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Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

A Proposed Hierarchical Production Planning Structure for Combined

MTS/MTO Environments
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
University of Tehran
P.O. Box: 11365/4563, Tehran

Abstract: - From the viewpoint of the relationship between production release and order arrival, production
system can be classified into make-to-stock (MTS), make-to-order (MTO), assemble-to-order (ATO), and
engineer-to-order (ETO) systems. Production planning is a complicated task which requires cooperation among
multiple functional units in an organization. Planning is the consequence of a hierarchy of decisions dealing
with different issues in the manufacturing environment. A classical approach to handle this multi-level
decision-making process is hierarchical production planning (HPP). There are only a handful of research
papers that explicitly talk about the combined MTO/MTS situation and even there are fewer papers using HPP
in these kinds of environments. In this paper we propose a hierarchical model in combined MTS/MTO
environments, consists of four phases include: MTS/MTO products separation, acceptance/rejection of
incoming MTO orders, HPP, and master production planning.

Key-words: - Hierarchical production planning, Combined MTS/MTO environments, Linear Programming.

1 Introduction by a linear programming model with the overload

There are different kinds of classifications for penalty different from the underload penalty and
manufacturing system. From the viewpoint of the with demand constraints. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam
relationship between production release and order and Biyabani [7] proposed a special design of a
arrival, production system can be classified into genetic algorithm (GA) to work out an aggregate
make-to-stock (MTS), make-to-order (MTO), production planning (APP) in order to minimize
assemble-to-order (ATO), and engineer-to-order production costs in a real-case study of a car
(ETO). For a MTS system, finished or semi-finished industry.
products are produced to stock according to
forecasts of the demands. In a MTO system, work 2 Proposed HPP Model
releases are authorized only according to the In this paper, we propose a HPP structure for
external demand arrival. There are only a handful of combined MTS/MTO environments in four phases
research papers that explicitly talk about the as shown in Fig. 1. In the first phase of the model,
combined MTO/MTS situation [1 and 2]. we develop a method in order to separate
Production planning is a complicated task which MTS/MTO products based on HPP. The second
requires cooperation among multiple functional level is about acceptance/rejection of MTO orders.
units in an organization. Planning is the Decision making, in this phase and the two other
consequence of a hierarchy of decisions dealing remaining phases is based on linear programming
with different issues in the manufacturing (LP).
environment. A classical approach to handle this The third phase involves aggregate decisions.
multi-level decision-making process is hierarchical The next level of the hierarchy is the product family
production planning (HPP). A rigorous planning level. Consistency among the production
mathematical analysis of HPP is found in the plans at lower phases is achieved by linking
pioneering work of Hax and Meal [3]. Theoretical mechanisms existing between each subsystem. The
work on the topic has followed by Bitran et al., [4] solution of a higher phase subsystem represents a
and Bitran and Hax [5]. Yan et al., [6] formulated constraint to be imposed on the next phase
the HPP problem of flexible automated workshops subsystem.
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

Aggregate demand
• Formation of product First phase: MTS/MTO
• Internal families separation based on order
external data • MTO/MTS partition penetration point method
• Model • Setting target service
assumptions levels
Arrival orders
Second phase:
• MTO acceptance policy acceptance/rejection of MTO
• Due date policies for products orders
MTO products
Man. Demand, capacity,
System operation time and cost,
inventory data etc. Third phase: Aggregate
Feedback production planning of MTS
optimal level of products
production, inventory,
overtime and outsourcing

Demand, capacity,
operation time and cost,
inventory data etc of end
Fourth phase: Master
production planning
optimal level of end item
production, inventory,
overtime, outsourcing
and backorder

Fig. 1. The proposed HPP structure in combined MTS/MTO environments

3 First phase: MTS/MTO Separation 3.1 Market-Related Factors

Based on Order Penetration Point Delivery lead-time requirements set by the market
restricts. Product demand volatility indicates to what
Method extent it is possible or reasonable to make products
In the first phase of the model, we separate MTS to order or to stock. Low volatility means that the
and MTO products. The HPP is traditionally defined item can be forecast-driven. Product volume is
as the point in the manufacturing value chain for a related to demand volatility in that the relative
product, where the product is linked to a specific volatility is lower for high-volume items, can be
customer order. Different manufacturing situations measured by the coefficient of variation. Product
such as MTS, ATO, MTO, and ETO all relate to range and product customization requirements; A
different positions of the HPP. Thereby, the HPP broad product range and a wide set of customization
divides the manufacturing stages that are forecast- required by the customer would be impossible to
driven from those that are customer-order-driven. provide on a MTS basis. A narrow range and
There are so many factors affecting on the HPP predetermined customer choices make it possible to
position. We divided the most important factors into move towards ATO or even MTS. Customer order
three categories, related to market, product, and size and frequency are indicators of volume and the
production characteristic. repetitive nature of demand. Large customer order
sizes are typically associated with high demand
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

volumes. High frequency leads to repetitive demand 4 Second Phase: Acceptance/Rejection

making forecasting easier. For products with highly
seasonal demand, it may be uneconomical for the
of MTO Products Orders
We used the backward method proposed by
manufacturing firm to respond to all demand when it
Kingsman and Hendry [8] to calculate the operation
occurs. Consequently, the firm may choose to
completion date (OCD), earliest release date (ERD),
manufacture some products to stock in periods with
and latest release date (LRD):
low demand in anticipation of peak demand.
Thereby, production is leveled and plant utilization
increases. Thus, a product may shift between MTS OCDn,i = DDi
and MTO/ATO depending upon the season. OCDn −1,i = OCDn,i − TWK n ,i − W p
3.2 Product-Related Factors OCDn − 2,i = OCDn −1,i − TWK n −1,i − W p
The customization opportunities that the producer .......
provides in the product design in anticipation of the
customization requirements. If the customization OCD1,i = OCD2,i − TWK 2,i − W p
offered is wide and enters the product at early LRDi = OCD1,i − TWK1,i − W p
production stages, an MTO policy is necessary,
whereas if customization enters at a very late ERDi = LRDi − pool delay
production stage ATO may be more appropriate. The
breadth and depth of the product structure indicates Parameters:
the product complexity. A deep product structure n number of sources.
may well correspond to long cumulative production DD i due date for job i.
lead times. OCD r,i operation completion date for operation r of

3.3 Production-Related Factors job i.

The production lead time is a major factor to LRDi latest release date of job i; if job releases
consider with respect to the delivery lead-time after this time the DD will not be achieved.
requirements set by the market. The number of ERDi earliest release date of job i.
planning points in a manufacturing process restricts Wp waiting time per operation for a job.
the number of potential HPP positions. A planning
TWK ij total work content for operation r of job i.
point is a manufacturing resource or a set of
manufacturing resources such as a work centre or a pool delay maximum order work content that
work cell that can be regarded as one entity from a are accepted but not release.
production and capacity planning point of view. The
flexibility of the production process, e.g. through min ∑ MZ i + NU i (1)
short set-up times, is a prerequisite for producing to i
order. MADi ≤ ERDi + MZi , ∀j (2)
The position of the bottleneck of the production 12
process relative that of the HPP is interesting. From
a resource optimization point of view, it is proposed
∑ TWK ≤ ∑ C
t =1
jt + N U i , ∀j (3)
to have the bottleneck upstream the HPP, so the Vi = Z i + U i , ∀j (4)
bottleneck does not have to deal with volatile
demand and a variety of different products. With TWK ij , C jt , MAD, ERD ≥ 0 U i , Z i = 0 or 1
respect to the just-in-time principle of elimination of
waste, it would be best to have the bottleneck Parameters:
downstream the HPP so that the bottleneck only C jt available source j in period t for MTO
needs to work on products for which the firm has products consisting of over time and regular
customer orders. A bottleneck can be a candidate for time workforce.
the HPP, especially if it is an expensive resource MADi material arrival date needed for job i.
performing significant activities in the production
process of the product. Resources with sequence- M , N large numbers used to ensure the effects of
dependent set-up times are best positioned upstream binary variables.
the HPP. Such resources can easily turn into
bottlenecks without proper sequencing. In the above model, the objective function (1)
minimizes the sum of two large numbers in respect
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

to binary variables. Constraint (2) checks the needed uses a mixed-integer linear programming (LP)
material for job i. Constraint (3) is related to formulation to determine the aggregate policies for
capacity needed for job i. Constraint (4) is the sum the rate of production, inventory, regular and
of two binary variables; if this is equal to zero then overtime workforce, and workforce smoothing
we accept the order if it is more than zero then we activities. The parameters and indices are as follows:
reject the order. Of course, there are some solutions
in order to accept the order when the sum of them is Parameters:
more than zero. If Z i is equal to one then MAD is Dit demand (in units) for product family i in
greater than LRD so we can use following solutions aggregate period t.
in order to accept the order: ERD<MAD<LRD: In cit unit (variable) production cost of product
this situation, the priority of the order can be family i in aggregate period t;
changed. Following alternatives can be done in CAPjt capacity of source j in aggregate period t for
order to keep the feasibility of DD:
MTS products.
• Changing the OCD values: keeping the feasibility
of DD the value of MAD-ERD should be COt overtime cost per labor hour.
distributed over OCD values in order to achieve pu maximum percentage allowed for working
equal MAD and ERD (MAD=ERD). The new less than regular time work force.
OCD values are derived from following equation: PS it maximum outsourcing level (in labor hours)
OCD ′ = OCD − of product family i in aggregate period t.
n CW j regular time workforce cost per labor hour;
• In order to have equal MAD and ERD, the value
of W p can be decreased. C ft firing cost per labor hour.
• The order can be delivered tardy. β t ,t −1 maximum percentage of difference in
MAD> LRD: in this situation Material Arrival production level allowed for two
Date is even later than latest released date LRD). subsequent periods.
The following alternatives are possible in order to aij average usage rage of source j for
keep the DD feasible:
producing product family i in aggregate
• OCD changing: keeping the feasibility of DD the period t.
value of MAD-ERD should be distributed over
hit unit inventory carrying cost of product
OCD values in order to have equal MAD and
ERD (MAD=ERD). The new OCD value is family i in aggregate period t.
derived from following equation: csit unit outsourcing cost of product family i in
MAD − ERD aggregate period t.
OCD ′ = OCD −
n SS it safety stock of product family i in aggregate
• In order to have equal MAD and LRD, the value planning t.
of W p can be decreased. C ht hiring cost per labor hour.
• The order can be rejected or delivered tardy.
If U i is equal to one then there is no sufficient Variables:
capacity for job i in source j so we can use following I it inventory level (in units) of product family i
solutions in order to accept the order: the capacity of in aggregate period t.
system can be increased in order to accept order, the X it production level (in units) of product family
order can be delivered tardy, if order acceptance i in aggregate period t.
needs high capacity and workload then it can be W jt regular time workforce level (in labor
hours) of source j in aggregate period t.
5 Third Phase: APP of MTS Products Ft firing (in labor hours) in aggregate period t.
APP is performed under managerial constraints that SS it outsourcing level (in labor hours) of
reflect an organization policy in regard to manpower product family i in aggregate period t.
adjustments, the holding of inventory, and O jt overtime (in labor hours) of source j in
outsourcing to other organizations. The APP
attempts to minimize costs given a set of aggregate aggregate period t.
production. The APP model described in this article Ht hiring (in labor hours) in aggregate period t.
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

Yt total level of production families in 6 Fourth Phase: Master Production

aggregate period t. Planning
Zt variable introduced to smooth the level of In the this section, we used another mixed-integer
production in subsequent periods. programming (MIP) formulation for MPS in order
n 4 J 4 to determine the optimal level of end items of
min Z = ∑∑ hit ∗ I it + ∑∑ [COt ∗ O jt + product families during periods.
i =1 t =1 j =1 t =1
n 4 Parameters:
CWt *W jt ] + ∑∑ Cit ∗ X it + I it ′ planned inventory level (in units) of product
i =1 t =1 family i in aggregate period t.
n 4 4 X it ′ planned production level (in units) of
∑∑ cs
i =1 t =1
it ∗ Sit + ∑ [Cht * H t + C ft * Ft ]
t =1
product family i in aggregate period t.
(5) O jt ′ planned overtime (in labor hours) of source
s.t. j in aggregate period t.
I i ,t −1 + X it + Sit − I it = Dit , ∀i, t (6) Dikt demand (in units) of end item k of product

i∈ j
ij X it < CAPjt + O jt , ∀i, j , t (7)
family i in period t.
unit (variable) production cost of end item k

i∈ j
ij X it > (1 − pu ) × CAPjt , ∀i, t (8)
of product family i in period t.
unit inventory carrying cost of end item k of
O jt ≤ over _ time jt , ∀j , t (9) product family i in period t.
CAPjt capacity of source j in aggregate period t for
Sit ≤ PSit , ∀i, t (10)
MTS products.
I it ≥ SSit , ∀i, t (11) CO jt overtime cost per labor hour of source j in
Yt − Yt −1 ≤ β × Z t , t = 2,..., T − 1 (12a) period t.
Yt − Yt −1 ≥ β × Z t , t = 2,..., T − 1 (12b) aikj average usage rage of source j for
Yt ≤ Z t , ∀t (12c) producing of end item k of product family i
in period t.
Yt −1 ≤ Z t , ∀t (12d)
C zi penalty cost for deviation from aggregate
Yt = ∑ X i ,t , ∀t (12e) production planning.
i =1 CBik backorder cost per unit for end item k in

∑ [W
family i.
jt − W j ( t −1) ] − H t + Ft = 0 , ∀t (13)
j =1
O jt ≥ 0; X it , I it ≥ 0,integer , Z t , Yt ≥ 0 X ikt production quantity (in units) of end
The objective function (5) minimizes the some of product k of product family i in period t.
production, inventory, hiring and firing of I ikt Inventory (in units) of end item k of product
workforce, overtime, outsourcing costs. M is the
penalty to smooth production in the subsequent family i in period t.
periods, as the value of M increases the production S ikt inventory (in units) of end item k of product
level in the subsequent periods would be smoother. family i in period t.
Constraint (6) is the basic inventory identity O jt overtime (in labor hours) of source j in
relationship for each product family. Constraints (7)
monthly period t.
and (8) are related to the minimum and maximum
capacity levels. Constraint (9) is the maximum level Bikt backorder (in units) of end item k of
of the overtime available and Constraint (10) is product family i in period t.
maximum level of outsourcing. Constraint (11) is
minimum level of inventory related to safety stock.
Constraints (12) smoothes level of production. And
constraint (13) balances the regular time manpower
during sub sequential periods.
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Istanbul, Turkey, May 27-29, 2006 (pp146-151)

T n ( hik × I ikt + Cik × X ikt MTS/MTO products separation based on order

min Z = ∑∑∑ penetration point. The second level is about
t =1 i =1 k∈i +CSikt × Sikt + CBik × Bikt ) acceptance/rejection of MTO orders. The third
T J n phase involves aggregate decisions. The next level is
+ ∑∑ CO jt × O jt + ∑ C zi × Z i (14) the product family planning level. The aggregate
t =1 j =1 i =1
production plan for the product type is
s.t. disaggregated into more detailed product family
I ik ( t −1) − I ikt + X ikt + Sikt + Bikt − Bik ( t −1) = Dikt plans which are in turn partitioned into production
plans for end items. Further research from this study
, ∀i, k , t (15)
may follow several directions. One path may be to
n T

∑∑∑ a i =1 k∈i t =1
ikj × X ikj ≤ CAPjt + O jt , ∀j , t (16) make an empirical study of manufacturing
organizations, comparing the effectiveness of their

∑O = O
current production planning with the theoretical
jt jt ′ , ∀j (17a)
policy resulting from this model. Another direction
t∈t ′
may be a complete discussion about MTS/MTO
∑W = W ,
t∈t ′
jt jt ′ ∀j (17b) products separation.

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