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How to deal with the environment these days?

In the last decades, worldwide organisations, as well as ONG’s, have been dealing
with environmental issues. Even though several countries are sceptical of the worrisome
consequences that experts foresee, many leaders are raising awareness amongst their
citizens. This essay is meant to analyse whether enough action is being taken or if we
are still far from the objective. Also, to determine to what extent advertisements
influence society and consumerism regarding technology.
In our everyday life and without noticing it, large amounts of waste are produced.
Plastic bags, bottles, packaged food, to name but a few are the main sources of
pollution. As it is above-mentioned, many organisations are dealing with this matter,
and recycling came as the main solution to this particular one, and it proved to be
efficient. Nevertheless, not all citizens are committed to the environment, and it is not
enough. In addition to this, other problems arose, such as the emission of greenhouse
Having said that, it is also necessary to realise how exposed is the population of the
unstoppable advances in technology. It is highly improbable to prevent people to
consume in excess when they are surrounded by advertisements claiming that the key to
happiness relays on their products. By way of illustration, Apple is at this time one of
the most well-known companies for its products. The typical Apple consumer asserts
that products guarantee both quality and design.
The main conclusion to be drawn from this essay is that even though nowadays
people are more concerned about the consequences of human activity on the planet,
what they do is not enough because some things are unfortunately irreversible and
consumerism certainly does not help to enhance the situation.

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