Implementation Timetable Template: Key Implementation Milestones and Action Items

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Timetable Template
Congratulations, you’ve received executive approval and support for a Meetings Management Program.
This template will help you create an implementation timetable to ensure a smooth launch and alignment
with key stakeholders.

Key implementation milestones and action items:

1-3 months before kick off meeting

Identify Cross-Functional Implementation Team

΅΅ Identify Executive Sponsor and/or Executive Stakeholder

΅΅ Present to Meetings department to establish support and champion the program
΅΅ Procurement to provide support and desired ROI
΅΅ Include Travel Managers to help establish and contribute to measurements of success
΅΅ Engage Legal / General Counsel to ensure compliance to government/industry regulations and corporate policies
΅΅ Collaborate with Finance to collaborate on data collection, payments, and reconciliation
΅΅ Identify key vendors and suppliers used by the company

Begin 6-8 weeks before kick-off meeting

Develop a Meetings Policy

΅΅ Get feedback from internal planners to gain support throughout the process and validating benefits to their team
΅΅ Schedule time with key meeting vendors, hotels and venues to introduce them to the process and eventual change

Roll Out Communications Plan

΅΅ Identify key audiences to inform about the program

΅΅ Develop distribution channels for communicating next steps and updates on the program – email, website,
in-person, etc.
΅΅ Determine cadence for keeping all audiences up to date regarding the program roll out
Kick-Off Meeting

΅΅ Schedule kick-off meeting to review the objectives, goals and processes for a meetings management program
΅΅ Align on stakeholder cadence frequency on regional, national and/or global levels (based on company size)
΅΅ Establish agreed upon implementation plan to maximize time and ensure alignment throughout the process
΅΅ Align on stakeholder cadence frequency on regional, national and/or global levels (based on company size)
΅΅ Establish agreed upon implementation plan to maximize time and ensure alignment throughout the process

kick off to
6-8 weeks from kick-off toformal

Technology Implementation Roll Out

΅΅ Coordinate with technology vendor ΅΅ Develop meeting request form

΅΅ Identify and create custom event fields ΅΅ Request meeting website
΅΅ Determine users, roles and groups

Begin on technology launch and ongoing

Train Employees, Vendors and Suppliers

΅΅ Schedule virtual / in-person trainings with initial group of planners

΅΅ Hold kick-off call with key vendors and suppliers
΅΅ Develop ongoing calendar of training for key users

2-3 months post technology launch and ongoing

Monitor and Reinforce

΅΅ Develop a schedule to evaluate program against key performance indicators and goals per business case
΅΅ Identify non-compliant meetings and correct as soon as possible

Every quarter post technology launch and ongoing

Evaluate and Refine

΅΅ Establish quarterly reviews of the program

΅΅ Refine program as needed
Estimated Meeting Management Program Roll Out Timetable
The nature of each program may differ based on company size, number of employees, and scope of implementation, with certain
implementation milestones and action items occurring concurrently. |
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US: 866.318.4358 | UK: 0808.234.4540 | Australia: 1800.502.529

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