16 Effect of The Boons SMT - Prabha Senesh PDF

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|| Sri: ||

Srirama Jayam

The Ramayana Series: Part 16 – Effect-of-the-boons

(Smt. Prabha Senesh)
Koojantam rAmarAmEti madhuram madhurAksharam |
Aruhya kavitAShAkhAm vandE vAlmeeki kOkilam ||

yatra yatra raghunAtha keertanam tatra tatra kRuta mastakAnjalim |

bAshpavAri paripoorNa lOchanam mArutim namata rAkshasAntakam ||

vaidEhee sahitam suradrumatalE haimE mahAmaNTapE |

madhyE pushpaka mAsanE maNimayE veerAsanE susthitam ||

agrE vAchayati prabhanjana sutE tattvam munibhya: param |

vyAkhyAntam bharatAdibhi: parivRutam rAmam bhajE ShyAmalam ||

In the capital city of Ayodhya, preparations were made all over the city to celebrate the
coronation of Lord Rama. Meanwhile Kaikeyi, polluted by Manthara, was devising a plan to
coronate her son instead of Rama. She thus planned to use two old boons now, which she got
from King Dasharatha; the first was to send Rama to exile and the second was to make her son,
Bharatha, the king of the empire. Bound by his promise, King Dasharatha had to grant the
boons, although he knew that Lord Rama was the appropriate person to lead the empire. Hence,
the king informed Rama of everything. Rama agreed to leave the country as per his order. Lord
Rama convinced his mother, queen Kausalya and got her permission.

While this was happening in the palace of Queen Kausalya, Prince Lakshmana, known for his
irascibility, was distressed at the idea of Lord Rama leaving for the forest. Lakshmana thus
spoke to Rama saying, "The King, overpowered by his pleasure of sense, has lost his virtue,
influenced by the words of a wicked woman. Which son, having all noble virtues, will be banished
from the kingdom to range in the woods? Which son, having virtues, godly in merits and beloved
even by his enemies can agree the words of the king? I vow on my bow that I shall stand by you
if you wish to overthrow the king, our father, and set the rule in order."

Desika Seva 1
Astounded by the words of Lakshmana, Rama, in an unruffled tone, replied, "Lakshmana! Your
words show your devotion and affection towards me. Being a righteous person, you know very
well that I must fulfill the order of our father. So, stand at the side of Dharma by letting me
perform my duty and don't speak of usurping the throne." Lakshmana, with a heavy heart,
agreed reluctantly to the command of his brother as he was everything to him and so he kept

Lord Rama proceeded to his palace, to let Sita know his father's wish and his decision to go to
forest. Unaware of all those affairs, she engaged in ascetic rites and waited for her husband
with anxiety. Rama approached Sita and narrated her the entire incident. After listening
everything, she was delighted rather than being shattered. Sita told Rama, “I heard, in my
childhood at my father’s place, foretold by some sages of Mithila that I will live in forests for
some period. Now the time has come for their words to be true.”

lakShaNibhyO dwijAtibhyaH ShrutvAhaM vachanaM purA |

vanavAsa kRutOtsAhA nityamEva mahAbala ||

Sita further added, “Ever since the sages predicted, I’ve always prepared myself excitedly to
live in forests. So, I’ll join with you according to the truthful words of them.”

Rama, surprised by the words of Sita, replied her, “I’m not taking you along with me to forest.
There are many difficulties and troubles in leading life in the forest which you can’t endure.
Stay back here serving your mothers-in-law.” He further advised Sita, “Be obedient to the new
ruler Bharatha. Don’t expect to be treated especially like the wives of his other brothers, as I
won’t be here. Don’t praise me at any time in the presence of others since none will tolerate
praising of others who have no power and possession.”

Lord Rama provided Sita a hoard of advices how to live alone in his absence during the exile.
After hearing everything, Sita exploded with laughter at the end saying, “Oh Lord! I’m already
practicing my righteousness instructed by you so far. Of all the instructions, what is my
supreme duty? Recall my father's words at the time of our wedding.

“Sahadharmacharee tava, chAyEva anugatA seta”

He instructed me to be a dutiful wife by following you throughout your life like a shadow.
Hence, I shall set out to forest and make your way free of hurdles before you walk in the
forest. This foremost duty is to be executed now as a lawful wife.” Though Sita pleaded him in
many ways, Rama did not agree to take her to the forest, thinking that Sita, who led a royal life
in Mythila should not suffer in forest. He thus kept on convincing her describing various
troubles in forest and making her stay in Ayodhya.
Desika Seva 2
Due to the persistence of Rama, Sita was distressed and lamented with grief and fear of his
separation. Hence Sita showed her contempt in her words.

kimtvA manyata vaidEhaH pitAmE mithilAdhipaH |

rAma jAmAtaram prApya striyam purusha vigrham ||

To make him grant her appeal, Sita told Rama, “My father will have chances of thinking about
you as a woman having the form of a man. If you skip your duty, parting me here, it will prove
him your inefficiency to guard me in the woods.” Rama, with no other choice, finally agreed her
to be with him in woods, as it wouldn't be wise of troubling Janaka with the thought of him
letting Sita live alone.

Rama revealed her then his real intention, “Oh! Sita! Even I can’t live alone, being separated
from you. I want to know your real opinion, whether you come yourself voluntarily or being
forced since you are my wife. Now I feel pleased knowing your foremost duty.” Rama finally
invited Sita in his journey to the forests for which Sita agreed happily.

Lakshmana, who was there already, spoke to Rama that he too would travel with them to the
forest. As he was not ordered to exile, Rama asked Lakshmana to stay back, support the elders
and assist Bharata to reign the kingdom.

Having no existence without Rama, Lakshmana replied him humbly that his life revolved around
Rama and there was nothing in his life without him. He thought that seeking Sita’s approval
would make Rama grant his request. Hence, he addressed Sita that he would be their servant
doing all sorts of services when the couple were awake or asleep.

bhavAn tu sahavaidEhyA giri sAnushu raMsyatE |

aham sarvam karishyAmi jAgrataH swapataH cha tE |

Being extremely moved by the touching words of his brother, Rama permitted him to travel
with them to the forest. So, the three of them decided to leave to the forest.

It should be noticed a point here, What were the two boons of Kaikeyi? Did those boons get
executed exactly? Not at all. The first boon was Rama alone to be exiled. In the process of
executing the first boon, Rama, Sita and Lakshmana were exiled to the forest.

The second boon was Bharatha to be crowned. Let us see the effect of the second boon in the


Desika Seva 3

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