure Configures

config- leged terminal global service
uration mode parameters

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Inter- ZXR10(config- Global interface Configures

face if)# config- port
config- uration parameters
uration mode and selects
mode a port type
depending on
the keyword

Subin- ZXR10 (config- Global interface Configures

terface subif)# config- subinterface
mode uration parameters
mode of the

VLAN ZXR10(vlan- Privi- vlan datab Creates or

data- db)# leged ase deletes VLANs
base mode in batches

VLAN ZXR10(config- Global vlan Configures

config- vlan)# config- VLAN
uration uration parameters
mode mode

MSTP ZXR10(config- Global spanning-t Configures

config- mstp)# config- ree mst conf MSTP
uration uration iguration parameters
mode mode

Basic ZXR10(config- Global acl basic Defines basic

ACL basic-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Ex- ZXR10(config- Global acl extend Defines

tended ext-acl)# config- extended ACL
ACL uration rule
config- mode

Line ZXR10(config- Global line console Configures

config- line)# config- 0 parameters
uration uration related to
mode mode line <1~64 serial port
>(GAR) and telnet

Layer ZXR10(config- Global acl link Defines layer

2 ACL link-acl)# config- 2 ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

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Chapter 1 Command Introduction

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

Hybrid ZXR10(config- Global acl hybrid Defines hybrid

ACL hybd-acl)# config- ACL rule
config- uration
uration mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

stand- std-nacl)# config- standard ACL
ard ACL uration rule
mode mode

Router ZXR10 (config- Global ip access-list Defines router

ex- ext-nacl)# config- extended ACL
tended uration rule
ACL mode

Route ZXR10(config- Global router rip Configures

config- router)# config- RIP
uration uration parameters
mode mode
router ospf Configures

router isis Configures


router bgp Configures


router Configures
pimsm PIM-SM

ipv6 router Configures

rip RIPng

ipv6 router Configures

ospf OSPFv3

VRF ZXR10(config- Global ip vrf Configures

config- vrf)# config- VRF
uration uration parameters
mode mode

VFI con- ZXR10(config- Global vfi Configures

figu- vfi)# config- VPLS related
ration uration parameters
mode mode

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Mode Prompt Admis- Entry Functions

sion Command

IPv4 ad- ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

dress router-af)# config- ily ipv4 vrf RIP VRF
family uration parameters
config- mode
uration (RIP)
Route address-fam Configures
config- ily vpnv4 BGP VPN
uration address-fam and VRF
mode ily ipv4 vrf parameters

IPv6 ZXR10(config- Route address-fam Configures

unicast router-af)# config- ily ipv6 BGP4+
address uration unicast
family mode address family
config- (BGP4+)
mode Route address-fam Configures
config- ily ipv6 IS-ISv6
uration address family

Route ZXR10(config- Global route-map Configures

map route-map)# config- route map
config- uration matching item
uration mode and operation

Channe- ZXR10(config- Global control Configures

lization control)# config- channelization
config- uration for ce1, ce3
uration mode and cpos3

Dial ZXR10(config- Global dial-peer Configures

peer voip100)# config- voice business
config- uration related to
uration mode integrated
mode service

Voice ZXR10(config- Global voice-port Configures

port voice-port)# config- voice service
config- uration
uration mode

IPSec ZXR10(config- Global ipsec Configures

config- ipsec)# config- IPv6 IPSec
uration uration protection
mode mode

Diagno- ZXR10(diag)# Privi- diagnose Tests CPU

sis mode leged and memory
mode usage

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Chapter 2

SNMP Configuration

Table of Contents
show snmp ........................................................................ 7
show snmp config............................................................... 7
show snmp Engine-id .......................................................... 8
show snmp group ............................................................... 8
show snmp user ................................................................. 8
snmp-server access-list ....................................................... 8
snmp-server community...................................................... 9
snmp-server contact ........................................................... 9
snmp-server context ..........................................................10
snmp-server enable inform .................................................10
snmp-server enable trap ....................................................11
snmp-server engine-id .......................................................11
snmp-server group ............................................................12
snmp-server host ..............................................................13
snmp-server location .........................................................14
snmp-server packetsize......................................................15
snmp-server trap-source ....................................................15
snmp-server user ..............................................................16
snmp-server view ..............................................................17

show snmp
Purpose Use this command to display statistics information about SNMP
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show snmp

show snmp config

Purpose Use this command to display configuration information of all SN-
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show snmp config
Related show snmp group
show snmp user

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show snmp engine_id

show snmp

show snmp Engine-id

Purpose Use this command to display local engine identifier of SNMP. SNMP
engine, as the core part in an SNMP entity, is used to authenticate
the receiving/sending of SNMP messages, and withdraw PDU as-
sembled messages to communicate with the SNMP program.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show snmp engine_id
Related snmp-server engine_id

show snmp group

Purpose Use this command to display local groups of SNMP.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show snmp group
Related snmp-server group

show snmp user

Purpose Use this command to display local users of SNMP.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show snmp user
Related snmp-server user

snmp-server access-list
Purpose Use this command to apply the configured ACL to control access
to the system host address according to SNMP. Cancel the control
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server access-list <acl-numberorname>
no snmp-server access-list

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Chapter 2 SNMP Configuration

<acl-numberorname> Basic ACL number, range: 1~199,
1000~1999, or ACL name

Example This example describes how to configure ACL 1 to control access

to the system host address according to SNMP.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server access-list 1

snmp-server community
Purpose Use this command to set an SNMP packet community string.
Delete the SNMP packet community string with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server community <community-name>[view <view-na
me>][ro | rw]
no snmp-sever community <community-name>
<community-name> Community string name, 1~32 characters

view <view-name> Specifies a view name for the community

string configured, 1~32 characters

ro | rw ro indicates conducting read-only access to

the MIB object and rw indicates conducting
read/write access to the MIB object

Defaults When the view parameter is the default parameter, the commu-
nity configured will be specified as the default view (
When the ro | rw parameters are default parameters, the ro will
be identified as the default priority of the configured community.
Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
� In global configuration mode, input the above command lines
directly. The <community-name> is an arbitrary string (1~32)
and the <view-name> is an MIB view name.
Example This example describes how to set SNMP packets community as
myCommunity with read-write access.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server community myCommunity view myview rw

Related snmp server view


snmp-server contact
Purpose Use this command to set the Simple Network Management Pro-
tocol (SNMP) system contact for Management Information Base

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

(MIB). Remove the system contact information with the no form

of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server contact <mib-syscontact-text>
no snmp-server contact
<mib-syscontact-te Text that describes the system contact
xt> information, not more than 200 characters

Example The following example shows how to specify a system contact text.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server contact this is ZXR10, tel:(025)52872006

snmp-server context
Purpose Use this command to create an SNMP context.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server context <context-name>
no snmp-server context <context-name>
<context-name> Context name, with 1~16 characters

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example The following example creates a new SNMP context named "con-
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server context contextA

snmp-server enable inform

Purpose Use this command to turn on the switch of sending a notification by
the agent and set the notification type sent by the agent. Cancel
the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server enable inform [<notification-type>]
no snmp-server enable inform [<notification-type>]
<notification-type> Specifies the notification type, which may
be one of the followings: BGP, OSPF, RMON,
SNMP, Stalarm, VPN

Defaults All notifications can be sent by default.

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Chapter 2 SNMP Configuration

Instructions In global configuration mode, input the above command lines di-
rectly, where, the parameter <notification-type> is the notification
Example This example describes how to configure the agent to be able to
send all notifications.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server enable inform
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server host inform version 2c public

Related snmp-server host


snmp-server enable trap

Purpose Use this command to enable Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) trap notifications. Cancel the setting with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server enable trap [<notification-type>]
no snmp-server enable trap [<notification-type>]
<notification-type> Type of notification (trap), the notification
type can be one or more of the following
keywords: BGP, OSPF, RMON, SNMP, Stalarm,

Defaults All SNMP notifications are disabled by default.

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02
� In global configuration mode, input the above command lines
directly, where, the parameter <notification-type> is the noti-
fication (trap) type.
Example The following example shows how to enable the router to send all
traps to the host at IP address, using the community
string defined as public
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server enable trap
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server host public

Related snmp-server host


snmp-server engine-id
Purpose Use this command to specify SNMP engine ID on the local device.
Return the engine ID to the default with the no form of this com-
mand. SNMP engine, as the core part in an SNMP entity, is used
to receive/authenticate SNMP messages, withdraw PDU assembled
messages, communicate with the SNMP program.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server engine_id <engine-id>

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no snmp-server engine_id
<engine-id> Local SNMP engine ID, 1~24 char-
acters. The default value is
830900020300010289d64401. It must
be expressed with a hexdecimal number

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example The following example shows how to configure the snmp engine
ID on the local device to be 12345667890.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server engine-id 12345667890

Related show snmp engine-id


snmp-server group
Purpose Use this command to configure a new Simple Network Manage-
ment Protocol (SNMP) group, or a table that maps SNMP users to
SNMP views. Remove a specified SNMP group with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server group <groupname> v3 {auth | noauth | priv
}[context <context-name> match-prefix | match-exact][read
<readview>][write <writeview>][notify <notifyview>]
no snmp-server group <groupname> v3 {auth | noauth |
Description <groupname> Configured group name, with 1~32 characters

v3 Specifies a group that uses the SNMP Version


auth Specifies authentication of a packet without

encrypting it

noauth Specifies no authentication of a packet

priv Specifies authentication of a packet with


context Specifies the SNMP context to associate with

this SNMP group and associated views

match-prefix Specifies the context match mode as prefix


match-exact Specifies the context match mode as accurate


read <readview> Specifies a read view string, with 1~32


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Chapter 2 SNMP Configuration

write <writeview> Specifies a write view string, with 1~32


notify <notifyview> Specifies a notification view string, with 1~32


Defaults The contents of the system group (with the OID of
can be read by default.
Instructions � The context parameter is added after the platform version
� If there is the context parameter in the configuration of this
command, this command can not be deleted by the no snmp
-server group <groupname> v3 {auth | noauth | priv}
command. It can be deleted by the no snmp-server group
<groupname> v3 {auth | noauth | priv}[context <context
-name>] command.
Example The following example shows how to configure an SNMP version 3
group named group1 that requires the authentication of packets
with encryption. And the read view string, write view string and
notification view string are named view1.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server group group1 v3 priv read view1
write view1 notify view1

Related show snmp group

snmp-server user

snmp-server host
Purpose Use this command to specify the recipient of a Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) notification operation. Remove the
specified host to receive an SNMP notification with the no form of
this command. The snmp-server host command must be used
together with the snmp-server enable command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server host [mng | vrf <vrf-name>]<ip-address>[trap
| inform] version {1 | 2c | 3 {auth | noauth | priv}}<commu
nity-name>[udp-port <udp-port>][<trap-type>]
no snmp-server host [mng | vrf <vrf-name>]<ip-address>[t
rap | inform][version {1 | 2c | 3 {auth | noauth | priv}}]<c
Description mng Management interface

vrf <vrf-name> VPN name, with 1~16 characters

<ip-address> IP address of the specified host in the dotted

decimal format

trap Specifies to send a trap to the host

inform Specifies to send a notification to the host

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

version SNMP Version

1 SNMP Version 1

2c SNMP Version 2c

3 SNMP Version 3

auth Specifies authentication of a packet without

encrypting it

noauth Specifies no authentication of a packet

priv Specifies authentication of a packet with


<community-name> Community string name or SNMPv3 user

name, with 1~32 characters

udp-port <udp-port> Specifies the User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

port of the host to use, range: 0~65535

<trap-type> Trap or notification type, which may be bgp,

ospf, rmon, snmp, stalarm or vpn

Defaults The sending type is trap.

If no version keyword is entered, the default is version 1.
The default UDP port is 162.
When this command is entered without keywords, the default is to
send all trap types to the host.
Example This example describes how to configure the send address, port,
version and type of a host trap or inform.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server host ver 1 community-name ospf
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server host ver 3 auth user10 ospf snmp

Related snmp-server enable inform

snmp-server enable trap

snmp-server location
Purpose Use this command to specify the system location of the Manage-
ment Information Base (MIB) object for Simple Network Manage-
ment Protocol (SNMP). Remove the location string with the no
form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server location <mib-syslocation-text>
no snmp-server location
<mib-syslocation-te String indicating the physical location of this
xt> device (not to exceed 200 characters)

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Chapter 2 SNMP Configuration

Example This example describes how to specify the system location of the
Management Information Base (MIB) object for Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP).
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server location this is ZXR10 in china

snmp-server packetsize
Purpose Use this command to establish control over the largest Simple Net-
work Management Protocol (SNMP) packet size permitted when
the SNMP server is receiving a request or generating a reply. Re-
store the default value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server packetsize <snmp-packet-max-size>
no snmp-server packetsize
<snmp-packet-max-si SNMP packet size in bytes, range: 484~1400

Example The following example shows how to set the maximum size of
SNMP packets to 1400 bytes.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server packetsize 1400

snmp-server trap-source
Purpose Use this command to specify the interface (and hence the corre-
sponding IP address) from which a Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP) trap should originate.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server trap-source <ip-address>
no snmp-server trap-source
<IP Address> IP address in A.B.C.D format

Example The following example shows how to specify that the IP address is the source for all SNMP notifications.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server trap-source

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snmp-server user
Purpose Use this command to configure a new user to a Simple Network
Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3) group. Remove a user
from an SNMPv3 group user with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server user <username><groupname> v3 [encrypted
][auth {md5 | sha}<auth-password>[priv des56 <priv-passw
no snmp-server user <username>
<username> SNMP name, with 1~32 characters

<groupname> Name of the group to which the user belongs,

with 1~32 characters

v3 SNMP Version 3

encrypted Specifies that the contents to be input are not

plain-text but processed key. It is better for
the users not to use this option randomly

auth Specifies authentication of a packet

md5 Specifies the HMAC-MD5-96 authentication


sha Specifies the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication


<auth-password> Authentication password (or authentication

key), with 1~32 characters

priv Specifies authentication of a packet with


des56 Specifies the 56-bit Cipher Block Chaining

—Data Encryption Standard (DES) level of
encryption for the user

<priv-password> Encryption password, with 1~32 characters

Defaults There is no encrypted parameter by default, that is, the plain-text

is entered.
Example The following example shows how to enter a plain-text password
for user1 in group1. And the MD5 authentication password is
12345678 and CBC-DES encryption password is 12345678.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server user user1 group1 v3 auth md5
12345678 priv des56 12345678

Related show snmp user

snmp-server group

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Chapter 2 SNMP Configuration

snmp-server view
Purpose Use this command to create or update a Simple Network Manage-
ment Protocol (SNMP) view entry. Remove the specified server
view entry with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax snmp-server view <view-name><subtree-id>{included | excl
no snmp-server view <view-name>[<subtree-id>]
<view-name> View name, with 1~32 characters

<subtree-id> Specifies the MIB subtree ID or MIB subtree

node name for the view name, with 1~79

included | excluded Specifies whether the subtree is included or


Instructions In global configuration mode, input the above command lines di-
rectly, where, the parameter <view-name> is a character string,
and the parameter <subtree-id> is an object identifier (OID) in
the form of or the node name of the MIB subtree (such
as internet). Use the included | excluded keywords to include
or exclude a subtree.
Example The following example creates a view that includes all objects in
the MIB subtree.
ZXR10(config)#snmp-server view myViewName included

Related snmp-server community


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Chapter 3

RMON Configuration

Table of Contents
rmon alarm ......................................................................19
rmon collection history .......................................................20
rmon collection statistics ....................................................21
rmon event.......................................................................22
show rmon .......................................................................23

rmon alarm
Purpose Use this command to set the alarm and MIB object. Cancel the
alarm with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax rmon alarm <index><variable><interval>{delta | absolute}
rising-threshold <value>[<event-index>] falling-threshold
<value>[<event-index>][owner <string>]
no rmon alarm <index>
<index> Index number, range: 1~65535

<variable> MIB variable to be monitored, which must be

an MIB variable that can be converted into an
integer, with 1~64 characters

<interval> Time interval for monitoring the above

variable in seconds, range: 1~2147483647

delta Indicates to compare the increment with the


absolute Indicates to directly compare the value of the

selected variable with the threshold

rising-threshold Rising threshold of the sampling statistics,

<value> range: -2147483647~2147483647

<event-index> Event index if the threshold is exceeded,

range: 1~65535

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falling-threshold Falling threshold of the sampling statistics,

<value> range: -2147483647~2147483647

owner <string> The creator of this alarm, with 1~30

characters. The default value is config

Instructions � The sampling with the same or different time interval for the
same instance is allowed.
� If alarm items with the same <index> are created, the system
prompts error. It is necessary to cancel the configuration of
the original same indexes with the no form of this command.
� Delete the non-existed index items, the system prompts “Un-
known channel number”.
� If the memory or resource is unavailable, the system prompts
“Alloc buffer error or Resource unavailable”.
� This alarm item should work with the related event item to
produce the corresponding action.
Example This example describes how to configure the monitoring MIB object
as ip.2.0, sampling time as 10 seconds, upper limit as 200, and
lower limit as 100 and the corresponding event when upper/lower
limit alarm rises as 1.
ZXR10(config)# rmon alarm 1 ip.2.0 10 absolute rising-threshold
200 1 falling-threshold 100 1 owner ZTE

Related show rmon alarm


rmon collection history

Purpose Use this command to enable the collection history function of an
interface (applied to the Ethernet interface only). Disable the func-
tion with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax rmon collection history <index>[owner <string>][buckets
<bucket-number>][interval <seconds>]
no rmon collection history <index>
<index> Index number, range: 1~65535

owner <string> The history creator of this line, which is

a string with the length not exceeding 30
characters. The default value is monitor

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Chapter 3 RMON Configuration

buckets <bucket-nu The requested bucket size, which is 50 by

mber> default. The system supports the size of 100
at maximum, in the range of 1~100

interval <seconds> Sampling interval in seconds, in the range of

1~3600. The default value is 1800 seconds.
It is recommended to configure 30 seconds
for the short term network traffic change and
1800 seconds for the long term one

Instructions � It is allowed to configure multiple history statistics items on

one interface.
� It is allowed to delete history statistics items on one interface
in interface configuration mode.
� If history items with the same<index> are created, the system
prompts error. It is necessary to cancel the configuration of the
original same indexes with the no form of this command.
� If the non-existed index item is deleted, the system prompts
“Unknown bufferControl number”.
� If the memory or resource is unavailable, the system prompts
“Alloc buffer error or Resource unavailable”.
Example Use this command to configure history group statistics on the 100
Mbps Ethernet interface. The sampling time is 300 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#rmon collection history 1 owner zte
buckets 100 interval 300

Related show rmon history


rmon collection statistics

Purpose Use this command to enable the statistics function of an interface
(applied to the Ethernet interface only). Disable the function with
the no form of this command.
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax rmon collection statistics <index>[owner <string>]
no rmon collection statistics <index>
<index> Index number, range: 1~65535

owner <string> The creator of the statistics, with not more

than 30 characters. It is monitor by default

Instructions � It is allowed to configure multiple statistics items on one inter-

� It is allowed to delete the statistics items of this interfaces in
interface configuration mode.
� If statistics items with the same <index> are created, the sys-
tem prompts error. It is necessary to cancel the configuration
of the original same indexes with the no form of this command.

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� If the non-existed index item is deleted, the system prompts

“Unknown etherStats number”.
� If the memory or resource is unavailable, the system prompts
“Alloc buffer error or Resource unavailable”.
Example This example describes how to configure statistics group on the
100 Mbps Ethernet interface. The sampling time is 300 seconds.
ZXR10(config-if)#rmon collection statistics 1 owner zte

Related show rmon statistics


rmon event
Purpose Use this command to configure a rmon event. Remove an event
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax rmon event <index>[log][trap <community>][description
<string>][owner <string>]
no rmon event <index>
<index> Index number, range: 1~65535

log Whether a record is generated

trap <community> Community string for sending trap, with 1~32


description <string> A brief description for the event, 30

characters, default: zte

owner <string> Creator of the event, 30 characters, default:


Instructions � If event items with the same <index> are created, the system
prompts error. It is necessary to cancel the configuration of
the original same indexes with the no form of this command.
� If the non-existed index item is deleted, the system prompts
“Unknown event number”.
� If the memory or resource is unavailable, the system prompts
’Alloc buffer error or Resource unavailable”.
Example Use this command to configure a RMON event described as
log_trap_event. Meanwhile, record it in log and send trap infor-
mation to the management station. The management station
community is public.
ZXR10(config)# rmon event 1 log trap public description
log_trap_event owner ZTE

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Chapter 3 RMON Configuration

Related show rmon event


show rmon
Purpose Use this command to display RMON configurations and relevant
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show rmon [alarms][events][history][statistics]
alarms Displays current information about all alarm
control items configured

events Displays current information about all event

control items configured and information
about events recorded

history Displays current information about all history

control entries configured and historical
statistics information

statistics Displays current information about all

statistics control entries configured and
statistics data

Instructions � If there is no parameter after this command, information about

the RMON version is displayed.
� If there is no control item in the specified control list, one of
the following information will be displayed:
� “Statistics table is empty.”
� “History table is empty.”
� “Alarm table is empty.”
� “Event table is empty.”
Example Use this command to display RMON alarm information.
ZXR10(config)#show rmon alarm

Related rmon alarm

rmon collection history
rmon collection statistics
rmon event

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Chapter 4

WEB Network

Table of Contents
web enable .......................................................................25
web disable ......................................................................25

web enable
Purpose Use this command to enable the WEB network management of the
system. Disable this function with the web disable command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax web enable
Defaults The WEB network management is disabled by default.
Example This example describes how to enable WEB network management.
ZXR10(config)#web enable

Related web disable


web disable
Purpose Use this command to disable the WEB network management of the
system. Enable this function with the web enable command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax web disable
Defaults The WEB network management is disabled by default.
Example This example describes how to disable WEB network management.
ZXR10(config)#web disable

Related web enable


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Chapter 5

LFAP Configuration

Table of Contents
lfap backup-server1 ...........................................................27
lfap backup-server2 ...........................................................28
lfap enable .......................................................................28
lfap disable .......................................................................29
lfap fas-server ..................................................................29
lfap flow-expired-time ........................................................30
lfap ka-interval..................................................................30
lfap max-send-fun-size.......................................................30
lfap message-response-interval ...........................................31
lfap server-retry-interval ....................................................31
lfap statistic sample-rate ....................................................32
lfap update-interval ...........................................................32
show lfap config ................................................................33
show lfap statistic..............................................................33

lfap backup-server1
Purpose Use this command to configure the address of the backup server
1 of lfap. Delete the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap backup-server1 [{mng |<vrf><word>}]<A.B.C.D>
no lfap backup-server1
Description mng Indicates LFAP functional module is connected
to the FAS server through the network
management interface of the device

<vrf> Indicates LFAP functional module is connected

to the FAS server through the specified vrf

<word> VPN name to whivh the vrf interface belongs

<A.B.C.D> FAS server address

Instructions Use this command to specify the address of FAS backup server 1
with the LFAP function.
Example This example describes how to set the address of lfap backup
server 1 to

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ZXR10(config)#lfap fas-server

Related lfap fas-server

lfap backup-server2

lfap backup-server2
Purpose Use this command to configure the address of the lfap backup
server 2. Delete the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration mode
Syntax lfap backup-server2 [{mng |<vrf><word>}]<A.B.C.D>
no lfap backup-server2
Description mng Indicates LFAP functional module is connected
to the FAS server through the network
management interface of the device

<vrf> Indicates LFAP functional module is connected

to the FAS server through the specified vrf

<word> VPN name to which the vrf interface belongs

<A.B.C.D> FAS server address

Instructions Use this command to specify the address of FAS backup server 2
with the LFAP function.
Example This example describes how to set the address of lfap backup
server 2 to
ZXR10(config)#lfap fas-server

Related lfap fas-server

lfap backup-server1

lfap enable
Purpose Use this command to enable the lfap function of the system. Dis-
able the function with the lfap disable command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap enable
Defaults The lfap function is disabled by default.
Example This example describes how to enable the lfap function.
ZXR10(config)#lfap enable

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Chapter 5 LFAP Configuration

Related lfap disable


lfap disable
Purpose Use this command to disable the lfap function of the system. En-
able the function with the lfap enable command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap disable
Defaults The lfap function is disabled by default.
Example This example describes how to disable the lfap function.
ZXR10(config)#lfap disable

Related lfap enable


lfap fas-server
Purpose Use this command to configure the Flow Admission Service (FAS)
server address of Light-weight Flow Accounting Protocol (LFAP).
Delete the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap fas-server [{mng |<vrf><word>}]<A.B.C.D>
no lfap fas-server
Description mng Indicates LFAP functional module is connected
to the FAS server through the network
management interface of the equipment

<vrf> Indicates LFAP functional module is connected

to the FAS server through the specified vrf

<word> VPN name to which the vrf interface belongs

<A.B.C.D> FAS server address

Instructions Use this command to specify the Flow Admission Service (FAS)
server address of Light-weight Flow Accounting Protocol (LFAP).
Example This example describes how to set the Flow Admission Service
(FAS) server address of Light-weight Flow Accounting Protocol
(LFAP) to
ZXR10(config)#lfap fas-server

Related lfap bakup-server1

lfap backup-server2

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lfap flow-expired-time
Purpose Use this command to set flow expired time interval of LFAp. Delete
the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap flow-expired-time <second>
no lfap flow-expired-time
<second> Expired time for LFAP flow, in seconds, range:

Defaults The flow expired time interval of LFAP is 600 seconds by default.
Example This example describes how to set the flow expired time interval
to 900 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#lfap flow-expired-time 900

Related lfap max-send-fun-size

lfap update-interval

lfap ka-interval
Purpose Use this command to set the keep-alive time interval between LFAP
and the LFAP server. Delete the setting with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap ka-interval <second>
no lfap ka-interval
<second> Keep-alive time interval between LFAP and
the LFAP server (FAS), in seconds, range:

Defaults The keep-alive time interval between LFAP and the LFAP server
(FAS) is 60 seconds by default.
Example This example describes how to set the keep-alive time interval
between LFAP and the LFAP server (FAS) to 120 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#lfap ka-interval 120

lfap max-send-fun-size
Purpose Use this command to set the maximum number of updating flows.
Delete the setting with the no form of this command.

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Chapter 5 LFAP Configuration

Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax lfap max-send-fun-size <number>
no lfap max-send-fun-size
<number> Maximum number of LFAP updating flows,
range: 1~2000

Defaults The number of updating statistics flows from LFAP to LFAP server
is 100 by default.
Instructions Use this command to Set the maximum number of statistics flows
updated from the LFAP module to LFAP server (FAS).
Example This example describes how to set the maximum number of up-
dating flows to 1000.
ZXR10(config)#lfap max-send-fun-size 1000

Related lfap update-interval

lfap flow-expired-time

lfap message-response-inter
Purpose Use this command to set the maximum message response time
interval between LFAP and the LFAP server. Delete the setting
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap message-response-interval <second>
<second> Maximum message response time interval
between the Lfap and server (FAS), in
seconds, range: 2~2000

Defaults The maximum message response time interval between LFAP and
the LFAP server (FAS) is 60 seconds by default.
Example This example describes how to set the maximum message re-
sponse time interval between LFAP and the LFAP server to 120
ZXR10(config)#lfap message-response-interval 120

lfap server-retry-interval
Purpose Use this command to set the time interval for LFAP to retry con-
necting with the LFAP server (FAS). Delete the setting with the no
form of this command.

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Command Modes Global configuration

Syntax lfap server-retry-interval <second>
no lfap server-retry-interval
<second> Time interval for LFAP to retry connecting with
the LFAP server (FAS), in seconds, range:

Defaults The time interval for LFAP to retry connecting with the LFAP server
(FAS) is 60 seconds by default.
Example This example describes how to set the time interval for LFAP to
retry connecting with the LFAP server (FAS) to 120 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#lfap server-retry-interval 120

lfap statistic sample-rate

Purpose Use this command to set the sample rate of LFAP packets enabled
on the interface of the device. Delete the setting with the no form
of this
Command Modes Interface configuration
Syntax lfap statistic sample-rate <number>
no lfap statistic sample-rate
<number> Sets the sample rate of LFAP packets enabled
on the interface of the device, that is, how
many packets one is sampled from. range:

Example This example describes how to set the sample rate of LFAP packets
enabled on the interface fei_1/1 of the device to 1500.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/1
ZXR10(config-if)#lfap statistic sample-rate 1500

lfap update-interval
Purpose Use this command to set the time interval of each update of flows.
Delete the setting with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax lfap update-interval <seconds>
no lfap update-interval
<seconds> Time interval of each update of LFAP flows, in
seconds, range: 1~1440

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Chapter 5 LFAP Configuration

Defaults The time interval of each update of flows from LFAP to LFAP server
is 60 second by default.
Example This example describes how to set the time interval of each update
of flows to 300 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#lfap update-interval 300

Related lfap max-send-fun-size

lfap flow-expired-time

show lfap config

Purpose Use this command to display configuration information of LFAP.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show lfap config
Example This example describes how to display LFAP configuration of the
ZXR10(config)#show lfap config
lfap protocol : disable
server-retry-interval : 60
message-response-interval : 60
ka-interval : 60
update-interval : 60
max-send-fun-size : 100
flow-expired-time : 600
fas-server : no connect <GLOBAL>

Related show lfap statistic


show lfap statistic

Purpose Use this command to display related statistics information about
LFAP of the device.
Command Modes All modes except user EXEC
Syntax show lfap statistic
Example This example describes how to display related statistics informa-
tion about LFAP of the device.
ZXR10(config)#sho lfap statistic
last connect time : never connected
retry connect success count : 0
retry connect failure count : 0
version mismatch count : 0
lost tcp session count : 0
total bytes sent count : 0
total packets sent count : 0
messages received corrupt count : 0
messages received error count : 0
messages received success count : 0
VR messages sent count : 0
FAR messages sent count : 0
FUN messages sent count : 0
AR messages sent count : 0
ARA messages sent count : 0

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CR messages sent count : 0

DR messages received count : 0
AR messages received count : 0
ARA messages received count : 0
VRA messages received count : 0
KA messages received count : 0
FER messages received count : 0
CRN messages received count : 0
CAN messages received count : 0

Related show lfap config


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Chapter 6

Group Configuration

Table of Contents
group erase-member .........................................................35
group handtime.................................................................36
group holdtime..................................................................36
group member ..................................................................37
group name ......................................................................38
group reset-member ..........................................................38
group save-member ..........................................................38
group switch-type..............................................................39
group tftp-server ...............................................................40
group trap-host .................................................................40
group-mng extend-mac enable............................................41
show group ......................................................................41
show group candidates.......................................................42
show group candidates mac ................................................42
show group members.........................................................43
show group members member-num.....................................43
show zdp..........................................................................44
show zdp neighbour...........................................................44
show zdp neighbour mac ....................................................44
show ztp ..........................................................................45
show ztp device ................................................................45
show ztp device-list ...........................................................46
show ztp topology .............................................................46
zdp enable........................................................................47
zdp holdtime.....................................................................47
zdp timer .........................................................................48
ztp enable ........................................................................48
ztp hop ............................................................................49
ztp hop-delay....................................................................49
ztp port-delay ...................................................................50
ztp start ...........................................................................50
ztp timer ..........................................................................50
ztp vlan............................................................................51

group erase-member
Purpose Use this command to enable group members to erase original con-
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group erase-member {all |<member_id>}

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all Specifies all group members to erase

<member_id> Specifies a group member to erase


Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to enable all members to erase con-
ZXR10(config)#group erase-member all

group handtime
Purpose Use this command to configure the group handtime. Cancel the
configuration and restore the default value with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group handtime <time>
no group handtime
<time> Group handtime in seconds, range: 1~300,
default: 8 seconds

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to configure the group handtime to
10 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#group handtime 10

Related show group


group holdtime
Purpose Use this command to configure the group holdtime. Cancel the
configuration and return the group holdtime to the default value
(80 seconds) with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group holdtime <time>
no group holdtime

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

<time> Group holdtime in seconds, range: 1~300,
default: 80 seconds

Instructions This command can be executed only on the command switch.

Example This example describes how to configure the group holdtime to
200 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#group holdtime 200

Related show group


group member
Purpose Use this command to add a candidate switch to the group. Remove
the member with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group member {mac <mac_addr> member <mem_id>|
device <device_id>| all-candidates}
no group member [<mem_id>| all]
mac <mac_addr> Adds the specified device to the group
based on the MAC address of the switch,

member <mem_id> Specifies the member identifier after the

specified switch is added, range: 1~255,
default: the minimum member not assigned

device <device_id> Adds the specified device to the group based

on the switch device identifier, range: 1~255

all-candidates All switches as candidates

all All members of the command switch

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to add the device to the group based
on the MAC address of the switch and set its member identifier to
ZXR10(config)#group member mac oodo.doco.0204 member 2

Related show group members

show group member-num

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

group name
Purpose Use this command to set the group name. Remove the group name
with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group name <name >
no group name <name>
<name> Group name, 1~32 characters

Defaults The default group name is ZTE GROUP-xx.xx.xx (xx.xx.xx is the

last three bits of the MAC address of the command switch).
Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to configure the group name as
ZXR10(config)#group name group_zte

Related show group


group reset-member
Purpose Use this command to reset the specified member.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group reset-member {all |<member_id>}
all Resets all group members

<member_id> Resets the specified group member

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to reset all group members.
ZXR10(config)#group reset-member all

group save-member
Purpose Use this command to enable the specified group member to save
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group save-member {all |<member_id>}

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

all Specifies all group members to save

<member_id> Specifies a group member to save


Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to enable group member 2 to save
ZXR10(config)#group save-member 2

group switch-type
Purpose Use this command to configure the type of the switch in the group.
The type can be candidate, independent or command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group switch-type {candidate | independent | command
[ip-pool <ip_address>{mask <ip_address>| length <mask_le
candidate Configures the switch as a candidate one

independent Configures the switch as an independent one

command Configures the switch as a command one

ip-pool <ip_address> Configures the address pool for the command


mask <ip_address> Mask of the address pool (in the form of IP


length <mask_len> Mask of the address pool (in the form of

length), range: 1~30

Defaults If ip-pool <ip_address>{mask <ip_address>| length <mask_le

n>} is not specified, the address pool
is assigned to the command switch by default.
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example � This example describes how to configure the switch as a can-
didate switch.
ZXR10(config)#group switch-type candidate

� This example describes how to configure the switch as a

command switch and assign the address pool to the switch.
ZXR10(config)#group switch-type command ip-pool

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

group tftp-server
Purpose Use this command to set the group TFTP Server address. Remove
the configured group TFTP Server address with the no form of this
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group tftp-server <ip_addr>
no group tftp-server
<ip_addr> Address of the group TFTP Server

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02 .

� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to set the group TFTP Server address
ZXR10(config)#group tftp-server

Related show group


group trap-host
Purpose Use this command to configure the trap host address of the group.
Remove the configured group trap host address with the no form
of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group trap-host <ip_addr>
no group trap-host
<ip_addr> Group trap host address

Instructions This command can be executed only on the command switch.

Example This example describes how to set the trap host address to
ZXR10(config)#group trap-host

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

Related show group


group-mng extend-mac
Purpose Use this command to configure the extended broadcast MAC ad-
dress for ZTP when group management ZDP is configured. Delete
the extended broadcast MAC address with the no form of this com-
mand. When using the default group management ZDP, the ex-
tended broadcast MAC address of ZTP packet is 0180.c200.0009.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax group-mng extend-mac enable [<xxxx.xxxx.xxxx>]
no group-mng extend-mac enable
<xxxx.xxxx.xxxx> Extended MAC address to be configured,
range: 0180.c200.0011~0180.c200.0013,
0180.c200.0016~0180.c200.001f. when the
command is used without the parameter,
default: 0180.c200.0010

Example This example describes how to set the MAC address of ZTP broad-
cast packet to the extended MAC address 0180.c200.0010.
ZXR10(config)#group-mng extend-mac enable

Related show ztp

show zdp

show group
Purpose Use this command to show the role of the switch in the group.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show group
Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
� For a candidate switch or an independent switch, only infor-
mation about its role in the group is displayed. For a member
switch or a command switch, information about not only its
role but also the group is displayed.
Example � This example displays group information when the switch is a
candidate switch.
ZXR10(config)#show group


� This example displays information when the switch is a com-

mand switch.

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Cmdr.ZXR10(config)#show group

Group name :ZTE GROUP-c0.19.00
Group holdtime :80 seconds
Group handtime :8 seconds
Group tftp server :none
TrapHost :none
Group ip-pool :ip_pool mask
Manage Vlan :1

show group candidates

Purpose Use this command to show information about all candidates in the
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show group candidates
Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example displays information about all candidates in the
Cmdr.ZXR10(config)#show group candidates
Last collection vlan id is 1
Last collection time is 1760 ms

Index DeviceID MacAddress Hop SwitchType Platform Hostname

1 0 00.d0.d0.c0.19.00 0 CANDIDATE_SWITCH ZXR10_3952 ZXR10
2 1 00.d0.d0.fb.02.03 1 CANDIDATE_SWITCH ZXR10 2826E SP1

show group candidates mac

Purpose Use this command to show detailed information about the candi-
date switch with the specified MAC address.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show group candidates mac <mac>
<mac> MAC address of the candidate switch, in the
form of 00d0.d0xx.xxxx

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to display information about the can-
didate switch with its MAC address 00.d0.d0.fb.02.03
Cmdr.ZXR10(config)#show group candidates mac 00d0.d0fb.0203

Last collection vlan id is 1

Last collection time is 60 ms
MacAddress :00.d0.d0.fb.02.03

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

Hop :1
SwitchType : candidates
Platform :ZXR10 2826E

show group members

Purpose Use this command to show information about all members in the
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show group members
Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
� This command can be executed only on the command switch.
Example This example describes how to show information about all mem-
bers in the group.
Cmdr.ZXR10(config)#show group members

index memberId MacAddress IpAddress Mask Status Hostname

1 1 00.d0.d0.fb.02.03 Up Mem1.ZXR10

show group members

Purpose Use this command to show information about the specified mem-
ber in the group.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show group members member-num <mem_id>
<mem_id> Identifier of the group member to be
displayed, range: 1~255

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to show detailed information about
member 1.
Cmdr.ZXR10#show group members member-num 1

This member detail information is:

memberId :1
MacAddress :00.D0.D0.FB.02.03
IpAddress :
Mask :
Status :Up

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

show zdp
Purpose Use this command to display information about ZTE neighbor Dis-
covery protocol (ZDP).
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show zdp
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to display information about ZTE
neighbor Discovery protocol (ZDP).
ZXR10(config)#show zdp
Global ZDP :enabled
ZDP timer :200 seconds
ZDP holdtime :255 seconds
Enabled ZDP ports :fei_1/1-48

show zdp neighbour

Purpose Use this command to show information about the neighbor directly
connected to the current switch.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show zdp neighbour [interface <interface-name>]
interface <interface- Shows information about the neighbor directly
name> connected to this interface

Defaults If no interface <interface-name> parameter is specified, infor-

mation about all neighbors of the switch is displayed.
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to show information about the neigh-
bor directly connected to the interface fei_1/8.
ZXR10(config)#show zdp neighbour interface fei_1/8

Peer-Mac Local-Port Hdtm Peer-Port Platform

00.d0.d0.fb.02.03 fei_1/8 158 Port(18) ZXR10 2826E

show zdp neighbour mac

Purpose Use this command to display information about the neighbor
switch with the specified MAC address.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show zdp neighbor mac <mac>

44 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

<mac> MAC address of the neighbor, in the form of

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to display information about the
neighbor 00d0.d0fb.0203.
ZXR10#show zdp neighbor mac 00d0.d0fb.0203

Device-Id :00.D0.D0.FB.02.03
Local-Port :fei_1/8
HoldTime :158
Platform :ZXR10 2826E
Peer-Port :Port(18)
Hostname :Membr_1.zte
Version :ZTE ZXR10 2826E Software.
Version number : 1.0.2
Version make date: Mar 3 2005
Version make time: 16:34:24

show ztp
Purpose Use this command to show information about group topology col-
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show ztp
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to view information about group topol-
ogy collection.
ZXR10(config)#show ztp
Global ZTP :enabled
ZTP vlan :1
ZTP hop :4
ZTP timer :0 min
ZTP hop delay :200 ms
ZTP port delay :20 ms
Enabled ZTP ports :fei_1/1-48

show ztp device

Purpose Use this command to display detailed information about the col-
lected switch.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show ztp device-list
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to display detailed information about
the collected switch.
ZXR10(config)#show ztp device-list
Last collection vlan id is 1

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Last collection time is 1760 ms

index DeviceID MacAddress Hop SwitchType

Platform Hostname
1 0 00.d0.d0.c0.19.00 0 CANDIDATE_SWITCH
ZXR10_3952 ZXR10
2 1 00.d0.d0.fb.02.03 1 CANDIDATE_SWITCH
ZXR10 2826E ZXR10

show ztp device-list

Purpose Use this command to show information about all devices collected
by the topology.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show ztp device-list
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to show information about all devices
collected by the topology.
ZXR10(config)#show ztp device-list
Last collection vlan id is 1
Last collection time is 1760 ms

index DeviceID MacAddress Hop SwitchType

Platform Hostname
1 0 00.d0.d0.c0.19.00 0 CANDIDATE_SWITCH
ZXR10_3952 ZXR10
2 1 00.d0.d0.fb.02.03 1 CANDIDATE_SWITCH
ZXR10 2826E ZXR10

show ztp topology

Purpose Use this command to display the topology collected by the device.
Command Modes All modes
Syntax show ztp topology
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to display the topology collected by
the device.
ZXR10(config)#show ztp topology
Format:Role:(UpPort-LocalPort)MacAddress <Hostname>

46 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

Related show ztp


zdp enable
Purpose Use this command to enable neighbor discovery on the switch or
interface (ordinary interface or Smartgroup interface). Disable
neighbor discovery on the switch or interface (ordinary interface
or Smartgroup interface) with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax zdp enable
no zdp enable
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02 .
Example � This example describes how to enable neighbor discovery on
the switch in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#zdp enable

� This example describes how to disable neighbor discovery on

the interface fei_1/8 in layer 2 interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface fei_1/8
ZXR10(config-if)#no zdp enable

Related show zdp


zdp holdtime
Purpose Use this command to set the holdtime of a switch neighbor. Re-
store the default value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax zdp holdtime <time>
no zdp holdtime
<time> Holdtime of neighbor discovery, in seconds,
range: 10~255, default: 180 seconds

Instructions � This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

� The holdtime of neighbor discovery in group management is set
for the peer. For example, if the holdtime of neighbor discovery
is set to 100 seconds on device 1. If directly-connected device
2 does not receive a new neighbor discovery packet in 100
seconds, it will delete device 1 from its neighbor list.
Example This example describes how to set the holdtime of neighbor dis-
covery to 200 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#zdp holdtime 200

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ZXR10 Command Manual (Network Management Volume)

Related show zdp


zdp timer
Purpose Use this command to set the time interval for sending neighbor
discovery packets. Restore the default value with the no form of
this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax zdp timer <time>
no zdp timer
<time> Time interval for sending neighbor discovery
packets, in seconds, range: 5~254, default:
30 seconds

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to set the time interval for sending
neighbor discovery packets to 160 seconds.
ZXR10(config)#zdp timer 160

Related show zdp


ztp enable
Purpose Use this command to enable topology collection on the switch or
interface (ordinary interface or Smartgroup interface). Disable
topology collection on the switch or interface (ordinary interface
or Smartgroup interface) with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration and interface configuration
Syntax ztp enable
no ztp enable
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example � This example describes how to enable topology collection on
the switch in global configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#ztp enable

� This example describes how to disable topology collection on

the interface gei_1/4 in interface configuration mode.
ZXR10(config)#interface gei_1/4
ZXR10(config-if)#no ztp enable

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

Related show ztp


ztp hop
Purpose Use this command to set the hop count collected by the topology.
Restore the default hop count (4) with the no form of this com-
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp hop <number>
no ztp hop
<number> Hop count collected by the topology, range:
1~128, default: 40

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to set the hop count collected by the
switch topology to 8.
ZXR10(config)#ztp hop 8

ztp hop-delay
Purpose Use this command to set the delay of the device for topology collec-
tion. Restore the default value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp hop-delay <time>
no ztp hop-delay
<time> Delay of the device for topology collection, in
milliseconds, range: 1~1000, default: 200

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to set the delay of the device for topol-
ogy collection to 100 milliseconds.
ZXR10(config)#ztp hop-delay 100

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Related show ztp


ztp port-delay
Purpose Use this command to set the delay of the port for topology collec-
tion. Restore the default value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp port-delay <time>
no ztp port-delay
<time> Delay of the port for topology collection, in
milliseconds, range: 1~100, default: 20

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.

Example This example describes how to set the delay of the port for topol-
ogy collection to 80 milliseconds.
ZXR10(config)#ztp port-delay 80

Related show ztp


ztp start
Purpose Use this command to enable topology collection.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp start
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to enable topology collection.
ZXR10(config)#ztp start

ztp timer
Purpose Use this command to set the time interval for topology collection.
Return the default value to 0 (that is, regular topology collection
is disabled) with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp timer <time>
no ztp timer

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Chapter 6 Group Configuration

<time> Time interval for topology collection, in
minutes, range: 1~60

Defaults The default time interval for topology collection is 0, that is , reg-
ular topology collection is disabled.
Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to set the time interval for topology
collection to 1 minute.
ZXR10(config)#ztp timer 1

Related show ztp


ztp vlan
Purpose Use this command to set the VLAN for topology collection. Restore
the default value with the no form of this command.
Command Modes Global configuration
Syntax ztp vlan <vlanId>
no ztp vlan
<vlanId> Specifies the VLAN for topology collection,
range: 1~4096

Defaults The default VLAN for topology collection is 1.

Instructions This command is supported after the platform version 4.6.02.
Example This example describes how to set the switch to conduct topology
collection in VLAN 4.
ZXR10(config)#ztp vlan 4

Related show ztp


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