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Brianna McClain

Unit 3 – Speech Acts Written Assignment

1. Situation 1: A friend comes out looking all fancy. What compliment can you say?
Student A: Te ves bien, me encanta tu atuendo.
2. Situation 2: You do a really good job on a school project, and your professor tells you so. How
can you express thanks to the compliment?
Student A: Muchas gracias, significa mucho.
3. Situation 3:
Student A: You accidentally bump into someone. What do you say?
Lo siento, no quise hacerlo.
Student B: A friend of yours shares that his grandmother recently passed. What do you say?
Lamento escuchar eso, estoy aquí para ti.
4. Situation 4:
Student A: You want to invite one of your besties to stop studying and to come out tonight.
What do you say?
¿Te gustaría ir a ver una película conmigo esta noche? Has estudiado lo suficiente.
Student B: There is a new international student visiting from Ghana and you want to invite them
out to dinner with you and your group of friends. Since you don’t know the person well, your
invitation is more on the polite side. What do you say?
¿Te gustaría salir a comer conmigo y mis amigas esta noche?
5. Situation 5:
Student A: Your group of best friends invite you out but you have to finish an essay (due
tomorrow! Oops). What do you say?
Esta noche tengo un montón de tarea, haré lo que pueda para poder ir. Yo te aviso.
Student B: The university provost invites you to join the school’s newly formed chess team.
While you’re all about that chess life you have too many other commitments. What can you say
to politely turn down the invitation?
Me gustaría, pero desafortunadamente tengo muchas otras cosas en este momento.

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