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The Natural History of Early-onset Scoliosis

Lori A. Karol, MD

many cases is established by the child’s diagnosis which

Background: Early-onset scoliosis (EOS) is defined as the diagnosis produces the spinal deformity. For example, the natural
of a spinal deformity before the age of 5 years. It can be divided into history of scoliosis occurring in infancy or early childhood
idiopathic, neuromuscular/syndromic, and congenital etiologies. due to spinal muscular atrophy is dependent on the form of
Methods: The literature on the natural history of EOS was spinal muscular atrophy rather than on the presence of
summarized. scoliosis. Similarly, the natural history of patients who have
Results: The natural history varies with the etiology of EOS. bone dysplasias may be more dependent on the form of
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Idiopathic curves may benefit from early serial casting. The dysplasia than on the presence and magnitude of the coronal
natural history of neuromuscular and syndromic scoliosis is plane spinal deformity. It is of utmost importance for the
highly dependent on the natural history of the underlying dis- treating physician to be familiar with the associated medical
order. Congenital scoliosis has a variable prognosis depending on and surgical abnormalities associated with the various di-
the location and extent of the congenital malformations. agnoses in children with EOS.1
Conclusions: Treatment of children with EOS is customized to
the particular disorder. While lack of treatment has been shown
to lead to increased mortality, extensive early definitive fusion INFANTILE IDIOPATHIC SCOLIOSIS (IIS)
may lead to thoracic insufficiency. Delaying definitive surgery Patients diagnosed by 3 years of age or below with
and the use of growing instrumentation may provide benefit in scoliosis without congenital vertebral malformations, neural
maintaining pulmonary health. axis abnormalities, and syndromes are labeled as having IIS.
Clinical Relevance: Potential disturbance of growth must be These children are considered to be otherwise normal, pre-
considered in the treatment of young children with scoliosis. senting with scoliosis that is either noted clinically or in-
Key Words: early-onset scoliosis, congenital scoliosis, Mehta cidentally on chest or abdominal radiographs.
cast, pulmonary function The natural history of IIS is linked to the likelihood of
curve progression. Curve progression can be predicted based
(J Pediatr Orthop 2019;39:S38–S43) on several factors. Mehta2 was instrumental in establishing
the natural history of IIS. Deformity progression is linked to
the curve magnitude at presentation, being either ≤ 25 or
≥ 25 degrees. Smaller curves are more likely not only to be
BACKGROUND nonprogressive, but, unlike in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,
Early-onset scoliosis (EOS) is comprised of a myriad to actually resolve with age. In curves whose Cobb angles
of conditions, united by the documentation of scoliosis in measure > 25 degrees, the presence of overlap of the rib
young children. While authors do not agree on the older age heads at the apex of the curve onto the vertebral bodies on an
limit at the time of diagnosis for EOS, with some reports anteroposterior radiograph, labeled as the “phase” of the rib,
including children 9 years or below at presentation, for the is predictive. Those patients with phase 2 ribs which overlap
purpose of this article EOS will be defined as the onset of the margins of the vertebrae are more likely to progress, and
scoliosis at age 5 years or below. therefore merit treatment. Finally, in patients who do not
EOS is not a diagnosis, but rather defined as an age of have rib overlap (phase 1 ribs), quantification of the rib
onset of spinal coronal plane deformity. As such, EOS in- vertebral angle difference of Mehta can help sort patients
cludes spinal deformity resulting from congenital malfor- who are unlikely to progress, with rib vertebral angle differ-
mations, from neuromuscular conditions, from inherited ence <20 degrees, from those who are likely to worsen.
bone dysplasias and syndromes, and in idiopathic cases with The natural history of untreated progressive IIS is dis-
no underlying disorder. As EOS results from such a wide mal, with a report by Scott and Morgan documenting pro-
variety of etiologies, the natural history varies widely and in gression of curves from 30 to 100 degrees. Moreover, 4
patients of 28 died before the age of 20 years of cardiores-
From the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Dallas, TX. piratory disease.3 Relentless curve progression, in the absence
The author has received nothing of value pertaining to this manuscript of treatment, results in increasing chest wall deformity. Rib
nor was the work funded by an outside source. rotation and curve progression produce restrictive pulmonary
The author declares no conflict of interest. disease with worsening pulmonary function as documented
Reprints: Lori A. Karol, MD, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children,
2222 Welborn, Dallas, TX 75219. E-mail: by diminishing forced vital capacity (FVC) and total lung
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. volume. Untreated, the spinal deformity produces chest wall
DOI: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001351 rotation, which obliterates the space available for the lungs.

S38 | J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 39, Number 6 Supplement 1, July 2019

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J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 39, Number 6 Supplement 1, July 2019 The Natural History of Early-onset Scoliosis

Pehrsson and colleagues studied mortality in idio- the age of above 10, and one may deduct that lifespan
pathic scoliosis, dividing the patients by age of onset. They should be normal in these treated children.
found no significant increase in mortality in patients with Currently, Mehta derotation serial casting is an im-
adolescent-onset spinal deformity, the intermediate effect portant part of the armamentarium of treatment options
on lifespan in children diagnosed between the ages of 3 for not only IIS, but also syndromic and select congenital
and 10 years, but significantly earlier age at death in 29 patients. Studies have shown a delay in the need to begin
untreated children diagnosed before the age of 3 years growth-friendly expansion surgeries, with a lower com-
with otherwise idiopathic scoliosis.4 The earlier the ap- plication rate in patients in whom invasive surgery is
pearance of spinal deformity, the greater the disturbance delayed4 (Figs. 1A–C).
of the chest with limited ability of the lungs to grow
Because of the dismal natural history of untreated Congenital scoliosis is defined as spinal deformity re-
IIS, today’s spinal surgeon is tasked with identifying those sulting from the presence of ≥ 1 vertebral malformations.
patients likely to progress, and treating those children in a These malformations occur during embryogenesis at the fetal
manner that facilitates pulmonary development and halts age of 6 weeks, a time period critical for the proper formation
curve progression. The application of serial derotation of the heart and kidneys as well. As many patients with
casts in the manner of Mehta can halt or limit progression congenital scoliosis have concomitant cardiac malformations,
of scoliosis, and in some children, correct the curve in the their prognosis in some children is directly related to the se-
long term.5 Mehta6 reported 2 groups of patients in which verity of their cardiac disease rather than their scoliosis.
she applied serial derotation casts. In her first group, the McMaster and Ohtsuka7 published the seminal paper
children were very young, averaging 1 year and 7 months on progression in congenital scoliosis. Patients who
at treatment, and had smaller curves averaging 32 degrees. have balanced congenital malformations, such as block
After the application of a mean of 5 casts, and then brace vertebrae that are congenitally fused together, have little risk
treatment, curves resolved and required no further treat- of curve progression, and their natural history is favorable.
ment. In these children, the natural history of progressive Those babies with unbalanced malformations, such as
cardiopulmonary compromise was altered with a favor- hemivertebrae contralateral to fused unilateral bars, have a
able outcome. A second group of patients was slightly very high likelihood of progression of scoliosis with growth.
older (average age, 2.5 y) and had larger curves (average, In the past, these children were treated with spinal fusion as
52 degrees) at the onset of serial casting. While the curves soon as curve progression was documented on serial radio-
did not resolve, posterior spinal fusion was delayed until graphs. After the publication of the crankshaft phenomenon

FIGURE 1. A, The 32-month-old girl with ulnar dysplasia and idiopathic infantile scoliosis measuring 37 degrees. B, She was
treated with serial Mehta derotation casts. C, At age 12, scoliosis measures 29 degrees. No surgical treatment has been performed.
She continues to wear a spinal orthosis part-time.

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Karol J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 39, Number 6 Supplement 1, July 2019

FIGURE 2. A, The 7-year-old boy with an L4 hemivertebra. B, The patient was treated with an anterior and posterior hemivertebra
resection and short fusion. He remains well balanced 3 years postoperatively.

by Dubousset,8 early anterior and posterior combined fusion thoracic congenital deformities frequently also have ab-
became the treatment of choice for young children with normalities in the ribs, with either rib fusions which limit
progressive congenital scoliosis. It was believed that the intercostal movement during respiration, or missing ribs,
obliteration of continued curve progression due to asym- resulting in paradoxical thoracic movement with dia-
metric growth by definitive fusion was necessary to reduce phragmatic breathing. These children present the greatest
the likelihood of future severe spinal deformity and car- difficulty to the pediatric spine surgeon.
diopulmonary compromise. Not until 2002 were studies Robert Campbell coined the term thoracic in-
published negating this belief. sufficiency syndrome in 2003, defined as the inability of
Goldberg and colleagues followed 43 patients who the thorax to support normal respiration or growth.13 In
had undergone in situ fusion of congenital scoliosis (37 his landmark paper, he proposed that thoracic in-
posterior only) to skeletal maturity. Despite successful sufficiency can result from progressive spinal deformity,
fusion of the congenital segment, revision surgery was from rib abnormalities, and/or from early fusion which
required in 26% due to progression of deformity.9 limits the growth potential of the spine, and therefore the
While complex congenital curves can result in severe chest (Fig. 3).
deformity, simple segmented lumbar and lumbosacral
hemivertebrae can produce progressive trunk shift due to
worsening lumbosacral takeoff. These young children can THORACIC INSUFFICIENCY SYNDROME
be successfully treated with hemivertebral resection and Thoracic insufficiency syndrome is prevalent in pa-
limited (2 or 3 levels) spinal fusion. Recent reports of the tients with EOS because the presence or the fusion of the
results of resection of these hemivertebrae are positive, spinal deformity results in a lack of spinal growth. Dime-
and the natural history of these treated limited fusions is glio contributed greatly to the field of EOS by publishing
likely benign following successful resection and fusion studies on the growth of the thoracic spine.14 Thoracic
(Figs. 2A, B).10–12 growth is most rapid in the first 5 years of life, then de-
More problematic are the complex multisegment creases in velocity until the adolescent growth spurt. During
congenital spinal deformities. These patients have limited the period of rapid early growth, the lungs also grow, with
growth potential in the abnormal vertebrae, which can multiplication of alveoli occurring most rapidly until the
result in shortening of the thoracic spine and therefore age of 2. It has been proposed that the number of alveoli is
space available for the lungs. In addition, patients with established by the age of 8 years.15,16 Therefore, fusion of

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J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 39, Number 6 Supplement 1, July 2019 The Natural History of Early-onset Scoliosis

that had been fused, and was strongly related to the length
of the thoracic spine from T1 to T12 on the anterior-
posterior radiograph. Four patients already had thoracic
insufficiency syndrome, and used respiratory assistance
such as supplemental oxygen or bilevel positive airway
pressure at night. Interestingly, patients who achieved 22
cm of thoracic height measured between T1 and T12 had
near normal pulmonary function. This has led many EOS
surgeons to adopt 22 cm as a goal in thoracic growth.
Although there are isolated case reports of maintained
long-term pulmonary function following early spinal fusion,20
other centers have published series with similar unfavorable
results as ours. Emans et al21 noted that FVC averaged 62%
predicted in their early fusion patients. Bowen et al22 and
Vitale et al23 each reported reduced FVC in studies of EOS
patients with shorter postoperative follow-up.22,23
Pulmonary volumes normally decline during adulthood,
beginning in the mid-fourth decade. Pehrsson et al24 stated
that when FVC measures <43% predicted, severe pulmonary
compromise will occur as the lung volume deteriorates in
adulthood. It may be presumed that EOS patients who have
diminished pulmonary volumes at the end of growth will have
a high mortality rate due to respiratory failure as further lung
volume is lost during the normal aging process. Our center is
studying the natural history of respiratory decline in the pa-
tients who were tested in the 2008 study, finding an average of
FIGURE 3. The 17-year-old girl who expired of thoracic in- 20% loss of FVC over the last 10-year period in these com-
sufficiency syndrome 14 years following anterior and posterior promised patients.
fusion of congenital scoliosis from C6 to T5. Her thoracic
height is <15 cm. She has significant chest wall congenital
deformity as well from rib abnormalities.
There is great interest currently in the concept of
the spine before this age results in inadequate thoracic continued growth of the spine and chest while treating the
volume to support the growth of the lungs. spinal deformity in EOS patients. The VEPTR device
Pulmonary function following early thoracic fusion (vertically expandible prosthetic titanium rib) allows fix-
has been studied in both IIS and congenital scoliosis pa- ation on the ribs, the ribs and spine, or the ribs and pelvis,
tients. Day et al17 measured pulmonary function in 36 pa- and through repetitive surgical expansions, spinal and
tients with a variety of congenital scoliosis deformities, thoracic growth is enabled.25,26 Similarly, dual sub-
finding FVC measured only 68% of normal expected values muscular spine to spine growing rods have been successful
if children had been fused. Goldberg and colleagues pub- in allowing continued spinal growth as a result of multiple
lished the pulmonary function results of patients with IIS surgical rod lengthenings. Unfortunately, these techniques
following early fusion. FVC measured only 41% of predicted carry a high complication rate, ranging from infection,
normal values if patients were fused before age 10, com- loss of fixation, inadvertent fusion, and progressive ky-
pared with 68% if fused at an older age.18 phosis. Bess and the Growing Spine Study Group pub-
Our center published a longer-term study of the lished that there is a 24% complication rate for each time a
pulmonary function of patients with EOS following de- growing rod construct is surgically lengthened, and a 13%
finitive spinal fusion in 2008.19 In total, 28 patients re- decrease in complications for each additional year of age
turned for pulmonary function test testing at an average of at the time of initial growing rod implantation.27 Rod
11 years following anterior and posterior spinal fusion. implantation below age 7 years, increasing kyphosis, and
The majority of the patients had congenital scoliosis, but more severe major curve magnitude have been shown to
there were smaller numbers who had neurofibromatosis, correlate with a higher rate of complications overall.28
syndromes, or infantile idiopathic curves. All patients had Such surgical difficulties, as well as the potential harmful
been fused before the age of 9 years, averaging 3.3 years at effect of repetitive anesthesias, has led to the adoption of
the time of surgery. Results were sobering. FVC averaged the magnetically expandible growing rod. Problems with
58% predicted, but was as low as 22% predicted in some loss of fixation and failure of the implants in some cases
patients. A severe restrictive pattern of pulmonary disease, continue, however29 (Figs. 4A, B). In addition, due to the
defined as an FVC < 50% normal predicted value, was frailty of many children with EOS and their serious
present in 43% of the tested population. FVC was statis- comorbidities, mortality rates of up to 18% have been
tically correlated with the percent of the thoracic spine published even with growth-friendly surgery.30

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Karol J Pediatr Orthop  Volume 39, Number 6 Supplement 1, July 2019

FIGURE 4. A, The 3-year-old boy with Marfan syndrome and scoliosis measuring 100 degrees. He has failed serial Mehta casting.
B, Radiograph at age 9 years following halo-gravity traction, traditional submuscular growing rods, with replacement with
magnetically expandable growing rods. He has had unplanned surgeries for loss of distal fixation and loss of proximal fixation, but
has realized 6 cm of thoracic height increase over 6 years. Curve magnitude is now 47 degrees.

Early studies are now being published on the pulmo- muscle weakness may negate the positive effects of the
nary outcome of patients with EOS who are treated with growth-friendly implants. Patients with bone dysplasias that
growth-sparing instrumentation. Glotzbecker et al31 found limit skeletal growth may experience improvement in spinal
that growth of the thoracic spine is realized with repetitive deformity, but have intermediate results compared with their
expansions at 6.5-year follow-up. Motoyama et al32 noted normal-growing peers. The intimate relationship between
that in short-term follow-up, the FVC of 10 children treated the vertebral alignment and growth and the 3-dimensional
with expandible instrumentation without fusion increases, chest and rib volume must continue to be at the forefront of
but the percent predicted does not improve up to 3 years outcomes research in this difficult patient population.
despite treatment. Johnston et al recently published on the
pulmonary results of growing rod treatment of a hetero-
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