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Windows errors

1. The POST beeps

This probably is the first error you could encounter after turning your computer. If all the
vital components inside the computer are running fine, you will hear one beep (or two,
depending on your motherboard’s manufacturer). One beep technically means that your
computer has successfully passed the POST (Power-on self-test). If however
you hear more than one beep, then it means that certain hardware of your computer is
not functioning properly. Depending on the manufacturer of your computer’s
motherboard (and also, BIOS version), any extra number of beeps that you hear
suggests a faulty hardware. It could be anything from an out of power CMOS battery to a
non-functional graphics card.

2. Blue Screen of death (BSoD)

Doesn’t matter which Windows operating system you are on, one thing that you must
have encountered a couple of times by now is the Blue Screen of Death or
BSOD. Unlike most errors, there is no real-time escape from this error. You can’t press
ESC to avoid it, or Ctrl + Alt + Del to fix it right away. This error usually occurs
because of recent hardware or software change that you might have made on your
computer. After restart, you should unplug any new device that you had attached to your
computer, or uninstall any new software while booting in through Safe Mode.

3. Virtual Memory Too Low

It’s another common error to bump into. It usually occurs when you
have an insufficient amount of RAM or, an application is eating up or
leaking your precious memory. Computer uses smart ways to deal with
programs, it either provides them the real actual memory or something
called Virtual memory, which is essentially your hard-drive memory
being used in place of physical memory. To resolve this error, you need
to buy some more RAM chips.

If you think your existing RAM(s) are enough to bear the amount of
work you do, then, increase the size of the pagefile. To do that, go to
Control Panel, System and Security. Click on Advanced system
settings, and from the Advanced tab, inside the performance pane,
click on settings. Usually, it is suggested to have the size of PageFile
about 1.5 to 2 times your RAM memory.

4. The missing DLL files

It is pretty common to cite a missing DLL message. What this error usually means is that
while execution of a program, one of the required files (.dll in this case) was nowhere to
be found. You can fix this error by reinstalling the software, or if it is a system file, you
can search for that file online and get a copy of it. It is not necessary that the
replacement file will always work, and secondly, make sure that the website from which
Windows errors
you are downloading the file is trustworthy. Usually these errors are caused by viruses,
so you may want to try a better anti-virus suite

5. Device errors
If a device has recently stopped working, it could be because of some glitches in its
driver module. To figure out what is wrong with that device, you will need to go to the
Device Manager. To reach there, click on the start menu and type devmgmt.msc.
Now locate the device, right click on it, and go to its properties. Click on the
‘Update Driver’ button. If updating the driver doesn’t resolve your problem, click on
the Device Status, you will find an error code. Search that code on the web, and
you will find links to an ample number of forums including Microsoft’s support site
explaining and providing the solution for your problem.

6. Fatal Exception errors

In computer a lot of programs and hardware share memory and other resources with
each other. If for some reason, a program doesn’t get its request fulfilled, you will get an
error saying ‘unhandled exception’ and the program might even terminate. In
worst scenario, it could even cause the computer to shut down. If you have seen that
System Error Codes
Software programmers follow a protocol to assign error codes to tell end users, and IT
support about that error and what that error means. You can go to Microsoft’s
support site where they have documented all the error codes and what those errors
mean. For example, Error “22” points to “ERROR_BAD_COMMAND”, which means that
the command you have entered is unknown to the program. Whereas, error “225 (0xE1)”
is “ERROR_VIRUS_INFECTED” that means the program wasn’t able to complete the
operation because the file contains a virus or any other potential unwanted program.

7. Browser Errors
We have many varieties of 4xx and 5xx errors that you could come across while surfing
the web. While some of the errors, like 404 (Page Not Found) and 408 (Connection
timed out) are usually not your browser’s fault but the server you have pinged. But there
are few errors that could be blamed on your browser.

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