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ayurveda remedies for hypo throid

1. kothemeera paste 1 glass of warm water and drink daily

2. soak dhaniya seeds over night and make a paste . mix 1 spoon of paste in 1
glaass of warm water and drink daily.
3. 2 spoon of organic coconut oil
4. tippateega
5. triphala churna
6. trikatu choora
7. neem oil in both nostrils
8. tripahala(karakkaya, usiri, thani kaya), devdaru cheppaka, peppali - quarter
spoon before food
9. sonti podi before food
10. Use syundhava lavanam(Himalayan pik salt insaed of white salt)

symptoms of throid:
restless or weekenss even after 8-10 sleeping hours
weight gain even after eating very less food
weight gain in very less time
uncontrollable emotions like depression and anger for small reasons
uneven menstrual cycles
pregnancy delayed
tendinaitis pains in body
when found the hands and legs are cooled even in hot whether
when you feel more chilled in winters when compared to others
dry skin and nails breakage, excess hairfall
memory loss, lost of concentration
swelling in throat area
snoring while sleeping,

food for hypo thyroid:

iodized salt in food
selinium rick fods like ( fish,bone soup, eggs(eat only egg white if colestrol is
more), walnuts, ginger, green leafy vegetables, dark skinned vegatables, sea wheat,
low fat milk, low fat curd, low fat paneer, shell fish, olive oil for cooking, flax
seeds, chickpeas, beans(chikkudu kaya), fiber rich foods like - papaya, green leaf
vegetables, jowar, brown rice, drink plenty of water( 3 to 4 litres 1 hour before
and 1 hour after food)
example diet for hypo thyroid:
morning with empty stomach - coriander paste with warm water or dhaniya seed paste
with warm water or 1spoon giloy juice
before break fast: lemon juice in a glass of warm water or 1 spoon of apple cider
venegar with a glass of warm water or coconut water
break fast - boiled egg+ apple+flaxseed powder + brasil nuts or else
banana+pomogranate +chia seeds
lunch - multi grain chapati + green leaf curry made with moong dal or else mult
grain chapati with a cup of low fat curd rice
or else fully boiled vegetables + soup
evening supper 4 to 5 = green vegetable salad, or boiled oats or fruits +coconut
dinner: moong dal soup+ brown rice
before going to bed: lemon juice with warm water
foods to avoid:
califlour, cabbage, soya beans, raddish, palak, sweet pottao, peach fruit, avacado,
musturd greens, kale, brocolli , raw vegetables, half boiled, wheat flour, sweets ,
junk foods, oily food, fries, green tea

dont eat salt directly. always make sure to eat it once boiled. use salt in curries
only in the middle of cokking but not at the end.
If you really wante to eat the salt directly in salads or somtthing else, try to
use black salt instaed of white salt.
dont bruh teech wih chemicals loads tooh paste. Use herbal tooth powder or else use
neem stick to clean the teeth. Neem goes to throat (thyroid glad)and soothess it to
work properly

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