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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE www.gapol.

make a face/ pull a face
1. to make a facial expression that shows dislike or disgust

e.g. He made a face when I mentioned her name.

2. to make a silly or amusing facial expression

e.g. She tried to get me to laugh by making a face when I looked at her.

make away with

to steal and take away (something)

e.g. Someone had made away with [=made off with] all the money.

make believe
to act as though something that is not true or real is true or real : pretend

e.g. When we were children we used to make believe (that) we were soldiers
fighting in a war.

make do
to do what you can with the things that you have even though you do not
have what you want

e.g. They didn't have much money but they somehow managed to make do.

often + with: If we can't get what we want, we'll just have to make do with
what we've got.
often + without : If we don't have carrots for the soup, we'll just have to
make do without them.

make eyes at
to look at (someone) in a way that shows sexual attraction

e.g. Some guy was making eyes at her from across the room.

make for
1. to go toward (a place) quickly

e.g. Everyone made for [=headed for] the exit as soon as the show was over.

2. to cause (something) to happen or to be more likely

e.g. Courtesy makes for safer driving.

make friends
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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE
to become someone's friend — often + with

e.g. She's very good at making friends with people from all walks of life.

make it
1. to reach a particular place, goal, etc.

e.g. The ship made it to port.

2. not to fail, die, etc. = to survive

e.g. Many new businesses don't make it through their first year.

3. to become successful

e.g. It's tough to succeed in this business, but if you work hard I know you'll
make it eventually.

4. to have sex

e.g. His girlfriend caught him making it with another girl.

make like
1. to pretend to be (someone or something)

e.g. He made like a rooster and strutted across the stage.

2. to act in a way that does not show your true feelings

e.g. He made like [=acted like] he didn't care.

make love
to have sex with someone

e.g. It was the first time they made love (to/with each other).

make merry
to have fun and enjoy yourself by eating, drinking, dancing, etc.

e.g. They made merry throughout the night.

make much of
to treat (something) as very important

e.g. In talking about his past, the book makes much of the influence of his
brother. [=the book says that his brother's influence was very important]

make nice

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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE
to behave in a polite or friendly way toward other people even though you
do not have kind or polite feelings towards them

e.g. It's time to forget about the past and make nice.

make of
1. make (something) of (something or someone) : to have or form an
opinion about (something or someone)

e.g. What do you make of this? [= what is your opinion about this?]

2. make (a day, night, etc.) of it : to continue with an enjoyable activity

during all of (a day, night, etc.)

e.g. Since we're going out to dinner anyway, let's make an evening of it and go to
a movie afterward.

3. make something of (yourself or your life) : to become successful

e.g. She has worked very hard to make something of herself.

4. make something of it informal : to treat something as a reason for

arguing or being angry — used in speech as an angry way of telling
someone that you are prepared to fight or argue about something

e.g. Yes, I got home late last night. Do you want to make something of it ? [= do
you want to argue/fight about it?]

make off
1. to leave quickly especially in order to escape

e.g. After taking the money, the thieves made off toward the main highway.

2. make off with (something) : to take or steal (something) and go away

e.g. Someone broke into the office and made off with some valuable equipment.

make out
1. make (something) out or make out (something) : to write down the
required information on (something, such as a check)/ make out [=fill out]
a form

e.g. He made out a check for 100 euros to cover the cost of the repairs.

The doctor will make out a prescription for you.


a) to see and identify (something)

e.g. We could just make out a ship approaching through the fog.

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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE
b) to hear and understand (something )

e.g. I couldn't quite make out what she said.

c) to learn or understand (something) by studying, searching, etc.

e.g. I can't quite make out [=tell] whether he's drunk or sober.

3. to understand the behavior of (someone) — used in negative statements

e.g. I just can't make him out [=figure him out]—he's so contradictory.

4. to describe (someone or something) in a specified and usually false way

e.g. The book makes them out to be criminals.

5. used to ask about or describe the success or progress of someone or


e.g. “How are you making out [=doing, getting along] in your new job?” “Just
fine, thank you!”

6. chiefly US, informal : to kiss and touch for a long time in a sexual way

e.g. She was making out [=(old-fashioned) necking] with her boyfriend.

make over
1. to change the appearance of (something or someone)

e.g. We made the whole house over so it looked more modern.

2. to give (property) to another person in an official or legal way

e.g. He made the ranch/shares over to his eldest son.

make up
1. to create or invent (a story, a lie, etc.)

e.g. He entertained the children by making up a funny story about a cat that
lived on a sailboat.


a) to combine to produce (something )

e.g. Ten chapters make up this volume. = This volume is made up [=composed ]
of 10 chapters.

b) to produce or create (something) by putting together different parts

e.g. They're going to make up a list of requirements for us. = They're going to
make us up a list of requirements.

c) to prepare (something) so that it is ready to be used

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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE
e.g. I'll make up a bed for you. = I'll make you up a bed. [=I'll prepare a bed for
you to sleep in]

d) British : to supply (something) according to directions

e.g. make up [=(US) fill] a prescription

3. to provide an amount of time, money, etc., that is needed

e.g. The total cost of the repairs is $200. If you can pay half of that, I'll make up
the rest.


a) to put makeup on (someone or someone's face)

e.g. She made herself up for the party.

b) to change the appearance of (someone or something) by using

costumes, decorations, etc.

e.g. The actor was made up to look like George Washington.

5. to become friendly again after being angry

e.g. They quarreled but later made up (with each other).

6. to do or have something as a way of correcting or improving (something


e.g. He wanted to make up for [=atone for] neglecting his children by spending
more time with them.

7. to treat (someone) in a very friendly or helpful way in order to get

something for yourself

e.g. an employee who's always making up to [ sucking up to] the boss

8. to do something helpful or good for someone you have hurt or treated


e.g. He'd neglected his children and wanted to make it up to them by spending
more time with them.

make up your mind

to make a decision about something

e.g. I can't make up my mind [=decide] where to take my vacation.

make way
to create a path or open space so that someone or something can use it

e.g. Several houses were torn down to make way for the shopping center.

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28.09 Phrasal Verbs: MAKE
make your way
to move forward usually by following a path

e.g. When his name was called, he made his way to the stage.

often used figuratively

e.g. After college, she set out to make her way in the world as a lawyer.

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