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Creative Writing in ELT: Drama and Film - C

HASAN LUKY DWIANTO- 140210401088


Drama is an active approach to learning where participants (Students) identify with roles
and situations to be able to engage with, explore and understand the world they live in. Drama
activity encourage students to build up their own personal vocabulary of the language they are
learning, also they can create situations in which there is need for practice communication.
Besides that Students also learn to cooperate with their friends in order to make their play
success. Before the students play their role or play their play script, they have to do a warm-up
activities. Warm-up activities help students achieve an atmosphere which students can
communicate with the stranger who will be their partner on their paly script and helps them to
focus their mind with what will they do in their play script.
Based on my experiences from my Drama and Theatre Extracurricular, we usually do
warm-up activities before we start our practice. First activities are stretch out our body, this
activity has purpose to make our muscles more flexible and also this activity train us how to
control our breath regularly. Second activity from our warm-up exercise is inhale and exhale
practice. In this activity, participants learn how to manage their power of the sounds that they
produced. This is the method of the second activity: participants make a circle with the mentor in
the middle. Participants inhale to a count of 4 and exhale it then say A, I, U, E, O with the low
voice and repeat inhale again to a count of 4 and say A, I, U, E, O from low voice to high voice
this activity repeat about 4 times. The third activity is mirroring, this activity aim to focus minds
and how we communicate with our partner. In this activity participants pair off, one of the
participants be an actor and other participants will be the mirror. The participants do the
expression or they speak with expression and the participant who be the mirror will mimic
everything they does. After 2 minutes, they change their role from actor be a mirror and
otherwise. Those are the warm-up activities that I had done in my Drama Theatre Club from my
senior high school. Those activity also can be done in classroom drama activities in junior and
senior high school.

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