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1. UNIQUE IDENTITY PROJECT Submitted To- Submitted By- Mr.

Rajpreet Chattwal Neha

Mehta PGDM-A
2. CONTENTS 1. What exactly is the Unique ID Project? 2. Background 3. Cabinet
Committee 4. Unique Identification Authority Of India- UIDAI  Objectives  Mission
 Timeline  Organization Details  Planning Commission  Chairman  DG and Mission
Director  Technology Development Unit (TDU)  Project Management Unit (PMU)
3. WHAT EXACTLY IS THE UNIQUE ID PROJECT?  A project in which every Indian citizen
would have one unique identification number that will identify him/her.  It would
not just help the government track down  But would also make life far easier for
citizens as they would not have to submit so many documents each time they want to
avail a new service—private or government.
4. BACKGROUND  Initially conceived by the Planning Commission as an initiative
that would provide identification for each resident across the country and would be
used primarily as the basis for efficient delivery of welfare services.  First
discussed & worked upon since 2006 when administrative approval for the project
–"Unique ID for BPL families" was given on 03 March 2006 by the Dept of IT.
5. CONTD………  This was set up under the chairmanship of Dr. Arvind Virmani,
Principal Adviser, Planning Commission.  UID would be anchored in the Planning
Commission for 5 years after which a view would be taken as to where the UID would
be located within Government.
6. CABINET COMMITTEE  The Govt of India issued orders constituting the Cabinet
Committee on UIDAI Authority on 22 October 2009.  All issues relating to the UID
including its organisation, plans, policies, programmes, schemes, funding and
methodology to be adopted for achieving the objectives of that Authority were
7. Unique Identification Authority of India UIDAI
8. OBJECTIVE To develop & implement  the necessary institutional, technical &
legal infrastructure to issue unique identity numbers to Indian residents.
9. MISSION to issue a unique identification number that can be verified &
authenticated in an online, cost-effective manner, which is robust enough to
eliminate duplicate and fake identities.
10. TIMELINE  The first number would be issued between August 2010 to February
2011.  Over 5 years, the Authority plans to issue 600 million UIDs.  The numbers
will be issued through various 'registrar' agencies across the country.
12. PLANNING COMMISION  Prime Minister is the Chairman  works under the overall
guidance of the National Development Council.  The Deputy Chairman and the full
time Members of the Commission, as a composite body,  provide advice and guidance
to the subject Divisions for the formulation of 5 Year Plans, Annual Plans, State
Plans, Monitoring Plan Programmes, Projects and Schemes.
13. CHAIRMAN  Nandan Nilekani is currently the Chairman of the UIDAI  which aims
to provide a unique identification number for all residents of India—in the rank &
status of a Cabinet Minister.  He was most recently the co-chairman of the board
of directors of Infosys Technologies Limited, which he co-founded in 1981.
14. DG & MISSION DIRECTOR  The Chief Executive Officer of the Project i.e.
Director General and Mission Director has been appointed.  Mr. R.S. Sharma has
been appointed as the first Director General of the UIDAI.  He is an Additional
Secretary Rank Officer belonging to the 1978 batch of the Indian Administrative
15. TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT UNIT A TDU consist of experts in various areas of
operation including  technology,  legal framework,  procurement of hardware and
software etc. have been established.
16. PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT  PMU has been set up to kick-start the ID issuance
process & provide guidance to TDU & preparation of detailed project report,
awareness building etc.  The team has been established with the assistance of the
National Institute of Smart Government (NISG) with whom the UIDAI has entered into
an agreement on 30 November 2009.  20 professionals are currently onboard in roles
ranging from Technology, Legal, Communications and Procurement to Capacity
Building, Process and Operations.

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