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Course Syllabus

Professional Career Development Seminar

Winter 2009: Fridays, 12:00pm – 12:50pm
Location: Horizon Room, Career Services Center

Instructor: Co-Instructor:
Christy Quiogue Kathy Self
Internship Programs Coordinator, Career Services Center Internship Advisor, Career Services Center
858-822-4874 858-822-4875

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 11:00am – 12:00pm

Instructor is also available for appointments on Tuesday mornings. Internship Advisor is also available
for appointments on Wednesday evenings or Thursday mornings. Call the Career Services Center front
desk at 858-534-3750 to schedule an appointment.

Course Description
This interactive, hands-on course targeted to juniors and seniors focuses on important professional
development skills to be successful and advance in one’s chosen field. Through class lectures, corporate
guest speakers, practice sessions, and homework assignments, you will learn workplace etiquette, how
to use your experiences to market yourself to employers, advancement strategies through professional
networking, and an introduction to leadership and professional communication/presentation skills.

Course Topics
Leadership Skills
You will learn important leadership techniques and skills that you will need to be successful in a
professional environment. A homework assignment will be given that is worth 10 points.

Personality Styles in the Workplace

There are many variables that impact work relationships. You will understand how personality plays a
significant role in teamwork and gain awareness of your own personality style. Each student will
complete the TypeFocus Self-Assessment worth 10 points.

Workplace Etiquette
Transitioning from the classroom to the workplace can sometimes be challenging. You will learn helpful
tips for transitioning into the work environment and understand proper etiquette including visual
appearance and professionalism to help you succeed in your first job!

Cross Cultural Competence

Cultural competence refers to an ability to interact effectively with others in a way that acknowledges and
respects the culture of the person. You will understand and learn skills that result in a capacity to
understand, communicate with, and successfully interact with people across cultures.
Verbal and Written Communication Skills
You will gain skills in effective written and oral communication in an organizational setting. Learn to
verbally convey your thoughts and write documents that are clear and effective. A homework
assignment will be given that is worth 10 points.

Networking in a Professional Environment

You will learn about the importance of networking as a job search skill and a career advancement
technique. You will also understand the importance of effectively building and maintaining
relationships that can influence your steps on your career ladder.

Practicing Effective Communication Skills

You will practice what you have learned throughout the course in class, including non-verbal and verbal
communication skills, relationship building, practicing your 30-second networking commercial, etc.
Each student will be required to develop a 30 second commercial and submit it in writing for 10 points.

Beyond the Paycheck: Benefits and Other Stuff

When you're seeking and negotiating for a new job, there's much more to consider than the size of your
paycheck. From health and retirement benefits to vacation hours, you will learn about different
components beyond the paycheck. Each student will complete the on-line “Reality Check” survey
worth 5 points.

Presentation Skills
You will gain information and insight about effective presentation skills including verbal and non-verbal
presentation styles, tips on building credibility and ways to engage your audience. Students will be
evaluated on presentation skills during the team project presentation which will be worth 10 points.

Company Research Final Team Project

Utilizing the resources on the Career Services Center Website and in the Career and Internship Library,
your team will research one company of interest by exploring its’ history and organizational structure;
understanding its’ benefits package and professional development opportunities and forecasting the
company’s future and employment outlook.

Your team will present its research at the final. The content portion of the final team project is worth 20

Course Requirements, Policies & Grading

Since this is a participatory class, it is important that you are here to participate. If you know in advance
that you must miss a class meeting, you are expected to call or email Kathy Self ahead of time at 858-
822-4875 or It is your responsibility to find out what assignments you missed. More
than two unexcused absences will result in a 10% reduction in your class point total.

Class Participation
Students are expected to attend each scheduled class having completed any readings or homework
assignments for that day. In addition, they should come to class prepared to discuss assignments and to
participate in all class discussions and activities. During class, students should ask and answer
questions, state opinions and talk to each other about their experiences and reactions. Class participation
is worth 20 points.
Students will receive a Pass or No Pass grade based on the percentage of points accumulated at the end
of the course as follows: Pass = 70-100%, No Pass = < 70%

Course Policies
Assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day that they are due, unless otherwise specified.
Assignments will be penalized 10% if late unless a signed doctor’s note is provided.

Any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism of hard copy/internet materials or other forms of
electronic media will result in a failing grade for the course. No opportunity to make up the assignments
will be available. The work you turn in with your name should be composed of ideas and words that
originated from you.

The goal of the class is to introduce you to the professional and leadership development process and
begin that process for yourself. Introspection, discussion and sharing are a part of the learning process.
However, final say in the grading of assignments will be up to the instructor.

Students are encouraged to meet with the Career Services Center instructor or to call or email if they
have questions about the class or any assignments. Please do not wait until the day an assignment is
due. Resolving questions or points of confusion early will help students learn more from the course.

Class Assignments Schedule and Point Values Points

1. Write a one-paragraph summary of your class expectations 5

2. Write a one-page essay of a group project/leadership experience 10

3. Complete the TypeFocus Self-Assessment 10

4. Write a business email about a topic provided and send to instructor 10

5. Prepare a written 30-second commercial and turn it in to the instructor 10

6. Complete the on-line “Reality Check” survey 5

7. Evaluation of presentation skills during final project 10

8. Final Project: company research will be presented in teams and evaluated 20

on content and information

9. Class Participation 20

Total 100

Extra Credit Assignments

• Attend the CSC Winter Job & Internship Fair or a mini-Job Fair and practice your 30 second
commercial with a recruiter. Obtain their business card, write a brief one page reaction paper
addressing what you learned about the networking process and attach the business card. (5 points
per fair – max 10 points)
• Research additional industries or companies and write a one page description of what you learned
for each industry or company. (1 pt. per industry/company, maximum 5 pts.)

• Attend one networking event and practice your 30 second commercial and networking skills with a
professional, obtain their business card and attach it to your written 30 second commercial with a
description of the event. (10 points)

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