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The Top 10 Programming Languages of 2019

Based on multiple sources to rank the popularity of the programming languages that are used for the type of coding people are interested in. Let’s take
a look at what it shows as the top 10 programming languages of 2019.

Last update 06 Sep 2019 | 16:30 GMT

Created Explanation Usage/applications
-Web and Internet Development,
1. Python Scientific and Numeric applications,
Python language developed by Guido van Rossum, a Desktop GUIs, Business applications.
Dutch computer programmer. It was first released in Python is high-level programming language Machine Learning, AI, and Data
1991. Python is an open community-based language with integrated dynamic semantics primarily for Science use Python as a primary
whose development is managed by the Python web and app development. Python is now the programming language.
Software Foundation. most popular introductory language taught in -World most famous tech giants like
universities. This is because Python is easy to Google, NASA, Reddit and many more
learn. uses this language for their website.
-Other applications built with Python
include Instagram, Pinterest, Spotify
and SurveyMonkey
Created Explanation Usage/applications
2. Java -Java can be used for mobile-based
James Gosling primarily designed Java at Sun Java is considered as the perfect language for applications, enterprise-level purpose,
Microsystems in the year 1996 which was later the developers and programmers to learn. for creating desktop applications, and
acquired by Oracle. Java’s popularity with developers because the for establishing Android apps on
language is grounded in readability and tablets and smartphones. Easy
simplicity. With its WORA mantra (write once, -This open source language is used by
run anywhere), it's designed to be portable and companies like LinkedIn, Amazon,
run well across multiple software platforms. Twitter and Netflix.

Created Explanation Usage/applications
3. C
C is the perfect language for
C was developed by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell
embedded systems in cars, electronics,
Telephone Laboratories, USA, between 1969 and C is the simplified version of C++ and performs
and other devices.
1973. a very basic level of coding. It is said that 'C' is a
The alarm clock that wakes you up is
god's programming language. If you know 'C,' Easy to
likely programmed in C. Then you use
you can easily understand the knowledge of moderate
your microwave or coffee maker to
the other programming languages that uses
make your breakfast. They are also
the concept of 'C'
embedded systems and therefore are
programmed in C.
Created Explanation Usage/applications
4. C++
C++ is a programming language that was developed
by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983 as an extension of the C C++ is widely used in Game
language. This language is based on the C language; the
programming language of the most basic form Development, Advance Computations,
of coding. The language is preferred in most of and Graphics Compilers. Hard
the desktop applications used on a regular Adobe systems and Mozilla Firefox are
developed in C++ programming

Created Explanation Usage/applications Learning

5. R
The name R based on the first letter of the developers
(Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka). R was designed
at the University of Auckland in 1992, but its initial R is an open-source programming language
The R language is widely used among
version released in 1995 and a stable beta version in that traditionally used for statistical computing.
2000. statisticians, data analysts, researchers
Since R is open-source, most of its routines and Hard
and marketers to retrieve, clean,
procedures have been developed by
analyze, visualize and present data.
programmers all over the world.

Created Explanation Usage/applications
6. JavaScript
JavaScript was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 JavaScript is not at all related to Java. JavaScript
during his time at Netscape Communications. is the programming language of HTML and the
Web. JavaScript is lightweight, flexible, and
powerful. JavaScript allows developers to add JavaScript usage includes web
development Easy
interactive elements to their website, and its
presence is felt across the internet.
More than 94.9% of all websites today use

Created Explanation Usage/applications
7. C#
C# was developed in 2000 by Anders Hejlsberg at
Microsoft as a rival to Java (which it is quite similar C# (pronounced C-sharp) is a relatively new
to). programming language designed by Microsoft
for a wide range of enterprise applications that It’s used in mobile applications, games,
run on the .NET Framework. An evolution of C and enterprise software.
and C++, the C# language is simple, modern,
type safe and object oriented.

Created Explanation Usage/applications Learning

8. Matlab
Cleve Moler, the chairman of the computer science
department at the University of New Mexico, started
developing MATLAB in the late 1970s.
MATLAB is a statistical analysis tool that is used MATLAB is used widely in the
Easy to
in various industries for Data Analysis. Ideal for Computer Vision and Image processing
developing scientific research applications. industry.

Created Explanation Usage/applications
9. Swift
Swift was developed by Chris Lattner in 2010. He
collaborated with other programmers at Apple in the Swift is the trendiest program language for
course of the development of this language. expanding apps for Apple products. The Swift is specially designed language
language developed and maintained by the which works with Apple's Cocoa and Easy to
Apple organization. The code can be used to Cocoa Touch frameworks to create all moderate
develop the applications for iOS, Mac or other types of iOS apps.
iOS devices.

Created Explanation Usage/applications
10. Go
Go language which is also known as golang is
developed at Google in 2009 by Robert Griesemer,
Ken Thompson, and Rob Pike. Go provides excellent support for
multithreading and so, it is being used by a lot Console utilities, GUI applications, and Easy to
of companies that rely heavily on distributed web applications moderate

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