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Unit 1 Task 2 – Writing task forum

Full name: Andrey Camilo Casallas Diaz.

Course: business Administration

Group: 90021_287

Tutor: Jorge Luis Chavez

National Open and Distance University - UNAD

Topic 1

Topic 2
Topic 3

Topic 4
Topic 6
Topic 10
Topic 11
Feedback given to one of your partners

10 entences
1) If it rains today, I will stay home.
2) If he is busy now, I will come back tomorrow.
3) If I have time, I will visit my parents this afternoon.
4) If it is hot tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
5) If it is cold, you should wear warm clothing.
6) If you don't do your homework, you can't go to the party.
7) If she doesn't call you, you can call her.
8) If you work hard, you can become a millionaire someday.
9) If you spend more than you earn, you will become a poor man.
10) If you are not invited, you should not go.
Paragraph (70 to 80 words)
My last vacation.
These holidays were very special for me, because they were in my favorite place, the
Vichada, to get to this place we had to save our money, to be able to do this trip, but we
did it.
On this trip I had to invite my brother, we were going to visit my father in Vichada, we
already had everything organized for the trip, only that my brother did not arrive, in
order to leave, so I had to call him, but he did not answer me, but I had to keep calling
until he answered.
While we were in the Vichada, we had to visit a very dear neighbor of my father, owner
of a farm, and while I was there I thought about going fishing, obviously my father left
us, but he told us that we had to be home early, My brother, the neighbor and I, when we
had to enter the forest through which we had to walk, I felt a very beautiful climate,
while we were walking, we had to go up and down a hill, to get to the place where we
were going to fish, we weighed a lot and That made me very happy, because I felt at


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