2003 Biology Paper I Marking Scheme PDF

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|. 2803 120 , CUHK-I 852 2603 57454, ik NO. 82s ees SAR Sen Sia FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme 1.@) @. Concentration of carbon dioxide i.e Because the breathing rate increases / changes with the concentration of carboa dioxide «. ‘While it remains the same regardless of the change in oxygen concentration 6.0... @ Se (iii) -Exhaled air still contains 16% oxygen ......., ee z ae . 1 ‘When blown into the patiant’s lungs, the oxygen ean be supplied to the bady cells for tespitaiion 1 (iy) (1) To ensure the entrance of the trachea is clear / free from obstructions ......... eer (2) To ensure that air is blowa into the fungs ....... — () medulla... Total : 9 marks 1.(8) @ (2) The water potential of the red blood ceiis was higher then that of the surrounding solution ..... 1 Water moved out of the cells . As a result, the eelis shrank and became wrinkled a s was higher than, while (2) Because the water potential of some red blood ce porantial of the swrovnding soluti of others was equal to / lower then the wat @) d blood cells again after some time eieesesessee ‘two forms should remain the sane if they had reac! hed equilibrium (i) The water potential of the red blood cells was Woaver entered the cells ...,, expanded aud Burst «ccs i bin to the solution, thus making it red 1 [_ Effective Communication () 7 | Total : 10+ J mar TQ) @) naked Shon nse cessssssesesussssceccrsnneseesennnsnceceevee See 1 (i) * Amphibia / Amphibian cen . (iii) Destruction / lack of habitats for the Hong Kong newt ‘The newt may have low reproductive povential Poor ability to find food / insufficient food supply Poor defensive mechanisms against natural enemies Hunted by lumans (accept other reasonable answers) 8 & 3 (iv) (1) wild fruit tree — caterpillar —> lizard > bird = snake wal. . severe E (2) Drawing of the pyramid: upright pyramid, with inverted bottom ... snake I bird lizard caterpillar wild fruit tee (3). Energy is lost along the food chain ..., 5 eee Gue to respiration / excretion / incomplete ingestion and digestion of food /death .... wad ‘Taus the number of organisms in each trophic level decreases from caterpillar to snake ......... i However, the biomass / energy / size of the fruit te is match greater than that of a caterpillar 80.2 fhiit treé can support maby caterpillars .. : . wl Effective Communication (Cp . Z| cet “Tonal :11 +1 marks a cea toy CUHK-BIOLOGY +852 5745. NO.824, P.2 ms YI RSVen a FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme Marks 2.(a) (i) The offspring in cross | have white Jowers, so they must have received at least one allele for white flower from either of the pareats .. 1 Since both parents have purple flowers, each of them must carry atleast oxe allele for purgle ower. | ie 1 Thus at least one of the parents is heterozygous pease In the heterozygous condition, only the dominant character is Shown, -. Thus purple flower is the dominant character Gi) F represents the allele for purple flower; frepresonts the allele for whi (accept other sets of symbols) The possible genotypes of the purple-flower parent are FF or Fi and thet of the white-flower parent is ff .. deduct | mark (once only) (iii) Ifthe genotype of purple-fiower parent is FF, all offspring will produce purple Sowers .... 1 If the genotype is FS, purple-flower offspring and white-dlower offspring will be formed and they would be in the ratio of 3:1 . sesesetneees ; If ‘gene’ is used in place of allele” in () or (U} Total : 11 snarks 2.() @) (1) Tar incigarette smoke deposits om the surface of the air sacs in the mother's lungs a result, less oxygen can be absorbed into the mothes's blood . whence reducing the oxygen supply to che foes s > placenta & a) is results in the discherge of the amniotic fluid renee ‘winich lubricates the passage of the forms through the vagina s---..---- Co I (2) The cervix continues to dilate . — The uterus and the abdomina) muscles contract stougly to expel the foetus through the vagina ; Effective Communication (C) | 2.(€) () The pabereas is the major orgen that produces lipase Due to blockage of the pancreatic oc pansreate “pase cannot reach the duodenum ‘Thus fat in the food cannot be digeste seseee — and is egested in the faeces (Gi) Due to the blockage of the pancreatic duct, digestive enzymes accumulate / become active in the panéreas 3, ‘The protease accumulated digests the tiseie of the pancreas / the lipase accumulated digests the cell membrane of pancreatic tissue cells (iii) The damaged paneréas sétretes less insulin ....s... Thus excessive glucose in the blood cannot be converied to elycogen in the Blood glucose level in these patients remains so high that the Kidneys cannot reubsorb all gincose from the glomerular filtrate... Thus glucose is found in the urine [__Bifective Communication (GF 7] Total: 9 + J marke RARE Sf «FOR TEACHERS" USE ONLY we 15t2Ls UC BICLCSy 4052 ARAM Sey 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme 3.{a) (i) (1)__To allow the transmission of 2) ‘aqueows tumour / choroids .. to the retina withour obstruction .. (i) (1) Trhelps to reduce the amount of light entering the eyes 50 as to prevent over-stinlation/ damage of the light-sensitive cells .. Q) reflex action ... @) [Constriction of B Putting on sunglasses Does uot involve the cerebrum | Involves the cerebrum | Tabor, Leamed acti \ Faster in action Slower in action Stereoryped response is same | Variable vesponses to the same | stimulus always evokes the same | stimulus response (iii) Dari-coloured sunglasses reduce the light intensity entering the eye . 0 the pupil will not constrict / constrict to a smaller extent ia bright sunlight . As a result, more UV light can enter the eye and cause damage ...... . Effective Communication (C) i Total : 10+ marks 3.) (i) The catalase in the paper dise broke dowa hydrogea peroxide, When the amount of oxygen evolved reached a certain level, to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide solution leasing oxygen «.... 1 oxygen bubbles buoyed up the disc @ @ f BH [Rate of reaction (=) rseenstnseseactsasee % ss “<0.01 ssceneesnteneeeet % 5 0.02 ) 7 0.05 ) loro [ 3 0.05 ) U 0.04 t ) @ . % Effect of pH on catalase activity ice of anes (A). : a 0.08. Contest labelling of exés with units (L) 0. 4, He Correct plotting and joitiing of points (P) 0... 1 0:04. Rate of 0.03 reuction wy 0024 oi (Accept any pint berween 0 : and 0.01 ; (ee ii) (1) any value berwoen 7 and 9 any value read from the graph drawn ..!..lss. (2) ° ’ Repeat the experiment using hydrogen peroxide solutions with smaller pH intervals between 7 and 9. ein (iv) The catalase Activity would be similar to that of the previous investigation’. . Décause catalase is not denatured at 4°C and it can become active again af room femsperature .. SPR PLB bal Ure TEACHERS’ USE.O 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme Marks 3.(©) (i) Presence of thick / lignified ‘No cell content / empty lumen @ Baw... Sucrose (iil) (LAs the fuagal byphae block the xylem vessel of the infected stem, water cannot be transported to the Stem sseseseenees = Eee - On a hot day, the rate of spuation is high The water loss of the stem / plaus becomes Thus cell type D becomes flaccid / loses turgid and can no longer give support to the stem Effective Communication (©) Z| 2) Parasitism .. 1 Total: 9 +4 marks Updated marking scheme for Q.3 (c) (21.5.2003) “cu BIoLOGy 180 2eg0 ores es HeRaveneia FUR TEACHERS’ USE E ONEY 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme Marks 4. (a) (i) © dry soll: 50g / 0.05 kg plant : 74.65 ke .. 7 ay (i) The soit is not the main source of food for plant growth ... ‘ecause the drop in mass of the dry soil is very small. {n comparison with the gain in mass of the plant (i) To reduce the amount of substance in air added to the soil / the amount of soil lost to the air so that the loss in weight of the soil is mainly due tp the plant .. (iv) Q) Title (Z) Design of set-up (S) leaf with CO, supply vd leaf in = container baving sodium hydroxide solus 1 light source sesseseeen % sodium hydroxide solution water Experimental set-up for showing that COs is necessary for the plant to make food (2) To make sure that the starch detected at the uring the experiment . By keeping the plant in darimess for two day d of the experianent was made Total : 11 marks 4.(0) @) Chamber B 1 The wall of Bis thicker / more muscular than that of A " i showing that itis the left ventricle / it can generate a greater foree for pumping blood I G1) *bicuspid vatv . I (2) EX does not close properly, oxygenated blood in the lefi ventricle will flow back to the left atrium when the ventricle contracts 5 1 ‘This reduces the amount of oxygenated blood pumped out of the heart in each ‘beat 1 During vigorous exercise, the oxygen consumption of the skeletal muscles is very high al This increases the risk of insufficient oxygen supply to the brain : 1 ‘thus thé person would faint easily ‘This would reduce the oxygen supply to the heart muscle hence increase the risk of heart attack 2003-CE-BIO I=? ARSE | | S.JUN, 2803 151234 py pCUHK-BIOLOGY +852 2603 SH A084 PE > SUPRA gp Sea run TEACHERS USE ONLY 2003 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme Marks: 4(c) @ ‘The antigen in the cholera vaccine . 1 stimulates specific white blood cells to produce antibody . wl resulting in the rise in antibody level (ii) For the second injection, the rise in antibody level occurs earlier) the rise in antibody level is faster J any BHO vcseececcsceeee and the peak of the antibody level is bigher ) This is because as a result of the first injection, certain white blood ceils will develop ‘| memory for the antigen .. - seeaeseen, ae L When the same antigen enters the body in the second injestion, sees 1 the white blood cells will produce a large amount of antibodies within a short time. . 1 ‘Effective Communication (C) 7 (iii) Cook the seafood thoroughly 1 Inadiate seawater used in fish tanks with UV light .. (accept other reasonable answers) Tota): 9+ J marks

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