Champaquí Hill

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Champaquí Hill

At the time of choosing places to go on holiday, not everyone would accept to

experience an encounter with wildlife. It certainly depends on the personality of each
one. Speaking for myself, I’m on the side of those who would rather be on an organized
tour of cities instead of mountainous landscapes. However, in 2015 my school arranged
a trip to Champaqui Hill, and as it was compulsory, I had no other option than going.
In the beginning, I was reluctant to go. We had to be there for three days, and on two
of them, we were supposed to walk for the whole journey. For someone who doesn't
enjoy doing exercise, it sounded more like torture rather than a trip with friends.
But then, being there changed my mind. Time flies when you’re enjoying, and the
three days felt like one. Even though walking during eight hours the first day at that
high was a tough challenge to tackle, I could do it not only because of my willingness to
affront it but also because of my friends. The fauna there was as breathtaking as the
The lodging was anything but comfortable. People working there were kind, but I’m
not used to such a lack of privacy. That was what I feared the most. Nevertheless, we
were there for a few hours, so it was manageable. Apart from that, everything went as
planned. The joy of reaching the top of the Champaqui with friends is unforgettable.
Before traveling, nor my friends or I were aware of the things we were going to learn.
It wasn’t only reaching the hill, but also being able to share and comprehend that, while
some had trained for such an experience, others had not; therefore, tolerance was a key
point, apart from perseverance and patience.

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