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Cairo University

Institute of Statistical Studies and Research

Department: Computer Science Academic Year: 2018/2019
Date: April 1st, 2019 Level: Diploma Semester: Two
Course Title: Computer Networks
Course code: CS509 Time: 1 Hr. Exam marks: 25 # Exam’s Sheets: 7

Instructions: Standard calculators are allowed. Cell phones are prohibited. Attempt all questions.

Student name: Student ID:


Q# Grade Maximum

Q1 10

Q2 5

Q3 10

Total 25

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Question 1 (10 points): Choose the best answer
1. A _______ link has a dedicated communication medium.
a) point-to-point
b) multipoint
c) ring
d) bus
2. A handheld transceiver (also known as walkie-talkie) is an example of _______.
a) simplex
b) half-duplex
c) full-duplex
d) semi-duplex
3. TV broadcast is an example of _______ communication.
a) simplex
b) half-duplex
c) full-duplex
d) semi-duplex
4. A _______ is a communication network within a building or between nearby buildings.
a) MAN
b) LAN
c) WAN
d) BAN
5. A star network topology with 5 computers has _______ full duplex links.
a) 1
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
6. The number of network interfaces in a bus topology network with 5 computers is _______ for
each computer.
a) 1
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
7. A fully connected mesh network topology with 5 computers has _______ full-duplex links.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
8. A ring network topology with 5 computers has _______ full-duplex links.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
9. _______ is the network topology that is affected the least in case of a link failure.
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Mesh
d) Ring
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10. _______ is the network topology that has the highest cost.
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Mesh
d) Ring
11. The number of network interfaces in each device in a mesh network with 5 devices ______.
a) 4
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
12. In the OSI model, the _______ layer is responsible for moving frames from one hop (node) to
the next.
a) physical
b) data-link
c) transport
d) network
13. _______ is responsible for delivery of messages from one process to another in the OSI model.
a) The physical layer
b) The transport layer
c) The network layer
d) The application layer
14. In the TCP/IP protocol suite, a port number is the address used at the_______.
a) application layer
b) transport layer
c) network layer
d) physical layer
15. The application layer in the TCP/IP protocol suite is usually considered to be the combination of
_______ layers in the OSI model.
a) application, presentation, and session
b) application, transport, and network
c) application, data-link, and physical
d) network, data-link, and physical
16. A _______ is a set of rules that governs data communication.
a) forum
b) protocol
c) standard
d) Request For Comment (RFC)

17. As the data packet moves from the upper to the lower layers, headers are _______.
a) Added
b) Removed
c) Rearranged
d) Modified
18. Which of the following applications is the most sensitive to jitter?
a) Sending an e-mail
b) Having real time speech conversation with a friend
c) Downloading a file
d) Surfing the Internet
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19. The _______ layer changes bits into electromagnetic signals.
a) physical
b) data link
c) transport
d) session
20. When data are transmitted from device A to device B, the header from A's layer 4 is read by B's
_______ layer.
a) physical
b) transport
c) application
d) application

Question 2 (5 points, 1 bonus point):

1. Suppose that an application-layer protocol is written such that it uses the services of TCP.
However, for some reasons it is decided to use the services of UDP to support your protocol
(instead of TCP). Answer the following two questions.
a) (1 point) What might be the reasons that require the change from TCP to UDP?

The application may be delay sensitive such as audio calls.

b) (1 points) Do you need to do any changes for the application layer protocol to facilitate the
transition from TCP to UDP? If no, explain your answer. If yes, propose what services must
be added to the application layer protocol.

Depending on the application requirements an error control and flow control modules may be

2. (1 point) Explain briefly the reason why there are two layers of addressing: one at the physical
layer (such as the MAC address) and one at the network layer (such as the IP address).

For flexibility: The physical address can be changed without affecting the logical address, and
vice versa, the logical address can be changed without affecting the physical address.

3. (1 point) Suppose we want to connect two isolated hosts together to let each host communicate
with the other. Do we need a network-layer router between the two? Explain.

No, we do not network layer router in this case as traffics from one host destined the other do
not need routing.

4. (1 point) Assume that a private internet requires that the messages received from the application
layer be encrypted and decrypted for security purposes. If you need to add some information about
the encryption/decryption process (such as the algorithms used in the process and the encryption
key lengths), what layer should be added to the TCP/IP protocol suite? Redraw the TCP/IP layers
placing the new layer in its appropriate place within the protocol stack.

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Presentation layer.

Application layer

Presentation layer

Transport layer

Network layer

Physical layer

5. (1 point) Assume a system uses four protocol layers. If the application program creates a message
of 100 bytes and each layer (including the first and the last) adds a header of 5 bytes to the data
unit, what is the efficiency (the ratio of application layer bytes to the number of bytes transmitted)
of the system?

Efficiency = 100 / (100 + 4 * 5)
= 100 / 120
= 83.3 %

Question 3 (10 points):

1. (1 point) What is the bandwidth of a signal that can be decomposed into five sine waves with
frequencies at 0, 20, 50, 100, and 200 Hz?

BW = 200 – 0 = 200 Hz

2. (1 point) Calculate the bit rate of the digital signal given in Figure 1 below.

T = 32 microsecond

Figure 1.
Bit rate = 8 / (32 * 10-6) = 0.25 Mbps

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3. (1 point) Determine the frequency of the signal given in Figure 2 below.

T = 32 microsecond

Figure 2.
Frequency = 8 / (32 * 10-6) = 0.25 MHz

4. (1 point) A signal travels from point A to point B. At point A, the signal power is 100 W. At point
B, the power is 90 W. Calculate the attenuation in decibels.

Attenuation = 10 log (90 / 100) = - 0.45 dB

5. (1 point) A signal undergoes an attenuation of −10 dB. Determine the final signal power if it was
originally 5 W.

Attenuation = -10 = 10 log (Pfinal / Poriginal) = 10 log (Pfinal / 5)
-1 = log (Pfinal / 5)
Pfinal / 5 = 10-1
Pfinal = 0.5 watt

6. (1 point) A signal has passed through four cascaded amplifiers, each with a 5 dB gain. What is
the total gain?

Total gain = 4 * 5 = 20 dB

7. (1 point) A communication channel has a bandwidth of 4 KHz. If we want to send data at a data
rate of 100 Kbps, what is the minimum SNRdB?

Using Shannon capacity:
C = B (SNRdB / 3)
100 = 4 (SNRdB / 3)
SNRdB = 75 dB

8. (1 point) A noiseless channel has a bandwidth of 4000 Hz and transmits a signal with 32 signal
levels. What is the maximum bit rate of the channel?

Using Nyquist Bit Rate
Bit rate N = 2 x bandwidth x log2 L
N = 2 (4000) (log2 32)
N = 40 Kbps

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9. (2 points) What is the total delay (latency) for a frame of size 5 million bits that is being sent on
a link with 10 routers each having a queuing time of 2 μs and a processing time of 1 μs. Assume
that the overall length of the link is 2000 Km, speed of light inside the link is 2 × 108 m/s, and the
link has bandwidth of 5 Mbps. Which component of the total delay is dominant?

Delay = Transmission delay + Propagation delay + Processing and queuing delay

Transmission delay = Message size / Bandwidth

Transmission delay = 5 * 10^6 / (5 * 10^6) = 1 second

Propagation delay = length of link / propagation speed

Propagation delay = 2000 (103) / (2 * 108) = 0.01 second

Processing and queuing delay = 10 * 3 * 10-6 = 20 micro second

Delay = 1 + 0.01 + 0.00002 = 1.01003 second

Good luck…

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