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IUBMB Life, 63(1): 7–13, January 2011

Critical Review

The Application of the Glycemic Index and Glycemic

Load in Weight Loss: A Review of the Clinical Evidence
Amin Esfahani1,2,3, Julia M.W. Wong4,5, Arash Mirrahimi1,2, Chris R. Villa2 and
Cyril W.C. Kendall1,2,6
Clinical Nutrition & Risk Factor Modification Center, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Department of Nutritional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
School of Medicine, New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY
Division of Endocrinology, Children’s Hospital Boston, Boston, MA
Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Summary Over the past two decades, the rate of obesity has reached
Obesity is rapidly becoming a global epidemic. As it is a epidemic proportions in developed nations and is increasing in
significant risk factor for several chronic diseases, including developing countries. For instance, in 2008, more than 60%
type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it is imperative
of adults in the United States were categorized as either
to study dietary and lifestyle approaches that help reduce its
prevalence. Recently, due to its possible link to appetite control overweight or obese (1). Because of numerous complications
and metabolism, several clinical studies have assessed the effect associated with obesity and the consequent burden on the
of low glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) diets on healthcare system, numerous attempts have been made to reduce
weight loss. To determine the application of GI/GL in the pre- its rate. However, there is a lack of consensus as to what consti-
vention and treatment of obesity, we searched several databases
and identified 23 clinical trials that examined low GI/GL diets tutes an ideal diet for achieving and maintaining a healthy body
and weight loss as the primary outcome measure. In general, weight. One thing that is accepted, however, is that the best
these studies showed much inconsistency in their findings. While dietary approaches are those that not only reduce the rate of
a few studies found significantly greater weight loss on the low obesity but also the risk of the associated complications through
GI/GL diets, most of the other studies showed a non-significant
trend that favored low GI/GL diets; suggesting that factors mechanisms that are independent of weight loss.
other than GI/GL may play a role. It would be helpful if a The glycemic index (GI) (2) is a physiological assessment of
pooled analysis were undertaken to clarify the current findings a food’s carbohydrate content through its effect on postprandial
and outline the limitations of these studies. There is also a need blood glucose concentrations. Evidence suggests that low GI
for more long-term randomized, controlled trials that not only
and low glycemic load (GL) diets may be protective against the
focus on weight loss but also on weight maintenance and body
composition. Ó 2011 IUBMB development of chronic and obesity related diseases (e.g., type
IUBMB Life, 63(1): 7–13, 2011 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease [CHD]) (3). More
recently, because of the possible link to satiety and metabolism,
Keywords glycemic index; glycemic load; obesity; weight loss. a number of studies have focused on the role of GI/GL in
weight loss. However, there has been much controversy with
respect to their possible benefit (4). Despite the academic
debate, popular books and programs devoted to weight loss use
the glycemic index concept as justification for their approach to
body weight control (Atkins, Zone, South Beach, Montignac).
Received 8 September 2010; accepted 13 December 2010 We, therefore, undertook a review of the scientific literature to
Address correspondence to: Cyril W. Kendall, Department of Nutri-
tional Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto,
identify and summarize the clinical studies that have assessed
Ontario, Canada M5S 3E2. Tel: 1416-978-6527. Fax: 1416-978-5310. the application of GI/GL diets in weight loss as a primary
E-mail: outcome. Using the broad search terms ‘‘glycemic index OR
ISSN 1521-6543 print/ISSN 1521-6551 online
DOI: 10.1002/iub.418

glycemic load’’ across MEDLINE (1950 to June 2009 Week 4), GL examines the total impact of the dietary carbohydrate on
EMBASE (1980 to June 2009 Week 4), All EBM Reviews— postprandial glycemia. The GL is the product of the GI of the
Cochrane DSR, ACP Journal Club, DARE, CCTR, CMR, HTA, food or diet under study and the grams of available carbo-
and NHSEED, we identified all clinical trials that used dietary hydrate in that food or diet divided by 100 (14). For a meal,
interventions of different glycemic indices with weight loss as GL is calculated by multiplying the mean GI weighted accord-
the primary outcome. The trials were at least 7 days in duration ing to the grams of total available carbohydrate by the grams in
and did not include studies with exercise as a cointervention. the meal or diet.
In general, low GI diets are thought to be metabolically
advantageous because of their potential in improving glycemic
DIET AND WEIGHT REDUCTION control (4). The potential link between GI and obesity relates to
The concept that ‘‘a calorie is a calorie’’ is the underlying the lipogenic effects of hyperinsulenmia (15). Therefore, it has
principle of conventional weight loss diets and is supported by been proposed that diets that elicit a low insulin response (i.e.,
the majority of the clinical trials in the area. A recent study of low GI/GL diets) may play a significant role in weight loss.
over 800 subjects who were randomized to one of four diets One possible mechanism suggests that the higher postprandial
with different compositions in fat, protein, and carbohydrate insulin response following a high GI/GL meal may lead to a
demonstrated that equal clinically meaningful weight loss and quicker hunger response and overeating by depleting the meta-
maintenance was achieved over a 2-year period regardless of bolic fuels in the body (16). Another mechanism of action may
the macronutrient distribution (5). Similarly, other trials be through increased satiety and decreased voluntary food
comparing different diets of varying macronutrient distribution intake (4). This is especially important in subjects who are
have supported these findings, suggesting that adherence is an overweight or obese. However, more studies are required to
important predictor of successful weight loss (6). Beyond substantiate these and other potential mechanisms of action.
weight reduction, obesity is also associated with the metabolic
syndrome and a number of chronic diseases. Therefore, it may
be of even greater importance that the optimal diet not only GI, GL, AND WEIGHT LOSS IN CHILDREN
decrease body weight but also promote a metabolic profile AND ADOLESCENTS
associated with reduced risk of developing chronic diseases. Our search yielded three trials that were conducted in chil-
Low-carbohydrate and high-protein diets, which are heavily dren and adolescents (17–19) (Table 1). The evidence from
based on animal products, have fallen short in this respect these trials suggests that low GI and GL diets are effective in
(6–10). However, a recent study of a diet high in vegetable promoting weight loss in children and adolescents by compari-
proteins and oils resulted in greater improvements in CHD risk son with reduced fat diets (17, 19). Ebbeling et al. (17) in a
factors, including serum lipids and blood pressure, despite 12 month (6 months intervention 1 6 months follow-up) clini-
similar weight reduction in the conventional low-fat control diet cal trial showed that a low GL diet prescribed ad libitum is
(11). Similarly, a diet low in GI/GL may have added value in more effective in promoting weight loss than a calorie-re-
reducing body weight, while also improving risk factors for stricted, traditional reduced fat diet (25–30% of total energy
CHD independent of the reduction in body weight. from fat). The study demonstrated statistically significant reduc-
tions in fat mass (23.0 6 1.6 vs. 1.8 6 1.0 kg; P 5 0.01) and
BMI (21.3 6 0.7 vs. 0.7 6 0.5 kg/m2; P 5 0.02) in the low
THE GLYCEMIC INDEX AND GLYCEMIC LOAD GL group by comparison to the reduced fat control group (17).
The GI is determined by comparing the postprandial glyce- Spieth et al. (19), in a similarly designed study of approxi-
mic response of a food with the postprandial glycemic response mately 4.3 months in length, demonstrated statistically signifi-
to the same amount of available carbohydrate from a standard cant reductions in weight (22.03 6 0.59 vs. 1.31 6 0.72 kg;
food (white bread or glucose) in the same individual (2). The P \ 0.05) and BMI in the low GL group by comparison to the
actual GI value is the area under the blood glucose curve control (19). An uncontrolled, 6-week trial in nine children
(AUC) for the test food, expressed as a percentage of that of showed significant reductions in the percentage of body fat,
the standard control and therefore, the value depends on the waist-to-hip ratio, and improvements in self-reported hunger
food rather than on characteristics of the individual that con- level with a low GL diet despite no reductions in weight (18).
sumes it (2, 12). The GI of a food is impacted by the nature of Similarly, a study in children that focused on energy intake
the starch, particle size, pH, the amount of fiber, fat, and rather than weight loss also showed that low GI diets tend to
protein, in addition to cooking method and time (12). To favor lower energy intake in comparison to high GI diets (20).
convert the GI values from glucose scale to bread scale, the Overall, the limited evidence from studies in children and
glucose scale value is multiplied by 100/70 to arrive at the adolescents tend to favor low GI/GL diets by comparison to
bread scale value. Generally, based on the bread scale, low GI conventionally recommended reduced fat diets in terms of
foods are those that have a value lower than 70 and high GI weight loss and related markers such as fat mass and body fat
foods are those with values greater than 100 (13). percentage. However, more long-term studies are required to
Table 1
Summary of clinical trials that assess the effect of low GI/GL diets on weight loss in children and adults
Number of Weight/BMI Control diet/
Reference subjects Length Age (y) (kg/m2) Treatmentsa other interventionsb Low GI/GL dietb
Abete et al. (24) 32 (14f ; 18m) 8 weeks 36 6 1.2 32.5 6 0.8 Low GI (40-45) vs. 25.3 6 0.65% 27.5 6 0.73%c
High GI (60-65)
Aston et al. (25)d 26 Females (19 12 weeks 51.9 6 1.7 33.1 6 1.1 Low GI (55.5) vs. 1.7 6 5.0 kg 1.6 6 4.9 kg
completers) High GI (63.9)
Bahadori et al. (26) 120 (66f ; 54m) 24 weeks 44 33.4 6 4.4 Low GI No Control 28.9 kg
(109 (61f ; 48m)
Bellisle et al. (39) 96 females (65 12 weeks 45.7 6 1.6 30.3 6 0.5 Low GI Weight 24.5 6 3.4 kg 24.0 6 3.1 kg
completers) Watchers vs.
Standard Weight
Bouche et al. (27)§ 11 males 5 weeks 46 6 3 28 6 1.0 Low GI (41) vs. 0.5 6 3.3 kg 20.3 6 3.3 kg
High GI (71)
Das et al. (28) 34 (26f ; 8m) (29 6 months 1 34.5 6 0.9 27.6 6 0.2 Low GI (52) vs. 29.1 6 1.1% 210.4 6 1.1%
completers) 6 months High GI (85)
De Rougemont et al. 38 (18f ; 20m) 5 weeks 38.4 6 1.5 27.4 6 0.2 Low GI (46.5) vs. 20.2 6 0.2 kg 21.1 6 0.3 kgc
(29) High GI (66.3)
Ebbeling et al. (17) 16 (11f ; 5m) (14 6 months 1 16.1 6 0.8 36.0 6 0.8 Low GL (GL: 68) vs. BMI: 10.02 6 BMI: 20.96 6 0.75 kg/m2c
completers) 6 months Low Fat (GL: 77) 0.46 kg/m2
Ebbeling et al. (30) 34 (30f : 4m) (23 6 months 1 28.4 6 1.0 32.5 6 1.2 Low GL (GL: 54) vs. 27.8 6 1.5% 28.4 6 1.5%
completers) 6 months Low Fat (GL: 78)
e e
Ebbeling et al. (31) 73 (58f : 15m) 6 months1 27.5 6 0.5 36.9 6 0.7 Low GL (GL: 35-40) 23.5 6 1.0 kg 24.5 6 1.0 kg
12 months vs. Low Fat (GL:
follow-up 65-70)
Fajcsak et al. (18)f 9 (3f ; 6m) (8 6 weeks 11.0 6 0.4 24.7 6 1.3 Low GL No Control Body fat: 23.9 6 2.4%
Maki et al. (32) 86 (58f ; 28m) (84 12 weeks 1 49.7 6 1.18 31.9 6 0.4 Low GL (46) vs. 22.5 6 0.5 kg 24.9 6 0.5 kgc
completers) 24 weeks Low Fat (51)
McMillan-Price et al. 129 (98f : 31m) 12 weeks 31.8 6 0.8 31.2 6 0.4 High-Carb/High GI HCHGI: 23.7 6 0.5 kg; HCLGI: 24.8 6 0.5 kg;
(33) (HCHGI; 70) vs. HPHGI: 25.3 6 0.5 kg HPLGI: 24.4 6 0.5 kg
High-Carb/Low GI
HCLGI; 45) vs.
GI (HPHGI; 59) vs.
High-Protein/Low GI
(HPLGI; 44)
Pereira et al. (23) 39 (30f : 9m) Variedg 30.5 6 0.9 91.5 6 2.3 kg Low GL (50) vs. Low 29.5 6 0.3 of body 29.6 6 0.3 of body
Fat (82) weight in 69.4 6 3.8 d weight in 65.2 6 3.3 d
Table 1
Number of Weight/BMI Control diet/ Low GI/GL
Reference subjects Length Age (y) (kg/m2) Treatmentsa other interventionsb dietb

Pittas et al. (34) 32 (25f ; 7m) 6 months 34.7 6 0.9 27.6 6 0.3 Low GL (53) vs. High 27.2 kg 27.7 kg
GL (86)
Raatz et al. (35) 29 (24f ; 5m) 12 weeks 1 18-70 36.3 6 1.0 Low GI (33) vs. High High GI: 29.3 6 1.3 kg; 29.95 6 1.4 kg
24 weeks GI (63) vs. High Fat High Fat: 28.4 6 1.5 kg
follow-up (59)
Retterstol et al. (22)h 16 males 4 weeks 36-66 30.4 (26.6-34.9) Lipid Lowering vs. HGI: 0 kg Lipid Lowering: 22.4 kg [Range: 23.9
Median (range) Low GI vs. High GI 21.4 kg (range: 23.6 to 0.2) to 21.4]
Sichieri et al. (21) 203 females 18 months 37.3 6 0.3 26.8 6 0.1 Low GI (40) vs. High 20.26 6 0.46 kg 20.41 6 0.37 kg
(123 completers) GI (79)
Slabber et al. (36) 30 females 12 weeks 35.2 6 1.1 34.8 6 0.8 Low GI vs. Standard 27.41 6 1.09 kg 29.34 6 0.64 kg
Energy Restricted
Slabber et al. (36)h 16 females 12 weeks N/A N/A Low GI vs. Standard 24.48 kg 27.42 kgc
Energy Restricted
Sloth et al. (37) 45 females 10 weeks 29.8 6 0.9 27.6 6 0.2 Low GI vs. High GI 21.3 6 0.3 kg 21.9 6 0.5 kg
Spieth et al. (19)i 107 (58f: 49m) 4.3 months 10.4 6 0.3 33.3 6 0.7 Low GI vs. Low Fat 1.31 6 0.72 kg 22.03 6 0.59 kg
Thompson et al. (38) 90 (77f ; 13m) 48 weeks 41.4 6 0.9 34.8 6 0.3 High Calcium/Low GI HC: 28.8 6 1.37 kg; 28.8 6 1.42 kg
(72 completers) (LGI) vs. High MCMF:
Calcium (HC) vs. 29.1 6 1.30 kg
Moderate Calcium/
Moderate Fiber
Numbers inside the brackets indicate the reported GI values, unless stated otherwise.
Reduction in either absolute or % body weight from baseline, unless otherwise states.
P \ 0.05 between treatments.
Crossover design with no washout.
Approximated based on values on a graph.
Not controlled.
Depended on the amount of time it took to lose 10% of body weight.
Crossover design.
Nonrandomized trial.

not only verify these findings but also determine if low GI/GL Overall, the results indicate that low GI/GL diets, if not
diets are more effective than other dietary alternatives. more, are as effective as other dietary alternatives in inducing
weight loss. None of the studies suggested that low GI/GL diets
are an inferior regimen and in fact, even though not statistically
GI, GL, AND WEIGHT LOSS IN ADULTS significant, low GI/GL diets induced more weight loss by
A total of 20 trials (19 reports) were found to have comparison to the control in the majority of the studies. This
assessed the effect of low GI/GL diets in weight loss as a pri- conclusion is supported by a 2007 meta-analysis (40) that
mary outcome (Table 1) (21–39). All but one (26) of these included six of the aforementioned studies (17, 27, 30, 33, 36,
studies were controlled. The majority of the controlled trials 37), which concluded that low GI/GL diets result in statistically
used a parallel design and compared a low GI/GL diet to significant reductions of approximately 1 kg in weight, 1 kg in
either low fat or high GI/GL controls. Four trials reported total fat mass, and 1.3 units of BMI by comparison to the
statistically significant differences in weight loss between the control diets in adolescents and adults (P \ 0.05 for all three
treatments. All four of these studies favored low GI/GL diets outcomes) (40). Moreover, a more inclusive recent meta-analy-
over the control or other interventions (24, 29, 32, 36). In sis by Livesey et al. (41), which included results from 23
10 of the other studies, low GI/GL diets enhanced weight loss studies that measured weight loss in low GI/GL diets showed
by comparison to the control (21–23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34–37), that body weight fell with reduction in dietary GL and vice
though the differences were not statistically significantly. Con- versa in studies where; (a) subjects are under ‘‘free-living’’
versely, a study by Bellisle et al. (39) showed better, albeit conditions and (b) food intake control is limited (41). Weight
nonsignificant, weight reduction with a standard Weight loss, however, was not a primary outcome measure in a number
Watchers diet by comparison to a Weight Watchers diet of the studies included in this meta-analysis. Despite the poten-
supplemented with low GI foods (24.5 6 3.4 kg vs. 24.0 6 tially beneficial role for low GI/GL diets in weight loss there
3.1 kg; P 5 0.68). are a number of limitations that need to be addressed.
A study by Aston et al. (25) showed a nonsignificant weight First, several studies in this review were not designed to
gain in both the groups (P 5 0.8). The remaining two studies induce weight loss by restricting the caloric intake of the parti-
consisted of multiple interventions (33, 38). In the study by cipants. Even though low GI diets have been shown to increase
McMillan-Price et al. (33), four different diets (high protein/ satiety, this is not a proven mechanism of action. Therefore, in
high GI or low GI and high carbohydrate/high GI and low GI) cases where caloric intake was not restricted, it would have
led to similar reductions in weight (P 5 0.17 between treat- been helpful if the effect of the diet on satiety were assessed.
ments). In another study (38), three different diets (high Second, evidence suggests that weight maintenance is crucial
calcium, high calcium/low GI and moderate calcium/moderate for sustaining the physiological benefits associated with a reduc-
fiber diet) resulted in similar reductions in weight (P 5 0.88 tion in weight (42). However, none of these studies were
between treatments). designed specifically to compare weight regain between the
The majority of studies in adults also reported on other out- groups. Therefore, future interventions should focus on weight
comes including changes in fat mass, body fat percentage, lean maintenance following a significant reduction in weight.
muscle, energy intake, weight regain, and satiety. Of the 13 Third, in several studies the GI/GL values were not reported.
controlled trials (23–25, 27–33, 35, 37, 38) reporting on per- Furthermore, even in the studies where the GI and GL values
centage body fat or fat mass, only two (27, 29) reported statisti- were reported it was not necessarily indicated whether the
cally significant improvements with a low GI/GL diet by reported GI values were based on the glucose or bread scales.
comparison to the control. The others showed no significant To further complicate matters, there was significant variability
differences between the groups. in what was considered low GI or high GI diets. For instance,
Limited evidence from the aforementioned studies suggests in one study (25) the GI units were 55.5 and 63.9 (difference of
that low GI/GL diets may be more effective in certain popula- 8.4 units) while in another 78.6 and 102.8 (difference of 24.2)
tions. For instance, Ebbeling et al. (31) in a subgroup analysis, for low- and high-GI diets, respectively (37). Even though these
showed that a low GL diet resulted in significant reductions in differences in GI were statistically significant in both studies,
weight and body fat percentage by comparison to a low-fat diet the clinical significance of these differences should be assessed.
in subjects with high postprandial insulin levels (25.8 kg vs. In addition, more research has to be conducted to determine
21.2 kg; P 5 0.004 and 22.6% vs. 0.9%; P 5 0.03, respec- how GI/GL values and ranges relate to study findings.
tively). Another study in subjects with hyperinsulinemia showed
statistically significant reductions in weight in the low GI group
by comparison to the control (36). In another subgroup analysis, CONCLUSION
McMillan-Price et al. (33), demonstrated that a high-carbohy- Over the past decade, the body of research that links low GI/
drate/low GI diet induces a statistically significant drop in fat GL diets to weight loss has grown rapidly and significantly.
mass when compared with a high-carbohydrate/high GI diet in While there is a significant amount of inconsistency in the cur-
women (n 5 98). rent findings, the majority of studies found a trend that favored

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13. Atkinson, F. S., Foster-Powell, K., and Brand-Miller, J. C. (2008) Inter-
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