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Early Human Development 135 (2019) 75–81

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The future of probiotics in the preterm infant☆ T


Keywords: Probiotic administration to preterm infants is not universal despite randomised trial data from > 10,000 infants,
Preterm infant significant observational data and multiple meta-analyses. Advocates point to reductions in necrotising en-
Probiotic terocolitis and sepsis, ‘sceptics’ hold concerns over data quality/interpretation or risks. Issues revolve around
Trials different products, primary outcomes, uncertain dosing strategies and individual large ‘negative’ trials alongside
probiotic associated sepsis and quality control concerns. We review concerns and how to move probiotic use
forward. Surprisingly little is known about parental perspectives, vital to inform next steps. How to share in-
formation and decisions around probiotic use now, and how this impacts on future available strategies is dis-
Preterm infant cussed. We address placebo controlled trials and propose alternate designs, including head to head studies, using
Probiotic ‘routine’ data collection systems, opt out consents and ‘learning technologies’ embedded in health care systems.
Trials We also raise the importance of underpinning mechanistic work to inform future trials.

1. Background must be done … [8]’. Why is this so difficult, controversial, and emo-
tive? The data surpasses that underpinning many other neonatal
1.1. Decision making in medicine treatments, the diseases probiotics address remain important con-
tributors to death and morbidities: the UK SIFT [9] and ELFIN trials
Data on numbers of decisions made on neonatal intensive care units [10] (> 4000 preterm infants < 32 weeks) had LOS in 31% and 30%
(NICU's) is lacking: estimates on adult units exceed 250 every 24 h [1] and NEC (stage II or above) of 5.3% and 5.5%. The financial and
suggesting a preterm infant on a NICU will have ‘tens’ of decisions made emotional costs are huge: mortality up to 40% for NEC, impacts on
daily. Some are firmly evidence based, of which a proportion will be quality of life, $4 – 600 000 for NEC-related hospital care [11]. Despite
formalised into recommendations from an expert body such as the this, how cheap probiotics are (< $1 a day) and data from 20 years, the
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), a Royal Col- neonatal community is divided. Routine use has not increased: UK 17%
lege or other expert group, whilst others are based on historical prac- [12] USA 14% [13]. Some call for ‘more data’ or ‘better trials' – without
tices. Some are agreed across borders, allowing European or interna- certainty further trials will help. The million pound PiPS trial [14]
tional guidance to be developed and implemented wherever resource awaited as the ‘trial to end the probiotic debate’, n = 1305 with rig-
allows (e.g surfactant at intubation of preterm infants [2]) although orous methodology, still has wide confidence intervals, high con-
some take many years before universal adoption occurs (as for an- tamination rates, and used a single strain ‘probiotic’. Probiotics offer
tenatal steroids [3]). Others are selectively implemented independent almost limitless future possibilities: the quest for a ‘better’ probiotic
of resource, with thresholds for practice change differing, and the idea dose, strain, combination or dosing strategy, in an increasingly specific
of ‘early’ and ‘late’ adopters of new treatments (as for less invasive population (males born by caesarean weighing < 750 g colonised with
surfactant delivery [4]). Still more are implemented only by individual Klebsiella) is endless, so waiting for ‘more’ randomised controlled trial
consultants. (RCT) data could be an endless task [16].
We face complex challenges. We do not have one disease, one po-
1.2. Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), late onset sepsis (LOS) and probiotic pulation and one drug, the ideal therapeutic trial setting, but must
use make wise decisions for babies currently in our care and invest our
time, energies and financial resources for the best benefit of future
Probiotic use currently falls mostly within the ‘individual units or babies.
consultants’ remit, although there are ‘universal adopters’ and countries Here we review specific issues relating to probiotic trial data in
where access is difficult or precluded, but this prompts strong and op- relation to clinical decision making, ask whether there is a realistic
posing views: ‘time to end all controversies’ [5], ‘it is time to change likelihood that this issue can be resolved with ‘more data’, discuss fu-
practice [6] ‘routine probiotics …: let's be careful [7] ‘further research ture research options, and highlight the importance of openness and

Neither author has any conflicts of interest to declare.

0378-3782/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.

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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Early Human Development 135 (2019) 75–81

Table 1
Summary of recent probiotic meta-analyses.
Study (ref) Population Trial n Patient n Outcome RR (95%CI) p

Thomas [15] RCTs < 1500 g 23 7325 NEC 0.57 (0.43–0.74) < 0.0001
22 6954 Mortality 0.72 (0.57–0.92) 0.009
RCTs < 1000 g 5 1596 NEC 0.86 (0.64–1.16) 0.32
Dermyshi [29] RCTs < 1500 g 29 8535 NEC 0.57 (0.47–0.7) < 0.00001
28 7987 LOS 0.88 (0.8–0.97) 0.01
27 8156 Mortality 0.77 (0.65–0.92) 0.003
14 13,779 0.51 (0.37–0.7) < 0.0001
8 8648 NEC 0.81 (0.69–0.96) 0.01
Observational 11 11,118 LOS 0.71 (0.62–0.81) < 0.00001
< 1500 g Mortality
Chang [20] RCTs < 1500 25 7345 NEC 0.6 (0.48–0.74) 0.01
or < 32 weeks 21 6291 Mortality 0.75 (0.6–0.92) 0.006
Sawh [21] RCTs < 37 or 35 10,520 NEC 0.53 (0.42–0.66) < 0.0001
< 2500 g 31 8707 LOS 0.88 (0.77–1.00) 0.05
29 9507 Mortality 0.79 (0.68–0.93) 0.003

partnership with parents in making these decisions well. [28,29], and continues to be supported by emerging data, including
from large national databases [30] suggesting clinical benefit is not all
strain specific. Probiotics are not unique in this – we recognise class
2. Problems with existing data
effects of drugs (antibiotics, anti-hypertensives) and food classes (fibre).
2.1. Data interpretation/trial design issues
3.1. Variation in primary outcomes
Utility of probiotic related data is frequently challenged by virtue of
differences in study design. Key differences are the probiotic strains Probiotic studies report varying clinical end points: all-cause mor-
tested, gestational inclusion criteria (‘prematurity’ from < 32 weeks tality, BPD, ROP, time to full feeds, length of hospital stay, NEC (all
to < 37), start and end points of supplementation, different primary stages, just > II or only ‘surgical NEC’), and LOS. LOS is defined vari-
outcomes (affecting power for secondary outcomes that enter meta- ably, including or excluding coagulase negative staphylococci (CONS)
analyses (MA)), different outcome definitions, different geographical or clinically suspected cases. These differing outcomes and definitions
settings and different background rates of LOS and NEC. At the time of impact on the power of trials including for secondary outcomes then
writing (Jan 2019) multiple MA exist, with the most recent summarised included in MA. Cause of death is often not well reported making
(Table 1). Over 8500 < 1500 g infants contribute to RCTs and > biological plausibility from probiotic effect difficult to judge. Some data
13,500 to observational studies of probiotics on NEC, slightly fewer suggest that products may perform differentially in reducing NEC and
contributing mortality or LOS data. MA also report the impact of pro- LOS [22,24] and trials ‘completely separate’ the two. Clinically there is
biotic use on outcomes including retinopathy of prematurity (none) both genuine overlap of conditions (NEC with E coli sepsis) and sign/
[17] BPD (none) [18] time to full feeds [19] and impact of product used symptom interpretation such that ‘culture negative sepsis’ in one unit
[20]. So we are not short of data per se. However the data we have is that would be classified as ‘NEC’ in another.
both ‘broad and narrow’: the average effect may not be received by an Neonatal medicine is complex, even cause of death is often multi-
individual (too broad), the trial setting may not be representative of factorial (is death from line-related sepsis after NEC due to sepsis or
real life (too narrow) [23] and suffers from other issues, below. NEC?) making data interpretation challenging. Long term develop-
mental outcomes remain challenging due to loss to follow up, cost and
resource implications, and no probiotic study to date has this as pri-
3. Product variation across studies
mary outcome.

Van den Akker [22] identified 25 separate single strain or combi-

nation products used in any RCT or head to head study reporting 3.2. Variations in population at risk
mortality, NEC, LOS or time to full enteral feeds. Only five were studied
repeatedly (> two trials), three combination products reduced mor- Should sub-populations of ‘preterm infants’ be treated differently?
tality, seven (three single, four combination) reduced NEC and two Are there biologically plausible reasons why sex or gestation (treated
combination products reduced LOS. One combination (L acidophilus, B categorically) should affect probiotic efficacy? The infants at highest
longum, B bifidum, B infantis) used in two studies [24,25] showed effi- risk of NEC and LOS are the lowest gestation, inevitably represented by
cacy across all three in this network MA. Previous strain analyses have the smallest numbers within trial data, and the most immunologically
compared single and multiple strain products, showing better results immature. Data is potentially conflicting: in Germany and Norway some
with multiple strain products but noted larger number of infants ex- centres elect only to give probiotics to infants < 1000 g, and observa-
posed to these than single strain products [21]. The different product tional data from 5351 infants supports a reduction in NEC, mortality
use allows the argument that no product has been sufficiently tested nor and any abdominal surgery [31], other MA report ‘insufficient’ data
shown effective across multiple studies, and MA is inappropriate. in < 28 or < 1000 g infants, or no significant effect [29]. Feed type
However heterogeneity within MA and systematic reviews for probio- may be important, with efficacy appearing best in breast fed infants
tics are low and p values small suggesting biological effects independent [32] but small numbers were exclusively breast milk recipients.
of strain [5]. The mechanisms by which probiotics act are unlikely to all
be strain specific with some expected common properties across strains 4. Limited underpinning mechanistic work
[26]. Mechanisms shared may be sub-species specific, species-specific
or genus specific: increasingly knowledge will allow predictions of Pathophysiological clarity of the processes that lead to NEC and LOS
likely product efficacy ahead of trials [27]. In addition probiotic in- is limited, but multiple pathways almost certainly lead to these final
tervention in observational studies with varying products shows benefit ‘diagnoses’. 14 sub-types of NEC are identified by Gordon [33] but only


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Early Human Development 135 (2019) 75–81

Table 2
Mechanistic data on probiotic effect in the preterm probiotic exposed population.
Probiotic mechanism Measure Study Setting (GA (mean)) Probiotic (days exposed) Finding

Decreased inflammation Fecal cytokines Indrio [35] DBPCT Formula fed L Reuteri (0−30) Decreased inflammatory cytokines (IL6/8/
infants (30) [60] 17), increased anti-inflammatory (IL10)
Fecal Calpro- Indrio [35] *above *above Decreased
tectin Mohan [36] (31) [69] B Lactis Decreased
L Reuteri (4–21)
Enhanced immune function Stool IgA Indrio [35] *above *above Increased
Mohan [36] *above *above Increased
Production of beneficial SCFA Indrio [35] *above *above Increased
metabolites Mohan [36] *above *above Increased
Underwood [24] 3 arm RCT (29)[90] ProbioplusDDSb (0–28) No effect
Culturellec (0–28)
Competitive colonisation Relative Watkins [37] Open dose study with L acidophilus Increased lactobacillus
abundance control [38] B bifidum (0-34 weeks)
Millar [42] PiPs [14]infants [103] B Breve BBG-001 (0–36 weeks) No impact
Plummer [43] ProPrems infants [68] ABCDophilusa (first feed to Increased bifidobacteria
discharge or term)
Reduced ‘NEC associated taxa’ Relative Watkins [37] *above *above Reduced Streptococcacea and Enterococcacea
abundance Millar [42] *above *above No impact
Plummer [43] *above *above Reduced Enterococcus

Contains B Longum ssp infantis, Strep thermophilus, B animalis ssp lactis.
Contains L acidophilus, B longum, B bifidum, B infantis, inulin.
Contains L rhamnosus, inulin.

some relate mechanistically to how probiotics work. The complex host, suggests that significant NEC reduction occurs with shorter courses
microbes and feed interactions, our small patient size and limited tissue [51].
availability make understanding these mechanisms challenging, but
systems are developing [34] including biorepositories (Great North 4.2. Learned society's perspectives
Neonatal Biobank ( and
Available data exploring probiotic mechanisms in the preterm probiotic Many key groups have either not offered specific guidance or sug-
exposed population is summarised in Table 2. Laboratory work ‘outside’ gested that more data is needed before use (American Academy of
the preterm host, or with adult cells [38] will miss the preterm specific Pediatrics (AAP) [52] and European Society of Paediatric Gastro-
and host elements of these complex interactions [39] but preterm enterology Hepatology and Nutrition [53]). An ESPGHAN working
specific ‘enteroid’ models are now being successfully developed (CJ group exists and new guidance is expected soon. In the US probiotic
Stewart personal communication). Biomarkers for gut health or disease research has been especially difficult due to regulatory challenges and
are not well explored within probiotic trials and generally perform the International Scientific Association for probiotics and prebiotics
poorly in neonatal populations [40,41]. At present there is limited have produced a document addressing these and proposed strategies
microbiome data from large RCTs of probiotics [42,43]. Reductions in [54]. The European Paediatric Association and Union of the National
‘NEC associated’ taxa may or may not translate to clinical benefit, and European Paediatric Societies and Associations (EPA/UNEPSA), con-
are variable [44]. Association between intestinal permeability (IP) and vened an expert panel, published guidance for probiotic use in children,
microbiota abundance of Clostridiales in infants < 33 weeks over the but specifically avoided preterm NEC or LOS. They do however ‘cau-
first two weeks has been demonstrated [45] but not explored with tion’ use in preterm infants [55]. ESPGHAN have produced a paper
probiotic exposure. Less metabolomic data exist and performance as a calling for better quality control (Qc) from commercial products [56] a
marker of functional effect of a probiotic is poorly explored: current clear unmet need.
data is conflicting in terms of association with health and disease [46]
or not [47]. 4.3. Risks of probiotic use

4.1. Dosing and duration In comparison to risks with other interventions, and in light of po-
tential benefits, risks of probiotic use appear weighted highly by clin-
Most large trials use a dose of 1 × 108 or 1 × 109: stool colonisation icians and important to non-adopters. The major risks are probiotic
rates suggest this is not improved with higher doses (1 × 1010) [48]. sepsis [57] or sepsis from contamination [58]. The live nature of the
However there may be better measures for optimising dosing/duration product appears associated with disproportionate fear in comparison to
of probiotics. In animals total bacterial load contributes to NEC pa- other interventions that also contribute to LOS (antibiotic use en-
thogenesis, but this was not seen in humans [49]. What could we couraging resistant or dominant strains, anti-reflux treatments) and
measure to ensure optimal dosing? Stool presence of probiotic organism other treatments that risk contamination such as parenteral nutrition
may indicate transit but not ecological establishment, and the re- [59]. If probiotic strains translocate through leaky gut this is potentially
lationship to different dosing regimens explored in small numbers of less harmful than a more pathogenic organism colonising the gut in the
infants [37,50]. Two theoretical stances exist around starting: very absence of probiotics, yet we feel more responsible for the former.
early treatment to prevent establishment of ‘pathogenic’ (unit) flora Many pathogens causing LOS are ‘gut organisms’ [60]. Parents might
versus establishment after breast milk priming. Which is best may de- accept the idea of replacing ‘aggressive’ gut bacteria with those more
pend on what is used in the absence of early maternal milk, oral co- easily treated – if we asked. Concerns around long term effect of gut
lostrum practices, and unit flora, and is not currently known. When to microbiome manipulation from probiotics also exist with little ac-
stop is easier, with agreement to stop ‘when the risk of NEC/LOS is low’, knowledgement that many other clinical decisions have similar impact
generally interpreted as 34 weeks, or discharge, although cohort data (caesarean section, antibiotic exposure, formula feed). Data


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Early Human Development 135 (2019) 75–81

reassuringly show potential reduction in the ‘resistome’ in infants < share with parents – ‘we are acting on what we know at the moment’.
1000 g exposed to probiotics and antibiotics compared to less antibiotic Disadvantages are that the chosen product may not work for all, and
exposed more mature infants [61]. MA of long term developmental this approach removes a more individualised one. It also does not offer
outcomes for probiotic exposed infants are also reassuring though a co-ordinated attempt to resolve outstanding issues.
limited in number [62].
6.3. Targeted adoption
5. How could we progress?
Units could more selectively offer probiotics based on a combination
5.1. Parental perspectives of factors including gestation, gestation-specific local NEC/LOS rates,
milk exposures, etc. moving towards an individualised approach or
Parental perspectives are poorly reflected in the literature. Parents ‘designer’ probiotics. This requires thorough understanding of local
of surviving infants given probiotics (and a leaflet) were mostly positive burden of disease, careful consistent disease classification and review.
about probiotic use, but may not be representative [63]. Similarly a As we understand better microbiome/host interactions and bedside
survey of parents of infants with NEC identified dissatisfaction with microbiomic or metabolomics become more available, we may be
information provided, but may not represent NICU parents whose in- better able to identify which infants may benefit most from which
fants never get NEC [64]. In a general survey most mothers (55%) felt probiotics [69]. Targeted adoption could also be combined with routine
probiotics were ‘safe’ or ‘very safe’, ranking safety ahead of antibiotics data collection for research purposes (below) such that alternate
and vitamins, and 73% thought them ‘beneficial’. 61% said they would thresholds for offering probiotics could be compared.
give probiotics ‘if research showed they reduced the chance of their
baby getting a disease’ but only 1.8% would if research ‘showed that 6.4. Future research
their microbiota were permanently changed’ [65]. How to handle
competing beliefs (beneficial but not safe) and outcomes (disease vs Neonatal care faces many unanswered questions, and phase 1, 2 and
microbiota) is challenging. There are issues that would benefit clin- 3 trials and large RCTs are the cornerstone of answering many [70] but
icians, parents and babies if shared openly, honestly and realistically time, cost and other practical issues mean that we simply cannot (and
with parents seeking representative views in an unbiased way. These should not) address everything this way. Probiotic research could use
include: factual information about NEC and LOS, local rates compared different trial designs dependent on current equipoise, parental per-
to national/trial data (and potential explanations), that ‘zero’ NEC and ceptions, some technologies, clinician willingness and progress in me-
LOS rates are impossible, even when ‘everything’ known is done, how chanistic understanding.
risk changes with probiotics, the realistic limits of Qc of products and
the frequency of probiotic sepsis or contamination. We need to explain 6.5. Placebo controlled trials
continuous new data, mechanistic work, and other practice changes
that impact on outcomes or probiotic ‘effectiveness’ but are only known Controversy exists as to whether placebo controlled trials (PCT) are
with time. The complexities of host, microbiome, nutrient and probiotic still justifiable given the current data [71]. It is clear from adoption
interactions will not stop because they raise complex and difficult is- rates that many clinicians maintain equipoise making further placebo
sues. Agreed written guidance informed by parents, supported by pro- controlled trial(s) ethical [72]. To make significant progress future
fessionals, developed in partnership with parents of infants with and trials need a high Qc product with underpinning mechanistic data
without NEC would help. Shared decision making in this area is pos- ideally with supportive pilot data in preterm humans, (gut microbial
sible if we develop clear tools, present information appropriately [66] taxa changes, establishment of the administered strain), using an es-
and learn to listen. These parental perspectives would allow clinicians tablished dosing regime, powered to address all of NEC, LOS and
to progress with parents as active partners. mortality, be delivered in a rapid time frame (to prevent other practices
changing) and including sufficient lowest gestation infants. Use of tools
6. Probiotic use now such as PRECIS -2 can help ensure trials generate results that meet the
needs of the population they were intended to help [73]. Perceived
6.1. Status quo barriers relate to the ability of the neonatal community to find funding
for a further blinded PCT of probiotics soon after PiPS, the potential
The status quo could simply continue: individual trials could be lack of clinician equipoise when actually faced with a placebo arm,
performed as currently, with appropriate parental representation and parental willingness to participate given existing data (unknown), the
ethics, more data could accumulate, and individuals continue to eval- several thousand infants required, and the complexities of standardising
uate and respond to this as they see fit. This would feel much more the diagnoses of NEC and LOS. However a well-designed large study
comfortable if it incorporated better informed parents and standardised with a probiotic with demonstrable mechanistic action, might be suf-
sharing of information by both adopters and non-adopters, with a ficient to allow the ‘data sceptics’ to be assured about data quality,
strong argument that identical information be given by both. Where whatever the findings of that study might be.
clinicians still hold equipoise, trial participation is possible, and parents
should be informed that in itself this improves outcomes [67], and in 6.6. Adoption with embedded ongoing research
general new treatments out-perform old treatments [68]. This may
enable parent/clinician collaboration in further studies (below). Units adopting probiotic use as standard practice could embed
studies of comparative effectiveness of strains or combination products,
6.2. Universal adoption such that all infants would receive probiotics, but missing gaps in
knowledge are filled and products and strategies optimised over time.
Units would offer the current ‘best available’ probiotic to infants There are currently limited head to head studies [24] (two prebiotic/
below an agreed gestational threshold, without further attempts to probiotic combinations) and none of dual strain versus single strain
clarify potentially better strains, doses etc. Choice could be determined products. Randomisation by baby or unit, or opt out randomisation may
by individual units based on availability. Advantages are that all below be acceptable to parents. Group randomised trials need larger ‘n’ but
target gestation would be exposed to a strain with known safety profile, designs exist to minimise this [74]. Overall ongoing programmes of
with demonstrated benefit improving equity of access, although reg- treatment strategies are likely to improve outcomes over time (with
ulatory issues may make this difficult. This approach is also ‘easy’ to a > 50% probability) [68] and allow retention of processes and staff to


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Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2020. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
Early Human Development 135 (2019) 75–81

continue to refine ‘best’ product and strategy including in sub-popula- 6.9. Other innovative ‘probiotic’ strategies
tions. Group randomisation by unit would avoid cross-contamination
issues, but leaves other confounders. Designs that prevent randomisa- Although the current definition of probiotics includes that they are
tion of individual infants may be differently viewed by parents as in- live when administered to the host, it is known that non-viable or-
dividual infants are potentially ‘denied’ access to the best product. ganisms elicit immune responses, making it possible to gain benefit
without risking host dissemination of the live organism, with the terms
‘paraprobiotic’ or ghost probiotic used for intact but non-viable cells or
6.7. Use of routinely collected data cell extracts [85]. B breve M-16 V currently available and used by some
units has demonstrated suppression of pro-inflammatory responses
As electronic patient data increases and collaborations reach inter- from a heat-killed form in a mouse model [86]. A systematic review in
nationally (e.g ALPHA collaboration – advancing large publicly 2017 identified 19 paediatric trials of ‘modified’ probiotics, none tar-
prioritised perinatal trials for health outcomes assessment worldwide) geted at NEC or LOS, only one in neonates (targeting atopic dermatitis),
the capacity for ‘every’ baby to contribute data becomes a reality. With but overall no improvement in safety profile compared to live probio-
good data quality assurance the natural experiments that are occurring tics [87]. Further exploration may be beneficial however [88] given the
currently, or would occur with universal or targeted adoption, can anxiety that live bacteria administration causes.
contribute large amounts of data, refining risk ratios and addressing Key guidelines:
currently underpowered sub-groups. Rigorous coding of disease and
exposures with rigorous definitions of outcomes is required. National • Meta-analyses exist from > 10,000 preterm infants in probiotic
datasets already exist and observational studies are emerging using this trials
approach [75] and with embedded interventions (wheat trial www. • Many clinicians still hold equipoise making further placebo con- Such systems could help cheap delivery of trials in trolled trials ethical
low/middle income settings where performance is likely to differ from • Units can make sensible ‘best product’ decisions using available data
high income countries [76]. Observational data will remain just that • Mechanistic measures of effect can inform probiotic choice before
and is unable to discern causal inference – probiotic adopters might also undertaking large trials
employ other successful strategies for NEC/LOS/mortality reduction
making probiotic use a marker not the cause of differences. However, Research directions:
embedding randomised trials within electronic health records ‘fixes’
several problems with RCTs, including cost, produces both broad and • Parental views require further exploration and standardised in-
narrow answers, reduced discomfort with randomisation and improved formation generating for parents
speed of knowledge translation [77]. Learning health care systems are • Trial designs other than RCT have important advantages
developing [78] and hold future potential: big datasets can learn from • Head to head trials are lacking and beneficial where equipoise no
accumulating data. An RCT embedded within electronic health records longer exists
can learn that one outcome appears better for one phenotype, and use • Mechanistic learning to help individualise probiotic use are on the
patient characteristics to determine ‘best’ treatment option and weight horizon
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