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Name: Jose Avila

Date: 4/21/2019
Time: 40 min
Write a 180-200 word composition about the following topic:
The Internet: benefits and disadvantages.

Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary Adverbs of Frequency, Introductory Phrases), punctuation and the
elements of a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.)

The Internet: benefits and disadvantages

I think the internet is the best invention in the new era, it has totally changed the world
because broken the frontiers of information, today the information is just a click away and
most of us have access for example in the work, school, university and in the home the
internet is everywhere you just need a device with network access.

This tool helped me in 3 main aspects:

First; I need much information for my work, studies however have much alternatives to take
information of all world, nonetheless I select the place of information not everything on the
internet is good or true. Second; I have contact with my family and my friend’s independence
of the distance a low cost. Third; Entertainment for videos, games, tests of all, it's amazing
the thing you can do.

Nowadays internet is fantastic, these days I need connected to internet for my work, the
pandemic of Covid-19 obliges to people stay indoors, work into the house despite need
information in my case to preparation the final informs but this change was worldwide only
the primary sectors can leave home.

Writing Rubric - A2+ - B1 (Levels 3-4)

Updated: March 2020

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor

Displays a limited
Uses mostly accurate
Uses accurate and May display accurate but range of syntactic
and appropriate
appropriate grammatical limited range of syntactic structures and
grammatical structures
Language Use structures and structures and vocabulary vocabulary (problems
and vocabulary related
(Grammar & vocabulary related to the for the level (problems with with basic grammar
to the task for the level
Vocabulary) task for the level with basic grammar structures structures and
with some errors;
minimum errors that do and spelling errors). Errors spelling errors) for the
however, they do not
not interfere with text may interfere with text level. Errors interfere
interfere with text
comprehension. comprehension. with text

Effective and
Few errors in the use of Many errors in the use of It doesn’t show use of
Punctuation appropriate use of
punctuation, punctuation and punctuation and
capitalization. capitalization. capitalization rules.

The paragraph is The paragraph is

Effectively develops a
mostly well organized somewhat organized but
paragraph (includes a Limited development
Organization and developed (includes lacks some elements of a
topic sentence, (vague ideas, lack of
(Development, an introduction with a paragraph (unclear topic
supporting ideas, and a unity, irrelevant
unity, and topic sentence, sentence, somewhat
conclusion). The information, and
coherence) supporting ideas, and a developed examples and
paragraph is well confusing
conclusion, but shows details, includes some
organized and has explanations).
some lack of unity and irrelevant information not
cohesion. related to topic).

Address the task well, Limited development

Somewhat addresses the
Task although some points in response to the
Effectively address the topic and task with some
Development may not be fully topic and task. The
topic and task. Number unclear points. The number
elaborated. Does not number of words is
of words according to of words reaches about
reach the number of less than 50% of
the task assigned. 50% of what was assigned
words according to the what was assigned
for the task.
task assigned. for the task.
TOTAL 1.25 1 0.50 0.25-0

A grade of 0 (zero) is assigned when the student doesn’t write anything or when the text presented has been
plagiarized (copied).

Grade: _____/5

Updated: March 2020

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