MP1 Design (EN1993)

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Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

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U 4/22/2020


In accordance with EN1993-1-1:2005 incorporating Corrigenda February 2006 and April 2009, and EN1993-1-8:2005
incorporating Corrigenda December 2005, September 2006 and July 2009, and the UK national annex
Tedds calculation version 2.0.05

40 40 1.7 kNm

1.7 kN

5 kN

Design forces
Design axial force (compression); NEd = 5 kN
Design shear force; VEd = 1.7 kN
Design moment; MEd = 1.7 kNm
Column Details
Column section; UKB 127x76x13
Depth; D = 127 mm
Width; B = 76 mm
Flange thickness; T = 7.6 mm
Web thickness; t = 4 mm
Base plate details
Length; hp = 250 mm
Width; bp = 250 mm
Thickness; tp = 12 mm
Column eccentricity in x-axis; ebpx = 0 mm
Anchor details
Number of anchors LHS; n1 = 2
Edge distance in x-axis; ex1 = 40 mm
Edge distance in y-axis; ey1 = 40 mm
Number of anchors RHS; n2 = 2
Edge distance in x-axis; ex2 = 40 mm
Edge distance in the y-axis; ey2 = 40 mm
Anchor diameter; da,b = 10 mm
Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 4/22/2020

Foundation details
Foundation depth; tfnd = 400 mm
Concrete details
Concrete strength class; C25/30
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 25 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fck,cube = 30 N/mm2
Partial factor for concrete; c = 1.50
Compressive strength coefficient; cc = 0.85
Design compressive concrete strength; fcd = cc  (fck / c) = 14.17 N/mm2

Steel details
Base plate steel grade; S275
Base plate nominal yield strength; fyp_plt = 275 N/mm2
Base plate nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_plt = 410 N/mm2
Column steel grade; S275
Column nominal yield strength; fyp_col = 275 N/mm2
Column nominal ultimate tensile strength; fu_col = 410 N/mm2
Partial safety factor cross sections; M0 = 1.00
Partial safety factor welds; M2 = 1.25

Tension and compression lever arms

LHS compressive lever arm - Fig 6.18; zC,l = (D - T) / 2 = 59.7 mm
RHS compressive lever arm - Fig 6.18; zC,r = (D - T) / 2 = 59.7 mm
LHS tension lever arm - Fig 6.18; zT,l = hp / 2 + ebpx - ex1 = 85 mm
RHS tension lever arm - Fig 6.18; zT,r = hp / 2 - ebpx - ex2 = 85 mm
Design forces in T-stubs
Force in left hand T-stub; NL,T = NEd  zC,r / (zT,l + zC,r) - MEd / (zT,l + zC,r) = -9.7 kN; (Tension)
Force in right hand T-stub; NR,T = NEd  zT,l / (zT,l + zC,r) + MEd / (zT,l + zC,r) = 14.7 kN; (Comp)

Foundation bearing strength under right hand flange - EN1992-1-1 Section 6.7
Additional bearing width - Eqn 6.5; cRF = tp  (fyp_plt / (3  fjd,RF  M0)) = 21.6 mm
Effective width of T-stub flange; beff1,RF = 50.8 mm
Effective length of T-Stub flange; leff1,RF = 119.2 mm
Loaded area; Ac0,RF = beff1,RF  leff1,RF = 6050 mm2
Design distribution width; beff2,RF = 152.3 mm
Design distribution length; leff2,RF = 357.5 mm
Maximum design distribution area; Ac1,RF = beff2,RF  leff2,RF = 54450 mm2
Concentrated design resistance force; FRdu,RF = Min(Ac0,RF  fcd  (Ac1,RF / Ac0,RF), 3  fcd  Ac0,RF) = 257.1 kN
Foundation joint material coefficient; j = 0.67
Design bearing strength of the joint - Eqn 6.6; fjd,RF = j  FRdu,RF / (beff1,RF  leff1,RF) = 28.33 N/mm2

Baseplate in bending under tension under left hand flange - Section
Anchor distance from weld throat; m1 = 15.1 mm
Effective length for end-plate with circular pattern bolt holes;
leff,cp1 = Min(n1    m1,   m1 + (n1 - 1)  p1, n1 / 2  (  m1 + 2  ex1)) =
94.9 mm
Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 4/22/2020

Effective length for end plate with non-circular pattern bolt holes;
leff,nc1 = Min(n1 / 2  (4  m1 + 1.25  ex1), 2  m1 + 0.625  ex1 + ey1 + (n1 -
2)  (2  m1 + 0.625  ex1), 2  m1 + 0.625  ex1 + (n1 - 1)  p1 / 2, bp /2) =
95.2 mm
Minimum effective length; leff1 = Min(leff,cp1, leff,nc1) = 94.9 mm
Moment resistance of T-stub flange - Tbl 6.2; Mpl,1,Rd1 = 0.25  leff1  tp2  fyp_plt / M0 = 0.94 kNm
Design resistance of T-stub flange in tension with no prying forces - Tbl. 6.2;
FT,1,2,Rd1 = 2  Mpl,1,Rd1 / m1 = 124.4 kN
Individual anchor resistance; Ft,Rd = 27.7 kN
Anchor failure mode 3 - Tbl 6.2; FT,3,Rd1 = n1  Ft,Rd = 55.5 kN
Base plate in bending under column flange; Ft,pl,Rd = Min(FT,1,2,Rd1, FT,3,Rd1) = 55.5 kN
Equivalent T-stub in compression under right hand flange - Section 6.2.5
Design compression resistance of T-stub flange; FC,Rd = fjd,RF  beff1,RF  leff1,RF = 171.4 kN

Concrete in compression under right hand flange - Section

Design resistance of concrete in compression; Fc,pl,Rd = FC,Rd = 171.4 kN
Bending resistance of column - EN1993-1-1 Section 6.2.5
Design resistance for bending - Cls 6.2.5(2); Mc,Rd = Mpl,Rd = W pl,y  fyp_col / M0 = 23.1 kNm

Beam flange and web in compression - Section

Design compression resistance of flange - Eqn 6.21;
Fc,fc,Rd = Mc,Rd / (D - T) = 193.8 kN
Column bases subjected to axial forces and bending moments - Section
Design tension resistance LHS of joint; FT,l,Rd = Ft,pl,Rd = 55.5 kN
Design compression resistance RHS of joint; FC,r,Rd = Min(Fc,pl,Rd, Fc,fc,Rd) = 171.4 kN
Design moment resistance of column base
Relative eccentricity of load - Tbl 6.7; e = MEd / (-NEd) = -340 mm
Loading type - Tbl 6.7; Left side tension & Right side compression
Lever arm - Tbl 6.7; z = zT,l + zC,r= 144.7 mm
Design moment resistance - Tbl 6.7; Mj,Rd = Min(Abs(FT,l,Rd  z / (zC,r / e + 1)), Abs(-FC,r,Rd  z / (zT,l / e - 1))) = 9.7
PASS - Design moment of resistance exceeds applied moment
Tension weld
Force in tension weld; Fw,t,Ed = Abs(MEd) / (D - T) - NEd / 2 = 11.74 kN
Weld leg length; sw = 8 mm
Weld throat size; aw = 1 / (2)  sw = 5.7 mm
Length of weld; Lw,t = 2  B - (t + 2  r)= 132.8 mm
Correlation factor for fillet welds - Tbl 4.1; w = 0.85
Design shear strength - Cls; fvw,d = fu_plt / ((3)  w  M2) = 222.79 N/mm2
Design resistance per unit length - Cls; fw,Rd = fvw,d  aw = 1260.3 N/mm
Design resistance; Fw,t,Rd = fw,Rd  Lw,t = 167.4 kN
PASS - Available strength of weld exceeds force in weld
Shear weld
Force in shear weld; Fw,v,Ed = 1.7 kN
Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 4/22/2020

Weld leg length; sw = 8 mm

Weld throat size; aw = 1 / (2)  sw = 5.7 mm
Length of weld; Lw,v = 2  (D - 2  (T + r)) = 193.2 mm
Correlation factor for fillet welds - Table 4.1; w = 0.85
Design shear strength - Cls; fvw,d = fu_plt / ((3)  w  M2) = 222.8 N/mm2
Design resistance per unit length - Cls; fw,Rd = fvw,d  aw = 1260.3 N/mm
Design resistance; Fw,v,Rd = fw,Rd  Lw,v = 243.5 kN
PASS - Available strength of weld exceeds force in weld

In accordance with ETAG 001 Edition 1997 Guideline for European Technical Approval of Metal Anchors for use in
concrete - Annex C: Design Methods for Anchorages 3rd Amendment August 2010.
Manufacturers' anchor data from ETA
Anchor yield strength; fyk = 225 N/mm2
Anchor ultimate strength; fuk = 400 N/mm2
Effective anchorage depth; hef = 150 mm
Effective length of anchor under shear; lf = 150 mm
Minimum concrete thickness; hmin = 176 mm
Minimum spacing; smin = 120 mm
Minimum edge distance; cmin = 120 mm
Splitting failure spacing; scr,sp = 300 mm
Splitting failure edge distance; ccr,sp = 150 mm
Nominal anchor diameter; dnom = 10 mm
Concrete partial factors for anchor design - Section
Partial safety factor for installation for tension loading;
2,t = 1.20; (Normal installation safety)
Partial safety factor for installation for shear loading;
2,s = 1.00
Partial safety factor for tension loading; Mc,t = c  2,t = 1.80
Partial safety factor for shear loading; Mc,s = c  2,s = 1.50

Steel partial factors for anchor design - Section

Partial factor for tension loading - Eqn 3.3a; Ms,t = Max(1.2 / (fyk / fuk), 1.4) = 2.13
Partial factor for shear loading - Eqn 3.3b; Ms,s = Max(1.0 / (fyk / fuk), 1.25) = 1.78

Resistance to tension loads - Section 5.2.2

Design tension loads
Design tension load on single anchor; NEd,single = 4.8 kN
Design tension for concrete cone failure; NEd,group,c = 9.7 kN
Design tension for splitting failure; NEd,group,sp = 9.7 kN
Steel failure - Section
Cross sectional area of anchor; As = 353 mm2
Characteristic resistance of steel - Eqn 5.1; NRk,s = As  fuk = 141.2 kN
Utilisation for steel failure; N,s = NEd,single / (NRk,s / Ms,t) = 0.073
PASS - Steel resistance exceeds the design tension
Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

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U 4/22/2020

Pull-out failure - Section

Characteristic pull-out resistance from ETA; Nrk,p = 150 kN
Increasing factor; c = 1
Design pull-out resistance; NRk,p = Nrk,p  c = 150 kN
Utilisation for pull-out failure; N,p = NEd,single / (NRk,p / Mc,t)= 0.058
PASS - Pull-out resistance exceeds design tension
Concrete cone failure - Section
k factor for cracked or un-cracked concrete; k1,cone = 7.2
Characteristic cone failure spacing; scr,N = 3  hef = 450 mm
Characteristic cone failure edge distance; ccr,N = scr,N / 2 = 225 mm
Conc cone area of individual anchor - Eqn 5.2b; A0c,N = scr,N  scr,N = 202500 mm2
Actual area of concrete cone; Ac,N = (ccr,N + 0.5  scr,N)  (ccr,N + p1  (n1 - 1) + ccr,N) =279000 mm2
Disturbance of distributed stresses fact. - Eqn 5.2c; s,N = Min(0.7 + 0.3  Min(ccr,N) / ccr,N, 1) = 1
Shell spalling factor - Eqn 5.2d; re,N = Min(0.5 + hef / 200 mm, 1) = 1
Eccentricity of resulting tensile load; eN,c = 0 mm
Group effect factor - Eqn 5.2e; ec,N = Min(1 / (1 + 2  eN,c / scr,N), 1) = 1
Initial characterisitc resistance - Eqn 5.2a; N0Rk,c = k1,cone  (fck,cube / 1 N/mm2)0.5  (hef / 1 mm)1.5  1 N = 72.4 kN
Characteristic resistance of anchor - Eqn 5.2; NRk,c = N0Rk,c  Ac,N / A0c,N  s,N  re,N  ec,N = 99.8 kN
Utilisation for concrete-cone failure; N,c = NEd,group,c / (NRk,c / Mc,t) = 0.175
PASS - Concrete cone resistance exceeds the design tension
Splitting failure due to loading - Section
Concrete cone area of individual anchor; A0c,N,sp = scr,sp  scr,sp = 90000 mm2
Actual area of concrete cone; Ac,N,sp = (ccr,sp + 0.5  scr,sp)  (ccr,sp + p1  (n1 - 1) + ccr,sp) = 141000 mm2
Influence of member depth factor - Eqn 5.3a; h,sp = Min((tfnd / hmin)2/3, 1.5) = 1.5
Disturbance of distributed stresses factor; s,N,sp = Min(0.7 + 0.3  Min(ccr,sp) / ccr,sp, 1) = 1
Shell spalling factor; re,N,sp = Min(0.5 + hef / 200 mm, 1) = 1
Eccentricity of resulting tensile load; eN,sp = 0 mm
Group effect factor; ec,N,sp = Min(1 / (1 + 2  eN,sp / scr,sp), 1) = 1
Initial characteristic resistance; N0Rk,c,sp = k1,cone  (fck,cube / 1 N/mm^2)0.5  (hef / 1 mm)1.5  1 N = 72.4 kN
Characteristic resistance of anchor - Eqn 5.3; NRk,sp = N0Rk,c,sp  Ac,N,sp / A0c,N,sp  s,N,sp  re,N,sp  ec,N,sp  h,sp
= 170.3 kN
Utilisation for splitting failure; N,sp = NEd,group,sp / (NRk,sp / Mc,t) = 0.102
PASS - Splitting failure resistance exceeds the design tension
Resistance to shear loads - Section 5.2.3
Design shear loads
Design shear load on single anchor; VEd,single = 0.4 kN
Design shear load on anchor group; VEd,group1 = 1.7 kN
Steel failure - Section
Cross sectional area of anchor; As = 353 mm2
Characteristic shear resistance - Eqn 5.5; VRk,s = 0.5  As  fuk = 70.6 kN
Utilisation for steel failure; V,s = VEd,single / (VRk,s / Ms,s) = 0.011
PASS - Steel resistance exceeds the design shear
Project Job Ref.

BlerandB Section Sheet no./rev.

Calc. by Date Chk'd by Date App'd by Date
U 4/22/2020

Concrete pry-out failure - Section

Actual area of concrete cone; Ac,N,pry = (ccr,N + hp - ex1 - ex2 + ccr,N)  (ccr,N + p1  (n1 - 1) + ccr,N)
= 384400 mm2
Disturbance of distributed stresses; s,N,pry = Min(0.7 + 0.3  Min(ccr,N) / ccr,N, 1) = 1
Characteristic resistance of anchor; NRk,c,pry = N0Rk,c  Ac,N,pry / A0c,N  s,N,pry  re,N  ec,N = 137.5 kN
Pry-out factor; kpry = 2.0
Characteristic pry-out failure resistance - Eqn 5.6; VRk,cp = kpry  NRk,c,pry = 275.1 kN
Utilisation for pry-out failure; V,cp = VEd,group1 / (VRk,cp / Mc,s) = 0.009
PASS - Pry-out resistance exceeds the design shear
Concrete edge failure - Section
The conditions are met so that concrete edge failure need not be verified.
Resistance to combined tension and shear loads - Section 5.2.4
Tension utilisation; N = N,c = 0.175
Shear utilisation; V = V,s = 0.011
Coefficient for failure mode; comb = 1.5
Combined failure utilisation - Eqn 5.9; comb = Ncomb + Vcomb = 0.074
PASS - Combined tension and shear utilisation is less than available resistance

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