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--Cuba Notes for Objective Quiz.

    29th of July Movement:
    Marxist historical analysis:
    (R)ISI: Import Substitution Industrialization. During the Great Depression bigger countries
encouraged smaller countries to become self-sufficient by using the resources they have that
are native to their country and not rely on imported goods.
    (R)Dependency model: economic view from Latin America, supports the idea of greater
industrial independence from larger, industrialized countries.
(R)comparative advantage: view from US economists, supports the idea that the LA
countries should focus their industry on things they do best and produce best in their country.
    Peron and Peronism
    National Security Doctrine
    Allliace for Progress
    World Bank, IMF
    Nationalization, privatization
    Popular Unity
    School of the Americas
    “dirty War”
    (R)Rene Levesque: Leader of Parti Quebecois
    Medical Care Act of1966
    (R)Pierre Laporte: Kidnapped by the FLQ and found dead in the trunk of a car.
    (R)Parti Quebecois: political party led by Rene Levesque that wanted Quebec to become a
separate country. They wanted to preserve Quebec history, culture, and language.
    (R)FLQ: Front de liberation du Quebec, radical group that is responsible for the attacks during
the October Crisis.
    (R)October Crisis of 1970: When the FLQ culminated many attacks against society and the
government including kidnappings, bombings, and killings.
    (R)War Measurement Act: involked by Trudeau and the Canadian government to try and shut
down the FLQ and the attacks they were behind.
    Co-operative federalism
    Official Languages Act
    “Great Society”
HL Option 3: Aspects of the History of the Americas
Topic 9: Political developments in the Americas after the Second World War 1945-79

1. Analyse the long-term and short-term causes of the Cuban Revolution (1959).
Thesis: In the Cuban Revolution the long term affects had more of an impact than the short term
because it is still affecting politics today and caused great conflict when it officially happened.
-People living in poverty and workers felt under represented and discriminated against.
-Lack of women’s rights.
-Collapse of international sugar markets
-US controlling much of the market especially through investors
- pages 277-287 are really good to review.
--Mention how US still doesn’t trade with Cuba, that’s a long term affect and it caused great
conflict within the UN speech with Che.
Che: Some of Che’s influence of the Rev. came from Communist. He also had friends that were
communist an CIA feared that.  --By Che going to the UN causes the Rev. to be a long term and
in his speech he ‘verbally attacks’ the US because of our dislike towards Cuba. --Very long term
because we still are not trading with them!
2. Analyse the successes and failures of Castro’s social and economic policies.
pages: 281, 388, 389, 391, 579,
socialization of the economy

(R)3. Analyse the relations between the United States and either Canada or one country in
Latin America between 1945 and 1965.

Thesis: The relationship between Canada and the US was a “shaky” one to say the least. There
were many shifts in agreements between the three separate leaders during the post-ww2 time
Diefenbaker didn’t approve of the US having nuclear arms in Canada but then when Pearson
succeeded him he allowed the US to have nuclear weapons placed in Canada. After Pearson,
Pierre Trudeau removed nuclear weapons from Canada, formally recognized the People's
Republic of China, began being friendly with Castro. All going against US’s popular ideals and
shifting out of “friendship” with the US.

4. Compare and contrast the causes of two revolutionary movements in Latin America
after 1945.

Eisenhower 53-61     Dieterbaker 57-63    ?s
JFK 61-63     Pearson 63-68    Allede 70-73
LBJ 63-69     Trudeau 68-79     Pinochet 73-89

(R)5. Assess the results of the Silent Revolution (Quiet Revolution) in Canada during the

There were many results of the Revolution, many involving the upcoming youth and new ideas
that emerged.

--1960’ s --Mostly Pearson.
-Modernization, rise in Québec nationalism, education reform, education ran by state, society
moved away from the church (for example, suspending several girls for going to an Elvis
concert), reform in the catholic church in Québec, industrialized after WW2, youth’s new ideas
differing from their parents’, urbanization,
--For more specifics: Francophon Quebec had change from rural to an urban society. --This is
connected to number 7 because WW2 helped the expansion of industries. As well as, in WW2 a
main idea was that of individual rights, same with Canada. (This is all coming from the Quiet
Rev. article from class.)
--All of this goes toward the nationalism of Quebec and Canada as a whole. What made this
super obvious was that they used to call themselves ‘french canadians’ during this Rev. they
called themselves ‘Quebecois’ hahaha! --They also started to make more demands to the
government for themselves...’as french men’

6. Compare and contrast the rise to power of two populist leaders in Latin America
between 1945 and 1979.
Peron: --Peronism is a social populist. (aka does what the public wants.) ! Peron was a
dictator that used military to support him but, he was democratically elected. The other president
that was elected was Lanusse but, he’s unimportant because he didn’t last. Many of the
dictators in the middle of Peron’s rise was against Peron and Peronism. --Peronism is “..a new
political doctrine, which rejects all the ills of the politics of previous times; in the social sphere it
is a theory which establishes a little equality among men...”   Peron defeated communism and
capitalism. He defeated capitalism by suppressing oligarchy. (this is found In the Modern History
Sourcebook: Eva Duarte de Peron: History of Peronism) --Also note that this connects to
question 7 because with Peron, Argentina wasn’t capitaist or communism but, Peronism is
‘support the people’ which in the US eyes was ‘communist’. So, that did affect our look for
To go further in Peronism: “The twenty truths”
    (summary) -- Has the interest of People, Peronist is the working class, It is very much
‘spread the love’...
Castro: (JFK was president in US)  Was a Marxist Cuban Politician. Wanted to over
throw Batistia after realizing that he wasn’t a revolutionary leader. He was a communist but, not
with the Soviet Union and was against US to a very high passion. He wanted Cuba to be our of
Batistai’s power.
Pinochet: Was a total D-dag. He held camps and he’s the one I did my project on.:(
    Batista: was a big jerk!
    Allende: Supported the military regime in Chili. --”Allende’s first problems arose when the
United States in effect declared economic war on Chile’s fragile Democratic socialist
experiment. The United States covertly embargoed Chilean loans, imports, and exports...In
addition, the expropriation of the Gran Mineria in July 1971 virtually halted the flow of private
investment capital from the United States. The resulting economic difficulties led Allende to stop
servicing the national debt,...” (page 435, Latin America)   But then Nixon (1962-1970) used 8$
million dollars to ‘destabilize’ the Chilean economy.   --fyi: I really liked this quote, it’s in the Latin
America book.
(R)7. In what ways, and with what results, did the Cold War influence relations
between either Latin America or Canada with the United States in the period 1945 to 1957?

The Cold War put a lot of pressure on Canada from the US because the US wanted to use the
Canadian land as an advantage against the Soviets.
The US wanted to put nuclear weapons in Canada to secure a position in the north so Soviet
aircraft couldn’t attack the US by flying over the North Pole. Diefenbaker and Trudeau denied
US the access to Canadian land but Pearson allowed them to put them up. This was obviously
a very debatable issue and caused much caution.
8. Evaluate the successes and failures of Lyndon B Johnson’s Great Society.
I think his successes out weighed his failures during his presidency.
-Successes: War on poverty, poverty rate from 22% down to 13% during his presidency,
Medicare and Medicaid, funding for education, civil rights, voting rights,
-Failures:  Costly Vietnam decisions, “guns vs. butter”, the initial pricing was extremely high

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