HKCEE Biology 2000 Paper I A PDF

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2000 CE Biology Paper I Marking Scheme

(i) The cells of A and the cells of the foetus are fonned by mitosis
of the zygote "".""'"

(ii) (1) female I

(2) A spennca"ying an X chromosome I
fused with an egg, which always contains an X chromosome ".'.'" I
to fonn a zygote I offspring with two X chromosomes. '... I
thus resulting in a female foetus

(iii) There are 3 chromosomes21 / an extra chromosomeis present

(iv) The foetus may be expelled out of the uterus I miscarriage ' I

(v) Blood from A to the foetus has

higher oxygen content )
higher nutrient content )
lower carbon dioxide content ) anytwo
lower urea content )
(accept other correct answers)

Total: 10 marks
.(b) (i) Tissue A
B is
is .spongy
.palisade mesophyll
mesophyll I

(ii) Number of chloroplastsin region 1is 20; while that in region 2 is 12 I

Ratio of chloroplast density in region 1 to that in region 2 is 5:3 I
,: " 0 o.
This allows."thcleaf
'_0. to carry out pho~synthcsis ,ata higher rate 1
becausetissue A hasa higher ~ensityofchloroplasts 1
and it is located in the upper layer of the leaf :. 1
so its cells are under direct illumination I can receivemore sunlight than
the cells oftissueB 1
Effective communication (C) 11

(iv) Cut
Put the
cross stem
ofa leafy
of the shoot
stem in and
a dye
the solution
leaf for some time """' ~..~ ".""""'"

Cell type the
C would
sections be stained
under theby microscope
the dye '

Total: 12 + 1 marks
-.( I. (c) (i) Oxygen in the tidal air diffuses through'the residualair '..." ""'... 1
and dissolves in the water film lining the air sac 1
It then diffuses acrossthe walls of the air sacand the capilla[): into the blood... 1
I Effective communication (C) i I

(ii) (I) The volume of tidal air will increase..' '..' ".'...""."...'.'.'." 1
(2) The oxygenuptake in the blood becomesfaster I

becausethe distance of diffusion of oxygenfrom the tidal air)

to the water film is reduced )
or becausethe surfaceareaof the air sac for diffusion of ) anyone 1
oxygen is increased )

(iii) ParticlesI Tar depositon tii~ ~all of the air ~c 1

thus reducethe rate ofdiffiisionofoxygen ..., 1
(accept other correct
.,1,:... ..". '~!'. .:'

Total: 8 + 1 marks

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2000 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme .Marks
2. (a) (i) The daily energy intake of Jane is 6620 kJ """ '" I
which is less than her daily energy requirement I
Thus she has to consume I mobilize the fall food reserve in her body : I
~t;o ~~:;;:=~~~~h t ,
(ij) L-~=::~:~=~ .--!-l
Amino acids are broken down in the liver I
to form carboh~drafC I a part without nitrogen (and urea) ".'" '.'.' I
which will be oxidized/used in respiration to release energy I

(iii) anaemia '."" """'" "." ". I

(iv) A
a piece ofspot
on remain
a filter paper
after drying mI
Immerse the paper in an organic solvent and the spot will disappear 1 any
OR one
Add alcohol to a piece ofham and obtain a clear solution m set
Add water to the clear solution I
The solution will turn milky 1

.u..I:" .Aau + I marks

.(b> (i)I From I to S units of light intensity, the size of the pupil decreases

with increasing when the light light intensity intensity is above S units,

This the that size
responsethe of light-sensitive
the helps
cells pupil / to photorcceptors
will prevent cells
remain excessive the
of unchanged -+ retina sensory
light may with entering
not increasing
be the /
damaged opticeye... light nerve intensity '"


-+ associatinn neurnn.c in .-+ motor neurone / nerve -+ iris muscle

( If: a markresult all for no the eachlight light tenn)
is entering
reflected Deduct
the out eye of If: isthe mark
eye if through
there by the
is the no retina pupil
arrow and sign. the choroid

Total: 9 marks
(i) Advantage:
The chanceof pollinationI fertilization is higher )
Lesswastageof pollen grains ) anyone I
Desirable characters of the parent are more likely to be transmitted)
to the offspring )

Lessgenetic variation (acceptother con-ectanswers) I
(ii) Removethe anthersfrom the flower beforetheyare mature I
( -"
Use a brushto dust pollengrainsof anotherpea flower onto the stigma of this flower I
Coverthe flower with a plasticbagto preventfurther pollination ". ...' I
Effective communication (C) 1
(iii) (I) Greenpod colouris dominantto yellow pod colour I
or The allele for greenpod colour is dominantto the all~le for yellow pod colour
(2) Let G represent the allele for green pods I
and g representthe allele for yellowpods

F, Gg X Gg I
It~ It~
Gamete C(;:~~a 1

Fz GG Gg Gg gg t
' Y. "'
gree~POd: yello7 pod } I

Deduct 1 mark for leaving out the labels ofF., gameteand Fz..
Total: 11 + I marks
2000-CE-BIO 1-9 .-

H m~. ~ (JI.~
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2000 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme Marks
3. (a) (i) (2)
(I) Blood
Its wall capillary
is one-cell thick I the diameter of the lumen is

The pressure slightly of blood greater in A thanis higher

or similar than tothe that pressureof a red of blood cell

the fluid
forces (D):surrounding
the clear
plasma and the
accuratemuscle the diagram.
cells protein
double out
line of for A capillary wall,

biconcave RBC "",."",.,.",.,.,."""",.,.."..,."", lYJ.
Labels (L): any three of the following labels and title; '/z mark each

cell of capillary wall/capillary wall

red blood cell

lumen I blood plasma I blood

A section alon~ line BC

{ (iv) (small intestine) -+ hepatic portal vein -+ liver -+ hepatic vein -+ vena cava-+

j Deduct
-+ pulmonaryYz mark artery
if there -+ is (lung)
no arrow sign. (Yz mark I for each term) 3

Total: 10 marks

(i) Diabetesis causedby the absenceof certain substance(s) I

which canbe found in the pancreas I

(ii) To detennine whetherthe substancein the pancreasextracteffective in

treating diabetesis a protein I
ora fat , I

(iii) Symptoms of diabetes would remain I

This is becauseproteasein the alimentary canal I
will digestthe active substancewhich is protein in nature I

(iv) In the diabetic person,the pancreascannotproduce enoughinsulin... 1

Thus the liver cannotconvertexcessglucose in the blood into glycogen 1
His blood glucoseconcentrationremains high 1
leading to a high level of glucose in the glomerular filtrate 1
The kidney tubules cannotreabsorball the glucose from the filtrate ,. I
( thus glucoseis excretedin the urine
I Effect~vecommunication (C) i I
Total: 12 + 1 marks

(i) The water potentialof the cell sapof cell A is greaterthan that of
the sucrosesolution 1
Watermoves out of the cell by osmosis 1
The vacuole shrinks in size 1
pulling the cytoplasm/cell membraneaway from the cell wall 1
I ~jfec~veco;;;:'unicatwn(C) .--!J
The waterpotential of the cell sapof cell B may be the sameflower than
that of the surrounding solution 1
(I) Adjust the positinn nfthe slide until cell A is at the centre of
(iii) the field of vision 1
(2) Adju~ the diaphra~m/ condenserto increasethe illwnination
of the slide 1
rum the ad_iustment knob until the cell is in focus 1
Total: 8 + 1 marks
R ~.R
2000 CE Biology Paper 1 Marking Scheme
4. (a) (i) The amylase converts starchinto maltose.

(ii) To ensure that sufficient amountof maltoseis produced

(jij) When the temperatureincreasesfrom O.'70°C.the amylaseactivity increases..., 1

When the temperaturesincreasesfrom 70-90°C. the amylaseactivity decreases. 1
The optimum temperaturefor the activity of barleyamylaseis 70°C 1

(iv) Keep amylase

The the mixture at very at low
is inactive this temperature
temperature (below IO.C)

but it is not denaturedI destroyed...".

(v) After incubating the mixture at a given temperature for a fixed period of time,

perform the
the amount
Benedict's of redtest precipitate / reducing sugar formed ", "

Total: 10 marks

4. (b) (i) (1) High concentrationof suspendedsolids reducesthe light intensity

in water I
Thus the rateof photosynthesisof the producersdecreases... I
and this leadsto a drop in the populationof the producers I
I Effective communication (C)- --11

(2) SiteD I

(ii) (1) The greater the amount of organic pollutants in water. the higher
the bacterial population 1
because the organic pollutants provide food 1
for the growth I multiplication of bacteria I

(2) Site C ,

(3) Slow water current in the harbour )

There is sewageoutfall at this site ) anyone .
Large human population

(iii) To
(acceptprotect other endangered
correct answers)

Total: 10 + I marks

4. (c) (i) When perfonning heavy exercise, rate of sweat production was faster I





increase to
of heat

in sweat
was generated

by the body


(ii) When the person is performing exercise,a large amountof water in the
body was lost in the form of sweat 1
The water potential of the blood / plasmawas lowered 1
Thus a greaterproportion of water was reabsorbedfrom the glomerular filtrate.. 1
hence lessurine was produced
I Effective communicat;on (C) 11

(iii) (I) The lining of the air sacsor respiratory tract is moist / covered with
a water film 1
Water in the water film evaporatesinto the air of the air sacI
respiratory tract 1
and is lost during exhalation
becausethe rate and depthof breathingwas increased .., I
so greateramountof air was exhaledfrom the lungs per unit time I
leading to an increasedrate of water lossthrough exhalation
Total: 10 + I marks

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