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Spring Semester 2020

Assignment: Eleven
Date Assigned: Monday, April 20, 2020
Date Due: Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Basis: Group (one to three people), Take-Home
Weight: 30 points

Reading: Chapter 9 (including instructor notes)

Problems: 2, 4, and 10 of Chapter 9

Note the nature of each problem (design, analysis, etc.)

Note at least one key concept that you learned from solving each problem.

Hints: Problem 2 – Mixed flow reactor space time is to be minimized by selecting the
temperature that maximizes the reaction rate.

Problem 4 – The plug flow reactor is isothermal.

Problem 10 – There are multiple reactions, each having its own activation energy,
with one product species being preferred. Also, only a qualitative temperature
progression is requested such that no quantitative calculations are required.

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