Marketing Management

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Air purifiers are devices that aim to clean indoor air by filtering out particulate matter
like dust and pollen, gaseous pollutants like hydrocarbons, and unpleasant odours.
According to manufacturers, in most devices, air passes through three layers of filters —
a ―pre-filter‖ that captures the bigger particulates, a carbon-activated middle filter for
gaseous pollutants, and the innermost ―High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance, or
HEPA, filter whose intricate honeycomb structure captures finer particulates.
Manufacturers usually promise additional benefits through the use of other technologies.
Some use photocatalytic oxidation or light-based triggers, some use electric processes
which emit negative ions to attract positively charged particulates. Some devices use UV
ray technology and ozone for filtration. Prices depend on the technology, type of filter
used, and the volume of air the machine can clean. Most air purifiers have monitors that
show levels of particulate matter coming down indoors by 50% to 90%. While
international studies have shown PM levels fall with particular machines, there is
virtually no peer-reviewed study in India or elsewhere to conclusively establish that air
purifiers have tangible health benefits. ―We know that reduced concentrations of
pollutants are good for health and we know that good air purifiers reduce concentrations
of pollutants, but we don’t directly know that air purifiers improve health. The exception
to this is in the case of specific diseases (allergies, asthma) for which there is direct
evidence, he said by email. Most international studies have documented a perception of
improvement in air quality, rather than actual health benefits — which, according to
scientists, may, however, be treated as indication of actual improvements in health.
The use of air purifier is not so familiar in our country. This air purifier concept has
mainly come from western country, because of ongoing air pollution happening outside
and inside the house. This air purifier business is now a most popular and growing
business in western country. So as a marketer we have come up with this idea to
manufacture Elixir Air purifier and sell them in local market. According to World Bank,
Bangladesh can avoid thousands of death in each year due to air pollution. So our effort is
to lessen these problems and take the market opportunity. Although this product is not
currently introduced by any other company, so we can sell it with reasonable profit.
Moreover we have come up with some marketing strategy that how we will sell and
position our product in consumer market. And make consumer feel happy and healthy as
well as make them understand that why to compromise with your heath and others when
our air purifier exists.

Literature Review
Indoor air quality is an important health matter because people spend most of their time
inside, especially during the cold season. Thus the quality of the indoor air has an
essential influence on a person’s health. (Haahtela, Hannuksela, Mäkelä & Terho 2007,
372). A good indoor air environment increases the productivity and efficiency of the work
place, by making people feel more comfortable and healthy when performing their tasks.
If the indoor air environment is poor for some reason, apart from the decrease in
performance and productivity, sickness can result, thus increasing absenteeism that then
negatively affects the company’s efficiency and profit. (Baslot 2011). The most common
reason for problems occurring in the indoor air environment involves an inadequate,
poorly functioning or poorly maintained ventilation system. In large buildings it is also
sometimes the case that the temperature is too high and the air too dry. Stuffy air in the
work place refers to inefficient ventilation systems that can cause headache and fatigue.
Allergens, microbes and other impurities in the air can cause respiratory diseases and skin
symptoms such as flu, asthma, chronic rhinitis and bronchitis, pneumonia and lung
cancer. (Haahtela et al 2007, 372).
According to Armstrong G. (2002) firms use various elements to achieve their
promotional objectives. Promotion consists of two components; personal selling and non-
personal selling. Personal selling is a promotional presentation made on a person-to-
person basis with a potential buyer. Non-personal selling consists of advertising, sales
promotion, and public relations. The promotional strategies are a combination of personal
selling and non-personal selling. Marketers attempt to develop a promotional mix that
effectively and efficiently communicates their message to target customers.
Netemeyer, R.G. and Boles, J.S. (2002) argued when you want to buy something you
usually go to a concerned shop and purchase it from there. But, sometimes you find
people bring certain goods or products and make them available to you at your place. For
example, you find persons selling vegetables or rice by carrying the same in a cart and
moving from door to door to sell. You must have noticed the persons selling carpets,
electronic items, etc. in a similar fashion. While travelling in buses or local trains you
must also have seen people selling pens, toys, books, combs, etc. inside the bus or train.
In cities also persons move from door to door to sell different products like water
purifiers, air purifiers, detergents, mosquito repellents, etc. Personal Selling is a highly
distinctive form of promotion. It is basically a two way communication involving not
only individual but social behaviour also. It aims at bringing the right products to the right
customers. It takes several forms including calls by company’s sales representative,
assistance by a sales clerk, an informal invitation from one company executive to another.
It is employed for the purpose of creating product awareness, stimulating interest,
developing brand preference, negotiating price etc. Szymanski (2006)
Sales promotion is an initiative undertaken by organizations to promote increase in sales,
usage or trial of a product or services (i.e. initiations that are not covered by other
elements of the marketing communication/promotional mix). Sales promotion is an
important component of an organizations overall marketing strategy along with
advertising, public relations, and personal selling. Sale promotion acts as a competitive
weapon by providing an extra incentive for the target audience to purchase or support one
brand over another. It is particularly effective in spurring product trial and unplanned
purchases (Aderemi, 2003).
 Most marketers believe that a given product or service has an established perceived
price or value, and they use sales promotion to change this price value relationship by
increasing the value and/or lowering the price compared with other components of the
marketing mix (advertising, publicity, personal selling). In determining the relative
importance to place sales promotion in the overall marketing mix, an organization
should consider its marketing budget, the stage of the product in the life cycle, the
nature of competition in the market, the target of the promotion, and the nature of the
product. For example, sales promotion is particularly attractive alternative when the
budget is limited (Kelvin, 2012).

Hypothesis Development
 Strategic planning:
Elixir is a new brand of air purifier. It has to earn the trust and confidence of consumers
and become one of the leading manufacturing and marketing companies of consumer
durable in the electronic and home appliance sector of our country. It will be possible
only for our strategic planning. Strategic planning is the process of developing and
maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its
changing marketing opportunities.
As a part of the strategic planning process, Elixir has to establish a companywide
objectives, mission/vision, goals and marketing strategy, which will give us strength and
show the right path to go ahead. In below we stated our objectives, goals and our
marketing management strategy.
 Company Mission statement: To improve the quality of life of the people by
providing families of Bangladesh with environment friendly appliances at affordable
 Vision: To be the pioneer and become the most admired and respected brand of air
purifier in the country.
 Objectives: To achieve and continue growth in sales. And to continuously develop
human resources.
 Management strategy: Focusing on growth and risk minimization through product
diversification and increasing the market share of our product by responding to
changing customer needs.
New Product Details:
As a part of the diversification and to capture the market share, we the marketers of Elixir
have decided to launch a new product in the market. After analysing the current market
opportunity and thinking about the consumers benefits as well as their increasing concern
about the effect of pollution and dust miles on their health, to minimize consumer’s health
concern we are proudly launching our new product-‘Elixir Air Purifier’. The details about
this product are stated below-
 What is Air purifier: An air purifier is a device which aims to free air from
contaminants. The popularity of air purifiers spur from the results from environment
researches which claim that the air inside homes are dirtier than the air outside of
homes. Air purifiers are particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers and asthmatics or
those who wish to reduce second-hand smoke.
 Purifying techniques: Various techniques are used in air purifiers in the current
market to accomplish indoor air purification. But our product includes mechanical
filters, absorbents like charcoal, and electrostatic charges or ionizers. Additional
setups include germicidal UV light and the emission of ions into the air to react with
contaminants and making them harmless enough to breathe. Although air purifiers
strive to make the air as clean as possible, no commercial air purifier is capable of
producing a room as clean as needed in situations requiring an especially clean
environment, such as hospital surgical rooms or sensitive manufacturing like optics or
computer processors.
 Potential uses: Indoor-room, bedroom, hall room, in office, hospital, manufacturing
industry, children’s corner etc.
 Customer benefits:
Whether customers need for air purifiers or air cleaners to address air pollution, we can
help customer to find out the right one. Buy air cleaners from us and we will make sure
that it delivers to our customer on time and at no cost. We take our customer needs very
seriously and work hard to make repeat purchase. So it is clear that we are offering
various benefits to our customers. But on the other hand, our customer can get some
attractive benefits after buying this purifier. These benefits are stated below-
 This purifier can be controlled by small remote device.
 It is available in various design and colour with different shape.
 It has made by modern electric wire which saves electricity.
 If some problem occurs it immediately shows problem in its inbuilt indicator.
 It has minimum weight around 15kg-20 kg.
 It is tested and certified by ISO.
 It is doctor recommended.
Special humidification features.
 Special filter which can filter air effectively. Customers can feel easy to use.
 Customers who like style, design etc. will never step back to buy it.
 Customers never have to pay more for their electric bills.
 No extra maintenance cost for repairing or changing its filter.
 Can be carried easily. Customers do not have to pay extra transportation cost.
 Customers can feel safe and reliable.
 Customers those who have various allergic problems can get better service.
 Customers can get it easily in affordable price.
 Customers never feel humid in their house or office.
 Customers can have better prevention from dust, pet allergy, smoke etc.
Company benefits:
By selling Air purifier Elixir will get lots of benefits in terms of profit, share, and other
things. Our main purpose is to gain good amount of profits by selling our new product. So
we have already created our marketing strategy and processes of launching our new Elixir
air purifier. So in terms of benefits we anticipate that Elixir will get the following
 Company will gain 15% profits on each purchase.
 We will gain a substantial amount of market share within a short period of time.
 Elixir can position themselves as a social responsible company.
 Increase customer.
 Company growth will increase.
 Companies experience will increase more.
 Recognition in a new way.
 Market expansion and quick sales increase.
The above benefits are the most basic benefits that Elixir will get in the long run. But the
main factor is Elixir will get much better profits by launching this product as well as their
market experience will grow. However we have to work hard to build a positive image in
the market and also we have to make sure that we will go on the right path as our mission
statement says.
 Marketing process:
As a marketer our most important responsibility is to find out the right customer and what
they want or expect from our product and also show positive post purchase attitude.
Marketing process is the process of finding the right customer through market
segmentation, preparing target market profile and positioning the product.
To find out the target market, at first we segmented the whole market as their
characteristic. Our main endeavour is to reach the segment of population that will most
likely buy our product or service. At first we simply decide at which market we are going
to enter. Basically there are three kinds of market-
1. Consumer market,
2. Industrial market,
3. Reseller market.
But among these we have decided to enter consumer market and to some extent in
business market. Because we think these two markets would be profitable as well as they
will accept our product quickly.
 Segmentation:
The purpose of segmenting a market is to allow marketing program to focus on the subset
of prospects that are “most likely” to purchase our offering. If it is done properly, this will
help to ensure the highest return for our offering to individual customers or a business.
Segmentation can be done on the basis of geographic, demographic, psychographic and
behavioural characteristic. So in segmenting consumer market we try to keep in mind that
segmentation will be determined by a match between the benefits offered by our offering
and the need of the prospect. Therefore we choose geographic and demographic
segmentation to target our market.
Geographic segmentation: in geographic segmentation we divided the whole market in
different geographical unit in terms of population, density and region. Such variable is
described below-
 Region: Bangladesh is a small country. And around 40% people are living in urban
area. So it would be easier for us to those people who are living in urban area through
electronic retail stores and sales agents all over Bangladesh. As a reason, it will be
easy for us to assess all the local market.
 City or metro city: We are mainly focusing on urban people who are living in the
main city. We will supply our product in the main division through our stores.
 Location: we concentrated selling our product to customers who are living in Banani,
Gulshan, Dhanmondi etc. because statistics show that the people of these areas spend
more money for their health concern.
Demographic segmentation: in this segment we identified our customer by criteria such
as age, race, religion, gender, income, occupation etc. we choose some of the criteria that
relates to the interest, need and ability of the customer to purchase our product. Below we
stated the chosen variable of demographic segmentation—
Consumer market:
 Age: for children who are fewer than 12 and the main purchaser are their parents who
are around 35-49 and 50-64.
 Gender: In Bangladesh basically the father takes all the decision. But to purchase this
product mother can be an influencer. So husband and wife both are our targeted
 Occupation: air purifier is not a cheap thing to buy. So occupation of the customer
greatly influences our product. Those who are doing business or working in service
business, like doctor, will probably buy this product.
 Education: education is very important because those who are less educated are not
aware of condition of their health and their family. So, those who are educated and
concerned about their health will probably buy this product.
 Income: this air purifier will cost minimum 15,000. So, it is not possible to buy who
have less income. Those who get around 28,000-35,000 taka per month will be able to
buy this product.
Business market: In the business market especially those who are involved in service
business like hospital, nursing home, and day care center will buy this product if they are
strongly motivated to buy this product.
Attractiveness of this segmentation: From the above we can easily assume that this
segment is perfectly done for targeting right customer. Because in demographic segment
we choose right people who have minimum income or purchasing power to buy this
product. On the other hand, we can simply access this segment through our retail stores
and sales agents all over Bangladesh. The main facility that we have is we don’t have any
competitors in this existing market so the market is large enough to serve effectively. But
the main point of this segmentation is quite different because we don’t have to have
different marketing mix for each variable. And each targeted customer will response same
as other. So we don’t have to promote this product with different features. In these
segments we don’t have to face competitors because there is no actual competitor in
 Target market:
The reason we’re concentrating on identifying a target market is because it makes
strategies for designing, pricing, distributing, promoting, positioning, and improving our
product, service, or idea easier, more effective, and more cost-effective. A target market
is basically a set of buyers sharing common needs or characteristics that a company
decides to serve. After evaluating different segments we have decided to enter in multiple
segments which are geographic and demographic segments but we mostly emphasize on
demographic segments. Before selecting actual buyers the most important thing is to
decide target market strategy. Our target market strategy is as follows-
Differentiated marketing: This is multiple segment strategy; also known as a
differentiated strategy. In this case different marketing mixes are offered to different
segments. The product may not be different but the promotional message or distribution
channel may vary. We choose this strategy because this matches our capabilities.
Target market profile: Target market profile is basically customers buying behaviour
and it answers why a customer buys our product. Before answering those questions we
want to mention who are the main or targeted customers of air purifier.
 A family with young children: In Bangladesh every year millions of children die due
to air pollution both inside and outside home. So those families who have young
children and want to bring up their children in better environment will be our target
 Those who are concerned about health: There are many well off family who are
very much concerned about their health. Like a family whose members are in service
business like doctors.
 Those people who are living beside road: Basically in urban cities like Dhaka 60%
of the houses are just beside the main road, which results in lots of pollution inside the
 Those who have asthma or allergies from dust: According to statistics there are
850 million people who are suffering from various air pollution caused disease. So for
these people, our product might be helpful for them.
 In service business: In service business like hospital, nursing home, day care center
these people can buy this product for their own benefits. Moreover, in offices where
the degree of air pollution is higher, can use this product.
Now our main target is to sell our product to our target market. But there are some
characteristics that might affect our consumer behaviour. So it is important to examine
and understand those factors. These factors are cultural, social, personal and
psychological. Most of the time these factors cannot be controlled by marketers but our
effort is to put influence in each factors and motivate them to buy our product. The
following factors are described below-
Cultural: Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behaviour. Our product
is largely dependent on consumer’s family influence, because our one of the targeted
market is the families who have young children. If their child suddenly falls into air borne
diseases, then it depends on family members how they take preventive action. If family
influence is high they will buy our product to prevent indoor air pollution. On the other
hand those people who like to live in fresh air or like fitness and good health will
probably buy our product.
Social: Buyers purchase decision also depends on their social status. Our targeted market
is upper and upper middle class consumers, who are living in urban cities. To buy our
product these people may be influenced by some reference groups. These reference
groups may be their family doctor or the health organization like WHO, CARE etc.
Personal Factors: A buyer’s purchase decision sometimes influenced by their personal
factors such as age, life cycle, occupation, gender, location etc. our product is basically
for better health purposes. In Bangladesh every year 10 million children fall sick due to
air pollution. On the other hand, 4 million elderly people die due to air pollution. So our
product is basically for young children and old persons. But in both cases their purchase
decision is strictly dependent on their parents and married son/daughter or their family
doctor. Moreover income is also an important factor because without good income none
can buy this product. So, a person’s occupation is dependent on how they get salary or
earn money. If they earn more they will be able to buy this product. However location is
also a very important factor. Since, we are mainly focusing on urban areas, where the
degree of air pollution is quite higher than the other areas; we are also focusing on those
areas where our retail stores are located. Now the question is who will come to buy our
product male or female? In our country most of the decisions are taken by male. So we
infer that males will come to buy our product. But the fact is the main influencer may be
the females or wives.
Psychological factors: A persons buying decision is mostly depend on his/her
psychological factors. These factors include a person’s lifestyle, innovativeness etc. in our
target market most of the consumers are basically from higher and upper middle class
society and their lifestyle is totally different than others. They are in quite modern,
because they love to adopt new things. Basically their main lifestyle expression is to live
healthy and wealthy. If these people are motivated to buy this product and somehow if we
are able to differentiate our product from others, they will probably buy our product. On
the other hand those who are very concerned about their health will probably buy our
product if we show the benefits of air purifiers and motivate them to buy.
 Positioning:
Simply, positioning is how target market defines in relation to our competitors. In broader
sense positioning is the technique by which marketers try to create an image or identity in
the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. It is the ‘relative
competitive comparison which their product occupies in a given market as perceived by
the target market. Basically a good positioning is-
1. What makes you unique?
2. Is this considered a benefit by your target market?
Both of these conditions are necessary for a good positioning. It is important to
understand product from the customer’s point of view relative to the competition. In order
to begin positioning a product, two questions are needed to be answered:
1) What is our marketing environment?
2) What is our competitive advantage?
The marketing environment is the external environment. Some things to consider:
Macro and Micro Analysis:
Macro Environment:-
 Demographic Environment:
The demographic environment is of major interest to marketers because it involves
people, and people make up markets. Bangladesh is densely populated which poses both
opportunities and threats. As of July 2006, the population of Bangladesh is approximately
147,000,000 with the average life expectancy of 62.46 years. 15,000 people die every
year because of air pollution. 400 children die every day from ARI (Acute Respiratory
Infection). Asthma related symptoms affect about 7,000,000 people; 4,000,000 of the
affected people are children. Indoor air pollution is also becoming a growing concern in
Bangladesh, which affect mostly mothers and children. Mothers and children together
make up about three-fifths of the population of the country.
Looking at these figures, the idea of manufacturing and selling air purifiers in Bangladesh
seems very favourable. The low literacy rate may mean that the general population might
not realize the importance of the air purifier in a country like Bangladesh but overall, the
demographic environment seems to be favourable for the Elixir Air Purifier because it
simply promises cleaner and healthier air for parents and their children.
 Economic Environment:
The economic environment includes factors that affect consumer buying power and
spending patterns. Bangladesh is a poor, overpopulated, and inefficiently-governed
nation. Although half of GDP is generated through the service sectors, nearly two-third of
Bangladeshis is employed in the agriculture sector.
The economic environment does not look favourable because so much of the population
that could have been potential buyers of the Elixir Air Purifier has been cancelled out
because they cannot afford it. Although we can still make much profit through the middle
and high class, the majority of the population is in the lower class.
 Natural Environment:
The natural environment includes natural resources that are needed as inputs by marketers
or that are affected by marketing activities. Our natural environment is very favourable
because our product is meant to help the environment. The inputs required to assemble
Elixir Air Purifiers are not in any way harmful to the environment. Our finished product
is supposed to provide people with cleaner and healthier air and make the environment a
better place to live in.
 Technological Environment:
Technological environment is forces that create new technologies, creating new product
and market opportunities.
The technological environment is favourable to us because we are the first people to
introduce the air purifier to Bangladesh so we do not have any competitors that sell the
same product. We do however have companies who have started to sell air conditioners
with ventilators. Although ventilators do reduce a small amount of indoor pollution, it
cannot compare with the amount that air purifiers do. The reason these companies might
be competitors is because their product offers two services (air conditioning and
ventilation) while our product offers only one. But we have to keep in mind that they also
cost two to three times higher than the Elixir Air Purifier so the technological
environment looks favourable.
As new technology comes to Bangladesh maybe new companies will emerge with air
purifiers that cost cheaper so they can sell it for cheaper. But as new technologies come to
Bangladesh we will also be replacing our old machines with new ones so no company in
Bangladesh will have a technological advantage over us.
 Political Environment
The political environment consists of laws, government agencies, and pressure groups
that influence and limit various organizations and individuals in a given society.
The political environment is unfavourable for our product. The increasing number of
hartals (strikes) in Bangladesh has made it difficult for many companies to manufacture
and sell their products. It may seem that hartals may not do that much harm but in the
long run it can ruin a business. Hartals mean that we cannot manufacture that day and it
also means we cannot have any sales. In the long run we lose a lot of money because we
still have to pay our employees the same wage and we still have to pay other fixed costs.
Furthermore it causes us to be behind schedule. If we want to achieve our objectives and
goals on time we will have to pay the employees more money to make up for those lost
days. In the end the political environment is not favourable to us but it is also not
favourable for our potential competitors.
 Cultural Environment:
The cultural environment is made up of institutions and other forces that affect society’s
basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviours.
The cultural environment is favourable because we are in a period of time where the
environment is a major concern and so is our health. We can see examples of this all over
the world. The number of policies regarding the environment has increased dramatically
over the past decade. Health concerns have also increased. The increasing number of
gyms in Bangladesh is just one example. Another example is the recent ban of tobacco
and smoking promotions. So the cultural environment is very favourable to us because the
Elixir Air Purifier promises a cleaner indoor environment as well as healthier air to
Micro Environment Analysis:
 Company:
The marketing managers of Elixir Bangladesh work closely with other departments. We
work closely with the finance department, accounting department, top management, and
operations. These departments work in harmony to provide superior customer value and
satisfaction. Elixir has a strong tradition to consult with other departments before taking
any kinds of major decision. Elixir’s managers take decisions and help before any kind of
work. Our main purpose is to cooperatively drive the company’s mission and goals.
 Suppliers:
Supplies form an important link in the company’s overall customer value delivery
system. Elixir has wide range of retail store and its own goods delivery network, which
are very much efficient and helps sales personnel to deliver value added products at right
time and right place. Though we have our suppliers and retail network therefore there is
no point of interrupting the delivery process. Elixir also strictly maintains their value
statement in this case.
 Marketing Intermediaries:
Elixir has a unique retail network. Our products are sold through our own chain store and
exclusive sales agents, strategically located all over Bangladesh. As a retail company,
marketing consumer durable products, our efforts have been focused on the store-
merchandising concept. We have successfully given a different perspective to all our
retail stores keeping in mind what makes a good shopping experience.
 Customers:
In terms of our product, our market is consumer market and some extent business
market. Our valuable customer buys our product for their own personal benefits or their
family benefits. Therefore Elixir established a strong consumer relationship management
through our own trained sales personnel.
 Competitors:
The type of competitor Elixr Air Purifier has is the companies that sell air
conditioners with the ventilation. Their product is almost two to three times more
expensive than our product. But other than that out air purifier has no such competitors in
all of Bangladesh. Therefore initially Elixir does not have to worry about its competitors
but Bangladesh consumer market is very much competitive so may be after one or two
years we have to face lots of competitors in the market.
 Publics:
Elixir’s marketing environment is always going to be influenced by various publics or
groups in the society. Basically the following publics have been putting lots of influences
in our marketing, financing, producing and managing process.
 Financial: Banks, investment houses and stockholders are the major financial publics.
 Media: Newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations.
 Government’s publics: Bangladesh central bank, Bangladesh chamber of commerce,
commerce ministry, and Bangladesh research and testing agencies.
 Citizen’s action publics: Citizens action publics like environmental agencies,
various consumers group.
 General public: the most important influencer is general public because they are our
actual customer so their preferences in influence us mostly then any others factors.
 Internal publics: Internal publics like our sales people, employees etc. As our
management philosophies we best take care of our employees and other staffs. So
their influence greatly effects on our management and production processes.
After evaluating the macro and micro environment factors we can assume that our market
potential for this product is highly favourable towards us, because in both case we have
benefits rather than demerits. Basically micro environment is more favourable to us than
macro. On the other hand we have established an effective planning for our product. And
we hope that we will overcome the problem whenever they will arise.
How is the market now satisfying the need of our products satisfies– Right now in the
market there are few companies like LG, SAMSUNG are selling air condition with
ventilation system but those product cost around taka. 60,000-1, 20,000. And also does
not completely fulfil the needs of air purifier. Customers have to buy those products
because they have to satisfy their needs.
What are the switching costs for potential users for our market—our competitors are
selling AC with some extent ventilation system so their selling price is much higher than
the usual air purifier. So may be the switching cost is around taka. 20,000-30,000
What are the positions of the competition– The position of our competitor is quite high
in Bangladesh. The competitive advantage is an internal question. What do we have that
gives us advantage over our competitors? Some things to consider:
Is our company small and flexible—Elixir is a relatively new but upcoming company.
In Bangladesh it is slowly occupying a huge proportion of the consumer market. It has
earned the trust and confidence of consumers and is becoming one of the leading
manufacturer and marketing companies of consumers durable in the electronics and home
appliance sector of the country.
Do we offer low cost and high quality—our offer is beneficial to consumer relative to
the cost. We provide affordable prices with high quality. That means less for more.
Does our product offer unique benefits– Our target market will get unique benefits buy
buying this product. It will prevent indoor air pollution.
Are we the first on the market with this product (First mover advantage)—we are
launching this product for the first time in Bangladesh. Thus we have much first mover
What are the benefits that customers are looking for each 4Ps?
Our customer is quiet flexible. That means they will search those product which give
them better benefits than others. After analysing the current market, we have come to
know about our target markets buying behaviour and what they actually want in terms of
price, product, place and promotion.
In terms of product they want quality product which will fulfil their benefits as well as
the product should be user friendly, easy to maintain, good design, long time warranty,
free servicing, brand, support and appearance.
As for price, our target market consumer expect to have affordable price, but not so
cheap, because it’s carrying our brand. So they expect to have affordable price with good
quality. And also list price, financing, discount, leasing option etc.
For placement or availability, they expect to find it in each electronic retail stores, which
are located allow the Bangladesh. They also expect to find sales agents, technicians,
logistics etc. in each place.
On the other hand, in terms of promotion, our target market wants to know about the right
information along with instruction manual. And they expect to know the whether it is
really helping them or not, is there any demerits of this product? They also expect to see
the attractive promotion which offer discount price.
Product Positioning:
Consumers have various choices, may be its not possible for us to fulfil the all
requirements individually. But our endeavour is to fulfil the consumer’s needs at any cost
and also respond to their changes.
Among the various benefits that our consumers are looking for in each 4Ps, we decided to
position our self in terms of Product and Price.
Rational Explanation:
In the perspective of consumers mind, every consumer wants better quality product with
low cost. They want more for less. However in terms of product and price every customer
seeks some benefits which are mentioned above. But in terms of our target market why
they those benefits are helpful to them? In below we have identified some of the factors
that answer why those benefits are important to our customers. These are—
 Our target market consumers are educated and concern about their health, so better
quality product like our air purifier will help them a lot.
 Those who have problem with various health diseases like dust allergy, pet allergy or
other air polluted caused disease, will be benefited by buying our product.
 Though they are quite modern in their lifestyle; they will like to have Air purifier
which has designable shape and attractive colour.
 Those who have money but do not want to pay all the money at purchase time; they
can pay it by monthly instalment.
 Consumers buying decisions mostly depend on their purchasing power and their
necessity, so price and product are the most important factors and consumer seek
benefits within this two factors.
From the above reasons consumers are more willing to buy those products which give
them good service as well as fulfil their necessity. On the other hand consumers want
affordable price or they can buy it through various instalment processes. As a result these
two benefits are very important to our target market.
Our capabilities:
We choose product and price to position ourselves because it relates to our capabilities of
driving these benefits. From the beginning Elixir has been focusing on how to improve
the quality of life of the people by providing comforts and conveniences at affordable
prices. Therefore Elixir has the capabilities of driving those benefits to target markets. In
below we sated some of our capabilities and strengths which drive these benefits better
than our competitors-
 Elixir has set up two Service Centers in Dhaka and Chittagong to ensure quick and
quality after sales service to all its valued customers. The Service Centers are fitted
with modern equipment and the latest testing facilities. Skilled mobile technicians
work under the guidance of Engineers. Besides the Service Centers, each Elixir store
has one technician who is periodically trained and updated on the latest technology to
attend to service complaints at the outlets. Mobile technicians from the Service Centre
also respond to complaints throughout the country, whatever is the nature of the
faults. In case of Electro Mechanical Products, 17 Franchise Technicians are
constantly on the move for repair and maintenance of all Elixir Product categories.
 The company established Elixir Electronics Complex on its own land at Savar at the
outside of Dhaka. For effective management and manufacturing operations, all its
assembly operations were shifted under one roof with provision to diversify into other
product categories. It ensures a better quality management.
 Elixir will follow the concept of selling products on an easy instalment plan in
Bangladesh. Under the scheme, Elixir products are offered to customers who need
specific services but do not have enough cash to pay at a time.
As an electronics company, Elixir has above distinctiveness then other electronics
company, our company has huge manufacturing and assembling plant in Savar near
Dhaka but our other competitors does not have any manufacturing plant in Bangladesh, so
we can give better service to our customers and also can ensure the product quality. On
the other hand, Elixir has easy instalment facility though our other competitors have same
facility but from them we have greater flexibility in giving instalment facility. And this
totally relates to our mission statement. We are providing low prices with good quality
and also provide convenience to our customers, this difference does not belong to other
company and they cannot copy these kinds of distinctiveness, because we have greater
strength in terms of product and price than any other competitors in the market.
Positioning Statement:
Elixir Air Purifiers offers the best Ozone-free air purifier available to address allergy and
asthma symptoms, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and air quality issues such as
pollution, cigarette smoke and construction dust. We make it easy for our customer to
obtain the right office or home air cleaner by providing with an easy-to-navigate and
secure site, the lowest legal prices, free installation, and no sales tax. Whether consumers
are in the market for allergy relief or simply looking for a purifier for home or office, they
can comfortably buy air purifier from Elixir because we have tested each air purifier that
we sell and listen carefully to our customers for feedback and provide solutions.
 4Ps Strategies with rational explanation:
The marketing mix model (also known as 4Ps) can be used as a tool to assist in defining
the marketing strategy. Marketing managers use this method to attempt to generate the
optimal response in the target market by blending 4p’s variable in an optimal way. It is
important to understand that the marketing mix can be adjusted on a frequent basis to
meet the changing needs of the target market group and the other dynamics of the
marketing environment. However our target is to use the best strategy in all the variables
in 4p’s so that we can strongly position our product in consumer mind.
Product Strategy:
Product strategies reflect the mission of the business unit and the business it is in. We are
going to position our product by using marketing mix variables and by providing different
features with the product. The difference will be clearly defined for our product with the
other brand through the values what it is providing. On the other hand, to match with the
product market we will respond quickly according to our customer’s wants and demands.
We will put the batch no, manufacturing date and the general instruction on the product.
For better positioning of our product we have created our own brand strategies. In below
we stated what brand strategy we have taken and why-
Brand strategy:
A strong brand name represents consumer’s perceptions and feelings about a product and
its performance. Thus, the real value of a strong brand is its power to capture consumer
performance and loyalty. We are going to position our product by adopting new brand
Rational explanation for choosing this brand:
Though, Elixir is a new brand in Bangladesh, it will establish strong brand equity in the
minds of people in the Bangladesh. So after evaluating our target markets wants and
desires, we finally decide to launch our new product Elixir Air Purifier. There are also
other reasons for choosing this strategy. These are-
 Elixir will have strong brand recognition.
 This brand name ‘Elixir Air Purifier’ suggest that our product is some kind of air
purification product and basically relates to health.
 Though Elixir will always maintain a good quality so it also suggests that it will not
be different from others.
 It will give our product instant recognition and faster acceptance.
 It will save our high advertisement cost and minimize our risk.
This new brand strategy involves the use of an attractive brand name to launch a new or
modified product in a new category. So our new product brand name is ‘Elixir Air
Price Strategy:
Basically, marketer needs to review four factors to arrive at a price: pricing objectives,
cost, competition and demand. Along with our pricing objectives, cost, and demand we
will give emphasis on competitor’s price while setting our one as we are facing
competition by the other electronics company in Bangladesh like LG, Butterfly, and
National electronics etc.
On the other hand, among the two principal of pricing strategies, skimming and
penetration, we are going to adopt penetrating pricing that means our products price
will be relatively low during the initial stage to penetrate the market quickly and deeply in
order to attract a large number of buyers quickly and win a large market share. Another
important reason is, it relates to our mission statement. This strategy will work because-
 Our target market is quiet price sensitive.
 Production and distribution costs fall as sales volume increases.
 Low price will help us to keep out the competition.
Our Product Price: Though we are adopting penetrating pricing so we have
decided to fix our product price at taka 20,000-26,500. Price will differ for different
model we have. We fix this price by analysing current market demand, product cost
analysing and other factors. Below we are showing differences of our product price to
others products price.
Comparison of our product to others: We have different competitors in market.
But none of them are actually selling Air Purifier rather they selling Air conditioner with
minimum ventilation or air cleaner system. However people are buying those products
only for cooling purpose. Therefore there is a huge price differentiation with our product
to them. Below we illustrate the comparisons of pricing with other company—
Placement (distribution) strategy:
Place, or distribution channel, is the method for making product available to the
consumer. Distribution strategies are concerned with the flow of goods and services from
manufacturers to re-sellers to customers. We have decided to go for direct marketing later
when we don’t need any intermediate or re-sellers.
Product Availability: This product will be available in each of our retail store which are
located in the country.
Nature of distribution: From manufacturer we will supply our product to each of our
local area manager then he will send this product to his entire retail store which is located
in his/her area.

How to avoid channel conflict:

From time to time we will also evaluate our channel-members based on their performance
and will modify the process if needed. To resolve any kind of conflict, if arise, we will
nominate any of our manager to act as a diplomat among channel members. We will also
welcome the frequent formal interaction with the channel members to develop an
appreciation of each other’s perspectives. But the matter of fact that there is little
possibility to arise channel conflict because we have assigned seven manager in seven
different station in all over the country and each of them has different area to control.
Promotional Strategy:
Promotion is the specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public
relations a company uses to pursue its advertising and marketing objectives. The
objectives that are met by promoting are to move the target market through the following
Unawarenessà Awareness à Beliefs/Knowledgeà Attitudeà Purchase
Intentionà Purchase
It is believed that consumers cannot skip over a phase, but they need to move through
them. Promotion is used to move the target market from one phase to another to finally
purchase. Our promotional strategy is to reach our target market effectively through
personal selling marketing. Personal selling is selling product to the store and it involves
personal presentation by firm’s sales force.
Media Selection:
Media is very important to sell product. It helps to educate customers as well as establish
a good relationship between sellers and consumers. As for our product we choose
Personal communication channels. Through these channels we will communicate with
our target market by our marketing sales agent and our sales staff, when consumers come
to our retail store they will convince customers to buy our product. On the other hand we
will advertise our product by newspaper advertisement and initially with launching
ceremony. For these we need only efficient sales person which we already have and good
communication skills of our sales people.
However, for the promotion we will first go to various hospital and nursing homes, and
tell them about our product capabilities that how effectively it can purify air and its
advantages that people will get after buying. We will also arrange seminar on ‘air
pollution its effect and how it can be controlled’ on human body, through this seminar we
will promote our product. And for advertisement we will give advertise in newspaper in
health section part. These will get more attention to our target customer.
Buyer- reading stages:
Buyers will react positively towards our product because our promotional strategy will
lead them to purchase our product. Through various seminars they will be aware about
the bad effect of air pollution in indoor area. Then through our advertisement they will get
some knowledge about our product. Then, when they feel that, this product will really
help them a lot. They will begin to like our product. Then they will compare our product
with similar product, when they understand that our product is unique then other product
they will convict about our product and finally willing to buy our product.

In the concluding parts, we can say that it is quite evident that the market potential for our
air purifier in Bangladesh is very high. But, to exploit this potential Elixir must plan its
way very carefully. The above report describes us that how we can create a potential
campaign for the brand ‘Elixir Air purifier’ we have taken. It also defines us the IMC
effort for this brand. We have formulated all the strategies needed to gain substantial
market share in Bangladesh. After the above discussion we can have the idea, how we can
send message through different medium to our potential consumers without making them
confused so that our target consumers will start using our brand and become loyal to this
brand. In our promotion we used serious conversation about the health effect and how our
product can minimize all these hazards.
The whole IMC campaign is prepared to demonstrate the feature of our product. We have
shown that Air purifier is not harmful for our health so anyone can use this without any
tension. The mission of our IMC campaign is to maintain and develop potential consumer
into actual consumer. However, it is assumed that our IMC campaign will increase the
sale of the brand and will help to create a strong brand image for ‘Elixir Air Purifier’

Suggestions and Implications

1. Branded products are purchased frequently so special care should be taken for these
products to increase sales and get business.
2. Different promotions methods are useful for improvement of sales. A promotion mix
should be selected very carefully to achieve the objective.
3. Price off, discount and premium are important tools of sales promotion. Proper care
should be taken for these tools in planning and implementation.
4. Information regarding sales promotion methods not readily available to all customers.
More efforts needed to communicate to all concerned parties very often to increase more
awareness regarding sale promotion methods.
5. Shoppers lack in communication and providing benefit to the customers regarding sales
promotion schemes. They should be motivated and good relations should be maintained.
They should be provided with proper dealers promotional scheme benefits.
6. Sales promotion schemes are mainly brought in off season, during falls in sales volume
and peak of the season. In future, for launching of schemes the timing is to be followed
for better result.
7. Benefit of sales promotion schemes are not reaching to all customers always. A wide
gap is there. Sales manager of the company should implement the scheme strongly and
review of the scheme is to be carried out periodically.

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